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How to Count Kicks Flyer- English

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Here’s How: Starng at the 3rd trimester, begin counng. Monitor your baby’s movements with the FREE Count the Kicks app or web counter. Or, visit to download a paper movement monitoring chart. Count your baby’s movements every day — preferably at the same me. Try to pick a me when your baby is normally acve. Time how long it takes your baby to get to 10 movements, and rate the strength of your baby’s movements. Aer a few days, you will begin to see an average length of me it takes to reach 10 movements. Call your provider right away if you noce a change in strength of movements or how long it takes your baby to get to 10 movements. Counng Kicks is What You Should Do. It’s Important and Easy Too! Don’t Delay! Download the FREE Count the Kicks app in the app store today! • Helps you monitor baby’s movement paerns and strength of movement• Empowers you to SPEAK UP if you noce a change in your baby’s normal movement paerns • Promotes early bonding • Helps reduce anxiety • Available in 20+ languages • 23451