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HNC 10YRReport

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It’s all been too much. e shock of the diagnosis. e cruelty of the statistics — the breathlessness that comes with knowing the median 5-year survival rate is little more than a coin ip. en there’s the anxiety of relaying that prognosis to the people who love you — who depend on you.But you’re a ghter, so you endure the endless chemotherapy treatments. You endure the claustrophobia that comes with being bolted to a table while a radiation mask is molded to your face, restricting your movement to mere millimeters.Physically, emotionally, and spiritually you are unable to move. And now, there’s that envelope. e one that contains more suering......ENTER HNC LIVING FOUNDATION.ere’s an envelope on the kitchen counter you’re scared to open. You’re scared to open it because it’s from the hospital, and you know whatever the amount inside, it’s too much.

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Dear Friends,We have to do something. Five words. Spoken at a time least expected. We have to do something. ese ve words are the genesis of HNC Living Foundation. ese are the words spoken to me by Teresa as we waited for yet another of Teresa’s 30 radiation treatments. For it was Teresa, ghting cancer herself, who recognized that other patients around us did not appear to be recovering as well as she was. We soon understood that many of them were missing treatments. us our journey began.Fast forward ten years and HNC Living Foundation has become the national resource helping head and neck cancer patients live life fully through nancial aid. Since our founding in 2014, HNC Living has assisted over 4,700 individual patients across the United States with over $3 million in nancial aid to provide:• Dental care• Prescription assistance• Travel assistance• Nutritional supplements• Co-Pays and deductibles• Medical suppliesWithout you, none of this would have been possible. We may have identied an unmet need in the head and neck cancer care sphere, but your belief in us has changed the lives of patients and families all across our country.e list of people to thank is almost unending; our dedicated team in the oce, our Medical Advisory Board, our volunteers, our board of directors, our strategic partners and our donors. You make HNC Living Foundation. We’re proud to help you.With our deepest respect and admiration –Tom & TeresaOur Mission is to help head and neck cancer patients live life fully during and after 3

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OUR STORYCelebrating its 10th anniversary, HNC Living Foundation began when Teresa underwent treatment for squamous cell carcinoma in her jawbone. Aer discovering many fellow head and neck cancer patients faced more challenges related to their cancer, Teresa looked at Tom and said “We’ve got to do something about this!"e experience of her treatment's emotional, physical, and nancial toll inspired the Walshes to establish the foundation in December 2013. eir aim was to provide nancial aid to head and neck cancer patients, supporting their treatment, recovery, and overall quality of life.Obtaining nonprot status in July 2014, the foundation has since assisted over 4,700 patients with more than $3 million in aid.Teresa is now celebrating ten recovery fueled the Walshes' Witnessing the challenges faced by head and neck cancer patients during her treatment motivated them to create an organization addressing both HNC Living Foundation’s new Overland Park oce is home to six full-time sta members and oers elegant meeting spaces for donors and grant-makers.

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Your unwavering support, generosity, and commitment have enabled us to make a profound impact on the lives of countless individuals facing head and neck cancer.Over the past decade, we have achieved remarkable milestones, providing essential nancial assistance for critical needs. Our mission to improve the quality of life for those aected by head and neck cancer has been greatly enriched by your compassion and dedication.As we look ahead, we are inspired by the possibilities that the next ten years hold. However, to continue our mission and reach even greater heights, we need your help. Our goal is to expand our support network, reach more patients, and provide even more comprehensive care. is is a pivotal moment for HNC Living Foundation, and we are asking you to join us in reaching our next milestone.Your contributions, whether through donations, volunteering, or spreading awareness, are crucial in helping us achieve our vision. Together, we can ensure that no one faces the challenges of head and neck cancer alone. With your help, we can continue to provide hope, support, and essential resources to patients and their families for the next decade and beyond.With heartfelt appreciation,Daniee PuzioCEO, HNC Living FoundationDEAR FRIENDS AND SUPPORTERS,As we reect on the incredible journey of HNC Living Foundation, I am lled with immense gratitude for the community we have built together. Thank you for being an integral part of support makes a world are deeply grateful for continue this journey hope and healing to 

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A DECADE OF MILESTONES6June 2013Teresa Walsh Squamous Cell Carcinoma diagnosisJuly 14, 2014“We’re 501(c)3 ocial!”Fall 2015First grant given away toCancer ActionSpring 2015First MASKS for AIDfundraising event Up and to the right. That’s the trajectory of HNC Living Foundation since its inception in 2014 when Teresa Walsh uttered those now-famous words: “We have to do something.” Together with our generous founders, donors, partners, and sta, our organization has distributed over $3 million in assistance to deserving cancer patients and the medical community that supports them.Spring 2018First golf tournament hosted inSanta FeDecember 2013“Tom, we needto do somethingabout this!” -Teresa, seeing that some of her fellow patients were skipping treatments dueto the costs

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7Summer 2021First Delta Dental grant receivedWinter 2023Sets new record for annual fundraising!Spring 2020Adopted strategic grant guidelinesJanuary 2019Launched nationwideindividual patient careWinter 2018$1 million in grants distributedto patients!Spring 2022HNC Living Foundation growsto four full-time sta membersJanuary 2024HNC Living Foundation is in All 50 States!HNC Living Foundation served the rst of many patients from Utah, reaching the signicant milestone of helping in all 50 states!Our Next 10 YearsWhile we're thrilled by this rst decade of milestones, we know the HNC Living Foundation story is far from nished. With your nancial support, this organization can grow into the philanthropic exemplar that head and neck cancer patients so desperately need.Spring 2018We awarded our rst individual grant, marking the beginning of our mission to help patients in need.

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To date, we have provided more than $3 million to directly improve the lives of people living with head and neck cancers.We provide nancial support for individuals during their treatment and recovery, funding the following vital services: • Medical expenses and copays not covered by insurance• Patient-centered specialized therapies that aid in recovery• Transportation to and from appointments• Medical supplies needed for recovery• Dental services • Nutritional supplements and meal replacements • MedicationWHAT WE DO8Make your impact today.Visit

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8 from 6 donors across 36,214 days of nutrition provided for patients 8,158 critical dental services paid4,700 total patients served across 50 states42,031 paid trips for cancer treatmentOver $3M in distributions to patients9,249 days worth of prescriptionsOUR IMPACT9

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The members of our Medical Advisory Board are specialists in the field of oral and head and neck cancer. Their leadership, expertise, and first-hand experience with patient treatment is a valuable resource for HNC Living Foundation and its Board of Directors. With their counsel, we grant funds to proven programs and treatments best suited to benefit head and neck cancer patients.Dr. Brian BurkeyMD, FACSDr. Mark S. ChambersD.M.D, M.D.Dr. D. Gregory FarwellFACSDr. Dennis KrausMD, FACSDr. Bill LydiattMDDr. Terrance T. TsueMD, FACSDr. Bruce CummingsD.D.SMEDICALADVISORY BOARDOur Board of Directors comprises accomplished professionals who are passionate about helping fulfill our purpose and mission. Our Board is responsible for all decisions related to organizational grant funding and financial assistance for individuals. They guide our leadership team and ensure we’re accountable to our donors, partner organizations, and patients.Thomas J. WalshTeresa WalshDr. Terry Tsue, MD, FACSRachel CannonBrad ScottKristin TysonBill WhiteJanice BenjaminBanks FloodmanMandy RoeGail GottliebDebby EasumMonica Nguyen-FrancisCURRENT BOARDOF DIRECTORS10

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impact on the quality of life; the high rates of depression and anxiety Dr. Bi Lydia100% Board Giving Rate$509K in Board Donations11

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Dr. Karl Frees, Grant Committee VolunteerAs an oral cancer survivor, Karl was part of a video presentation for the rst Masks For Aid event in 2015. It was a transformative experience that gave him a sense of agency over his cancer. Once Laura, Karl’s wife, and Karl, became more acquainted with the work of HNC Living, they continued attending Masks for Aid events to help support the foundation’s wonderful work on behalf of head and neck cancer patients. In 2018 Karl joined the grant review committee. Now Karl is one of our longest-tenured volunteers. For him, being able to work with the talented and tireless foundation sta has been amazing. “I have had a front-row seat to the huge and positive impact HNC Living has made in the lives of so many cancer patients, survivors, and their families. HNC Living is quite simply the only way some cancer patients can get their treatment started, and HNC continues to be there for them with ongoing support to help restore them to the best health and wellbeing possible. It’s not just about the funds made available to them; it is the kindness, the compassion, the care that every one at HNC extends to every person they help.Gifts of Time and TreasureOUR DEDICATED VOLUNTEERSDr. Mike Dix, Grant Committee Volunteer Tom and Teresa Walsh have had the same dental provider for a number of years who they respected and trusted. As Teresa became suspicious of a spot in her mouth, her dental provider Dr. Mike Dix, DDS referred her to specialist after specialist to help her find out more about what would later be diagnosed as squamous cell carcinoma.As the Walshes created plans to find a way to help patients facing the overwhelming financial burden of head and neck cancer, they enlisted the help of friends, family, and expert providers to build a robust agency to serve today’s patient. Dr. Dix was one of the first friends of the foundation— volunteering his time and knowledge to assist on the grants review committee. In , Dr. Dix became even more familiar with the struggles of head and neck cancer, as he faced his own thyroid cancer diagnosis. Today, Dr. Dix is a longtime friend, volunteer, donor, and advocate of the mission. a growing network of volunteers with a deep 12If you would like to volunteer in patient care, event planning, or HNC operations, please write to us at

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Partner SpotlightDELTA DENTALIf the telltale sign of a life lived fully is a smile, then we can imagine no better partners than our friends at Delta Dental, who have restored 435 smiles across 12 states since our partnership's inception. e dental issues caused by head and neck cancers are oen not covered by insurance, yet the problems can be among the most psychologically severe for patients whose appearances can undergo drastic changes from the disease. We are deeply grateful for Delta Dental's generosity and friendship over the years.-Dean Newton, Chief Executive Ocer of Delta Dental of Kansas13435 patients served5,014 servicescovered11.5 average services per patient$1,339,000 total grants awarded12 states served through partnerships

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Member SpotlightPatient SpotlightMONICA NGUYEN-FRANCISMANDY LINNEBURMonica Nguyen-Francis joined HNC Living Foundation’s Board in 2020. Her rst engagement with HNC Living Foundation was in 2018 as a donor at MASKS for AID. Eight months later, Monica learned rsthand how head and neck Cancer devastates a family. Her father Tony was diagnosed with stage 4-A squamous cell carcinoma of the mouth. As a patient-advocate, Monica adds valuable perspective on patient needs as well as the benets HNC Living provides. Monica’s father Tony received transportation and equipment support from HNC Living Foundation, and it thrills us to report that Tony has now been cancer free since 2019.A wry grin spreads across Mandy Linnebur’s face as she whoops and waves a three-foot-tall poster of her daughter Kaylee high overhead. It’s Senior Night at Ozark High School, and the star goalkeeper shoots back a sheepish glance from the eld that every mom knows: “C’mon, Mom…”In truth, Kaylee’s grateful for the opportunity to be a little embarrassed. Mandy’s attendance at this particular Senior Night – and the big smile that now drapes her face most days – were not always assured. Mandy was diagnosed with Squamous Cell Carcinoma when Kaylee was a freshman and her older sister, Kenzie, was a senior in high school. At her family’s nudging on anksgiving, Mandy made an appointment to have what she thought was a nagging strep throat evaluated. 14

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Within days, she and her husband of 21 years, Brandon, were preparing for surgery – and the beginning of what would be a very dicult road. “I had a neck dissection to remove over 40 lymph nodes as well as a radical tonsillectomy, which involved removing most of the inside of my throat,” Mandy remembers. “en, I had proton radiation every day, ve days per week for six weeks.” ose treatments were in St. Louis, Mo. – four hours from the family home and the beautiful, faith-lled life her and Brandon had built together. Layer in the Covid pandemic’s travel and visitation restrictions and this was an impossibly dicult, lonely, and stressful time for the Linnebur family. “For the rst few hours of her surgery I was getting regular updates from the doctor,” Brandon remembered. “And then they stopped. at’s when it sunk in that I could be alone with the girls. e stress of holding the family together, traveling to see Mandy, ensuring my girls had everything they needed – it was a lot."ankfully the Linneburs had silent friends in thebackground – the HNC Living Foundation. “HNC Living Foundation took care of everything for us,” Mandy remembered. “ey paid for our travel and lodging during my treatments, all of that expensive dental work, everything. ey even helped place me with a Nurse Navigator.”“I don’t even remember seeing a bill,” Brandon said.Today, Mandy is cancer free. And while she still has severe trismus because of the surgeries and proton radiation, the gratitude and quiet presence she now feels doing “normal” things with her family brings immense peace. HNC Living Foundation has provided thousands of families like the Linneburs the nancial and emotional support they need to focus exclusively on their recovery. 8 expensive dental services like Mandy's 15Make a gift today at every goalie deserves to see Mom on Senior Night.

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Patient SpotlightCHRISTIE ARNOLDGlass of rosé in hand, Christie Arnold smiles as she thinks about her recent ve-year clean PET scan. ese peaceful days were impossibly hard earned. At the age of 40, Christie found herself grappling with a challenging cancer diagnosis that led to 37 radiation treatments and three cisplatin chemotherapy sessions. She was constantly in pain, lled with fatigue, and distressed by the skin sores that emerged from her many treatments. As Christie looks back, she emphasizes the importance of proactive pain management, ensuring adequate nutrition, and maintaining a positive mindset for expediting the healing process. Her words carry the weight of experience as she encourages others not to endure the treatment’s challenges in silence.HNC Living Foundation entered Christie’s life aer the completion of her treatments, providing a crucial lifeline where Wyoming’s aercare programs were notably lacking. With her additional medical costs and transportation expenses covered, Christie was able to focus exclusively on her recovery.Celebrating a recent ve-year clear PET scan, Christie’s journey also witnessed a remarkable 16

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Patient Spotlightrecovery in her kidneys, progressing from level four to level two aer the cisplatin treatments weakened them. Since working with HNC Living Foundation, Christie has moved to Florida which has brought new friends, a fullling career, and a profound appreciation for life. rough her journey, Christie has emerged not just as a survivor but as someone who seeks to make a positive impact on others facing the challenges of this type of cancer. Her newfound purpose revolves around helping those who tread a similar path, a testament to the strength that can be found in overcoming adversity. HNC Living Foundation played a pivotal role in her story, highlighting the importance of support networks for patients living with head and neck cancer and the aer aects that come with it.17“I can’t encourage people strongly enough to donate to this wonderful organization. No matter if your contribution is big or small, I assure you its impact will be lasting.” Donate today at

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Katie Drablos is a professional dancer and choreographer in New York City who battled tongue cancer at 34 years old. In 2023, HNC Living asked Katie Drablos to join us for MASKS for AID as a dancer and swily became a cherished friend and dedicated supporter of the HNC Living Foundation. To honor her third year cancer diagnosis anniversary, she organized a benet show called "Only the Best" to raise funds and awareness for HNC Living Foundation. We’re thrilled Katie is again bringing her talents to the 2024 Masks for Aid event in Kansas City.Tragedy to TriumphCELEBRATING COURAGE BEHIND THE MASKMASKS for Aid is the inspiring brainchild of our founder, Teresa. Radiation masks for head and neck cancer patients are the resulting artifacts of a brutal process. Patients are bolted to a table and unable to move for several hours while being tted. Katie Drablos,Dancer and Survivor18

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One day, Teresa decided to ip the script; aer all, what better way to restore the power for which cancer robs so many than to create a beautiful work of art?Since its inception in 2015, the Masks for Aid fundraising event has become a signature annual gathering for HNC Living Foundation. With an average attendance of more than 200 guests, the event has grown into a highly anticipated occasion that not only entertains but also serves a critical purpose – raising more than $3.1 million for HNC Living Foundation. e event showcases the artistic talents of the community, featuring stunning mask designs that symbolize resilience and hope in the face of this challenging disease. 19

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Sydney Romero and Alyssa Lavelle, Director of Marketing and Special Events, HNC Living Foundationgrateful for the contributions What no one could prepare her for was the decade-long battle her father, Mike, endured with head and neck cancer. Mike underwent extensive chemotherapy and radiation for Stage 3 tongue cancer but eventually doctors ordered a neck dissection where more than 30 nodes were removed. Like many other head and neck cancer patients, feeding restrictions, breathing diculties, and extensive medical treatments became his new norm.HNC Living Foundation is grateful for the contributions of Sydney and her siblings via the Athletes Unlimited Soball organization, which donated 100% of her end-of-season bonus to the non-prot of her choice. Because of people like the Romeros, the next family who is dealt this heartbreaking hand will have the nancial resources they need to focus exclusively on recovery. Mike fought valiantly for 12 years before his passing earlier this year. e entire HNC Living Foundation extends its heartfelt condolences to Sydney and her siblings, Sierra, Sophia, and Mikey, and Mike’s wife, Melissa.Two-time NCAA National Champion and 2020 Olympic softball star Sydney Romero was always prepared to overcome adversity on the diamond.Remembering Mike RomeroSOFTBALL STAR SUPPORTS HNC20

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raised $88 and hosted over Putt With PurposeANNUAL GOLF TOURNAMENTExclusively invitation-based, this annual gathering unfolds at prestigious golf clubs that oer participants a can't-miss experience. Unlike other charity tournaments, ours is marked by fast-paced gameplay, spirited competition, and unique wrinkles that ensure +8 and +28 handicaps, alike, have a great time.Post tournament, attendees convene for a social networking hour, which provides a platform for meaningful connections and a deeper understanding of our mission.e event seamlessly weaves together high-quality golng, competition, and a commitment to the foundation's cause, making e Annual HNC Living Foundation Golf Invitational a standout aair that not only generates funds but also heightens awareness for the foundation's ongoing support for those aected by head and neck cancer.Since its inception in 2018, The Annual HNC Living Foundation Golf Invitational has quickly evolved into one of our premier fundraising events. 21If you want to make an impact with our patients, visit

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Praise For HNC Living Foundation’s Mounting SupportTHE MANY FACES OF HEAD AND NECK CANCER“People who have not had issues with cancer and their teeth really don’t understand what this diagnosis does to their self esteem. Without this grant, I don’t know what I would have done!”- Kristina B.“I can’t tell you know much we appreciate your help. My brother was able to get dental quickly, so he was able to quickly start his radiation.”-Anita M.“I often cry, not tears of sadness or depression, but tears because my heart is so greatly touched by the kindness of HNC Living Foundation and its people.” -Donna W.22

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