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Homecoming Edition 2024

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H O M E C O M I N G 2 0 2 4 ohhsthetartan.comOctober 2024Gatsby Glamour orMasquerade Mayhem? Oak Hills 2024 HomecomingTheme has mixed reactionsBy Teagan Mullins The 2024 school year homecoming theme at Oak Hills High Schoolthrows students into the glamorous world of The Great Gatsby. Thisyear’s theme allows students to take a jump back into the roaringtwenties. Students are encouraged to let their creativity run wild,whether that means letting out their inner Jay Gatsby or DaisyBuchanan, or simply by dressing up in styles that are like the RoaringTwenties. School decorations will be designed to mimic Gatsby’sinfamous parties, students can expect to feel as if they’ve steppedright into the novel itself. But how are the students at Oak Hills really feeling about thistheme? It seems opinions are as mixed as a vintage cocktail. Whilethere are some supporters of the Great Gatsby theme, a considerablenumber of students have expressed their disappointment, many ofwhom were hoping for a masquerade theme. “It flippin’ sucks!”exclaimed sophomore, Amara Albers, this quote captures thefrustration that many students feel about this theme. Junior Marcus Best added his voice by stating, “I’m so mad! It neededto be masquerade because that was the only viable option!” Hisstatement resonates with those students who feel the missedopportunity for a night of masquerade that would've been filled withintrigue, mystery, and maybe even a little harmless deception. However, amidst the complaints at Oak Hills High School about thetheme, there are those who are ready to embrace Gatsby’s worldwith enthusiasm. Sophomore, Vinny Ilunga stands out with hisoptimism “’s a pretty decent theme; we’ve got a lot to work with.”Vinny then adds, “I’m going to come dressed in a monocle!” Hisexcitement helps to remind us that there is plenty of fun to be had inthe roaring twenties, even if it means forgetting about themasquerade theme.Senior Ali, whose last name is unnamed, stated simply that she “feelshappy” about the Great Gatsby theme. As Oak Hills prepares for its homecoming festivities, such as spiritweek, the homecoming game, and other personal activities likepicking out what to wear and who to go with. It’s clear that whilesome students may be disappointed about the lost opportunity for amasquerade, others are ready to let their flapper attire display. Whoknows? This theme could be the start of a new love for Gatsby thatsome students may not currently have. While interviewing, therewere multiple occasions where students were oblivious to what thetheme meant. This means that there is a possibility that studentsmay go back and read The Great Gatsby once they experience asimilar setting to the book. After all, whether covered in sparklysequences or by wearing a monocle, the 2024 homecomingcelebration is what truly counts. Page 1

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Getting Ready For Homecoming: Where To Get Dolled UpHomecoming can be stressful for our girls whendeciding where to get ready. However, this time couldalso be extremely exciting and fun to get dressed upand feel like your best self. By Brooke Lint Nowadays, you can find the best dresses at localboutiques & bridal shops. For example, Kotsovos,located in Montgomery, has plenty of beautiful, high-quality dresses. However, these dresses tend to have ahigher range in price, at about $200 to $400. If you seeka cheaper, more accessible option, Kenwood Mall hasDillards, Macy’s, and Windsor! These stores have trendydresses fit for comfort and beauty. Not only this, butthey have all the styles you could be looking for.Whether you want sparkle, silk, or floral, they have it!These dresses typically range from $50 to $100.Ordering dresses can be more efficient, but theexperience of trying on dresses with your friends andfamily in a local shop is unbeatable.As far as hair goes, the west side of Cincinnati has greatsalons full of experienced hairdressers who can color, cut,or style your hair to your desire. Although it can beexpensive, some girls say it is worth it. For example, BriBrown, Junior at Oak Hills High School, explains she goesto Kendyll to get her hair done at Salon Lofts in DentCrossings. Bri explains, “Kendyll accommodates to myliking and critiques when it comes to my hair, which Itake seriously since it's part of my appearance, ultimatelyaffecting my self-confidence.” Bri recommends SalonLofts because of its relaxing atmosphere and welcomingsetting. Another option for getting your hair done wouldbe Revive Salon, Spa, & Boutique. Revive appears to have abeautiful salon setting with trusted employees who boostyour confidence and are constantly improving their skillset. Christie Brannon, a loyal client of a stylist at Revive,states, “They have never let me down. All the girls theretreat you with such kindness and respect.” Revive islocated off Harrison Avenue and Brannon assures thatyou’ll have a relaxing time in the chair. When it comes to getting your nails done, manypeople have mixed feelings about US Nails due tothe experience, price, and quality. I recommendgoing to Rio Nails and Spa based on their 5-starGoogle review. You could also find a private, at-home nail technician you can comfortably catch upwith while receiving your service. Anotheraffordable option would be doing your nails athome. Sally’s Beauty Supply and Amazon have goodquality, user-friendly materials for DIY nails. Thiscommitment allows you to learn something newand even find joy in the process!Homecoming can be a stressful time because ofeverything that needs to be sorted and ready buttry not to let it get to you. Always remember to stayprepared when getting ready for Homecoming solife doesn’t interfere with glamor!Page 2

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Homecoming edition: How toask that person toHomecomingBy Evelyn Dann With the homecoming Dance rapidly approaching Oak Hills HighSchool you may find yourself wondering, “how do I ask thatperson to homecoming?” Well look no further, afterinterviewing several students here at Oak Hills High School,here are their responses to give you the perfect idea for theperfect hoco-pro. Suppose your person really likes boats on lakes, drinking Ale-8-One, and Snoopy, well, consider this; according to AbigailSchultes, a Junior here at Oak Hills, her dream hoco-pro is “themtaking me out to a lake on a boat and having my favorite drink,Ale-8-One and with a Snoopy poster to ask me out.” I’m surewhoever you plan to ask would be head over heels for thisamazing proposal featuring the ionic Peanuts pooch. Shian Mcleenly and Lucas Newton’s Homecoming proposal. Whether you decide to ask that person to homecoming withSnoopy, snacks, or donuts, keep in mind what homecoming isreally about. It’s a chance to spend time with the people youcare about and get dressed up for a fun occasion so don’t get toowrapped up in whether or not they say yes. Either way, yourgoal should be to have a blast. Can’t wait to see everyone at this year's Oak Hills High SchoolHomecoming dance on Oct. 12. Now I understand if none of these brilliant ideas tickle yourfancy so I’ve got one more for you in store. This one is greatfor you if your person has a sweet tooth, and if that's the casethe perfect hoco-pro for them is this gem suggested by OakHills senior, Olivia Young. Olivia says her dream hoco-pro is“them having a donut box and on the inside of the box it says‘Donut say no and go to HOCO with me’ with strawberrydonuts inside as well.” Who wouldn’t want a date tohomecoming with a side of strawberry donuts? But yes, you may also be thinking “not everyone likes Snoopy”but don’t worry, here are some more ideas that are a little moreon the casual side. Maybe your person is pretty classic and justlikes the basics. Treat them to a snack and stuffie. Kailee Griffin,a sophomore at Oak Hills says, “a poster board with my favoritemusician on it or lyrics from my favorite song and a stuffedanimal or a snack” is the perfect way to hoco-pro in her eyes.This classic, laid back plan might land you your perfecthomecoming date. Meet the Staff!Editors:Brianna BrownEvelyn DannChase DissingerRiley LoftusVeda RatliffKilean AguilarAddison ChildsBryson DuncanKailee GriffinOlivia HarleyElyse KinzieColin KlasernerLogan LaumanBrook LintTeagan MullinsNathan NeihausLotus Olson Owen PelleyMickey WeadbrockWriters:Page 3

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Oak Hills Teachers and Their Childhood Homecoming Traditions: ALook into the Teenage Experience of High School Students Throughthe DecadesTeacher Homecoming Some teachers had similar experiences to current students who have attended Homecoming dances.However, trends continue to change over the decades. After interviewing four teachers withgraduating classes from the 90s to the 2010s, it’s easier to learn about their teenage experiences andhow they differ from modern-day traditions and trends. Entering Oak Hills High School’s 2024 Homecoming season, remembering Homecoming traditionsfrom the past can help students relate to their teachers.Vaive Class of 2014Most Memorable Homecoming Experience: “My senior Hoco I went with my now husband.”Favorite past homecoming dress: “They were all ugly, but probably my senior year one, which was red. Remember, it was a different time period. I wore red sparklyConverse and it was really ugly (ugh). That’s what everyone did.” Popular Songs/Dances at the Time: “I think one of the slow dance songs was Play It Again by Luke Bryan, but I remember it annoying me, that could be prom though.”Popular Places to go Before/After Homecoming: “Usually people would just have dinner at other people’s houses, normally people didn’t go out to dinner until prom. After it wasusually just house parties, but nothing crazy that I went to.”Popular Places to Shop for Homecoming Dresses: “Dillards, everyone went to Dillards or just went to the mall.”Gibfried Class of 2018Most Memorable Homecoming Experience: “Probably our football team winning a homecoming game, we didn’t win very many games. I went to Springfield North High School.”Favorite Past Homecoming Outfit: “It was always fun trying to match the girl’s dress. I always just tried to match the color that my date was wearing.”Popular Songs/Dances at the Time: “Oh my gosh, definitely the Electric Slide. They played that like they do the Cupid Shuffle nowadays.”Popular Place to go Before/After Homecoming: “In Springfield, we didn’t have a lot of chain restaurants so we would go to local restaurants.” “After Homecoming was usually a farmparty, we’d go out in the middle of nowhere and go to farm parties.” “We went to Dayton a lot, I remember one time we went toSpringfield country club.”Popular Places to Shop for Homecoming Outfits: “Lazarus, they were bought by Macy’s. We didn’t have a Men’s Warehouse or anything like that, we just had Springfield Mall with aLazarus.”By: Lotus Olson and Veda RatliffPage 4

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Oak Hills Teachers and Their Childhood Homecoming Traditions: ALook into the Teenage Experience of High School Students Throughthe Decades Some teachers had similar experiences to current students who have attended Homecoming dances.However, trends continue to change over the decades. After interviewing four teachers withgraduating classes from the 90s to the 2010s, it’s easier to learn about their teenage experiences andhow they differ from modern-day traditions and trends. Entering Oak Hills High School’s 2024 Homecoming season, remembering Homecoming traditionsfrom the past can help students relate to their teachers.Papathanas class of 2012Most Memorable Homecoming Experience: “I think my freshman year was fun because my sister was a senior so it was the only time I had her there.”Favorite Past Homecoming Dress: “My junior year I wore this blue dress,it was so pretty, it wasn’t planned but my cousin was there and she wore a blue dress as well.”Popular Songs/Dances at the Time: “I remember Fireflies was one of the homecoming songs.”Popular Places to go Before/After Homecoming: “Before it was popular to just go to a friend’s house and hangout.” “Their parents usually provided food or we went out and gotchipotle.”Popular Places to Shop for Homecoming Dresses: “I used to go to Northgate.” “Nobody would be going to Northgate now.”Sullivan class of 1997Most Memorable Homecoming Experience: “My senior year homecoming was really fun because I went with this huge group of guys and girls and we did dinner at somebody’shouse.” “The dance wasn’t super different but the beforehand was really fun.”Favorite Past Homecoming Dress: “It was navy blue and it was sleeveless but had kind of a high neck and an open back. It was really cute.” Popular Songs/Dances at the Time:“There were definitely like boy band vibes happening like Backstreet Boys and Spice Girls.” Popular Places to go Before/After Homecoming:“Beforehand a lot of people actually ate at their houses.” “My suburb wasn’t really close to downtown and places to go out.”Popular Places to Shop for Homecoming Dresses:“I remember going to a store that isn’t really in business anymore, it was Jacobson’s and I'm pretty sure it changed to Macy's.”Page 5Teacher Homecoming

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Getting to know this Year’s Homecoming CourtHomecoming Court Q&ACade Newman Why should people vote for your couple at the dance? - “Free candy probably.”What theme ideas would you like to see incorporated in future dances? - “Hotdog theme.”Why should people vote for your couple at the dance? - “We will give them candy!”What theme ideas would you like to see incorporated in future dances? - “Disco!!”Anna PriceWhy should people vote for your couple at the dance? - “People should vote for Claire and I atthe dance because it would be something cool for us to experience together after all this time.”What theme ideas would you like to see incorporated in future dances? - “A sports theme”Christopher CampbellWhy should people vote for your couple at the dance? - “People should vote for me andchristopher at the dance because this is our third year going together and it would be a coolexperience for us to experience together.”What theme ideas would you like to see incorporated in future dances? - “A future theme Iwould like to see it a frozen theme or like a winter wonderland.”Claire JacksonBy: Kailee Griffin and Nathan NiehausPage 6

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Getting to know this Year’s Homecoming CourtJaxson DorselWhy should people vote for your couple at the dance? - “I know wide varieties of people, andam kind and respectful to all.”What theme ideas would you like to see incorporated in future dances? - “Under the sea, sailingthe seven seas (pirate), Decades (90s, 80s etc).”Why should people vote for your couple at the dance? - “I don't think that we are any betterthan any of the rest of the couples, everyone on court is super awesome, so I would say that a votefor any of us is a vote for all of us! :)”What theme ideas would you like to see incorporated in future dances? - “I really like the Nightin Paris theme.”Eve TroutwineWhy should people vote for your couple at the dance? - “It would be epic.”What theme ideas would you like to see incorporated in future dances? - “Neon”Victor BenkenWhy should people vote for your couple at the dance? - “idk I'm just here for the sash.”What theme ideas would you like to see incorporated in future dances? - “Frozen.”Prestin BertingPage 7Homecoming Court Q&A

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Getting to know this Year’s Homecoming CourtEthan EvansWhy should people vote for your couple at the dance? - “People should vote for our couplebecause we are both extremely invested within our school, community, and with our peers! WithKendall being our potential class president and myself being on the Student Council Executiveboard, we both have made extremely large impacts in our school that students enjoy daily!”What theme ideas would you like to see incorporated in future dances? - “Sports, under the sea,and outer space.”Why should people vote for your couple at the dance? - “Because we both super nice andinvolved in school.”What theme ideas would you like to see incorporated in future dances? - “Hollywood”Kendall SteinWhy should people vote for your couple at the dance? - “People should vote for us because we'rethe coolest ever”What theme ideas would you like to see incorporated in future dances? - “Masquerade ball,Night in Paris”Margaret ThompsonWhy should people vote for your couple at the dance? - “Because my fantasy football team is in3rd place and Margaret’s is in 1st”What theme ideas would you like to see incorporated in future dances? - “Titanic, Shrek”Chase AmrheinPage 8Homecoming Court Q&A

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Getting to know this Year’s Homecoming CourtEthan palmerWhy should people vote for your couple at the dance? - “were the coolest couple”What theme ideas would you like to see incorporated in future dances? - “red carpet”Why should people vote for your couple at the dance? - “We've been together for over 2 yearsand counting, would love to be on the stage together to celebrate that special night. We also haveboth participating in a handsome figure of activities at the school, so the school is very meaningfulto us. ”What theme ideas would you like to see incorporated in future dances? - “Night in the stars.”Lauren HusterWhy should people vote for your couple at the dance? - “We are both very involved in school,and just want to have a good time.”What theme ideas would you like to see incorporated in future dances? - “Rio would be a cooltheme. ”Annabelle HagemanWhy should people vote for your couple at the dance? - “Because we are both highly involved inour school and we are there to have a good time”What theme ideas would you like to see incorporated in future dances? - “Neon”Cody BanschbachPage 9Homecoming Court Q&A

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Oak Hills Girls Cross Country Team Makes aSplash at HomecomingBy: Elyse KinzieCincinnati, Ohio — In a season full of triumphs, theOak Hills High School Girls Cross Country team hasnot only excelled on the track but also added a touchof athletic excellence to the Homecoming festivities.As the school celebrates this year’s Homecoming, thecross country team’s success has been a key highlight.The girls have been on a winning streak, showcasingtheir endurance and skill at recent meets. Theirimpressive performance at the regional competition,where they achieved several top finishes and a podiumspot, has been a major talking point, setting a highbar as they enjoy the Homecoming celebrations. The team’s rigorous training regimen has beenevident in their recent successes, which have includedearly morning runs, intense interval workouts, andstrategic race simulations. This commitment toexcellence has paid off, with the girls deliveringimpressive results throughout the season.Homecoming has been a vibrant celebration of schoolspirit, and the cross country team has been at theheart of the festivities. They participatedenthusiastically in the Homecoming parade, Schoenhaub has been a driving force behind theteam’s success. “The five S’s of sports training areStamina, Speed, Strength, Skill and Spirit; but thegreatest of these is Spirit and Courage. So have thefaith and you can,” said Jade Schoenlaub, reflectingon the dedication and hard work that the athleteshave poured into their training. Junior athleteRachael Wunderlich, has emerged as a beacon ofleadership and athletic prowess for the team. “Everymile is a testament to your strength; it’s not just aboutthe finish line, but the journey that shapes you witheach step you take. You have to keep pushingthrough the pain and you will become the best youcan be,” Wunderlich remarked, emphasizing theimportance of teamwork and community. embodying the school spirit that Oak Hills is knownfor. Their involvement has added a dynamic elementto the Homecoming week, blending athleticachievement with community celebration. Thesupport from the Oak Hills community has beeninstrumental in the team’s success. Fans and familieswho have cheered on the runners at meets and duringHomecoming events have played a crucial role inmotivating the athletes and fostering a sense of unity.As Homecoming week continues, the Oak Hills GirlsCross Country team remains a symbol of school prideand athletic excellence. Their achievements thisseason, coupled with their spirited participation inHomecoming events, have made them a standoutgroup within the Oak Hills High School community.For more updates on the team’s accomplishments andHomecoming highlights including upcoming races,stay tuned to The Oak Hills Girls Cross CountryTeam!Page 10

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Oak Hills Fall Sports: A Season of Triumph and Team SpiritFootballOak Hills Varsity Cheer is now in theirfootball season for this year and they arecoming off of a first-place win in their lastGMC competition. They hope to repeat thiswin in the upcoming GMC competition. Thegirls were asked how they cope with anxietyand stress before big competitions. Here iswhat senior Ryen Hane said, “Usually I justgo in with confidence and make sure not toget in my head before a game or competition.And also to remember to have fun and it’sokay if you don’t win.”Oak Hills Girls Soccer is doing great so far thisseason they are currently undefeated in the GMCand holding a 13-1 record overall. Junior captainMady Linenkugel was asked if the team couldmaintain their record, she said, “As long as wekeep playing together and playing hard we canmaintain our good record and go far in thetournament.” Linenkugel also scored in the pinkgame against Seton where they won 4-0. Thismeans a lot to her because of her aunt “Jojo”who had just passed away from breast cancer.By: Logan Lauman and Bryson DuncanCheerleadingOak Hills Football is off to an even .500 start at 2-2 this season with wins over both Turpin Spartansand Colerain Cardinals. Junior defensive linemanJulian Harris is asked what he thinks the greateststrength of the Scots is this year. He said,“Biggest strength is the box on defense withveteran inside linebackers with years ofexperience complemented by experience on theD-line.”Girls SoccerPage 11

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Boys SoccerThe Oak Hills Girls Volleyball team is sittingat 8-3 and 4-1 in GMC play with a recent lossfrom Mason followed by a win over Wyoming.Oak Hills is currently sitting third in the GMCstandings; they are in the top 5 in many stats.Junior Lily Stewert was asked if they can keepa hold of their stats here is what she said,“We are currently 3rd in the GMC right nowand with the way we have been playing, wecan absolutely maintain our stats in the GMC.Even with our toughest competitors, we wereable to give 100% energy throughout andfight.”The Boy's Cross Country team is doing decentwith a fifth-place rank in the GMC. FreshmanOwen Huff is currently the only rankedteammate, sitting in sixth place. Colin Klasener,a Junior captain was asked what the team'sbiggest strength was he replied, “Ourcamaraderie and work ethic. We use each otherto push ourselves individually every day, and theresults are starting to show”Girls VolleyballOak Hills Boys Soccer is a little more thanhalfway through the season and they could bedoing better with a 3-5-6 record. Although it’s alosing season, the team never losesdetermination or hope in each other. Seniorcaptain Ben Stamper who scored a penalty intheir 2-2 tie against Elder emphasizes this.“We’ve faced more setbacks, losses, and injuriesthan anyone could have predicted. What keeps usgrounded is falling back on our identity. We wearFAMILY on the backs of our shirts because webelieve that’s what we are. Our trust in each otheris unwavering” Boys Cross CountryPage 12

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Boys GolfGirls Tennis is doing exceptional with anoverall record of 9-5 and 6-3 in the GMC. Theteam won 4-1 against Fairfield on their seniornight. The seniors include Emma Herzog,Emery Charles, and Alli Obert. Although theteam is doing well on the court the mainthing they are focused on working at is theirmentality. Junior Brooke Lint expands on this“My team has been working together tobetter our mentality on the court throughoutthe season. Our goal is to be able to stayconsistently positive & not on an emotionalroller coaster. We all have notebooks that wewrite inspiration in to keep us going.”Girls Cross Country is doing suburb being thirdin the GMC and having three people in the topeleven in the GMC. Those three people are AleahCoster, Maeghan Zimmerly, and Lucy Schutte.Junior Elyse Kinzie talks about the team'schemistry along with the stats “I would say theteam’s overall chemistry and dynamics are good.We have a good statistical background of goodtiming leading with a top 10 board stating thefastest times.”Girls TennisThe Oak Hills boys golf team is currently third inthe GMC for team stats and freshman CadeSauer leads the team in individual stats atnumber 12 in the GMC this year. Boys Golf hashad two athletes receive second-team all-GMChonors and we had senior Beckham Shortenreceive the Steve Shuck Sportsmanship Award.We asked senior Spencer Kaufenberg whatseparates their team from the others and here iswhat he said, “Our ability to work well with eachother and pick each other up after a bad shot.”Girls Cross CountryPage 13

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Oak Hills Girls Golf is currently sitting at thebottom of the team stats in the GMC, but thatdoes not define the team they are. Inindividual stats, they have a top 5 placeathlete Adrianna Combs who also receivedfirst team all GMC team honors, with LexiHolzbacher receiving second team all GMChonors, and Holzbacher also getting theSteve Shuck Sportsmanship Award Oak Hillsgirls golf. The team was asked how they thinktheir team or organization can be better andhere is what senior Lauren Huster said, “Iwish that more people would give it a shotbecause it’s such a fun environment! Thatgolf would market itself so that new peoplerealize it’s such a chill sport.”Girls GolfPage 14

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F A L L2 cups all-purpose flour1 teaspoon baking powder1/2 teaspoon baking soda1 teaspoon pumpkin spice1 cup pumpkin puree1/2 cup sugar1/2 cup vegetable oil2 eggsPreheat oven to 350°F and line a muffin tin with cupcake liners.Mix flour, baking powder, baking soda, and pumpkin spice in a bowl. Whisk together pumpkin puree, sugar, oil, and eggs separately.Gradually mix the dry ingredients into the wet ingredients until combined. Spoon the batter into the muffin tin.Bake for 20-25 minutes, or until a toothpick inserted comes out cleanServe and Enjoy these delicious Pumpkin Muffins!PUMPKIN MUFFIN RECIPEIngredients:Instructions: Recipe #1The Reign of Pumpkin Spice: Fall Menus andWhy Pumpkin Spice is the Best $802 billion. That’s the number of sales that pumpkin spiceproducts amassed last year. (Flavor Insight Report - PumpkinSpice). Naturally, the latter half of the headline is a matter ofopinion. But, it’s no surprise that pumpkin spice is making itsrounds again this year. Here are some fall themed menuscoming to restaurants near you, most of which feature theaforementioned flavor. By: Riley Loftus First up is Dunkin’ Donuts. This year Dunkin’ debuts theDunkalatte, its “first-ever coffee milk latte”. Also included on themenu is, the Pumpkin Spice Signature Latte, the Almond SpiceCoffee, the Pumpkin Cake Donut and Munchkins donut holetreats, the Pumpkin Muffin, the Apple Cider Donut, the MapleSugar Bacon Breakfast Sandwich, the Maple Sugar Snackin’Bacon, the Maple Sugar Bacon Wake-Up Wrap, the Loaded HashBrowns, and the Banana Chocolate Chip Loaf. (Dunkin' Donutsreleases 2024 fall menu, with Pumpkin Spice Latte, new'Dunkalatte').Of course, you can’t talk about Pumpkin Spice Lattes withoutbringing up Starbucks. This year Starbucks has 9 items on its fallmenu. The Pumpkin Cream Cold Brew, the Iced Pumpkin CreamChai, the Chai Latte, the Iced Apple Crisp Nondairy Cream Chai,the Apple Crisp Oat Milk Macchiato, the Apple Crisp Oat MilkShaken Espresso, the Baked Apple Croissant, the Racoon CakePop, and the Pumpkin Spice Latte. (Featured menu: StarbucksCoffee Company). If you’re looking for a little less pumpkin thenChick-fil-A has got you covered. This year, thepopular chicken restaurant is bringing back a fanfavorite. The Honey Pepper Pimento ChickenSandwich is returning, joined by the BananaPudding Milkshake. (It's Back: Chick-fil-A HoneyPepper Pimento Chicken Sandwich Returns with aSpicy New Option to Turn Up the Heat).Last but not least is IHOP. The new items on IHOP’smenu are the Maple Pumpkin CheesecakePancakes, the Pumpkin Spice Pancakes, thePumpkin Spice Cold Foam Cold Brew, the CaramelApple Lemonade, the Caramel Apple Butter House-Made Milkshake, and the Caramel Apple Butter HotChocolate. (IHOP® Menu - Breakfast, Appetizers,Lunch & Entrees).By Owen PelleyPage 15

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That brings us to the debate over pumpkin spice.Pumpkin spice is a staple on most fall menus. The flavorhas, however, garnered mixed opinions. One anonymous student believes that pumpkin spicecan be “hit or miss” and restaurants either do the flavorjustice or make it taste like “vomit”. Her words not mine. Another claims, “I hate it I hate it I hate it”. When asked about their opinion on pumpkin spiceone student responded with, “Pumpkin spice morelike pumpkin bike, it’s a bike but instead of wheels it'spumpkins”. I do not know what that means, but it’ssafe to say pumpkin spice is only popular with somepeople Personally, I believe that pumpkin spice is theperfect flavor for fall weather. The flavor is one offew that you think of when it comes to fall. Applecider and caramel are runner-ups, but nothing hasquite the hold over the fall season as pumpkin spice. Fall Recipe #2EASY CHILI RECIPE1 pound lean ground beef15 ounces tomato sauce1 15 ounce can of chili beans2 tablespoons chili powder adjust totaste.1 15 ounce can of kidney beanssalt and pepper adjusted to tasteIngredients:Heat a large skillet over medium-high heat.Cook and stir ground beef in the hot skillet until browned for 5 to 7 minutes.Stir in kidney beans, chili beans, and tomato sauce.Bring to a boil and stir in chili powder. Reduce heat to a simmer, and cook, stirring occasionally, until thick for about 15 minutesSeason to taste with salt and pepper.Portion into bowls appropriately Serve with spoon, and feel free to addyour favorite toppings like cheese or chives. Instructions: 5 fun fall activities to do in Cincinnati By: Chase DissingerWith the Autumn season around the corner and the gloomy weatherapproaching, people in Cincinnati are left wondering how they will spend theirtime during Autumn because they can’t do their favorite summer activities.However, because of the Halloween spirit starting to rise, the Cincinnati area hasa surplus of activities that opened up to fill up everyone's Autumn bucket list.Halloween Haunt, Kings IslandWith Halloween around the corner, Halloween Haunthas made its yearly return to Kings Island. On top ofthe theme park’s thrilling attractions, scare mazesand zones will be littered around the Halloweendecorated theme park. Visitors will be screaming onand off the rides with Kings Island’s monsters lurkingin every corner. Tickets can be purchased online for$44.99. The yearly event will stay around until thestart of November so get passes now before it’s toolate!By Owen PellyPage 16

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Pumpkin picking, Brown’s Family Farm MarketTo get in the Halloween spirit, families all around will buypumpkins and carve faces into them to show off duringHalloween and what better place to get pumpkins than Brown’sFamily Farm Market. Along with the variety of pumpkins thatBrown’s Family Farm Market provides, there are also corn andflower mazes as well as areas that allow its visitors to see theirfarm animals. With many other activities to do at Brown’s FamilyFarm, this is one of the best places to spend time with family andfriends.Stricker's GroveAlthough only open 4 times a year, one of those dates isOct. 13! Strikers Grove is a smaller but jam-packedamusement park with 2 roller coasters, a few other rides,and a variety of games to be played. Strikers Grove is abit smaller compared to other amusement parks withmostly rides for children but it’s a great place forfamilies and friends to bond. Tickets are $18 for adultsand kids 2 and under are free.Dent SchoolhouseRecently named one of the top 5 scariest haunted houses in America byScaryOverload and located down the street from Bridgetown MiddleSchool, the Dent Schoolhouse attraction is at the top of everyone's to-do list. On top of providing an extremely frightening experience atnight, visitors can see the experience without the jumpscares and withthe lights on. The haunted house also provides multiple ways toexperience the attraction such as Lights Out where visitors are onlygiven glow sticks to guide themselves through the pitch black hauntedhouse, or Ghost Tours where there are no actors and visitors are shownthe hotspots of the attraction. Dent Schoolhouse is a great way to getinto the Halloween spirit by getting scared out of your mind! Ticketscan be bought online or at the location for $25 on Thursdays andSundays, $30 on Fridays, and $35 on Saturdays.Cincinnati ZooThe Cincinnati Zoo provides events throughout the fallseason for visitors to see their animals while alsohaving the Halloween spirit around them. Events suchas HallZOOween and Jack O’Lantern Glow providefamilies a Halloween experience while seeing theirfavorite animals throughout the zoo. The Cincinnati Zoois a great way for families to spend their time  duringthe Autumn season while they wait for Halloween toarrive! Tickets are $27 for adults 13 to 61, and $21 forchildren ages 3 to 12 and seniors 61 and up.These places are only a few of the many activities in the Greater Cincinnati Area that have opened up forthe public to experience while Autumn is around. Although the summer activities are gone, Autumnprovides a surplus of exciting activities to experience!Page 17

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The Best of the Best: Movies to Binge for FallBy: Bri BrownHALLOWEENAs the leaves start to change, the excitement for fall begins to climb. Sitting inside with friends and family, as thedays grow chilly, people from all over begin to watch classic fall films. Oak Hills High School students, fromfreshman to seniors, voted on their favorite fall movies. Oak Hills students took a poll on three categories of theirfavorite scary movie, comfort movie, and overall favorite. Each category will provide a summary, facts about themovie, and where to watch them.Favorite Scary Movie: Scream With over 150 Oak Hills High School students voting, a majority of them chose Scream. The classic 1996 slasherfilm, Scream, is based around a teen girl and her group of friends who’s being hunted by a masked killer as part ofa twisted game (IMDb). Directed by Wes Craven, he creates a sense of suspense as the watcher is taken throughthe killings and plot twists throughout the movie. Scream quickly became a popular franchise, taking in $173million just for the first movie, and combined all together $910 million (The Numbers). With a total of 6 moviesand a 7th on the way, Scream has made a large impact. To most people's surprise, Scream is based on a real lifeserial killer known as The Gainesville Ripper (Collider). Scream is available to watch on Max, Hulu, Apple TV,Youtube TV, and Amazon Prime Video.Favorite Comfort Movie: The Nightmare Before Christmas With an overwhelming amount of votes in this category, The Nightmare Before Christmas wins by a landslide.The motion picture animated story by Tim Burton follows Jack Skelington, the king of Halloween, as he discoversChristmas, and tries to claim it for himself (IMDb). With the subtle romance between him and Sally, this movie isenjoyed by many. Controversial debates have risen every once and a while, discussing whether or not TheNightmare Before Christmas is a Halloween or a Christmas movie. Daniel Lade, an Oak Hills High School Senior,claims that “it’s a Halloween movie all the way.” Some however, disagree. A Junior student, Cameron Hauke,argues for “Christmas. It’s definitely Christmas.” However, The Nightmare Before Christmas is in fact aHalloween movie. It was released on October 29, 1993 (IMDb). While people can absolutely enjoy this movie duringChristmas, and even year round, this movie is made for Halloween. The Nightmare Before Christmas is availableto watch on Disney+. Favorite Overall Movie: Hocus Pocus Once again, the students of Oak Hills High School were vocal with their opinions, making Hocus Pocus thefavorite overall movie for fall. Released in 1993, Hocus Pocus follows the adventure of three kids breaking the spellof the Sanderson Sisters. The three Sanderson Sisters are witches, who cause chaos and make the kids facehilarious and intense situations. While only being rated a 40% on Rotten Tomatoes, this movie has been able togain almost $51 million (Rotten Tomatoes). Hocus Pocus is streaming on Disney+, Apple TV, and Amazon PrimeVideo.Page 18

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Top 5 Best Halloween CandiesBy Kilean AguilarWith Halloween just around the corner, people are starting to set out their Halloweendecorations and kids are picking out what costumes they'll wear on Halloween nighteither at a trick or treat or out roaming the neighborhoods trying to find the house withthe best candy. Parents are heading to their local stores to find the best candy out socome Halloween night they have most kids come and trick or treat, earning street credas the house with the best candy. Nowadays, kids don’t really go out for Halloween askids are growing up fast and the Halloween spirit is starting to slowly fade away. TheHalloween spirit needs to be revived like in the past when kids argue over who had thebest costume and who had the best candy at their lunch table the day after Halloween.To add on, candy is an important part of Halloween because it's the staple of Halloweenand is the reason kids go out and trick or treat. With all these bad healthy candies outthere, kids aren’t rocking with candy like they used to back in the day. This ultimatelyleads to the question almost everyone has, What is the best Halloween candy? Thisquestion is very controversial as not everyone agrees on what the best candy is as somelove sour candy, while others love sweet candy. Since Mickey did the top 5 worstHalloween candy, we are switching the flow and doing the top 5 best candies. Do you like things that are sweet and sour? Well Sour PatchKids are a perfect candy for you and everyone else. The candystarts off sour but as you chew it becomes sweet and peoplelove it. Sour Patch Kids are a worldwide favorite candy andeven though I'm a chocolate guy. These little sour and sweettreats are amazing. These candies are untradeable at thelunch table. HALLOWEENNumber Five: TwixTo start off the top 5 best candies is Twix. considered onethe best candy, kids go nuts when these candies are outduring Halloween, not to mention they are just very goodand have an amazing caramel taste alongside thechocolate. Jaylea Phelps, a Twix condosore, stated “ I loveTwix so much because the carmel and chocolate mixperfectly together to get that crunch everyone and theirmother loves!” Number Four: SkittlesSkittles are such a diverse and amazing candy with a tonof flavors. They have sweet flavors along with sourflavors. Every year when kids go trick or treating theyalways end up finding a couple packets of skittles in theirbag. Skittles are a good bargain candy at the lunch tableas some hate them while most love them. Number Three: Sour Patch KidsNumber Two: Reeses This peanut butter and chocolate candy is a favorite amongall ages of people. Reeses is a candy that has a variety ofdifferent ways you could eat it such as a candy bar, in cups,in pieces and also as ice cream. This candy could beconsidered the best candy on this list but spot two is a goodfit for it. Number One: M&M’s Where to begin with M&Ms? M&Ms are such an amazing candyand loved by all. If people don’t like M&Ms they are eitherallergic to chocolate or won't be different because thesecandies are a household candy all over the world. You'll findthese candies mainly during Halloween night but also in officesand on your teacher's desk when you do something good andearn a piece of candy. These candies are one of the first to betaken off the shelves in the store. Ava Korman a certified M&Mlover vocalized “M&Ms taste like rainbow and I love them morethan my family” Page 19

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Top 5 Worst Halloween CandyBy Mickey Weadbrock People want chocolate for Halloween, they want the deliciouscaramel filled Twix, the crispy Kit-Kat, the peanut butterygoodness of a Reeses. I can tell you what they don’t want,their grandma’s favorite candy. You might as well hand outWerthers caramel bites with the cream center to kids thanButterscotch you stole from Chase Bank.HALLOWEENNumber Five: Peeps Starting off this list strong with something that isn't acandy but a dessert, yet somehow always finds its way intoyour Halloween bucket, Peeps. These soft pillowymarshmallows are nobody but Kerri Muench Oak HillsHigh School Special Education teacher’s favorite sweettreat.Number Four: Baby RuthThe only time people eat a Baby Ruth bar is when they’vealready eaten all their Twix, Kit-Kats and Reeses. Thehard peanut casing of a Baby Ruth is delicious until youhit the caramel and milk chocolate flavored nougatcenter. Anything a Baby Ruth has got going for it, aSnickers bar already has perfect down to a science. Number Three: Butterscotch Number Two: Candy Corn The most hated candy easily on this list, yet it only sits uponnumber 2, Candy Corn. Notoriously hated by adults and kidsalike for its poor texture and overly sweet taste, I kinda likeit. But putting a whole handful of them in my mouth wouldbe pretty overwhelming and disgusting on the sugary notes,but popping in a few of them here and there doesn't sound sobad. Number One: Almond JoyDespite Almond Joy consisting primarily of nuts and coconut, itis still not a healthy snack or something your child would smileat on Halloween night. Somehow, this coconut candy is packing234 calories inside of it! Still, that's more than a Baby Ruth.Typically- you either love em’ or hate em’. I hate them, coconutjust isn't my jam or any child's jam.Halloween isn't nearly as awesome as it was back in the 90s. When was the last time you saw your neighborhood filled with families increative costumes, teenagers running around scaring children and makeshift haunted houses in peoples backyards? Do you rememberback in elementary school when you’d wear your costumes to school on halloween? Do you remember giving candy to your classmates,doing no school work all day but instead talking about who had the best costume? Chances are, you probably remember all this. Things aren't the same as they once were. Nowadays, parents take their kids to a local“trunk or treat” walking around a boring parking lot taking candy out of peoples cars. The last good Halloween I experienced wasprobably when I was about 12, and now I'm 17 years old. However, one thing that will never ever change about Halloween- the candy. The smile that beams across a child's face when kit-kats areput into their pale brightens the dark sky on Halloween night. Sometimes, we are not always that lucky though, the expression of sheerdisappointment and anger that cloaks a child's face when you have enough audacity to put a pencil into their pale or even a toothbrush.You must be brave to do that. Kids can be extremely mean sometimes and they won't be afraid to state their opinion about what you’vebestowed upon them Halloween night. Everybody has their favorite and not so favorite candy. To stay in the neighborhood children’sgood graces, avoid these top five worst Halloween candies. Page 20

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The American Dream: 20 German Exchange StudentsEmbark on New Adventures at Oak Hills High School Last week, Oak Hills High School welcomed 20foreign exchange students from Dingolfing, Germany.During their ten-day stay, they immersed themselvesin American culture of all kinds, experiencingfirsthand the American television shows and moviesthey have watched. When asked their views on American culture,there were many surprises and both positive andnegative opinions. Host families target showingthe students the most “American” things, fromfast food to Cincinnati traditions.Overwhelmingly, students loved American fastfood, with Taco Bell being a crowd favoriteamong them. Students also enjoyed Skyline andLarosas, a right of passage for those visitingCincinnati. While this may not be helpingstereotypes about Americans, it is surelyinformation they will share back home and becraving until they come back! Other traditionsinclude football games and holiday decorationsalso stood out to them. When interviewed,Paulina, an exchange student, stated that “it'sweird that you guys decorate your houses forHalloween, but I like the spirit, and all thefamilies getting together.” Paulina has shownimmense love for Oak Hills so far and hascreated unforgettable memories along the way.Teresa, another exchange student who had herthoughts on the US, stated, “I feel like over hereis like a room of crowded people, and thennobody, and then another room of crowdedpeople, but over there it is like a town after townafter town. It is more clustered over here andspread out over there.” Paulina and Teresa alsostated they love American football culture, withPaulina stating, “It's super fun to have everyonecheer like that, we don't have those kinds ofteams over there.” Watching not just the OakHills High School Football team, but also theCincinnati Bengals, the students will be sure totune in every Sunday night back home! Host Wyatt Dennison voiced his love for havingthem here and showing them around his homecity. However, Dennison says, “They were veryintroverted at first but then warmed up it seemedafter a while.” The students from Germanyended up getting very comfortable here andtalking to more and more people. StudentsPaulina and Teresa also had a great time seeingMama Mia at the Aranoff center during theirstay, another memory they are sure to bring backhome. It's safe to say that their short ten days at OakHills and in the US flew by, with all 20 studentsnot only learned so much about the US, butcreated lifelong friendships along the way. In thisexchange, Oak Hills Students will be visitingDingolfing in June 2025, surely to bring homememories and new favorite foods just like theirhosts did.Image: 8 exchange students visit Rapid Run Middle School togive a presentation about German culture to Herr Vaske’sGerman class.By: Clayton Wiegele and Olivia HarleyPage 21

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CLUB HIGHLIGHTSTUDENT COUNCIL There are many classes and clubsin Oak Hills High School, with asmany as 44 different clubs to join.From language societies toinclusivity alliances (SAGA),everyone at OHHS has a club thatwill fit them. However, one of themost prominent clubs at Oak HillsHigh School is our brilliantStudent Council. The Student Council is overseen byteachers Dennis Martin and AlanCocklin, and it has many new andreturning members. This cluborganizes many school activities,from pep rallies and homecomingto fun games during the schoolyear. However the StudentCouncil is not always carefree anduntroubled, these brave studentshave to bring student concerns tothe administration and addressthem with confidence.These concerns involveimprovements in facilities andadvocating for change in policiesand rules within the school. TheStudent Council will organizedances, shows, and communitydrives to support the charity andbenefit the school. This way thereare always actions in place to betterthe school, the students, and thecommunity on the calendar. TheOak Hills Student Council is opento all, allowing anyone andeveryone to join at any meeting.Key individuals for this club need tohave the ability to think fast when itcomes to their community. Formermember Josie Adamson wasinterviewed and asked how theStudent Council had changed herinvolvement in high school. Shetold us “Some of the activities I didlike setting up hoco andvolunteering at the Coach Prosser’sFlutterby fundraiser by facepainting helped get me involvedwith those events and I would nothave been able to be a part of themwithout student council.” Adamson had great memories of being onthe Student Council and loved beingincluded in the school community. Tocontinue the knowledge about the StudentCouncil Ryen Hane was asked about herexperiences at Oak Hills. I asked Hane, aSenior at Oak Hills if she thought studentsknew enough about what goes on behind thescenes at school, and how she could helpbridge that gap. She explained “No, I thinkteachers should give students more accessto help around the school and know moreabout what goes on. I think students shouldbe able to vote or create polls aboutdecisions for what happens.” When wefurther discussed what the student councildid for the school she mentioned that she isinterested in learning more about it, andwhat it means to be a part of the club.Student Council is one of the many clubs atOak Hills High School that gives students agateway to community work andinvolvement.BY: ADDISON CHILDSPage 22