Hot Melts AdhesivesPackaging
Multiceras is a leading company in Mexico and abroad, offering solutionsfor more than 25 applications all around the world. We expanded ourportfolio with Colquímica Adhesives solutions to complement our offer in thepackaging sector. We provide adhesives that guarantee an efficient installation of the packagedproducts, keeping them safe and stable.The safety and stability of yourproducts are determined by thequality of the adhesives used toassemble your packaging orcontainer. ¡Welcome toMulticeras!
Wrap Around Boxes Conventional Boxes,Agricultural Boxes andCorrugated Cardboard TraysDisplaysBagsCardboardCorrugated CardboardPaperPlastic Cap SystemsResistance, Innovation and Stability inadhesives for: Packaging
ViscosityViscosity measures a fluid’sresistance to its own flow.Measured in mPa.s or cPS.As the temperature of theapplication rises, theviscosity decreases.As the temperature of theapplication decreases, theviscosity rises.Set timeThe set time is theminimum amount ofcompression time neededbefore there is a strongenough bond to hold thematerials.As the temperature of theapplication increases, theset time increases.As the temperature of theapplication decreases, theset time decreases.Softening pointThe softening point is thetemperature at which theadhesive goes from a solidto a fluid state, losingmechanical resistance.Open timeThe open time is themaximum amount of timeduring which it is stillpossible to join anothersubstrate after applyingthe adhesive.As the temperature of theapplication increases, theopen time increases.As the temperature of theapplication decreases, theopen time decreases.Hot Melts PropertiesWe have the knowledge and infrastructure needed to provide you withtechnical assistance in the application of our solutions.
PortfolioInnovation + VersatilityC16Used in the productionand closing of cardboardboxes and corrugatedcardboard in high speedmachines.C34Used in the production andclosing of cardboard boxes andcorrugated cardboard for ultra-frozen products in medium-speed machines.C88Intended for the packaging sectorwith a very large range ofapplications such as the closing ofboxes, cardboard boards, fixing ofpaper reams, and fixing of difficultsubstrates.Viscosity at 160 °C(Brookfield, Thermosel System) (ASTM D.3236)Softening Point (R&B)(ASTM E.28)Open Time(MC 129 a 160°C) Typical ValueSet Time(MC 129 a 160°C) Typical Value1700 ± 400 mPa.s 115 ± 7 °C 3 - 5 s 1 s1400 ± 300 mPa.s 112 ± 7 °C 8 - 10 s 4 s1000 ± 200 mPa.s 108 ± 5 °C 6 - 7 s 1 s
PortfolioInnovation + VersatilityB109Hot Melt Adhesivedeveloped for generalassembly applications,including packaging. B370Hot Melt Adhesive intended forthe packaging sector and for thefixing of difficult substrates.B2808Hot Melt Adhesive with diverseapplications such as fixing paper andwooden materials.Viscosity at 1680 °C(Brookfield, Thermosel System) (ASTM D.3236)Softening Point (R&B)(ASTM E.28)Open Time(MC 129 a 180°C) Typical ValueSet Time(MC 129 a 180°C) Typical Value7 950 mPa·s 94.0 °C 25 s 5 s3 000 ± 600 mPa. 92 ± 5 °C 28 – 30 s 2 s3000 ± 450 mPa.s 101 ± 5 °C 10 – 15 s 5 - 10 s