45DaMaris B. Hill, PhDTiffany and Rayna ChristianMichele Byrd-McPheeJulie B. Johnson, PhDwith Anaya K. Hicks and Asili JohnsonDeidre Lang321Lisa Covington, PhDwith Marielle and Inez6Episode list
Cara Hagan
the hostCara Hagan
DaMaris B. Hill, PhDEpisode one
DaMaris B. Hill, PhD
Rayna ChristianTiffany ChristianEpisode Two
Tiffany Christian
Episode threeJulie B. Johnson, PhD
Anaya K. HicksAsili JohnsonJulie B. Johnson, phd
michele bryd-mcpheeEpisode four
michele bYRd-mcphee
Episode fivedeidre lang
deidre lang
Episode sixlisa covington, PhD
InezMariellelisa covington, PhD
websitesCara haganDamaris B. HillJulie B. JohnsonMichele byrd-mcpheeresource listby DaMaris B. Hill by Cara Haganby Cara HaganBooksby DaMaris B. Hill Etc.Kweli.tvThe Dancer-citizenIn Living Color - "Back in Step with the Fly Girls"
curtain callThank you, Cara!
the team