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How To DeClouet Hall 7-31-18

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Page 1 Oce of First-Year Experience Lee Hall, Rm 106 230 Hebrard Blvd. 337-482-6599 Oce Website OFYE Facebook Page Academic Success Center Lee Hall, Rm 115 230 Hebrard Blvd. 337-482-6818 Oce Website The Learning Center Lee Hall, Rm 209 230 Hebrard Blvd. 337-482-6583 Oce Website This “How To” will focus on DeClouet Hall. For questions specic to your student, please call or email the appropriate department. If you wish to stop receiving our emails, click the unsubscribe link in the original email.  A Resource for Parents of Ragin’ Cajun Freshmen ’   Cajun Connection Information What academic treasures can be discovered in DeClouet Hall?  Where students can earn their Bachelor of General Studies by designing their degree in a way that suits their unique needs and interests. Learn more at University College.   SSS is considered a -- for academic and other help for students who qualify. The goal of SSS is to increase students’ academic standing, college retenon, and graduaon rates. SSS helps students make the transion from high school to college and beyond. SSS programs are federally funded TRIO programs within the Department of Special Services. Learn more at Student Support Services.  Free opportunies for academic development  Tutoring (no appointment necessary!)  Academic, nancial and career counseling  Movaon toward successful degree compleon  Financial Aid help, like  FAFSA applicaon quesons and problem-solving  Grant aid (if eligible)  Computer Lab Usage (NEW iMacs and Dell PCs)  Test Prep Materials (GRE, GMAT, etc.) and other academic resources What does SSS provide? Stay connected with the Oce of First-Year Experience.

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A Resource for Parents of Ragin’ Cajun Freshmen ’ July 31, 2018  Page 2 They must meet of theses requirements:  Have nancial need  First-Generaon college student  Student with a disability  U.S. military veteran 1. SSS Regular for all majors 2. SSS STEM for Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math majors 3. SSS Teacher Prep for Educaon majors 4. SSS Veterans for U.S. Veterans 5. SSS Disability for students with a documented disability Other TRIO programs in DeClouet Hall help students who are at the - (Upward Bound, Upward Bound Math/Science and Educaonal Talent Search),  who want to enroll in college (Veterans Upward Bound ), and college students who aspire to aend  (LS-LAMP and McNair). How do students qualify for the SSS programs? Dept. of Special Services DeClouet Hall, 1st Floor Room 106L 110 Hebrard Blvd. 337-482-6828 email: University College DeClouet Hall, 1st Floor Room 104 110 Hebrard Blvd. 337-482-6829 email:   UL Lafayee awards credit for college courses completed while enrolled in high school. College credit cannot be awarded based on a high school transcript. The student must send an ocial college transcript to receive University credit. —ocial transcripts can be sent digitally to: or by using the Request for Transcript of Credits Form. Ocial transcripts may also be mailed: UL Lafayee Oce of Undergraduate Admissions P.O. Box 41210 Lafayee, LA 70504 —must be provided by the organizaon itself, not students or parents. Visit their website in order to request the credit(s) to be sent to UL Lafayee. Read here for more informaon about transfer credits. Contact our transfer coordinator at for quesons.  Advance Credit Exams oer students who meet eligibility requirements the opportunity to earn credit for courses at UL Lafayee. Students can take select Advance Credit Exams prior to the start of the Fall semester.  Every degree program at the University requires a minimum of 6 credit hours of Math. To understand Math placement, credit and tesng opportunies, please visit the Department of Mathemacs. SSS programs have experts oering specialized assistance: