Community Sub-hubsGlobal ChallengesAccountability GroupCreator’s LabDocumentary & DiscussionCommunity ConversationsMonthly Networking............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................MEMBERSTable of ContentsOPEN TO EVERYONEFlight Club Annual Retreat Launch AcademyGrowth AcademyGURU'sBiz Acceleration ExpoStrategic PlanningArt Exhibit............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................478910101114171718192021HERAHUB.COMi
WATCH VIDEOIntroduction HERAHUB.COMiiOur members have access to in-person events and onlineprogramming – for accountability, mentoring, masterminding,education, and networking.
WATCH VIDEOPublic Benefit CorporationHERAHUB.COMAs of January 2019, Hera Hub, the first international, female-focusedcoworking space is thrilled to announce it is now an official BenefitCorporation. Since its inception, Hera Hub has served as both a resourceand built-in community for women-owned businesses.This transition realigns Hera Hub’s continued commitment to their missionto provide support to women in the launch and growth of theirbusinesses. For more information visit: herahub.com/benefit-corporationiii
4HERAHUB.COMCommunity Sub-HubsSub-Hubs are global groups within Hera Hub that meet conveniently online toleverage the community’s collective expertise nationwide.Each Sub-Hub is equipped with a unique roadmap of pertinent business topicsand working sprints for its specific business category. The one-hour facilitateddiscussions are led by a fellow Hera Hub member in an area of their expertise.Members meet monthly to engage in conversations, learn tools forentrepreneurship and self-growth, get accountability in implementation of lessonslearned, and stay informed on important business topics.Regular meetings support consistent growth for entrepreneurs on a timeline that isrealistic for integrating new findings into their businesses. Designed in the spirit ofcommunity, members are provided with space and opportunity for continuedlearning within a specific Sub-Hub, while building connections with like-mindedentrepreneurs. All members are encouraged to participate in Sub-Hubs, both asparticipants and as presenters.WATCH VIDEO
HERAHUB.COM5Sales Support Sub-HubThe Sales Support Sub-Hub is a dynamic group designed to empower entrepreneurs tomaster the art of sales. Through a series of engaging workshops, interactive activities, andpeer-to-peer learning, members will learn best practices in crafting compelling offers,building high-performing sales funnels, delivering persuasive pitches, and closing moredeals. This supportive environment will provide the tools, strategies, and confidenceneeded to achieve sales success and scale your business.Marketing Sub-HubThe Marketing Sub-Hub supports members in marketing-related fields as well as thosewho are focused on marketing their own businesses. This is a focused marketing discussionon various marketing-related topics. During this roundtable discussion, members areencouraged to provide tips, ask questions, or share ideas related to the week’s theme.Speakers Sub-HubThe Coaches and Wellness Practitioners Sub-Hub is a supportive group designed toempower members who work with others in a coaching, guidance, or teaching capacity.Whether you’re a life coach, a wellness practitioner, a business trainer, or an educator,this Sub-Hub offers strategies to build a thriving practice. Members will learn to definetheir niche, craft compelling brand stories, attract ideal clients, create high-impactcontent, and deliver transformative experiences.Coaches & Wellness Practitioners Sub-HubThe Speakers Sub-Hub is a safe space for members to practice public speaking anddevelop the mindset, skill set, and habits to boost their communication confidence sothey can speak with power and impact and move people to take action wheneverthey speak. Members meet monthly for a mix of coaching, training, role play, andsmall and full group conversation. Welcome to any member who wants to usespeaking to grow their business on stage or virtually.AI Enthusiasts Sub-HubThe AI Enthusiasts Sub-Hub is dedicated to empowering members with the knowledgeand tools to leverage Artificial Intelligence (AI) for their small businesses. Membersexplore AI concepts, discover AI tools, and learn how to apply AI to enhance theirproductivity, improve customer service, and drive business growth. The Sub-Hubfosters a supportive environment for members to connect, learn from each other, andthrive in the evolving AI landscape.
HERAHUB.COM6Business Foundations Sub-HubThe Business Foundations Sub-Hub is designed to equip entrepreneurs with essentialknowledge in small business operations and finance. Some themes we will cover: developeffective operational strategies, understand your business finances, learn best practicesfor sustainable growth. These meetings will foster accountability, empowering members tobuild a solid foundation for their businesses.Non-Profit Connection Sub-HubThe Nonprofit Connection Sub-Hub is for members who work in nonprofits or whoprimarily serve nonprofits, and provides a space to meet with others involved in thenonprofit sector. It is an opportunity to exchange resources, discuss best practices, andmake referrals when the time is right. The meetings are a collaborative effort that can beshaped into what is most valuable and useful to the members of the group.Young Professionals Sub-HubThe Young Professionals Sub-Hub is specifically designed to support “younger”members as the current generation of growing professionals – whether beginningtheir career or on an entrepreneurial path. The meeting is a focused, roundtablediscussion with the aim to reduce stress, develop confidence, and educate each otherwhile exploring relevant topics. Through the unique lens of the young professional,members are encouraged to provide tips, ask questions, or share ideas related to theweek’s theme.Wellness Sub-HubThe Wellness Sub-Hub offers our hard-working members the opportunity to besupported in regards to their wellbeing, so that they can continue to thrive in both lifeand work. We lift up members who are coaches, practitioners, and counselors to leadothers through learning and/or exercises in wellness.Job Search Accountability GroupThis is a job search accountability group with members of the Hera Hub community.The goal is to help and support each other in our job searching journey!Visit for more information: herahub.com/subhubs
HERAHUB.COM7WATCH VIDEOGlobal ChallengesHera Hub hosts several Global Challenges throughout the year, focusingon the all-important goal of working “on” your business versus “in” yourbusiness. Challenge themes include Content Development, Marketing,Writing, and Sales, and the duration of each ranges from 2 to 6 weeks,depending on the topic. Each Challenge is conducted through a privateFacebook event through which participating members are encouraged tointroduce themselves and their businesses, seek support for their goals, andshare wins. Not only do our Global Challenges provide the accountabilitythat entrepreneurs need to move their businesses forward, but they are awonderful opportunity for members across locations to get to know eachother’s businesses and connect.
HERAHUB.COM8Accountability GroupOne of the biggest challenges for an entrepreneur is accountability. Thereare a variety of groups to meet members’ needs – weekly, monthly, onlineand in-person at each Hera Hub location. Everyone attending has anopportunity to share what they are working on, what they want to committo, and to ask for support and resources.
HERAHUB.COM9Have you been putting off creating that new project and proposal,creating meaningful content, or writing that blog, book, bio, web or salescopy? Creators’ Lab is the perfect solution to setting time aside to getthese goals accomplished. We carve out the time that is required tocreate, and in a comfortable, supportive environment with a sense ofaccountability. This event is designed for members who want to get thework done. Hosted for a 1.5-hour block once a month (and sometimesweekly!), we encourage our members to bring their lunches and laptopsinto the conference room, catch up with one another, bounce ideas off thegroup, and then get some work done. From full-time authors to businessbloggers to the everyday entrepreneur, everyone can benefit fromattending!Creators’ Lab
HERAHUB.COM10Documentary & DiscussionA place to learn about and engage with various topics, such as education,the environment, and generational wellness. The aim is to connect with thecommunity through informative and inspiring experiences. We gather towatch a talk or short documentary, and then discuss our responses andthoughts on the topic. It is free and open to members and their invitedguests. Popcorn and beverages provided!Community ConversationsA safe space to give attention to important topics, such as women’s health,building confidence, and the loneliness epidemic. The aim is to create aspace where we can lean on the community to listen and lift each otherup. We listen within the member community to identify a timely topic,present relevant information, and engage together through exercisesand/or discussions.
HERAHUB.COMWATCH VIDEO11Monthly NetworkingHappy Hours & LunchesEvery month, members have an opportunity to connect face-to-face withothers at either our member-only Happy Hour or Lunch (alternates monthly).Food and drink are provided. We like to mix things up to provide a varietyof experiences, so monthly events could be in our space or at an outsidevenue or even the outdoors! In addition to our bi-annual BusinessAcceleration Expo, the annual Hera Heroine Awards, and a ThanksgivingPotluck, here are examples of recent monthly events:Mastermind for a local nonprofitSalsa Dancing LessonsCanyon HikeFamily Game Night
HERAHUB.COMWATCH VIDEOFlight Club Annual RetreatEach year Felena Hanson takes a select group of women on a uniqueadventure to places that allow them to step out of their business and painta picture of an ideal future. These 4-day – 14-day retreats are an exclusiveopportunity to really take your business to the next level.The inaugural Flight Club retreat took place in Greece (2015). Since then,retreats have taken place all over the world… in Sweden, Italy, BritishColumbia, etc. Every year we adventure to a new place!14
Join us this September 14-20, 2025 in Algarve Coast, Portugal for anenriching adventure and business retreat! The Algarve coast in southern Portugal is one of Europe’s most sought-aftertravel destinations, known for its stunning natural beauty, mild climate, andrich cultural heritage. Stretching along the Atlantic Ocean, the region offersa diverse landscape of dramatic cliffs, golden beaches, turquoise waters,picturesque fishing villages, and charming towns, making it a paradise fornature lovers, history enthusiasts, and those seeking relaxation alike.We will celebrate our success as we relax over beautiful scenery, bond, andsupport each other in visioning our future. This adventure will give you all thetools and training you need to make your business THRIVE, while alsoconnecting with other amazing women!Go beyond inspired… you’ll walk away with a step-by-step action plan forthe upcoming year!Spots are limited. Please fill out this application to be considered -www.HeraHub.com/FlightClub2025 Flight Club 2025 – Algarve Coast,PortugalHERAHUB.COM15
HERAHUB.COMThis 9-week accelerator program guides small business owners through thesteps needed to scale their business. In addition to going through the GrowthAcademy eCourse, the cohort will meet with the instructor, via Zoom, for twohours of classroom time each week. This time will be used to brainstormideas, receive feedback, bring in guest experts, and build a communityamong the participants.Each week participants will complete one step of the growth process andwill be required to submit checkpoint questions before moving to the nextstep. These will be collected in a shared document for reference. Thecapstone will require each participant to create and present a pitch to aninvestor, bank, or strategic growth partner. Learn more atLaunchAndGrow.org.Growth Academy17This 9-week business accelerator guides participants through the 17foundational steps of business building. The program includes customerdiscovery, business model canvas, naming, licensing & permits, banking &credit card set-up, record keeping, entity set-up, tax set-up, pricing,branding, marketing plan, online presence, contracts, insurance, team,systems & organization, financial projections, and one-page businessplan.The cohort meets with the facilitator, via Zoom, for two hours ofclassroom time each week. This time will be used to brainstorm ideas,receive feedback, leverage guest experts, and build a communityamong the participants. Learn more at LaunchAndGrow.org.Launch Academy
GURUsHERAHUB.COMHera Hub GURUs are subject matter experts who donate their time to meetone-on-one with both members and non-members to answer questions theymay have on a variety of topics related to their field. We have GURUS in avariety of fields, including Marketing, Branding, Finance, Taxes, Law, HumanResources, Grant Funding and more!Think of it like “office hours” with your professor. GURU hours are awonderful way to get free advice from business experts. You can drop byHera Hub during the posted GURU hours, or contact the GURU in advanceto make an appointment. Please check www.HeraHub.com/gurus to seedetails on what’s offered at the location nearest you.WATCH VIDEO18
HERAHUB.COMBusiness AccelerationExpo & Open HouseSet your business up for success and prepare to take flight with thisresource-packed biannual event. Open to both members and non-members, this free event is geared toward female entrepreneurs and smallbusiness owners who are tired of going it alone and looking for a supportivecommunity of inspired and driven entrepreneurs. Our Business AccelerationExpo is an action-packed day of open office hours, workshops, mentoring,coworking and relationship building that will take your business to a higher,more productive and more profitable level. Lunch is provided.19
HERAHUB.COM20WATCH VIDEOStrategic Planning DayThis 8 hour workshop will help you build a visual road-map for the next 12months to think bigger and identify the resources you need to make yourgoals a reality. Open to both members and non-members.The workshop is for women who:• Find it challenging to carve out the time to really build a strategic plan• Want some guidance on next steps and future direction• Are ready to take their business to the next level!Get first-hand experience from past participants – watch this video.
Art Gallery andArt ReceptionsHERAHUB.COMHera Hub is proud to support local female artists by displaying their workfor several months throughout our space. We host a formal openingreception shortly after each exhibition is installed. This evening event isopen to the public and gives the local community the opportunity to meetand interact with the artist(s).All of the artwork is for sale and is available to be viewed Monday – Fridayfrom 9am – 5pm. Stay tuned for our new page featuring our currentlyfeatured artists and their works available to purchase at Hera Hub!21WATCH VIDEO
H E R A H U B . C O M22WATCH VIDEOThank you!
H E R A H U B . C O M23CONTACT USC O N T A C T U SWe would love to hear fromyou. Please fill out the formbelow and we will get back toyou.L A U N C H AH E R A H U BHera Hub is expandingnationally and internationallythrough a licensing model.LEARN MORE