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Dr Michael Berenbaum esteemed Holocaust Scholar and Project Director for the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum acted as a consultant to ShadowLight He recently stated at USHMM function unfortunately the lessons of the Holocaust are becoming more and more relevant as time passes we have to be ever more vigilant LEADERSHIP GIFTS AS OF 4 20 22 IGNITERS OF THE FLAME Karp Family Foundation Dana Jonathan Keller Impactful Feedback about KEEPERS OF THE FLAME Julie Mark Kaufman Halpert Family Fund CARRIERS OF THE FLAME ShadowLight helps students understand the dangers of indifference the dangers of hatred the dangers of prejudice and to know they have a responsibility to stand up to evil in whatever form it may take Maureen Holtzer Holocaust Elective Teacher Palm Beach Central High School INSIDE FLAP ShadowLight is the future of Holocaust Education more powerful than a textbook or a video shown in class This immersive and engaging exhibit empowers students to keep moving the memories of the Holocaust forward by reaching the students on an emotional level to ensure they never forget Kimberly Coombs Holocaust Program Planner K 12 Palm Beach County School District ShadowLight willTESTIMONIALS reach more young people through this transformational exhibit that helps hit home the important lessons of the Holocaust Antisemitism on the rise Holocaust education is a necessity in the fight against and prevention of antisemitism and hate Michael Levitt President and CEO Friends of the Simon Wiesenthal Center Canada The combination of academic knowledge and its application to the real world is what connected with all kids Our school is very diverse and every student was impacted by the exhibit Darren Edgecomb Principal Palm Beach Central High School ShadowLight gave me the opportunity to not only reflect on my own feelings but to witness how it affected many of the other students I highly recommend ShadowLight to anyone who can experience it Jordan Fox Student Palm Beach Central High School ShadowLight is an up close personal and unique way to experience Holocaust history While one can never fully comprehend the full extent of the horror that Holocaust survivors and victims went through this provides the participant a glimpse into the experience Robert Tanen community leader in connecting holocaust history to the Present Anonymous Ruth Bell Robert Beren Irma Blauner Nancy Jack Cook Marjorie Norman Feinstein Kelly Jerry Warsaw Penny Herb Wender Hope for Humanity Chairs Nancy Cook Judy Karp Kelly Warsaw BACK Planning COMMITTEE as of 4 21 22 Judy Auerbach Adamo Carol Adelson Ann Barth Ruth Bell Marilyn Blank Irma Blauner Julie Buckner Joann Chasen Marion Fainman Suzanne Fanaroff Marjorie Feinstein Betsy Joseph David Karp Cathy Katz Julie Kaufman Dana Keller Susan Kline Elaine Lewis Helene Lewis Debbie Mann Jeff Mann Anita Naftaly Laura Perlman Mikki Rocker Carole Rosen Fali Rubinstein Abby Shumacher Nancy Shuman Wendy Tulman Bonnie Youngentob BLURBS ABOUT INSIGHT IS GRATEFUL FOR THE SUPPORT OF Kimberly Coombs Maureen Holtzer Student Docents Jordan Fox SHADOWLIGHT Taryn Giel Gabriela Manzano Giselle Pineda BallenIsles Country Management Team The School District of Palm Beach County toand Donate JordanaHow Lebowitz the ShadowLight Team direct to website For more information insightthrougheducation org Not for profit info inSIGHT S MISSION is to fund educational grants and programming for teachers and students of Palm Beach County and surrounding communities to inspire and teach lessons learned from the Holocaust and genocides worldwide to recognize and oppose hatred and bigotry and to encourage acceptance and respect for all inSIGHT Through Education Inc Shadowlight Present Hope for HumanitY BACK LOGO HOPE FOR HUMANITY BRANDING IMAGE COMING TO PALM BEACH Arriving to COUNTY SCHOOLS AND THE P aCOMMUNITY l m B e a c h CFEBRUARY o u n t y S c2023 hools the Community February 2023 INSIGHT THROUGH EDUCATION INC AND SHADOWLIGHT ARE NOT FOR PROFIT 501 C 3 ORGANIZATIONS A COPY OF THE OFFICIAL REGISTRATION AND FINANCIAL INFORMATION MAY BE OBTAINED FROM THE DIVISION OF CONSUMER SERVICES BY CALLING TOLL FREE 1 800 435 7352 OR VISITING WWW 800HELPFLA COM REGISTRATION DOES NOT IMPLY ENDORSEMENT APPROVAL OR RECOMMENDATION BY THE STATE FLORIDA REGISTRATION CH34845 INSIGHT EIN 27 3388434 SHADOWLIGHT EIN61 1901919 in partnership with

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SPARK THE FLAME TO EDUCATE The time is NOW SHADOWLIGHT A powerful 360 exhibit set inside a replica World War II boxcar bringS history to life Shares the stories of two survivors and key events of the Holocaust Teaches Holocaust lessons via WWII artifacts and a multi sensory exhibition that engages students intellectually and emotionally Empowers students with information to become Upstanders not Bystanders Igniter of the Flame 10 000 Bring Hope to Humanity to 1 000 students Invitation to Private Pre Event Reception on April 26th Recognition on exterior of the boxcar in 2023 and all future inSIGHT ShadowLight boxcar exhibitions Inclusion in public relations and marketing materials to include press release brochure signage program and website Keeper of the Flame 5 000 9 999 Bring Hope to Humanity to 500 students Invitation to Private Pre Event Reception on April 26th Recognition on the boxcar in February 2023 Inclusion on public relations and marketing materials to include press release brochure signage program and website Carrier of the Flame 2 500 4 999 Bring Hope to Humanity to 250 students Invitation to Private Pre Event Reception on April 26th Recognition on the boxcar in February 2023 Recognition on brochure signage program and website Minder of the Flame 1 000 2 499 Bring Hope to Humanity to 100 students Invitation to Private Pre Event Reception on April 26th Recognition on signage and website Innovative and compelling ways are needed to share the true facts and unthinkable reality of the Holocaust and its critical lessons Incidents of antisemitism hate and violence are at an all time high NEVER AGAIN has become NEVER IS NOW Fewer and fewer survivors are able to tell their stories firsthand inSIGHT Through Education Inc PO Box 33054 Palm Beach Gardens FL 33420 info insightthrougheducation org Stoker of the Flame up to 999 Recognition at the April 26th event and on website Be a part of making this project happen VISIT insightthrougheducation org OR RETURN A PLEDGE CARD SURVIVOR DEDICATION Honor H or memorialize M Survivors by having their named appear on the boxcar during the inSIGHT ShadowLight partnership in 2023 Each survivor listing is 360 If you would like inSIGHT to send a card to a Survivor you are honoring or the family of a survivor you are memorializing please email all info to hopeforhumanity insightthrougheducation org All donations will be used to bring ShadowLight to Palm Beach County Schools Any donations above the amount required will be used to fulfill our commitment to the PBCSD

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