Juli McIntoshR e a l t o r R I / M A / C T( 4 0 1 ) 9 5 4 - 4 8 8 0the home seller's guideY o u r e s s e n t i a lg u i d e t o h o m e s a l es u c c e s s w i t h o u t t h es t r e s s
contents1.0CONTENTS5. Welcome / Agent Bio / Contact Details1.2 Promise / Agent Advantage1.3 About Our Company / Meet My Team 1.4 Testimonials1.5 Your Roadmap1.6 The Home Selling Processfinal steps& movingresources1.0introduction2.0consultation3.0financialsmarketing &advertisinglisting &showingthe deal2.1 Preparing to Sell Your Home2.2 Working Together2.4 Avoiding Common Mistakes3.1 Home Selling Success3.2 Comparative Market Analysis – Listings3.3 Comparative Market Analysis – Sales3.4 Price Your Home3.5 Seller Costs4.1 Marketing Channels4.2 Photography4.3 Aerial / 3D Tours / Video4.4 Print Media4.5 Online Media4.6 Networking4.7 Research Data5.1 Preparing to Impress5.2 Exterior Prep5.3 Interior Prep5.4 Staging5.5 Showing6.1 Offers6.2 Negotiation6.3 Under Offer6.4 Closing7.1 Final Steps / Packing7.2 On the Move8.1 Frequently Asked Questions8.3 Glossary
helloEvery day I work tirelessly as one of RhodeIsland's premier real estate professionals inmarket knowledge and competence. I amavailable at all times for my clients. My soleobjective is to find you your dream home on thebuyer side and to sell your home for top dollarwith the most favorable terms on the seller side.I am relentless and will stop at nothing toaccomplish the goals and dreams you entrustme with. *Ranked #1 Realtor for The Quinn Group& RE/MAX Advantage Group & top 5% Realtors inRhode Island,1.1W E L C O M E / A G E N T B I Owhat I bring to the tableI am a full-time Real Estate Agent with The Quinn Group atRE/MAX Advantage Group for over 3 years, formerly aRegistered Nurse. I threw myself into real estate in 2020 andhave earned several awards for production thus far in mycareer and currently rank among the top 10% of agents in RI. Iattribute my success to hard work, dedication, and treatingmy clients the way I want to be treated. Backed by a dedicatedand successful team, I am able to offer my clientele up-to-datemarket information, sound advice, plus astute insights intolocal property markets. My clients appreciate my friendly,candid approach as well as my strong negotiating skills. what I will do for you Understanding your individual situation, your needs andaspirations, is my starting point for helping you on yourcurrent property journey. My priority is to keep your bestinterests at the heart of every single decision. I'll guide andassist you every step of the way, ensuring a smooth, stress-free process amid the complexities of property transactions.Together we will achieve the best possible outcomes for youand your family.40 1- 9 5 4 - 4 88 040 1- 8 4 8 - 7 82 7mcintoshmakesithappen@gmail.comjuli.weknowRhodeIsland.com67 VALLEY RDMIDDLETOWN, RI 02842Juli McIntosh | LinkedInFACEBOOK.COM/JulimcintoshrealtorINSTAGRAM.COM/mcintoshmakesithappenTIKTOK.COM/MCINTOSH_MAKES_IT_HAPPENGoogle.com/julimcintoshrealtorJuli McIntoshRealtor® RI LIC# RES.0044817CT LIC# RES.0821421MA LIC# 1001341-RE-RSMaking your next move your best move!
my promisepersonal integrity I will always be truthful and trustworthy.I will be transparent about my training, experience, and services.I will always give you my honest assessment, and not be misleading in any way.professional conductI abide by the National Association of REALTORS® Code of Ethics.I will maintain complete confidentiality with all personal and sensitive information disclosed tome. I will openly disclose the commissions I may receive in any business transaction.I will disclose any conflict of interests or personal connections with parties involved in businessdealings.your best interests I am committed to working for your best interest.I will always give you my very best advice, and I will be up-front with you if I believe that you aremaking a bad decision.I will offer you my professional recommendations, but I will always respect your decisions onhow to proceed. I will not pressure you to accept an offer you're not happy with.promoting your property From day one I promise to deliver a comprehensive marketing plan that provides great valueand gives your property the maximum exposure to potential buyers.communication is key You can expect regular, clear, and close communication with me throughout the process, frompreparing your home for sale, right through to closing and vacating your home. I will ensure that you understand all stages of the property sale, what to expect, along with allthe paperwork you need to sign. We will allow adequate time to read and understand everything so that you feel completelycomfortable every step of the way.1.2PROMISE / AGENT ADVANTAGE
Dan BannisterHOME SELLER | CUMBERLAND, RIOf all the realtors I have ever used, Juliwas the best hands down! She isextremely professional at what she doesand backs you and your decisions100%! She helped me sell my house indays and got me an offer that wasbetter than expected. I plan on usingJuli to help me find my next home. Iwould recommend her to anyonelooking to buy or sell! Like she says,"McIntosh makes it happen", and shewas true to her word!!! Thanks, Juli!what my clients sayRhonda ColerickHOME SELLER | WARWICK, RIJuli was a wonderful person towork with, she guided us thoughthe whole process. She was alwaysavailable to us. There were a fewbumps in the road, however Juliwas quick to find a solution to anyproblem. Thanks Juli, we were verylucky to have found you! Richard DinittoHOME SELLER | WARWICK, RIGreat personality communicateseverything in a way where you will fullyunderstand and appreciate it. McIntoshmakes it happen is just not a cute catchphase it's the truth she makes ithappen Fast!!! So, if you're looking forresults and someone you can trusthonestly look no further best in thebusiness it was an honor working withher and her team thank you for makingour dreams come TRUE!!!Lucielle Labelle HOME SELLER | WOONSOCKET, RIJuli was friendly and helpful. She is goodat her job and does it well. I live inFlorida and the house needed to beemptied and cleaned and Juli took uponherself to handle it all. She definitely goesabove and beyond. When any otherrealtor would have walked away, shejumped in with both feet. If you need arealtor, she is the one you should get.Thank-you JuliJeffrey TraceyHOME SELLER | PAWTUCKET, RIJuli was awesome to deal with. She gaveme a range that she thought the housecould sell for and she got the top end ofthat range. More importantly was howwell Juli communicated with methroughout the process. I always feltthat Juli had my best interest in mindand that was much appreciated.Douglas TraceyHOME SELLER | PAWTUCKET, RIWe have a great experience with Juli. Shelisted our multi-family at the right price.We had incredible amount of showings.We received multiple offers well overasking. Through the process, multipleissues arose. She was always available,and was quick to offer solutions. Juliworked very hard for us. We are glad wechose her to represent us!1.4TESTIMONIALS
avoidingcommon mistakesadvertisingplanagentnetworklisting, showing,& open houseclear-out& cleanclosingthe saleT H E D E A LF I N A L S T E P SO N T H E M O V EF I N A N C I A L Ssellercostspricingyour homeCMAreportpricingstrategyM A R K E T I N G & A D V E R T I S I N Goverview & time frame marketingstrategyL I S T I N G & S H O W I N GC O N S U L T A T I O Ngettingstartedassessment& goalspreparing tosell your homephotography& videopresentation& stagingrepairs andmaintenanceoffers &negotiationsinspection& appraisalcomplete allcontingenciesmoving checklist final clean movingpacking& stackingclosing/changingaccountsplanning& paperworkyour roadmap
1.6THE HOME SELLING PROCESSthe home selling processCONSULTATIONIn this first stage, I seek to fully understand your sale requirements, andalso your aspirations beyond the sale. I’ll show you what needs to be doneand what things we need to avoid. Following a thorough analysis of yourhome and property, we will establish goals and a timeline for putting yourhome on the market! Then it's time to prepare for financial matters.• Answering your initial questions• Assessment and establishing goals• How to prepare your home for sale• Ways to avoid common mistakes• Things to do and time framesAREAS WE WILL COVERFINANCIALSHere’s where we’ll cover all your financial considerations, including yourequity and other assets, plus the costs you can expect in selling your home.Correctly pricing your home for the current market is critical to optimizingthe final sale price. I’ll provide a detailed analysis of recent local sales andcomparative listings, prior to agreeing on a strategy for pricing your home.• Your current financial position• What expenses you are likely to incur• Credit and financial checks• CMA Report findings and analysis• Strategies for listing and sale price AREAS WE WILL COVERMARKETING & ADVERTISINGImplementing a strong and strategic marketing program will ensure yourhome is seen by the most buyers in your target market segment. We'lldiscuss trends and the effectiveness of different marketing channels, fromstreet signage to video clips. We'll establish the best strategy to promoteyour home, including photos, print, social media and maximizing online ads. • Market conditions, demand & supply• Marketing channels and options • Advertising strategy and schedule• Networking tips and tricks• Time frames and critical deadlines AREAS WE WILL COVERLISTING & SHOWINGThe success of your home sale is determined by 6 critical factors. We haveno control over one, but how well the others perform is largely up to us! Together we'll ensure you gain the full potential achievable in every area.This includes necessary repairs, maintenance, and of course, show-worthypresentation. I'll work hard to convert any interest into a hot offer! • Prepping your home for sale• DIY presentation vs pro staging• Photography and video• Listing – going live!!• Open House and Showings AREAS WE WILL COVERTHE DEALMany home sellers breathe a sigh of relief when a good offer arrives...however, there are still important things to be done! Our preparatory work,along with some careful steering, will help us safely navigate the manycomplexities of closing the sale. This is also where my strong relationshipand negotiation skills come to the fore! Trust me – I've got this!! • The 4 stages of a sale• Negotiations and expectations• Inspection & Appraisal• Closing (the exciting bit!)• Legal requirements and time frames AREAS WE WILL COVERFINAL STEPSWell done, the job of selling your home is complete. Now it's time to turnyour attention to finishing off the last few tasks before packing and cleaningup. Even though my main duties are now concluded I can offer you someuseful tips and tools for the next part of your journey. Take a look at thelists, info and resources in sections 7 & 8, or call me with your questions! • Important documentation• Closing or changing utilities etc• Planning your next steps • Packing/moving: DIY or call in the pros?• Clean up and the hand-over AREAS WE WILL COVERON THE MOVE!So, you're ready to leave your old home for the final time. Knowing thatyou've done all you need to do will help you leave without nagging doubts,and gives you a sense of closure. I wish you the very best in your new home! • Planning and prep for moving• Getting the help you need• Last bits and pieces (aka vacuuming)RECOMMENDATIONS INCLUDE
consultation2.0CONSULTATIONDon't walk withpeople who say "it can’t be done". Walk with peoplewho say "it shall bedone, because I amtaking action now!"Your destiny is notwritten for you... it is written by you.
working togetherMy job as your Listing Agent isto not only sell your home but torepresent your greatest asset toyour greatest advantage. Beloware some of the ways you cansupport this process. Togetherwe'll achieve a great outcome.2.2WORKING TOGETHER / DOCUMENTSmy requests of youClarify goals: Being clear in your own mind aboutyour goals and dreams will help us arrive at theperfect plan to market your home. I'd also bepleased to help you find a new home.Clear communication: Our partnership will bemost successful when you are as clear and openas possible with the information you provide me. Iwant you to feel comfortable to ask any questionsand ask for clarification at any time. Please alsoinform me if your situation changes at any point.Diligent preparation: I'll provide as much adviceand support as possible in preparing your homefor sale. But it's up to you to showcase your homein the best possible light. Your effort ahead ofshowings will pay off in securing a profitable sale.Be flexible: Selling and buying can be a stressfulbusiness at times. My recommendations are basedon years of experience and best industry practices.Please work with me and be willing to take thenecessary steps to secure a sale, even if it'sinconvenient at times.Believe in the Process: A positive attitude goes along way when the journey seems tough. Propertytransactions are my area of expertise and I amconfident in handling all the details and advisingyou throughout each stage of the selling process.Great results are achieved by great teamwork.documents you may needMany legal, marketing, and sales documents are needed atdifferent stages of the selling process. I will provide some ofthese documents and I can also assist you in providing anydocumentation requested from the buyer or their lender.Plan to have the following documents ready for each stage.Before you list:Original Sales ContractProfessional appraisal from the purchase of your homeMortgage Statement (Payoff Amount)Records of home repairs and extensions or alterationsHomeowners Insurance recordsHomeowners Associations (HOA) documentsReceipts from home improvements / renovationsAppliance manuals and warrantiesTo launch your home sale:Comparative Market AnalysisListing AgreementProposed Marketing PlanSeller's Net SheetWhile your home is on the market:Preliminary Home Title ReportMandatory DisclosuresPre-Inspection ReportTransfer Disclosure Statement (CA)Natural Hazards Report (CA)Once a buyer makes an offer:Purchase Offer and Counter-offerFinal Purchase and Sale AgreementContingency Removal FormBetween Contract & Closing:Home Inspection ReportAppraisal ReportAt Closing:Most recent tax statementSeller's Estimated Settlement Statement (aka Closing Statement)Deed1099-S Tax Form
2.4AVOIDING COMMON MISTAKESbecoming overly emotionalWe all invest time, money, and emotion in acquiring andimproving a property. So it's no surprise that we developa strong emotional connection to our home. We havememories and associations that may be hard to saygoodbye to. Take time to acknowledge memories, talkabout them with your family, and take some photos.Remember what attracted you to this house, whatimprovements you have made, and highlight these inyour marketing strategy. Now, think like a businessperson. Seeing your property as an asset removes a lotof the emotion. Achieving a great sale price will help yousecure the new home you're dreaming about. not hiring a professionalreal estate agentA good Real Estate Agent can guide you through the raftof issues associated with selling your home. They areskilled at setting a fair market price, providing expertmarketing, interacting with buyers, and negotiatingoffers. They have access to resources and data notavailable to the public. They are also familiar with thelegal aspects of contracts and the possible pitfalls ofproperty transactions. You may be tempted to avoid asales commission, however, you need to weigh this upagainst the stress and risks of navigating your biggestfinancial transaction with little or no experience.not disclosing major problemsDo not hide or minimize any serious issues with yourproperty. These will come to light during the buyer'sinspection. To get ahead of the game, seriously considerhaving an inspection done in advance. This will alert youto areas that need to be repaired or other potentialproblems. You can then resolve these issues beforelisting, or disclose them and negotiate with buyers. Beaware that buyers who are looking for a turnkeyproperty will not consider purchasing your home if thereare unresolved issues. Some states have disclosurerules, so be aware of rules that apply to you. mistakessetting an unrealistic priceSetting the right asking price is a key step in marketingyour home. A survey by HomeLight.com revealed that70% of real estate agents named overpricing as thenumber one mistake made by sellers. Potential buyersare likely to access a comparative market analysis, so bejust as smart and set a realistic asking price. Don't beconcerned about setting a price on the low side, as thisshould stimulate interest, generate multiple offers, andincrease bids up to, or even beyond, the home's actualvalue (at the end of the day the market value of ourproperty will be determined by the highest bidder). Andremember, as the seller you are always free to declinean offer that you believe is too low.commonavoiding
2.5AVOIDING COMMON MISTAKESfailing to accommodate buyersWhile keeping your home show-ready may be tiring, youcan't take your eye off the prize. When a potential buyeris available to view your property, you should do yourbest to accommodate them, even if it's inconvenient.Agents will do their best to work around your schedule,but sometimes buyers only have a slim window ofopportunity to fit in a viewing. This might just be 'theone' you've been waiting for. It will not count that yourhouse was tidy two days ago, it needs to be shown at itsbest whenever the opportunity arises.accepting unqualified buyersUnqualified buyers who wish to purchase your homewith a contingency around financing or selling their ownhouse could cause serious difficulties for you. Theirfinancing may fall through or their home may not sell intime. Talk through these issues with your listing agentand carefully consider potential problems before signingany contract, especially if you need to close on your ownnew property by a fixed date. It's perfectly reasonable toask a buyer to bring a pre-approval letter from theirmortgage lender showing they have proof of adequatefunding for the purchase.inadequate preparation for saleFailing to prepare your home properly for sale can resultin a reduced sale price or failing to get a sale at all. Ahome inspection will alert you to major issues that needyour attention. Consider asking friends or family to pointout areas of your home that could be improved.Potential buyers who notice small faults may becomesuspicious and wonder whether your home has moreserious issues that may not have been addressed. Youmay not have the time or finances to undertakerenovations, but do not underestimate the effect thateven small changes can achieve. A new coat of paint,decluttering and thorough cleaning will help to create apowerful first impression on buyers.skimping on listing photosOver 95% of buyers are viewing homes online, soensuring you have professional, top-notch photos isessential. A good range of photos is the first step inshowcasing your home. Buyers will quickly dismiss alisting with a sparse selection, or poor-quality photos.Consider including a video tour to enhance your listing.This will give potential buyers a more comprehensiveimpression of your home and increase the likelihood ofserious purchasers visiting an open house.
3.0FINANCIALSPut yourmoneywhere yourhouse ismoney matters
Economy, legislation, interest rates, demographics and time of year,all impact the supply & demand for homes like yours. Proactively engage your target market withgreat photos, videos or 3D tours. Creating acustomized plan for print & online advertisingwill maximize exposure of your property andgenerate greater interest at showings andopen houses. A strong marketing strategywill sell your home faster and for more $$$.3.1HOME SELLING SUCCESSMarketing and selling a property is a bit like a jigsaw puzzle. If any one of the pieces is missing the picture cannot be completed.Below are the 6 critical factors that will ultimately determine thesuccess of your home sale. Pricing is closely linked to every otherfactor and is a central component of our sales strategy. homeselling successSPECS & STATEOF YOUR PROPERTY Location, size, style & construction, and also the age and condition, plus any improvements, all influence the value of your home.PRESENTATIONRepairs, decluttering, cleaning, plus staging or presenting with tasteful decor makes your home more desirable!MARKET CONDITIONSPRICINGMARKETINGAGENTSAVVYDetermining an accurate and fairmarket value for your home is key toestablishing a strategy that willsecure top dollar atsale time.Licensed Agent benefits:Local market knowledge,dedicated time, leveragingnetworks, better marketing deals; Avoidingtime-wasters, costly legal paperwork pitfalls, andclosing problems; Expertise in sales, peopleskills, and negotiating the very best sale price.Enjoy peace of mind with a listing agent onyour team, because they work 100% for you!
what's a fair price?Pricing can be dangerous – an overpriced home may beslow to attract interest, while underpricing your homecould result in a lower sale profit. Buyers typically view awide range of homes and develop a feel for what isgood value and a fair market price. Knowing what thatprice is allows us to establish the best pricing strategy.price your homeAt the start of our strategy it's vital to set thelisting price correctly. Our goal is to quicklyattract a large number of potential buyers.This early interest will create competition, pushthe price up, and will help us secure your salewith the first few weeks of listing. PRICING BRACKET:LISTING PRICE:TARGET SALE PRICE:3.4PRICE YOUR HOMEwhat influences our pricing decision?• The seller's financial & time frame objectives • Current market conditions• The 'desirableness' of your home• Results and insights from CMA • Agent experience and knowledge of the local market$ to $$$ASKING PRICE" Over-priced "15% above MVBUYER PERCEPTION" Priced high "10% above MV" Fair price "Market Value (MV)" Competitive "10% below MV" Good deal "15% below MV10%30%60%75%90%PERCENTAGE OF POTENTIAL BUYERSWHO WILL VIEW YOUR LISTINGSlowerAverageFasterSALE TIME
3.5SELLER COSTSseller costsIt is wise to consider all the costs involved in selling yourhome. These may add up to 6-10% of your home's finalsale price, depending on your circumstances. The costshome sellers may incur include:PREPARATION & PRESENTATIONRepairs and upgrades - costs are dependant on thecondition of your property and fixed chattelsStaging Fee - professional staging is typically around1% of the sale priceMARKETINGAdvertising package - different packages areavailable to suit your strategy and budgetCLOSING COSTSClosing costs are a combination of taxes, fees,prepayments, and services, which may include:Real Estate Agent commissionTransfer taxTitle insuranceClaims against your propertyUnpaid property assessmentsEscrow and closing feesProrated property taxesHome Warranty feesHome Owners Association feesAttorney’s feesClosing Cost Credits / Seller Concessions - a buyermay ask you to contribute towards their costs, suchas an Appraisal Fee or Property Tax. You may alsodecide to give the buyer a credit to cover a repair,rather than completing and paying for the repairyourself prior to the sale.OTHER FINANCIAL COMMITMENTSLoan repayment and fees - when paying off amortgage loan be aware of potential feesMoving costs - factor in packing and travel costs / moving services, and time off work, etc.Accommodation / Storage - if you are not able tomove straight into your new home allow for the costof temporary accommodation and storage.count the cost
4.0MARKETING & ADVERTISINGLuck is not a strategy.A strategy is a series ofintegrated actions thatproduce a significantadvantage for you.marketing & advertising
online advertisingCustomer DatabaseIn-person NetworkingIndustry NetworkEvents & ShowsViewingsprint publications4.1MARKETING CHANNELSThe basis of our marketing and advertising is a strategy toreach the greatest number of people in your target marketin the least amount of time. Among the myriad marketingchannels available today are 4 categories that consistentlydeliver great results for real estate. The diagram below lists20 of the very best channels to market your property.going to marketprinted advertisingagent networkingNewspapersLocal TabloidsMagazinesPeriodicalsRealty PublicationsBrochuresPostersDirect MailFlyers, Postcards etcSigns, Flags & BannersWebsites & SEOEmail & MessagingVideo / ContentPaid AdvertisingSocial Media
PHOTOGRAPHYstand out from the crowdBuyers love photos. 97% of house hunters utilize onlinesites to view properties and, for the majority, their firstimpression is their ONLY impression! A comprehensiverange of professional, staged photos is essential toattract more views and build greater interest. Potential home buyers will form a positive opinion ofyour property from your photos online, long before theyset foot in your home. As your listing agent, I'll makesure your photos have an outstanding impact onbuyers.“You only get one bite at the apple, so it’simportant to have good photos. We’re in a dayand age when buyers are very visual and theylook at things quickly, so you’ve got to catchtheir eye.” – Kim Panozzo (top selling agent)4.2pro photosreceive more thanas many viewsonlinetwicepro photoshelp homes sellfaster thannon-pro30%pro photoscan help achieve ahigher sale price6.4%graphy...
the sky's the limit!Aerial photos/video can be a dynamic addition to ourmarketing. A bird's eye view allows buyers to see howyour home sits amidst its garden features, plus it canindicate boundary lines. Aerial views provide a sense ofthe neighborhood and surrounding amenities such asschools or parks. The increased interest generated byaerial images can add thousands to the final sale price.3D virtual toursA virtual tour allows buyers to experience a 3D 'virtual'walk-through of your home. This means your property is showcased online 24/7, with zero disturbance to you.Viewers are able to experience the layout and flow ofyour home in a more interactive way than static photos.This results in increased online viewing times and agreater chance of qualified buyers visiting your property.the power of videoA well-crafted video is eye-catching,informative and allows viewers to makean emotional connection with your home.Multi-media communicates the uniqueselling points of your property in justseconds, through moving images, music,visual messaging and narration. Researchshows that viewers retain 95% of avideo's message compared to only 10%from written text (Forbes). It's no surprisethen that video consistently ranks as the#1 online tool for buyer engagement!4.3AERIAL / 3D TOURS / VIDEOvideo & listings withvideo tours attractvideosdrive aroundmore traffic toyour listing300%listings with videos receivemore inquiriesfrom buyers400%outof7 10buyers searchingonline
from inkpublicationsAdverts have long been a cornerstone of real estatepromotion and they remain so to this day. The best printads feature arresting photos and headings that causebuyers to stop and find out more. Printed publications,which include newspapers, magazines, newsletters, andperiodicals, target different markets. brochuresHigh-impact, informative brochures are invaluable astake-aways at events, open houses, and showings.Brochures allow buyers to review all the features andspecifications of your property in their own time, andalso provide essential contact details. flyers, postcards & door hangersThese point-of-contact tools are excellent for highlytargeted promotion of new listings, open house dates orjust highlighting the features of your home. Pro-qualityimages grab attention and lead buyers to take action. signageGreat-looking signs provide yet another touch-point forbuyers. I'll install a 'For Sale' sign at the front of yourproperty for maximum visibility. 'Open House' signagewill be placed outside at appropriate times. Print media offers a wide variety of importantvisual and tactile marketing tools to promoteyour home. Digitally printed items are a popularchoice to engage and influence buyers.4.4PRINT MEDIA
to pixels[your agency's] online servicesAdd your own text here detailing your/your agency'sown online services, which may include: website, online client access, intranet, online PRonline networks, blogs, and content marketing social media networks, email marketing SEO, PPC, affiliate marketing Your text should highlight the benefits that your servicesprovide. Make sure you back that up with businessfeatures that prove/support those benefits. Clients alsoneed to know your answers to two often unspokenquestions: 1."why should I trust you?" and 2."how muchdo you care about me and the things that I believe areimportant?" How will you show them your answers? top real estate sitesI partner with [7] of the top-ranking real estate websites, MLS services, plus I syndicate to [xx] additional sites.This puts your listing in front of an estimated [48] millionhomebuyers searching online every day.social mediaThe newest form of online advertising has become oneof the best-performing marketing channels for property.Tapping into social media's viral power I can generatemass exposure and reach high-quality leads for you.Digital media has revolutionized the way we buyand sell things, including real estate. From websitesto email and social media platforms, e-marketing isliked, shared and followed by millions of buyers!4.5ONLINE MEDIA
MY BUYERNETWORKOUR AGENTNETWORKOUR INDUSTRYCONTACTSPERSONALNETWORKSSOCIAL MEDIANETWORKSWEB & ONLINEMARKETYOURHOMEworkingget connectedWorking with me automatically plugs you into my largedatabase of home buyers plus our extensive industrynetwork. Together we harness the synergy of purposefulteamwork to bring massive leverage to your listing via: 24/7 coverage: your listing is always ON! Multiple Listing Service (MLS)Greater marketing clout thru bulk purchasingAccess to special advertising packages & offersAgent network: local, regional & national Leading industry partners & established contactsMy personal reputation and influence4.6NETWORKINGAGENT ACTION POINTS• Finialise marketing plan and budget for agreement• Compile material for advertising channelsCLIENT NEXT STEPS• Supply specifications & renovations documentation• Proactively promote listing to personal network• Prepare your property for photography & showingharness thesynergy ofpurposefulteamworkwhere to from here?Once we establish the right marketing strategy for yourhome I will implement each part of our agreed plan.Your advertising and marketing material will be all readyto go when the time comes for your listing to go live. AGENTPRINT MEDIAMARKET
EnergyEfficiencyAPPLIANCESWINDOWSHVACLaundryRoomKitchenRenovationor UpgradeLEVEL OF INTERESTHighLowPrimetimefor viewsand offersWEEKS ON THE MARKET1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 104.7RESEARCH DATAwhere do buyersfind their homes?A Internet: 51%B Real estate agent: 28%C Yard sign / open house sign: 7%D Friend, relative, or neighbor: 6%E Homebuilder or their agent: 5%F Directly from seller / Knew the seller: 3%what do buyers value most?when are buyers most interested?ACDEFNew orRenovatedRoofBathroomRenovationor UpgradeNew orRefinishedHardwoodFloorMasterSuite withWalk-inClosetSource: 2020 National Association of REALTORS®Profile of Home Buyers and SellersThe top features that appeal tohome buyers are shown opposite.These are also the areas where homeowners can gain the most value whenselling. Consider ways that you canmake improvements to your homefor a faster and more profitable sale. charting the wayStatistics show that most buyerswill view new properties within2-3 weeks of listing. Therefore,it's vital to seriously considerearly offers while interest in yourproperty is high. The frequency(and price) of offers can dropsignificantly as weeks go by.Multiple sources, including: National Associationof Home Builders 2019 Remodeling Impact ReportINTERNET51%BAGENT28%
You never get a second chance to make a first impression.LISTING AND SHOWING5.0listing & showing
first impressions 5.2EXTERIOR PREPEXTERIOR: A crisp, clean frontage, set off by carefully maintainedgrounds, will have instant appeal to any buyer. Use a checklist to noterepairs or upgrades, then prioritize jobs and work through them one ata time. Major alterations may not be possible, but even small touchescan make the difference between making a sale or looking stale!curb appeal• Keep lawns regularly mowed and edges tidy• Trim back foliage and overhanging trees • Ensure pathways are clear and clean• Weed borders and freshly mulch garden beds• Add flowering plants to borders or in pots• Illuminate paths or gardens with outdoor lights• Ensure house number is clearly visible• Repair, clean, or stain wooden fencesexterior• Power wash driveway and paths• Repair, clean, resurface porch and entrance• Repaint the front door, add a clean welcome mat• Repair or replace screen doors • Ensure doorbell and outside lights function well• Repaint trims and shutters, for instant WOW factor• Repair roof damage, remove moss, debris, etc• Clear, clean and repair or replace guttersbackyard & garage• Repair, clean, stain/refinish patio area • Clean BBQ, spa, and swimming pool• Neatly stack wood and clean any garden features• Declutter garage and sheds, ensure lights work• Inspect and repair all gates and fences• Remove old outdoor furniture and tidy play areas• Apply fresh paint or stain to wooden fences• Add interest with decorative pots or planters
5.3INTERIOR PREPfinal detailsINTERIOR: When a buyer steps inside your home they should feel asense of comfort and ease. Decluttering and thorough cleaning willmaximize the appearance of space, versatility, and convenience.It's essential to showcase your home as a blank canvas to which abuyer can add their own personal style and create a place to belong.interior• Deep clean all rooms, replace/clean carpets & rugs • Paint walls, trims, and ceilings with neutral colors• Clean or replace outdated ceiling and light fixtures • Check all lights and keep a supply of spare bulbs • Clean interior windows, fans, vents, and drapes• Remove old or excess furniture and artwork• Remove personal items, political or religious items• Tidy attic and basement, ensure appliances workkitchen & bathroom• Thoroughly clean all surfaces, floors, sinks, faucets• Remove small appliances from benchtops• Clean fridge and oven. Clean and tidy pantry. • Remove garbage and hide bins. Clean pet areas. • Minimize or remove noticeboards & fridge magnets• Clean vanities, shower, bath, grouting, and mirrors• Ensure faucets and shower are working well• Accent with soaps, candles, matching towels, etc.bedrooms• Clean all surfaces, mirrors, lamps, drapes, and blinds• Make-up all beds with fresh linens in neutral tones• Declutter, and minimize items in closet spaces• Clear surfaces to give the appearance of space • Pack away personal items, toys, memorabilia, etc.• Fix squeaking or sticking doors or windows • Ensure latches and knobs are clean and functional• Turn a 'junk' room into a usable study or guest room
Staging your home shows off its best featuresand helps create greater appeal to a widerrange of buyers. You'll also clear the majorhurdle in getting buyers to view your property,by making your listing photos look fabulous!90%less timeon the market75%gain 5-15%ROI on 1% spend85%sold 5-23%over list priceto impressstaging for success: the advantagesStaging helps to sell your home faster and for a higher price!Accentuates your home's best features - while disguising any flawsConverts underutilized areas into purposeful, defined spacesCreates a WOW factor that helps turn interest into a firm offerMakes your home look amazing in photos, videos, and virtual toursProfessional stagers help achieve top dollar by exceeding industrystandards, plus understanding design trends & buyer motivations Stager's network with a range of professional services and trades,so they can provide efficient service and good valueWith the increasing numbers of staged properties, your home willcompete much more effectively with other staged propertiesBuyers perceive staged homes to be well maintained Source: Real Estate Staging Association 2020 Survey of 13,000 staged homes.5.4STAGINGthings to consider before stagingYou may need to vacate your home prior to professional stagingStaging fees (typically around 1% of the expected sale price) needto be factored into your budgetAlso budget for accommodation and storage costs Weigh up the benefits of a full staging service versus an initialconsultation for advice and direction only
Making the most of showing your home takesplanning and effort. I'll manage every detail, frombooking and advertising the best viewing days,to maintaining security and providing feedback.Use the tips below to help you prepare. your home ontips for showing successUpdates: I will clearly communicate days and times forall viewings. Please inform all your family members.Accommodate: Be as flexible as possible aroundshowing dates/times. We don't want to miss anyopportunity to find the right buyer.Vacate: To give buyers the chance to view your homewithout pressure or distractions, it's best to leave theproperty well ahead (15mins) of viewing times.Pets: Please secure pets or even remove them from theproperty. Tidy away food bowls, litterbox, beds & toys.Cleaning: You've decluttered and cleaned all areas ofyour home. On the day of viewings make sure all kitchen& bathroom surfaces are sparkling clean! Make beds. Cooking: Avoid strong-smelling foods and lingeringsmells on viewing days. Some people are very sensitiveto odors and may be put-off by unusual smells. Trash: Remove all trash and food scraps each day,especially anything that might cause odors.Plants: Ensure indoor plants are well watered andlooking tidy. Cut flowers should be fresh.Light & Bright: Take full advantage of natural lightby opening blinds, drapes and shutters. Turn onall house lights and lamps prior to viewings. Heating: Create a comfortable atmosphere by ensuring HVAC is working well.Valuables: Secure valuables, medicines, andpersonal items in a safe place, out of sight.Vacuum: Plan for a last-minute vacuum toensure floors are looking their best.5.5SHOWING
6.0THE DEAL"Juli was a life-saver atclosing time. I'm just not afacts and figures person butJuli was able to guide methrough the red tape andexplain the big words!" – Seller, Rhode Islandthe 4 components of 'the deal'1. Offer presented by the buyer2. Negotiation to finalize a purchase agreement3. Under Contract which includes Inspection & Appraisal4. Closing the saleSpecial care must be taken to ensure that we meet all therequirements of each component to complete the sale ofyour home successfully.the deal
6.1OFFERSofferswhat happens when an offer is made?All offers will be presented to you for consideration. We will assess thestrength of each offer, including price, contingencies, conditions, andtime frames. Based on your decisions, we can accept the offer as it is,or we can negotiate with the buyer to improve the offer. things to consider Cash Offer / Pre-Approval: The appeal of these is greater security ofthe sale and a shorter closing time frame.Buyer's Letter: A buyer may give you a written letter confirming saledetails and their intentions as a new owner. If you respond to a buyer'sletter you must ensure that you do not violate fair housing laws. Contingency Clauses: These list conditions that must be met priorto closing. Contingencies typically relate to buyer financing, appraisal,inspections, and time frames, but may include other conditions. Closing Costs: A buyer may request that you pay a portion orpercentage of the buyer closing costs.Unresolved Repairs: If repairs will not be completed by the closingdate you could negotiate payment if the buyer agrees to complete therepairs themselves. If time is short, this might be a good option for you.Time Frame: We will review the time frames involved for each offer.If you have a time constraint on the sale of your property it may affectthe viability of an offer. If you need to change a proposed closing date,I can help negotiate a date that works for both you and the buyer.Bottom Line: You are likely to receive offers below your asking price,so decide ahead of time what you are willing to accept as the minimumamount. Remember to budget for your closing costs and otherexpenses (see Seller Costs on page 3.5).This is an exciting but sometimes tense stageof the selling process. While receiving an offer isgreat news, the buyer may also have requestsor include conditions. Our hope is that we willreceive several good offers, giving us the luxuryof accepting the best of the bunch!
negotiationaccept, reject or counter?After thoroughly analyzing and discussing an offer wecan take one of 3 options available to us:1. Accept the offer as it is, without any changes2. Decline the offer, if you do not wish to negotiate 3. Counter-offer with newly negotiated terms A counter-offer should be considered when:the offered sale price is not high enoughwe want to negotiate contingencies, requestedpayment of buyer closing costs or repairs, etc.you have other required conditions It's often advisable for the seller's agent and the buyer'sagent to work through any issues and to gain a clearerunderstanding of each party's true position. Be carefulnot to lose a sale over relatively small concessions. Evena great offer may not mean that you secure every singledetail as you would like, so it's worth being flexible! The buyer can either accept, decline, or make a counter-offer themselves. We can follow this same process,negotiating back and forth, until a final offer is declinedor accepted and agreement is reached! agreementOnce an offer is accepted you will sign a Purchase andSale Agreement. Your home is now 'Under Contract'.This stage, also known as the contingency period, iswhere inspections, appraisals, and all conditions listed inthe Purchase and Sale Agreement are completed.The art of negotiation includes preparation andexchange of information, followed by bargaining,agreement, and conclusion. This is where mystrong people skills come into play to achievea win for you AND a win for your buyer too! 6.2NEGOTIATION
home inspectionThe buyer may order an inspection, and be present during the inspection, tobecome more familiar with the current condition of your home. What's inspected?: Every part of your home is inspected, from all interiorspaces and fixtures to roofing, foundations, exterior and all outdoor spaces.Inspectors are especially looking for water leaks, mold, evidence of anyinsect, water, fire damage, or areas that do not meet building codes.Time frame: Inspections are typically booked within 10-14 days of signingthe purchasing agreement. Allow a minimum of 2 hours for the inspection.Cost: There is usually no cost to the seller.Buyer's response to a Home Inspection Report: The buyer can eitheraccept the report, seek to negotiate problems uncovered by the inspection,or, in the event of major issues, even cancel the agreement.Re-negotiate: As the seller, you can seek agreement regarding repairs thatmust be completed prior to closing (buyers should not quibble over everylittle defect). You can arrange for professional repairs or do them yourself.The buyer will want to book a follow-up walk-through to inspect the finishedrepairs. Alternatively, you may choose to pay an agreed amount so that thebuyer can complete the necessary repairs themselves after closing.Now is the time for each party to take actionand deliver on the conditions detailed in theContingency clauses. If any of the conditionsare NOT met the Purchase and Sale Agreementmay become null and void.under contract what happens duringthe contingency period?Earnest Money is paid by thebuyer to your escrow company(usually 1-2% of the sale price)Seller's Disclosure, outliningany known problems with theproperty, must be provided tothe buyer. As the home seller,you must complete this formand you are also ultimatelyresponsible for any knowndefects or malfunctions on theproperty that are NOT includedon the disclosure form.Home Inspection will bearranged by the buyer. Poorinspection outcomes andunexpected repairs are two of the top reasons potentialsales fall through.Home Appraisal will bearranged by the buyer's Lenderif an appraisal is required Repairs listed in the Purchaseand Sale Agreement must becompleted. Keep any receiptsthat relate to each repair.Taking before and after photosis a good way to document thatthe repairs are completed. home appraisalIf the buyer requires a loan to purchase your home the buyer's lender willhave a licensed appraiser value your property. At this point, their loanagreement is put on hold until any possible issues around health and safetyare investigated. We want your property to be appraised for the sameamount as the sale price or preferably higher. If the appraisal comes in at orabove the sale price, it's good news and you do not need to take furtheraction. If the appraisal comes in below the sale price it may be necessary tore-negotiate the sale price, negotiate with the buyer to cover the difference,consider a different all-cash offer, or even cancel and relist the property. 6.3UNDER CONTRACT
6.4CLOSINGclosingcoming to terms with closingEscrow Account: This is a neutral third-party companythat holds all money and documents on behalf of thebuyer and seller. An attorney may fulfill this role and itmay be called a settlement rather than escrow.Title Search and Insurance: A Title Search examinespublic records to confirm the property's legal owner.Title insurance is indemnity insurance that protects bothowners and lenders from loss or damage coming fromliens, encumbrances, or title defects.Hiring an Attorney: While engaging an attorney is notmandatory in all States, it's highly advisable to have alegal professional review all your closing documentsbefore you sign them. Seller's Property Disclosures: You are required todisclose in writing any known defects or issues thataffect the value or safety of your home and property.Review Documentation: Shortly before the closingdate you will receive a Closing Disclosure outlining loanterms and closing costs. Check all figures carefully.Multiple legal procedures make closing a significant event. As your Listing Agent,it's my job to make closing easy for you. I'll work closely with all parties to helpcomplete the final actions required to transfer ownership of your property tothe buyer. Being informed and well prepared will help closing go smoothly.Contingencies: All agreed repairs, inspections, and anyother agreed contingencies must be completed anddocumented before closing. Consider taking before andafter photos of repairs to avoid disputes. Keep receipts. Buyer's Final Walk-Through: Your buyer will schedulea final visit to your home, usually 24 hours beforeclosing, to confirm:that the house is in the same condition as when theoffer was acceptedthat all necessary repairs have been completedthat everything that was included as part of the saleis still in the home / on the propertyClosing Appointment: This is the time when all legaldocuments are signed, final costs are reviewed andagreed upon. The closing attorney or escrow companywill record the new house deed with the county, pay allclosing costs and expenses and arrange payment ofprofit to you. Keys, alarm codes etc. are handed over tobe given to the buyer as arranged in the contract.
6.5CLOSINGA. Payment of FundsMortgage repayment and fees to seller's lender, and any lien holdersProperty taxes, if due, to local govt.Payment to other service providersSales commission to Listing AgentProfit from the sale of the home is paid to the sellerB. Documentation and SigningMost recent tax statementSettlement Statement (aka Closing Statement / HUD-1)Closing InstructionsDeed to the propertyBill of Sale1099-S Tax FormA Post-Closing Agreement, if the seller intends to rent thehome for an agreed time after closingC. Transfer of Property OwnershipHandover of keys, garage door opener, security devicesand codes, appliance manuals/warranties, etc.Recording of the signed deed at the local countycourthouse. Once this is completed legal ownership ofthe property is transferred to the buyer. Your costs at closing may include:Mortgage repayment and feesReal Estate Agent's commissionTransfer taxTitle insuranceEscrow and closing feesProrated property taxesClaims against your propertyUnpaid property assessments Closing Cost Credits (also calledSeller Concessions or Seller Assist)Home Warranty costsAttorney feethe closing process includes: what to bring to closingYour copy of the sale contractReceipts for negotiated repairsGovernment-issued photo IDHouse keys, and all property keysGarage door openers etc.Alarm codes and security devicesAppliance manuals / warranties Also arrange your payment method.seller closing costscongratulations
final stepslast arrangementsSecure documents: Keep your copy of the contractand all closing documents in a secure place. Also, keepreceipts from any home improvements and repairs.You'll need these documents for tax purposes.Change of address: Notify people and businesses ofyour change of address. Complete a change of addressform at the Post Office.Policies & Utilities: Arrange to transfer or cancel anypolicies, such as house insurance, after the Title Transferdate. You may receive a refund for a canceled policy.Arrange to transfer or cancel utility accounts.7.1FINAL STEPS / PACKINGget packingHopefully, you began packing well in advance, as part ofyour decluttering process prior to listing. Now you canpull out all the stops with final packing.Clearly label each box on the side (so it's visiblewhen stacked) by room and contents. Be sure toclearly label fragile items.Use your linens and clothing as extra protection tosave space and having to buy packing material.Have each family member prepare an essentials bagto get you through the first day or two if you can'tunpack immediately.Take care to pack medications and other essentialsand valuables for quick and easy access.If you're using a moving company, keep a masterinventory list to confirm with your movers, or in caseyou need to find something in a hurry.Provide for your pets: make sure they are secure onmoving day or have them re-homed for the day.Make up a box of cleaning supplies, so you'll beready for last-minute cleaning.Prepare snacks and drinks for the move to help geteveryone through the day!
8.1FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONSwhen is the best time to sell?Traditionally, spring is the season to sell. Listing numbers rise in earlyApril and continue into early summer, however, the more propertieson the market, the more competition! Homes do sell all year round, soconsider what is the best time for you. When will you have time toprepare your property? Do you have a time constraint, such as movingto start a new job? Do you need to work around school terms?Sometimes the best time to sell is when you're ready!how long will it take to sell my house?While the answer will vary depending on market conditions, averagesale times range between 55 and 70 days, from listing to closing.Influencing factors include economic conditions such as interest rates,supply and demand, the time of the year, the size, type, condition, andlocation of your property. Correct pricing and a great marketingstrategy will help give you the best chance of selling quickly.should we sell before buying another home?If you want to buy a new home before selling your current home, firstconsider whether you are financially able to carry two mortgages.Check with your lender if this is an option. Also consider the feasibility(and stress) of physically maintaining two homes, even for a brief time.what is the market like right now?There are many indicators that show what the real estate market isdoing at a given time. One of the most important indicators is theaverage number of days that homes remain on the market. This givesyou an idea of how quickly homes are selling when listed. Other statsto consider are the average sale price of homes similar to your own,and the ratio between average list price and sale price.what should I disclose to potential buyers?It's always best to be honest and upfront about the condition of yourhome. Consider what you would expect as a buyer. Where possible, fixany faults before listing. As a home inspection is likely to be requestedby the buyer, it's to your advantage to prevent or reduce potentialproblems. Avoid nasty surprises by repairing or disclosing significantdefects. Undisclosed defects could lose you the sale.
8.2FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONSwhy is the assessed value of my home differentfrom what I’m told its sale price could be?The assessed value of a property is used by your local municipality fortax purposes. The assessed value is often not the same as the currentmarket value of your home or its potential sale price.should I sell my home when it's vacant?Only consider selling a vacant house if your furnishings are very poorand you will not have it staged. A vacant home can communicate aneed to sell that weakens your position during negotiations.should I provide a home warranty?A warranty may be worth considering if your home is more than tenyears old. Expect to pay, on average, $600. A warranty can be anincentive that gives potential buyers more confidence to purchase.how long do I have to respond to an offer?Some buyers will specify a timeframe in their written offer. However, itis customary to respond within 24-48 hours of receiving an offer.what should remain in the house after it's sold?As a general rule, all 'fixtures' are included in the sale. Fixtures aredefined as things that are affixed, fastened to, or an integral part of,the home or landscaping. Examples include lights and light shades,built-in dishwashers, blinds, and curtain rods, and often curtains, built-in bookcases, trees, shrubs, and permanent landscaping features. Youshould specify any item you intend to take with you (e.g. a gardenstatue), and consider removing or replacing it before showing.when will I meet my prospective home buyers?Your listing agent usually represents you during showings and openhouses, and also during negotiations with the buyer and their agent. Itis recommended that you are not present during these stages. Evenclosings are often done separately, so you may not actually meet thebuyer. After closing, however, you may arrange to meet with the buyerif you both wish. This can be a nice gesture, and a chance to showthem appliances, alarms, aspects of the garden, etc.
8.3GLOSSARYglossaryAgent CommissionThis agreed-upon commission is usually a percentageof the final sale price and is documented when theseller arranges to list their home with an agent.AppraisalA buyer's mortgage lender sends an appraiser toassess a property and give a professional opinion onits current market value. The location and condition ofthe house is considered along with recent sale pricesof comparable homes in the same area. Theirappraisal is used to assess whether the home is worththe amount of money the buyer is seeking to borrowagainst the property.Attorney’s FeeThe fee for legal services provided by an attorney ispaid at closing from the proceeds of the sale.Backup OfferA buyer may submit a "backup" offer on a propertythat is already under contract. The backup must stillbe negotiated and earnest money submitted to beconsidered as the next offer in line, should the firstoffer fall through. Only one backup offer can legally besubmitted.Blind OfferA buyer who has not viewed a property may make anoffer known as a blind offer. This is most commonlydone in a highly competitive market in an attempt tobe the first offer and to secure a quick agreement.Closing CostsThese are costs over and above the final sale price ofa home. Typically they can be between two to fivepercent of the purchase price, not including the downpayment. Closing costs may include loan processingfees, title insurance, real estate agent fees, legal fees,and excise tax.Closing Costs Credits The seller's contribution to the buyer's closing costs.The negotiated credit appears as a line in the closingcosts. Also called a Seller Assist or Seller Concession.Closing InstructionsDocument to engage the closing company and detailthe settlement services in connection with atransaction for the sale and purchase of a property.Comparative Market Analysis (CMA)CMA is a report that compares similar homes in thesame area. Active listings, recent sales, and other dataare used to determine an accurate current marketvalue and potential sale price for a particular property.ContingenciesThis refers to conditions that must be met for thepurchase of a home to be finalized. Examples ofcontingencies are: a stipulation that a required loanmust be approved by the lender; the appraised valuemust be near the final sale price; obtaining a buildinginspection concerning a particular issue; setting aspecific time stipulation.Earnest PaymentA deposit made by the buyer and paid to the seller'sescrow account as a sign of good faith and ability tocomplete the property transaction. Typically 1-2 % ofthe total sale price.EscrowEscrow is a legal arrangement where a third partytemporarily holds a sum of money, or an asset, until aparticular condition has been met, such as thefulfillment of a purchase agreement. Escrow helps toreduce risk for both parties in a property transaction.Escrow and Closing Fees These are the costs for managing the closing of thetransaction including signing, recording of documents,deed, and holding of purchase funds. Escrow fees areusually split 50/50 between seller and buyer.Home InspectionOnce an offer is made, a buyer will order a homeinspection. The inspection report details the conditionof foundations, roof, structure, plumbing, insulation,electrical, fixtures, appliances, finishes, and grounds.Inspections also assess whether features are up tocode. Issues identified in the inspection may affect thefinal sale price. You may order an inspection of yourown house prior to listing to help you avoid issuesthat could delay closing.Housing Owners Association FeesThe proportion of fees owing to a Homeowner'sAssociation, if applicable, up to the closing date. SomeHOAs charge an additional transfer fee to transferproperty to a new owner.
GLOSSARY8.4Multiple Listing Service (MLS)A Multiple Listing Service is a database of propertiesfor sale established by cooperating Real EstateBrokers. An MLS allows Brokers to share informationon available properties with the aim of connectinghomebuyers with sellers.Natural hazards disclosure (NHD) reportA report that discloses if a property is in an area with ahigh risk of natural hazards. Concerns covered in anNHD include special flood hazard areas, very high firehazard zones, and earthquake fault zones. The reportis typically paid for by the seller and given to the buyerduring escrow.Pre-approval & Pre-approval LetterPre-approval refers to a buyer who already has loanfinance approved by their lender. A potential buyerwill apply for a home loan and the lender will conducta thorough assessment of the borrower's income,assets, and other data to determine the amount thatthey are approved to borrow. A real estate agent mayrequest a pre-approval letter to ensure a buyer is ableto finance a purchase before showing them aproperty. This reduces the chance of wasted time andeffort if a buyer actually cannot afford to purchase aproperty.Prorated Property TaxThe proportion of property tax due up to the closingdate, before ownership of the home is transferred tothe buyer. If Prorated Property Tax is owed, the sellerpays it at closing. It can be paid out of an escrowaccount associated with the seller's mortgage. Purchase and sale agreement (PSA)A purchase and sale agreement is commonly referredto as a written contract between the buyer and seller.It outlines all the terms agreed to by the buyer andthe seller and is signed by both parties.REALTOR®A REALTOR® is a member of the National Associationof REALTORS®. As such a REALTOR® is bound by theEthics of the Association. While the terms REALTOR®and real estate agent are often used interchangeably,not every real estate agent is a REALTOR®. An activereal estate agent is a licensed professional whorepresents home buyers or sellers seeking or listing ahome and in property transactions. Seller DisclosureSellers are required by law to disclose any informationabout their property that could affect a buyer'sdecision to purchase. This includes defects with thehouse, but also issues that may affect the propertysuch as pest problems, property line disputes,unusual odors or significant noise issues in the area,or knowledge of major construction projects nearby. Selling Agent (Buyer's) / Listing Agent (Seller's)A buyer's agent is also known as the Selling Agent.They work on behalf of a buyer to find their nextproperty and to negotiate the best deal for the buyer.A seller's agent is also known as the Listing Agent.They work for a home seller, marketing their propertyand negotiating the best sale on the seller's behalf.Title InsuranceTitle Insurance protects the new owner from issuesrelated to the title of the property, such as ownershipclaims or liens from contractors or creditors.Title SearchA title search will access public records to verify therecord owner of a property. This may include thehistory of a home, sales, purchases, tax records, andany other types of liens (claims) or encumbrances. Aclean title is required before a property transactioncan proceed. A title search is carried out by a TitleCompany or an attorney who presents a PreliminaryReport to the buyer and seller prior to closing escrow. Transfer TaxA government transfer tax, or title fee, is paid by theseller at closing when the property title is transferred. Under Contract / Contingency PeriodA home is 'under contract' when the buyer and sellerhave formalized their commitment to sell andpurchase the property. Also called a contingencyperiod, this is the stage where all specified conditionsmust be completed prior to closing. ZoningLocal government regulates the use of land bydesignating areas (zones) for particular purposes.Zone classifications include residential, commercial,industrial, and agricultural. Factors that affect zoninginclude traffic flow, housing, schools, health & safety,economic development, and resource protection.
Juli McIntoshREALTOR®401-954-4880mcintoshmakesithappen@gmail.comwww.juli.weknowRhodeIsland.com652 East Avenue | Warwick, RI