How To DeClouet Hall 7-31-18 loading...
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Oce of First-Year Experience
Lee Hall, Rm 106
230 Hebrard Blvd.
Oce Website
OFYE Facebook Page
Academic Success Center
Lee Hall, Rm 115
230 Hebrard Blvd.
Oce Website
The Learning Center
Lee Hall, Rm 209
230 Hebrard Blvd.
Oce Website
This How Towill focus on
DeClouet Hall. For
questions specic to your
student, please call or email
the appropriate department.
If you wish to stop receiving our
emails, click the unsubscribe link
in the original email.
A Resource for Parents of RaginCajun Freshmen
Cajun Connection Information
What academic treasures can be discovered in DeClouet Hall?
Where students can earn their Bachelor of General Studies by designing
their degree in a way that suits their unique needs and interests. Learn
more at University College.
 
SSS is considered a -- for academic and other help for
students who qualify. The goal of SSS is to increase studentsacademic
standing, college retenon, and graduaon rates. SSS helps students
make the transion from high school to college and beyond. SSS
programs are federally funded TRIO programs within the Department of
Special Services. Learn more at Student Support Services.
Free opportunies for academic development
Tutoring (no appointment necessary!)
Academic, nancial and career counseling
Movaon toward successful degree compleon
Financial Aid help, like
FAFSA applicaon quesons and problem-solving
Grant aid (if eligible)
Computer Lab Usage (NEW iMacs and Dell PCs)
Test Prep Materials (GRE, GMAT, etc.) and other academic resources
What does SSS provide?
Stay connected with the Oce of First-Year Experience.
Page 1
Oce of First-Year Experience
Lee Hall, Rm 106
230 Hebrard Blvd.
Oce Website
OFYE Facebook Page
Academic Success Center
Lee Hall, Rm 115
230 Hebrard Blvd.
Oce Website
The Learning Center
Lee Hall, Rm 209
230 Hebrard Blvd.
Oce Website
This How Towill focus on
DeClouet Hall. For
questions specic to your
student, please call or email
the appropriate department.
If you wish to stop receiving our
emails, click the unsubscribe link
in the original email.
A Resource for Parents of RaginCajun Freshmen
Cajun Connection Information
What academic treasures can be discovered in DeClouet Hall?
Where students can earn their Bachelor of General Studies by designing
their degree in a way that suits their unique needs and interests. Learn
more at University College.
 
SSS is considered a -- for academic and other help for
students who qualify. The goal of SSS is to increase studentsacademic
standing, college retenon, and graduaon rates. SSS helps students
make the transion from high school to college and beyond. SSS
programs are federally funded TRIO programs within the Department of
Special Services. Learn more at Student Support Services.
Free opportunies for academic development
Tutoring (no appointment necessary!)
Academic, nancial and career counseling
Movaon toward successful degree compleon
Financial Aid help, like
FAFSA applicaon quesons and problem-solving
Grant aid (if eligible)
Computer Lab Usage (NEW iMacs and Dell PCs)
Test Prep Materials (GRE, GMAT, etc.) and other academic resources
What does SSS provide?
Stay connected with the Oce of First-Year Experience.
A Resource for Parents of RaginCajun Freshmen
July 31, 2018
Page 2
They must meet of theses requirements:
Have nancial need
First-Generaon college student
Student with a disability
U.S. military veteran
1. SSS Regular for all majors
2. SSS STEM for Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math
3. SSS Teacher Prep for Educaon majors
4. SSS Veterans for U.S. Veterans
5. SSS Disability for students with a documented disability
Other TRIO programs in DeClouet Hall help students who are at the
- (Upward Bound, Upward Bound Math/Science and Educaonal Talent Search),  who want
to enroll in college (Veterans Upward Bound ), and college students who aspire to aend 
(LS-LAMP and McNair).
How do students qualify for the SSS programs?
Dept. of Special Services
DeClouet Hall, 1
Room 106L
110 Hebrard Blvd.
University College
DeClouet Hall, 1
Room 104
110 Hebrard Blvd.
UL Lafayee awards credit for college courses
completed while enrolled in high school. College
credit cannot be awarded based on a high school
transcript. The student must send an ocial college
transcript to receive University credit.
—ocial transcripts can be sent
digitally to: or by using
the Request for Transcript of Credits Form.
Ocial transcripts may also be mailed:
UL Lafayee
Oce of Undergraduate Admissions
P.O. Box 41210
Lafayee, LA 70504
—must be provided by the
organizaon itself, not students or parents. Visit
their website in order to request the credit(s) to be
sent to UL Lafayee.
Read here for more informaon about transfer
credits. Contact our transfer coordinator at for quesons.
Advance Credit Exams oer students who meet
eligibility requirements the opportunity to earn
credit for courses at UL Lafayee. Students can take
select Advance Credit Exams prior to the start of the
Fall semester.
Every degree program at the University requires a
minimum of 6 credit hours of Math. To understand
Math placement, credit and tesng opportunies,
please visit the Department of Mathemacs.
SSS programs have experts oering specialized assistance: