WELCOME TO THE WOLF IN THE VOICEThe Wolf in the Voice is a world premiereTarragon Theatre production in associationwith Nightswimming.1The Wolf in the Voice runs approximately 90 minutes with no intermission.The Wolf in the Voice is created by Martin Julien & Brian Quirt, commissioned anddeveloped by Nightswimming with thecollaboration of Thom Allison, Neema Bickersteth,Jane Miller and Taurian Teelucksingh.
CASTNeema BickerstethJane MillerTaurian Teelucksingh2CREATIVE TEAMMartin Julien and Brian QuirtCo-Creators & Co-DirectorsThom AllisonAssociate ArtistRebecca PicherackSet & Lighting DesignerGloria MokProduction DramaturgSandy PlunkettStage ManagerSierra HaynesJessica WatkinAssistant Dramaturgs
Tarragon Theatre acknowledges that we all are a part of alarger ecosystem within our community, Tkaronto, where ourtheatre lives and operates – and that we also commitourselves and energize our audiences to continually reflect onand respond to our relationship to the land around us. Thiscountry has been cared for by generations of First Nations,Inuit and Métis Nations, and the land on which Tarragon restsand is able to share this story has been cherished andprotected by the Anishnabeg, the Haudenosaunee, theWendat, and the Mississaugas of the Credit First Nation.Toronto is a word that originates from the Mohawk word“Tkaronto,” meaning “the place in the water where the treesare standing,” which is said to refer to the wooden stakes thatwere used as fishing weirs in the narrows of local riversystems by the Haudenosaunee and Wendat. The paths westill walk today, from Davenport to Dupont, are built on theportage trails first established and walked by Indigenouspeoples. It is in the spirit of being on the portage route that weinvoke our local Indigenous oral history – though covered upby the industrial progress of Toronto – and maintain thatthose stories are not lost. We are committed to engaging with these communities inmeaningful ways that open dialogue. We look towards arecognition of our shared humanity to create deepercommunity connection and accountability. Tarragon’srecognition of the contributions of Indigenous peoples to thisland is directly connected to our promise to meet thechallenge of Truth and Reconciliation: making ourcommitment real in our work and through our communitybuilding. Please do check out the QR codes in the lobby to find out how you can extend your support.TARRAGON THEATRE LAND ACKNOWLEDGEMENT3
Welcome back to a brand new year! We hope 2025 hasbeen treating you kindly so far.Thank you for being with us for the world premiere ofThe Wolf in the Voice in association with the incredibleteam at Nightswimming. This moving part play / partconcert is a celebration of the first instrument we’veever played: the voice. Through song and storytelling,this trio of powerhouse performers guides us throughthe light and vulnerable moments of vocal presence andwhat it means to let it shine.We invite you to let the sonic sensations move you asyou welcome and embrace your own voice with laughter,thought and joy; a rewarding way to bring warmth in thecold months of winter.From everyone at Tarragon, thank you for experiencingthe breadth of new stories with us this season and welook forward to singing along the way with you.Bon spectacle!Mike Payette and Lisa LiTarragon Theatre Artistic Director and Executive DirectorWELCOME TO THE SHOW4
CREATORS’ NOTEThe term “wolf in the voice” was discovered by Brian (in anIcelandic crime novel!) as a vivid description for that vocal‘break’ between chest voice and head voice, most notable inmen, but existing in every vocal instrument. This infamous,mysterious, and contested in-between territory is a place ofvulnerability and transition. A trio is the smallest possibleensemble, a vulnerable assemblage of individuals prone toconstant social transition and negotiation, demonstrating aconstant jockeying of this in-between territory. That is the ‘wolf’ we have been investigating, with joy and curiosity and a lot of singing.The Wolf in the Voice is part of a long-term commitmentNightswimming has made to exploring our relationship tosinging and the human voice. Created during a series of in-studio sessions and public presentations, our process minedscientific research, the physical mechanics of singing, andstories about navigating our vocal insecurities. The Wolf in theVoice has also explored a wide range of music repertoire aswe sought ways to invite audiences into the hidden world ofsingers’ anxieties and in doing so consider their ownvulnerable places.Our work on this piece has been inspired and shaped by ourdiscoveries creating previous Nightswimming shows such asBlue Note, which explores an 8-member singing ensemble; Why We Are Here!, in which the entire audience becomes achoir; These Are The Songs That I Sing When I’m Sad, whichlooks at our addiction to sad songs; and the a capella musicalLake Nora Arms. Our thanks to all the artists who collaboratedon those productions, and in particular to Thom Allison,Neema Bickersteth, Jane Miller and Taurian Teelucksingh fortheir contributions to The Wolf in the Voice.Martin Julien and Brian Quirt5
SPECIAL THANKSThe Wolf in the Voice has benefited from thecontributions of many artists during the creation process,especially Kate Hennig, Nathaniel Hanula-James andGloria Mok, along with Micah Barnes, Leslie Haller, Emma Mackenzie Hillier, Jeff Ho, Megan Johnson, Leora Morris, Michael O’Hara, Myekah Payne, Imali Perera, Brittany Ryan, Rupal Shah, Rachel Steinberg and Jonathan Tan.6The Wolf in the Voice team in rehearsal.
The Wolf in the Voice is a world premiere TarragonTheatre production in association with Nightswimming.Nightswimming is a Toronto-based dramaturgicalcompany with a national mandate focused on creation,performance and research through commissioning anddeveloping new Canadian plays, musical works anddance. Nightswimming seeks out established performingarts companies like the Tarragon as partners in anextended process leading to premiere productions.Through the creation of these new works, Nightswimmingis devoted to advancing the field of dramaturgy – theexploration of theatrical stories, who tells them and howthey are told – and play development in Canada. Since 1995 Nightswimming has commissioned anddeveloped 35 projects with more than 120 runs acrossCanada at theatres and festivals from Victoria toWhitehorse to St. John’s. Recent projects include thenational tours of Carmen Aguirre’s Broken Tailbone andThese Are The Songs That I Sing When I’m Sad by Jane Miller & Brian Quirt. ABOUTNIGHTSWIMMING7
We are thrilled to return to Tarragon Theatre, which hasproduced two Nightswimming commissions: The Whirlpool, adapted by Brian from the novel by Jane Urquhart; and Jason Sherman’s An Acre of Time. Wealso partner with Tarragon Theatre on Pure Research, aninitiative to nurture ground-breaking performanceresearch in Toronto and across Canada. | @NightswimmingThNightswimmingBrian QuirtArtistic DirectorGloria MokProducerSierra Haynes & Jessica WatkinMetcalf Dramaturgy & Producing InternsAndrew Moodie, PJ Prudat, Luke Reece, xLqCreators in ResidenceBoard of DirectorsAliyah Mohamed Dozois, Nathaniel Hanula-James, AlysseRich, Asha VijayasinghamThank you to our generous individual donors; the CC&LFoundation, Metcalf Foundation, Ottawa CommunityFoundation and Northpine Foundation; and the CCA, OACand TAC for supporting Nightswimming's creative activities.ABOUTNIGHTSWIMMING8
NEEMA BICKERSTETHPerformerFor Tarragon: Debut.Selected Theatre Credits: The Ritual of Breath is theRite to Resist (Lincoln Centre); Aportia Chryptych, ABlack Opera for Portia White (Canadian OperaCompany); Las Rutas de la Esclavitud - Un Mar deMúsicas (tours with Maestro Jordi Savall). Upcoming: Scott Joplin's Treemonisha - A MusicalReimagining, at Harris Theatre Chicago. Other: It is both terrifying and wonderful to publiclyshare the wolves in my voice.9
JANE MILLERPerformerFor Tarragon: These Are the Songs That I Sing When I'mSad (Greenhouse Festival 2023), host of Backspace forseveral Spring Arts Festivals.Selected Theatre Credits: Original solo show Disco Goalie (Cross-Canada Fringe Festival tour); These Are the Songs That I Sing When I'm Sad (Boca delLupo, Ryga Festival, Yukon Arts Centre, Blyth Festival);ONCE (Grand Theatre and RoyalMTC); You're a GoodMan Charlie Brown (Young People’s Theatre); Shakingthe Foundations (Buddies in Bad Times); Two Gentlemenof Verona, (Shakespeare in the Ruff); The Exquisite Hour(Gravenhurst Opera House); and most recently, TheSweet Delilah Swim Club (Lighthouse Theatre Festival). Awards: Twice nominated for Dora Mavor Moore Awardfor Outstanding Performance in a Musical for You're aGood Man Charlie Brown and Shaking the Foundations. Upcoming: These Are the Songs That I Sing When I'mSad will tour next to Resource Centre for the ArtsTheatre Company in St. John's, NFLD in March. Other: Huge thanks to Brian and Martin for the joyously,long journey to this production and to all the greatplaymates with us along the way, past and present.Forever Gratitude to Richard Peters.10
TAURIAN TEELUCKSINGHPerformerFor Tarragon: Debut.Selected Theatre Credits: My Fair Lady, Kabarett,Footlights, The Shadow of a Doubt, On the Razzle,Bright Lights, Chitra, Damn Yankees (Shaw Festival);If I Only... (workshop; Theatre By the Bay); A WholeNew World: The Musical Magic of Alan Menken,(Goldenberg Productions); Dion: A Rock Opera(2023/2021 workshops; Coalmine Theatre); Elf: TheMusical (Grand Theatre), Treemonisha (workshop;Volcano Productions).Upcoming: 4th Season at The Shaw Festival; Stephen in Major Barbara.Awards: 2023 Christopher Newton Intern, 2021Theatre Sheridan Award for OutstandingPerformance.Other: To Mom, Tanisha, and Nicholas: you inspiremy voice each and every day. Love to Bruce & theTeam at Talent House. Get ready to sing! 11
MARTIN JULIENCo-Creator & Co-DirectorFor Tarragon: Mimi: A Poisoner’s Comedy, The Whirlpool, It’s All True (actor).Selected Theatre Credits: The Man That Got Away (A SpecialAppearance) (playwright/actor, Buddies in Bad Times); PAIN!The Musical (book writer, VideoCab/Arraymusic); Trace (co-creator/actor, Vertical City/SummerWorks/High PerformanceRodeo); Why We Are Here! (co-creator, Nightswimming -Toronto, Victoria, Calgary, Berlin); Blue Note (co-creator,Nightswimming/ Harbourfront Centre); The UnansweredQuestion (playwright, National Arts Centre); Home Free(playwright, SummerWorks); Cyrano of the Northwest(playwright/actor, Caravan Farm Theatre); Under the Stairs(actor; Young People’s Theatre); Sir John A: Acts of a GentrifiedOjibway Rebellion (actor, National Arts Centre).Selected Film and Television Credits: Queen of Bones,Crimson Peak, Nightmare Alley, Murdoch Mysteries, Haven, Lost Girls, To Catch a Killer (actor).Upcoming: Magic Lies: An Evening with W.O. Mitchell (actor,New Stages Festival); 12 Litres 8800 Steps (productiondramaturg). Awards: 3 Dora Mavor Moore Award nominations for BestPerformance. SSHRC Doctoral Fellowship 2017-2019 (Centrefor Drama, Theatre and Performance Studies, University ofToronto).Other: Martin dedicates this production to the memory of hismiddle-school choir teacher, Ann Crysdale (1945-2023), whonurtured in him a deep love for the human singing voice.12
BRIAN QUIRTCo-Creator & Co-DirectorFor Tarragon: The Whirlpool (director & adaptor, from thenovel by Jane Urquhart); An Acre of Time (director); These Are The Songs That I Sing When I'm Sad (director;Greenhouse Festival).Selected Theatre Credits: Artistic Director of Nightswimming.Director of the Banff Centre Playwrights Lab2012-24. With Nightswimming he has commissioned anddeveloped 35 new works, toured 10 shows nationally, anddirected the premieres of many Nightswimmingcommissions including Carmen Aguirre’s Broken Tailbone,Anita Majumdar’s The Fish Eyes Trilogy and Bombay Black byAnosh Irani. His own plays include Sad Songs (with JaneMiller; Victoria’s Belfry Theatre / Vancouver's Boca del Lupo /Blyth Festival) and Why We Are Here (with Martin Julien;Calgary’s High Performance Rodeo / Harbourfront / BelfryTheatre).Upcoming: Touring These Are The Songs That I Sing When I'mSad to RCA Theatre in St. John’s, Newfoundland; conductingNightswimming’s Pure Research program in partnership withTarragon Theatre; adapting Kenneth Oppel’s novel The Nest. Awards: He is a two-time recipient of LMDA’s Elliott HayesAward for Outstanding Achievement in Dramaturgy, and in2023 received LMDA’s Lessing Award for LifetimeAchievement in Dramaturgy. Other: Brian is the past Board Chair and a past-President ofthe Literary Managers & Dramaturgs of the Americas (LMDA).13
THOM ALLISONAssociate ArtistFor Tarragon: Debut. Selected Theatre Credits: Actor: Priscilla, Queen ofthe Desert (Broadway); original Canadian companiesof Miss Saigon, The Who’s Tommy and Rent; Romeo and Juliet, Into the Woods (Stratford Festival);Ragtime, A Little Night Music (Shaw Festival); Evita (Theatre Calgary/Royal Manitoba TheatreCentre); The Drowsy Chaperone (The VancouverPlayhouse, The Citadel, National Arts Centre, RoyalManitoba Theatre Centre). Directing: La Cage AuxFolles, RENT (Stratford Festival), Mary Poppins,Charlie and The Chocolate Factory (Young People’sTheatre), Million Dollar Quartet (Theatre Calgary).Selected Film and Television Credits: Slasher: Ripper, Coroner, KILLJOYS, Frankie DrakeMysteries, Hudson & Rex, Murdoch Mysteries, Kim’s Convenience, CBC's Over the Rainbow.Awards: Canadian Screen Award (Best SupportingActor - KILLJOYS).Other: So delighted to be a part of this uniqueexploration of the experience of singing.14
REBECCA PICHERACKSet & Lighting DesignerFor Tarragon: The Message, Infinity, Within the Glass,Flesh and Other Fragments of Love, This is War, TheGolden Dragon, In the Next Room, The Patient Hour,Alias Godot, Bashir Lazar, The Clockmaker, Moliere,Thom Pain, Goodness, I Claudia.Selected Theatre Credits: For Nightswimming:Rough House (set and lighting design with MichelleRamsay), Bombay Black, Fish Eyes Trilogy, These AreThe Songs That I Sing When I'm Sad. Other favourites: Little Shop of Horrors (Arts Club);Kiinalik (Buddies in Bad Times); Fun Home (MusicalStage Co / Mirvish); Between Me and You (Adelheid);ANTIGONE: ⽅ (Young People’s Theatre), The Observation (DNA Theatre), and Century Song(Volcano).Upcoming: Wicked Nix (lighting design, YoungPeople’s Theatre).Awards: 3 Dora Awards for excellence in LightingDesign.15
GLORIA MOKProduction DramaturgFor Tarragon: Debut. Selected Theatre Credits: Producer at Nightswimmingand Co-Founder of Silk Bath Collective, a companyfocused on multidisciplinary plays about the Chinesediaspora. Gloria has been an Emerging Artist inResidence with 2b theatre (creator & performer, LongDistance Relationships for Mythical Times); and Writer inResidence with Driftwood Theatre (playwright,Diminished). Other credits include Woking Phoenix bySilk Bath Collective (co-creator & associate sounddesigner, Theatre Passe Muraille); The Chinese Lady(sound designer, Studio 180/fu-GEN/Crow’s Theatre). Upcoming: Blind Dates (sound designer, Theatre PasseMuraille); Touring Long Distance Relationships forMythical Times to Whitehorse, Yukon (Nakai Theatre) inMarch.Awards: Dora Award - Jon Kaplan Audience Choice forWoking Phoenix by Silk Bath Collective (co-creator &associate sound designer, Theatre Passe Muraille).Other: Love to my mom, dad, big bro, and partner. MyChinese name is 莫嘉詠 which according to my parentstranslates to “excellent singing” – if only that were true.16
SANDY PLUNKETTStage Manager17For Tarragon: Guilt (A Love Story), Withrow Park, Post Democracy, Orphan Song, Bunny, The Circle, The Trouble with Mr Adams. Selected Credits: The Donnelly Trilogy, The DrawerBoy, Berlin Blues, Ipperwash (Blyth Festival); Sir John A: Acts of Gentrified Ojibway Rebellion (TheGlobe Theatre); New (Necessary Angel); The Fish EyesTrilogy, Boys with Cars (Nightswimming); The FloodThereafter (Canadian Stage Company); Dividing Lines,Madre (Aluna Theatre); Public Servant, Weather theWeather, The Story (Theatre Columbus / CommonBoots); Gladstone Variations, Yichud (seclusion)(Convergence); The Silicone Diaries (Buddies in BadTimes); and 7 summers with Dream in High Park.Upcoming: The Blyth Festival. Other: Sandy is the great-grandson of Morley Plunkettof the almost forgotten WW1 Canadian VaudevilleTroupe, The Dumbells.
TARRAGON THEATRE STAFF18Natasha Parsons Director of Patron Services Micaela Molina Morales Manager of Patron Services Anita Soutendam Assistant Manager of Patron ServicesDhanu Kumar Chinniah, Rahaf Fasheh, Jonnie Lombard, Alyssa Obrigewitsch, Nicole TihanyiPatron Services RepresentativesJackson NairPatron Services Representative &Family Series CoordinatorPATRON SERVICESCameron Johnston Director of Marketing and Communications MARKETING AND COMMUNICATIONSMonica Bradford-LeaMarketing CoordinatorDanielle Morgan PublicistDEVELOPMENTNatalie SkovDevelopment AssistantMitsuki AmanoDevelopment ManagerLEADERSHIPMike PayetteArtistic DirectorLisa LiExecutive DirectorGerry Egan Director of Production Emma BurnettHead Scenic ArtistAlannah DzijackyHead of PropsPRODUCTIONJaxun MaronTechnical Director Acadia WalshHead of Wardrobe Andrew Chute Head Carpenter David MalletteMainspace Technician Jeuel BalaneExtraspace TechnicianHannah Alvarado Owen HillStudent InternsJeff HoAssociate Artistic DirectorJustin Miller Artistic Producer & Greenhouse Festival DirectorARTISTIC & ADMINISTRATIONElle BaronEducation and Community Engagement InternHeather Caplap Education and Community Engagement Manager Becks Hoàng-LefrancAssociate Producer
FeastA Tarragon Theatre Production Written by Guillermo Verdecchia Directed by Soheil ParsaCan one ever be truly full? From celebrated artist GuillermoVerdecchia, Feast is a biting look at a world where some aremovers and some are moved and how long we can lastwhen your family is falling apart.April 1 – April 27, 2025UP NEXT AT TARRAGON19
BenevolenceA Tarragon Theatre Production In association with Why Not Theatre and Broadleaf CreativeCreated and Performed by Kevin Matthew Wong Consulting Director: Mike PayetteFrom creator and performer Kevin Matthew Wong comes acharming and intimate story that transforms into a layeredChinese-Canadian tale spanning continents, migrations, andgenerations.April 8 – May 4, 2025UP NEXT AT TARRAGON20
After The RainA Tarragon Theatre & The Musical Stage Company Co-productionSupported by the Bulmash-Siegel FoundationWritten by Rose Napoli & Suzy WildeDirected by Marie FarsiFull of family turmoil, life’s complexities, and centredaround a devastating discovery, After the Rain is a musicalbased on a true story about the healing power of music.May 27 – June 22, 2025UP NEXT AT TARRAGON21
Government supportSPONSORS22
24Education/community building& program supportAwards/residencies/internshipsSPONSORSHospitality sponsorsRoss & Ann Stuart
TARRAGON THEATRE BOARD OF DIRECTORS25Caroline O’Brien (Chair)Naomi Brown (Treasurer)Anne BermonteTina BrennanAdam BrykJames BuchananEdwina FollowsRoaina HyltonNaguib KevalKatherine PollockMartha RandallAdam RedishLaurence SiegelElaine StavroAnne WesselsHeather Yamoah
The Alpema FoundationThe Balfour Bowen Family FoundationThe Bulmash - Siegel FoundationThe Catherine and Maxwell Meighen FoundationThe Dudley Family FundThe Graham Family FundJackman FoundationThe Kingfisher FoundationThe Lindy Green Family FoundationLSRK FoundationThe McLean FoundationThe Metcalf FoundationThe Pat & Tony Adams Freedom TrustThe Paul Butler and Chris Black Foundation at Toronto FoundationThe Racioppo Family FoundationThe Scott Griffin FoundationStanley Shalom Zielony FoundationStendel Family FoundationThe Steve and Sally Stavro Family FoundationThe William and Nona Heaslip FoundationThe Wuchien Michael Than FoundationThe Youssef - Warren FoundationTHANK YOU TO OUR SUPPORTIVE DONORSFoundation support______________26
The Rose Directing FundThe Rose Directing Fund, developed to continue Richard Rose’s vision ofbringing excellence to the creation and development of Canadian theatreby celebrating a professional director each season. We are grateful to theindividuals whose gifts to this fund will support the future of directors atTarragon over the next 10 years.Anonymous (6)Gayle Abrams OAZSherri & William Appell in Honour ofElaine StavroW BelcherAnne BermonteAnn BlackTerry Boyle & Jim LawlorDianne BradleyNaomi BrownAdam Bryk & Melony DuranovichJames Buchanan & Julia RobertsonBeverley BurkeDerrick ChuaCarolyn & Hugh ClelandBob CrawleyLaurence DabinBrendan Dellandrea & Alissa LumsdenJudy & Richard EllenBarbara FingeroteKathleen GallagherSteve Garmaise & Sue RebickKamala Jean GopieKristine GreenawayJenny GumbsShira HartClaire HopkinsonMaureen Jennings & Iden FordRoseneath TheatreSamuel LaredoCarolyn McIntire SmythJohn & Kay McKellarMurray MoorePauline G. MorrisSuzanne Murphy Jan NoelLouisa O’ReillyJohn & Maire PercyM Angela PhillipsJoan PierreKatherine Pollock & Orysia SemotiukJ. Barbara RoseJ. Sergei SawychynSkip & Patricia ShandBulmash-Siegel FoundationBrenda & Phillip SilverElaine StavroStephanie StavroVictoria SteeleOliver StockRoss & Ann StuartKristine & Ivor ThompsonJudith TobinFrank TrotzAndrea Vagianos & Zis ParrasLine van KempenBeth WeintropAnne Wessels & Jim KitchensHeather YamoahDr. Walter YimHersh ZeifmanIn Memory of Eva SaphirIn Memory of Graham Ewart______________27
Tarragon Theatre is extremely grateful for the support of our donors, which allowsCanadian stories, education, and community to remain at the heart of our work.Donations to Tarragon allow us to develop meaningful, enriching stories that speak toour audiences today in an environment that welcomes all voices and perspectiveswithin our theatre. Individual donors__________28Premiers ($5,000+) Naomi A. BrownJames Buchanan & Julia RobertsonDr. Elaine StavroAmbassadors ($2,500 - $4,999)Anonymous (2)Adam Bryk & Melony DuranovichHoward CohenAndrew GillespieDon & Marjorie LenzPauline G MorrisKatherine Pollock & Orysia SemotiukAdam Redish Robert SherrinAnn & Ross StuartHeather YamoahAdvocates ($1,000 - $2,499)Anonymous (6)Robert J. ArmstrongNeville AustinAnne Louise BannonNicola BenidicksonAnne BermonteAlan & Helen BillingBob & Jane ClappLaurie ClarkJanet DewanBeth Driscoll & Duncan ReithRoy EnglandEllen HillShira HartSusan & Richard HornerLarry E. S. LubinJefferson & Sally MappinBarbara & Kit MoorePauline G. MorrisCaroline O’BrienFäggie & Curt OliverCollaborators ($500 - $999) Anonymous (5)Kate Bishop & Doug GerhartGeorge & Martha ButterfieldEd Cabell & Roy ForresterBrendan Dellandrea & Alissa LumsdenJudy & Richard EllenCourtney FiddisSusan & John GoddardBrenda GrahamMark & Catherine GrahamCorey From CalgaryJim & Linda GurdRonald & Sherry HaynesDoug HeighingtonChristopher P. JohnsonBarry JoslinDrs. Harriet & Andrew LyonsSusan MoellersDr. Helen M. OstovichKen Kessler & Martha ParrottBill & Donna PorterCathy Riggall & Keith PotterAlmos Tassonyi & Maureen SimpsonDonald WilsonBruce Winning & Susan AbbottJudith H. WinstonPat & Gerry WoodJoanne WordhamAdvocates Cont’dMike PayetteBill & Donna PorterMartha RandallBarbara E. TangneyRoss & Ann StuartAndrea Vagianos & Zis ParrasDarlene A. VaraleauBeth Weintrop
The Estate of Patricia Ruth HamiltonThe Estate of Ellen (Helen) Joan KatesThe Estate of Marjorie Eileen Kelley_______Legacy giftsWe are grateful for donations made by family and loved ones.In honour of:Sherri and Bill Appell’s 50th AnniversaryNatasha Parson's 30th Tarragon AnniversaryTarragon Theatre is honoured to recognize the following forcommitting to support our work of rigorous play development,best possible first productions and Canadian playwrights throughtheir estate plans.Anonymous (3)Larry LubinDavid Southen & Susan CarlyleSybil WilkinsonHersh Zeifman______________Legacy society members_______Tribute giftsIf we have made any errors in the spelling, listing or omission ofyour name please accept our apologies and contact Mitsuki Amano,Development Manager at: mitsuki@tarragontheatre.comIn memory of:Abbie BuktawHelen DawsonRobert FothergillTemma GentlesBill GlasscoLeonard GraholmUrjo KaredaColin Krivy29Jim LawlorRichard McMillanMarg & Ken StevensDoug Van Hamme
Thank you to our volunteers!Stage Employees of Tarragon are represented by Local 58,Local 828 of the International Alliance of Theatrical StageEmployees. THANK YOU, ENJOY THE SHOWTarragon Theatre is an active member of the ProfessionalAssociation of Canadian Theatres (PACT), the TorontoAlliance for the Performing Arts (TAPA), and engagesprofessional artists who are members of Canadian Actors’Equity Association under the terms of the CanadianTheatre Agreement.30