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HE is Hope Magazine | Dr. Alveda King

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I grew up in the hood in southern California where I was a minority. What did we all have in common? We were poor,living in rough neighborhoods, and most of us were on food stamps. I lived in the hood with most of the people aroundme being Hispanic, Asian, and Black. I grew up that way and made great friends that I still stay in touch with today. Yes,we had gang bangers going to school with us and it wasn’t safe to go to the restroom by yourself in many of the schools Iattended. I was taught how to protect myself and what situations to avoid. You learn how to stay out of trouble fast,and who to steer clear of. Lots of fights at the school with knives and even guns. One of my friends got shot and killedin front of my high school, the bullet was meant for his brother who was in a gang. Our high school was in the middle oftwo gangs that put graffiti everywhere and were constantly fighting. Drive-by shootings were familiar, and we knew whatareas to stay out of the way of stray bullets. I was born and raised in this environment, so it was normal to me, you learnto adapt. You also learn how to be sociable and even become friends with people who are different from you. It was funto learn about different cultures, food, languages, and customs. Growing up in rough neighborhoods in southernCalifornia prepared me for life to be congenial and get along with just about anyone. At 12 years old, I went to churchcamp and prayed to receive Jesus as my Lord and Savior. The Holy Spirit came inside of me and changed me! Now theHoly Spirt will not take over as we have free will. You must ask for the Holy Spirit to take over and we normally don’t dothis until we mature in our faith by seeking a relationship with God through Jesus Christ. At 18 years old, right out ofhigh school, I joined the ARMY. The ARMY breaks you down and then builds you up through basic training. BasicTraining is tough both mentally and physically and as you are going through this with other soldiers you form a bond. Ispent 4 years in the Army and 1 year in Iraq. It was the scariest time in my life as I was in a different country with scudmissiles falling out of the sky! They ARMY had successfully trained us to bond with each other so we will die for eachother. It doesn’t matter what color you are; we are SOLDIERS! To this day, I have stayed close over the years with myARMY friends.You must learn to have faith in others with faith in Him. This is by seeking a relationship with God, daily. Themore time you spend with God, the more you trust Him and want Him to change you to be more like HIM. Ioften pray for God to give me the strength with the power of the Holy Spirit inside me to love God and love myneighbor as myself. We are born into sin and as little children selfish and mean naturally. When the HolySpirit comes inside of us, we have the power to be loving and kind to everyone no matter who they are. Whenwe get SAVED, God changes us and continues to change us when we ask. He gives us the power to LOVE. Those who are SAVED are God’s children, brothers and sisters in Christ. Most of my friends are not white likeme and my closest friend of 22 years who is like a sister to me, is black. I love her as my family and don’t seeher color. My mentor of over 20 years is Asian. These are my sisters in Christ! We are all God’s childrenmade in His image and will someday be in heaven together outside of this earthly realm. I do not see color; Isee my brothers and sister in Christ. Satan comes to divide, don’t let him in!JenniferGod bless you,Jennifer Sheehan-Elsaesser A letter from JenniferFounder |

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My journey into the depths of darknessbegan when I transitioned out of the militaryinto civilian life, where I sought a brotherhoodthat resembled the military brotherhood. Ifound this with one of the world’s largest onepercent motorcycle clubs. Brothers that werewilling to die for you and truly loved andcared for you. In those days, my life wasmarked by violence, crime, and a constantstruggle for survival, but I didn’t want it anyother way. The bonds formed in thebrotherhood of the club were unlike any I hadever had, but they eventually started leadingme down a treacherous path that seemed tohave no way out.Amidst the chaos, a moment of claritypierced through the haze of my existence. Itwas a divine intervention, a revelation that Iwas meant for something greater than thedestructive path I had chosen.In the intricate tapestry of life, we often findourselves navigating through challengingcircumstances, sometimes making choicesthat lead us down a path of darkness.However, the power of redemption andtransformation is a testament to theboundless grace of the Lord. This is the storyof a former gang member who experienced aradical change, turning away from a life ofchaos to embrace the light of faith.While attending a veterans event in Texas,which, at the time, I didn’t realize was aChristian event, the Lord's grace touchedmy heart, planting the seeds oftransformation. I had a group of strongChristian men who were veterans startpraying over me, and when they anointedme with oil, I immediately felt all the oxygenin my lungs go rushing out, and this foreignliquid started running out of my eyes(tears). It was at that moment that I knewGod existed, and I needed to make animmediate change in my life.The journey of redemption andtransformation wasn't easy, but withunwavering faith, I began to distancemyself from the shackles of my past. Theteachings of the Bible provided a roadmapfor a renewed life filled with love,compassion, and forgiveness.I immediately approached my wife, whom Itold her when I met that I would never marryher or step foot in a church. When Iapproached her and told her that we neededto do this relationship the right way, God’sway, she almost passed out. She stated thatI looked and sounded completely different.FROM DARKNESS TO LIGHT: A TESTAMENT OFTRANSFORMATION As I embarked on this transformativejourney, the support of a loving Christiancommunity played a crucial role. Thefellowship, prayers, and encouragementreinforced my commitment to living a lifealigned with the teachings of Christ.THIS IS THE STORY OF A FORMER GANG MEMBER WHOEXPERIENCED A RADICAL CHANGE, TURNING AWAY FROM ALIFE OF CHAOS TO EMBRACE THE LIGHT OF FAITH.

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Even more, was that the brotherhood that I sostrongly sought was now in front of me. Thecommunity of veteran believers surrounded me andwalked alongside my family and me through thisnew session. One of the most profound lessons from my journeywas the power of forgiveness. Understanding thatforgiveness wasn’t about saying that whatever youdid, or someone else did to you, was okay, but thatyou aren’t going to let it dictate the way you act orprocess information anymore. As C.S. Lewis stated,“It’s unlocking the prison door to set someone free,just to realize that you were the prisoner the wholetime.” Having experienced the transformative power offaith, my mission became clear—to share the goodnews with others who were still trapped in thedarkness I had escaped. Being someone who is tattooed from head to toeand looks scary to most people, I knew the prisonsystem was where I was called to. I immediatelyenrolled in a chaplaincy program and, uponcompletion, went to the nearest facility to startministering, but the issue was that they didn’t knowme or want me to do ministry there. The oneopportunity that they did have was to teach a 62-year-old man who had been incarcerated his wholelife how to read. I didn’t think that this was what Ihad been called to do, but the Lord nudged me tomove forward. I was faithful with the one person heput in front of me, and then something amazingstarted to happen. The door opened to do a Bible study, then achurch service, then multiple church services,then new facilities started requesting services.Now, our ministry is in over 4,000 prisonfacilities, and we reach over 150,000 inmateseach week.My journey to become a follower of Christ is atestament to the redemptive power of faith.The Lord's grace transformed my life, offeringa path of light, love, and purpose. Throughforgiveness and reconciliation, I have beenable to be used in a mighty way for thekingdom of God, and I am excited for what isstill to come. BY JON MELANDER | PASTOR LIFE FELLOWSHIP CHURCHANNA, TEXAS

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“Don’t ever serve theDream more than youserve God.” —Author Unknownhe American Dream is for all Americans. It is up to our Christian communities toreconcile our differences in Christ. For too long the issue of racism has been anelephant in the room, and in our church pews.While as human beings, we are One Blood/One Human Race (Acts 17:26), I’d like totake this opportunity to reflect on the contributions of Black Americans throughoutour country’s history and our vibrant contributions to America’s national story. Alltoo often, these contributions have been erased from our annals of American history.I’d like to balance the scales. A little known truth, from building the White House toleading the Civil Rights Movement, our history is thoroughly engrained in Americanhistory. Black history IS American history, and America’s past is deeply interwovenwith the struggles and triumphs of Black Americans.The AmericanDream MUST be rooted in God. -Dr. Alveda KingThat is not to say that America’s treatment of her African American citizens hasalways been perfect, of course. Most Americans are well familiar with the evils of:slavery, segregation, redlining, second-class citizenship, and more. Yet, even thoughracism has been an ugly chapter in America’s history, the bigger story we should betelling is the story of why racism is ultimately incompatible with the ideals of theAmerican Dream and why it is antithetical to Christianity itself. America’s foundingpromise of “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness” fell short at the start. Initially,these principles only applied to certain groups, and others—such as women andAfrican Americans—were excluded from their opportunity to pursue the AmericanDream. However, a nation conceived in such principles could not endure such aglaring contradiction forever. It cost us bitter political divisions, a brutal and bloodyCivil War, and decades of activism, marching, peaceful protest, and prayer—butultimately, the prayers are being answered, and our dream of equality under the isbeing fulfilled.

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In the mid 20th century, my uncle, Rev. Dr.Martin Luther King, Jr., didn’t reject theprinciples of the American Founding—heembraced them. In his famous “I Have aDream Speech,” delivered at the steps ofthe Lincoln Memorial, he referred to theConstitution and the Declaration ofIndependence as our “promissory note towhich every American was to fall heir.”In his mind, our nation initially handedAfrican Americans a check marked“insufficient funds.” When it came toAmerica’s promise, the “magnificent wordsof the Constitution and the Declaration”ultimately held a “promise that all menwould be guaranteed” those sacred rightsenshrined in our Founding documents.My uncle knew that without a firmgrounding in the Christian faith, all of ourprogress toward racial equality wouldultimately be impossible. Christianityaffirms the very principles that lead to arejection of institutional racism—andindeed, without a Christian worldview,these principles of liberty and equality willlikely never seen the full light of day.The Bible teaches us that we are all God’schildren, made in His own image andlikeness. This teaching reminds us that weare all first and foremost brothers andsisters in Christ, regardlessof our skin tone. Christianity also teachesus to see this inherent value in everyindividual and that this spark of life fromour shared Creator infuses us all with ashared human dignity that no man cantake away.The African American heroes who haveled and still lead the fight for equality relyon these principles in making their pitchto the American public. They also rely onGod’s grace for strength, wisdom, andcourage to press on in their pursuit ofequality.In many cases—as in my uncle's—thisreliance leads to the ultimate sacrifice.“Greater love has no one than this: to laydown one’s life for one’s friends,” theBook of John tells us. And indeed, manyAfrican Americans have been called tomake that ultimate sacrifice of love, andthey answer the call in the same way asgenerations of holy men and women havebefore them.Today, not everyone understands what ittakes to achieve and maintain true racialequality. Many voices in government, themedia, and academia want to revive anolder erroneous understanding; aa fatalerror. They say that we are divided byskin color, gender, religion, and everyother fault line they can exploit.We are indeed the one-blood human race, andtherefore, skin-color racism has no place in oursociety!

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Such a false identity-race basedideology—only serves to separate usfrom each other. Rather thanemphasizing our shared brotherhoodand sisterhood in Christ and ourcommon identity as American citizens,this new ideology teaches us that oursociety is broken into a class ofoppressors and oppressed and that weare not brothers and sisters in Christ; butrather political enemies set in never-ending opposition to each other. Whatthese voices fail to understand is thatthey are undermining the very principlesthat gained Black Americans equality inthe first place. When you removeChristianity from the public square andreject the principles of the AmericanFounding, you are removing the basis ofequality itself.This has never been my uncle's strategy, nor thestrategy that won us the Civil Rights movement in the20th century. Our forefathers understood that byrejecting these truths, any progress that BlackAmericans achieved would not last—it COULD not last.Without grounding our demands for equality in God’sultimate and unchanging truth, our rights would beforever subject to the political whims of the day, andequality could be here one day and gone the next.The reality is that if we want to end ournational divisions and our politicalconflicts and come together as one unitedpeople, we need to EMBRACE the truths ofthe Christian faith—not reject them. Of course, racism still exists in Americansociety today. Hatred has always existed inthe human heart and will continue untilChrist Himself returns to earth in thefullness of His glory. But each of us cannonetheless use our voices and spheres ofinfluence to remind each other of where wecame from and keep our eyes focused onthe ultimate goal: a kinship in Christ and areverence of our shared Creator. Like myuncle before me, my dream is rooted in theAmerican Dream. I dream of a day wheneveryone in this country embraces thetruth of the Bible and values the goodnessof life in its fullness, from the womb to thetomb and beyond. I believe that this is thetrue King family legacy. Then, and only then, will my uncle’s dreambe truly”Praying for my friend, Dr. Alveda King.“"We all bleed the same." -President 45, Donald J. Trump

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HE is Hope Show HE is Hope Magazine Advertise with USAdvertise with USHEisHope is a 501 (3) Non-profitEIN # 84-1938881 *DONATIONS are Tax-DeductibleMonthly SubscriptionChristian Business DirectoryStories of HopeDigital and Easily SharedEmailed and Shared on Social MediaPlatformsM A G A Z I N EM A G A Z I N EM A G A Z I N EHE is Hope MagazineANDHE is Hope Show with Chris and Jenweekly shows airing on: D i s t r i b u t i o n t o o v e r 6 0 0 , 0 0 0Cover with 2-Page Editorial Full Page Ad Half Page Ad Business Listing Chris and Jennifer Goes out to millions worldwideEmailed and Shared to our SubscribedDatabase Shared to Our Social Media platforms Stories of Hope and Inspiring Content30 second commercial 60 second commercial Magazine Cover Full Page Ad & Full Page EditorialPACKAGED DEAL4/ 30 sec.commercialsShared on Social Media Platforms

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Is AmericaRacist?I was fortunate to grow up in the greatstate of Texas! It’s the second mostdiverse state behind California. Adiverse upbringing is a gift to children tobuild a broad and tolerant world-view. My family arrived here in Texas I was 5years old. Our family of four moved to a modest trailer home in a south-Arlington trailer park. Down the street,lived my best friend, Johnny Lopez. Myfolks couldn’t suppress my outdoortrailer-park explorations with Johnny. We rode our bikes, played in sewers,and swam at the public pool. Johnny’sfamily background was Hispanic andSpanish was the only language spoken in their home. I instinctively knewJohnny and his family were different. Iknew he had a darker complexion thanmine. I knew his family’s customs werevery different than my family’s. I knewhe was my best friend…and that’s all Ineeded to know. Interracial friendshipshaped my world view of how I seepeople…colorless. I reject theproposition that a different amount ofmelanin content in someone’s skinwould have the power to dictate arelationship with someone. I neverforsake the opportunity to gain anotherfriend. ince my childhood, Ihave had the privilegeof knowing hundreds ofindividuals who lookeddifferent than me.Having an early childhood in a low-income part of town prepared me. Itgave me the good, the bad, and the ugly. The good was interacting with differingcultures and celebrating thosedifferences. However some people Iobserved will never celebrate, but willexasperate differences. I will notpretend to see through rose-coloredglasses when it came to what I haveheard with my own two ears. I haveseen and heard hate in many forms,primarily from people that were olderthan me. As a younger man there wouldbe some jokes, told in my presence that Iwould never laugh at. These unfunnyjokes had racist undertones, that hingedon meanness rather than comedy. Jokesabout the physically disabled orhandicapped fell in the same category. Itwould give me great pleasure to staysilent without a laugh or smile at thepunch line and stare blankly at the joke-teller. This is not a celebration ofdifferences but a degradation ofdifferences. From this angle we can seethat racism is taught not inherited. Thisis toxic. This is not how God intendedour society to view one another despiteour color. It’s time for an honest conversation.CHRIS ELSAESSERCONTRIBUTORGalatians 3: 28-29 “There is neitherJew nor Greek, there is neither slavenor free, there is neither male norfemale; for you are all one in ChristJesus. And if you are Christ's, thenyou are Abraham's offspring, heirsaccording to promise.” Is the Bibleracist? Clearly not, as we are ALLHEIRS to the same promise. So whyin 2024 are we so divided? It could be noted that we are notallowing God’s word to fill the wholein our hearts that desire love andacceptance. Some people might findacceptance within a group that lookslike them, yet their hearts are notaligned. When the same color doesnot align with the same heart, we havedire consequences. Our Lord, JesusChrist intended His people to heed the greatest commandment to “Loveyour God with all of your heart, soul,and mind.” “This is the first andgreatest commandment.” “And thesecond is like it.” “Love your neighboras yourself. - Matthew 22: 37-39. Asyou walk closer with God you start torealize the friends He puts in your life.Friendships bounding with love fromheart not the racial identity or group.

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Our founding fathers were flawed and Ifind it interesting that Americans todayreject the fact that they were. Youngadults are tearing down statues andmonuments in big cities and collegecampuses to show disapproval for thesins of the past. Do we not know that thefounding fathers inherited the samefallen world of sin as we? Do we, alonehold them 100% accountable for thecruelty and mistreatment of indigenouspeople and African-American slaves? Ithas been historically recorded thatGeorge Washington released his slavefrom labor as a free man recorded in hislast will and testament. This suggeststhat Washington stood head andshoulders above any dictator, king orpharaoh from their regimes based onslavery. The Egyptian pharaoh punishedthe Hebrews in slavery and bondagethroughout the book of Exodus. Theworld government’s model of oppressionwould control over people forgenerations after pharaoh. One of myfavorite sayings is…”History repeatsitself when we fail to learn from it.” I amproud as an American to know thathundreds of thousands lost their ownlive’s for the abolition of slavery formany of a different color, they had nevermet. Unfortunately, after theassassination of Lincoln and then Grant’sdiplomatic efforts during theReconstruction period in the South werefutile. Some southerners resisted aunified federal government even afterthey lost the Civil War. In the south, JimCrowe Laws continued a society ofsegregation and lack of civil rights forblack Americans. Until 1964, when thegreat Martin Luther King championedfor the God-given rights to be rightfullyrepossessed by ALL Americans black,white, or brown. MLK, Jr. demonstratedpeaceably without violence. I believethat is why the Civil Rights act of 1964passed, because God willed it to. Solelybased on the integrity and character ofDr. King and the way he proclaimed hismessage of sovereign rights for all, givento us by God and God alone! No man cantake these rights. Only God can. As a consequence of nature, racialidentity exists in tribalism. All racestend to congregate with one anotherbased on appearance. This is God’snatural order and should not beconfused as racism. While we aresharing culture and customs in our owngroups we should not exclude ourbrothers and sisters in Christ in thegrander view. Despite skin color, weshould have the same heart aligned withsame mission. To participate in theGreat Commission for the ends of theearth to share the Gospel, by ourproclamation. These are therelationships that bear fruit and are partof God’s plan for us to gather together. We are stronger together when we arebound by Christ not the world. Christtells us that the world will hate us, butwe should remember that it has hatedHim first. So do we shut people out thatdo not conform to our righteous way toto view the world without a racial orgroup identity lens? Yes and no. Yes,that we must not seek out the worldlyrelationships that are in opposition to aChrist-centered lifestyle. No, becauseseeds still need planting. However,relationships need to be in alignmentbefore assignment. 2 Corinthians 6:14“Do not be unequally yoked togetherwith unbelievers. For what fellowshiphas righteousness with lawlessness?”“And what communion has light withdarkness?”. It is crystal clear that weshould seek relationships with othersthat seek Christ for themselves. We arestill sinners and will be as perfect asJesus. Yet the constitution, written bythe ones before us was the most perfectdocument even when it seemed theauthors were not. American life today, has regressed,not progressed, in the domain of racerelations. Perhaps, the removal ofGod from society reveals theconsequences of our actions in Hisform of discipline. Nothing happensby accident according to God’s goodand perfect will. Racial agendas ofany color, are transgressions that Godwill not overlook. Jesus says He is theWay, the Truth, and the Life. Weknow Hie is the Way and the Life, butdo we know He is the Truth? Truth isin opposition of lies. If God’s truth nolonger reigns as the highest point thenHis children will seek false gods. Whom are we serving? What radicalagenda is making space in our mind? 2 Corinthians 10:5 says “We demolisharguments and every pretension thatsets itself up against the knowledge ofGod, and we take captive everythought to make it obedient toChrist.”Things of this world are atenmity with God. We still can be freein the world yet joyfully freer inChrist. I am proud to grow up and beeducated in the first generation ofintegration. It still troubles me a bitthat it took this long, howeverforgiveness is required not desired. We cannot put the blame or of slaveryonto a race of people that arecompletely held blameless today fromthe former sins of yesterday. We areat the fight for truth and today weshould all stand up for what is rightnot what is perceived. We are heldresponsible for introducing ourchildren an alternative world of falseinjustice based on our country’s sinsof the past. We are held accountableif we shepard them to worldly agendasthat are based on manipulation thatare in opposition to God’s word. Aselders of this generation this is ourwake up call to stand for TRUTH. To give our children andgrandchildren security and the PEACE THAT SURPASSES ALLUNDERSTANDING

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SINCE THE BEGINNING…We have discovered thegenerational curse between a PASSIVE MALE anda DOMINANT FEMALE.“Just EAT the DAMNEDapple!” ”Yes dear…I’m sure it allwork out fine.”

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LIVING THE NEW LIFE Since you have been raised to new life with Christ, set your sights on the realitiesof heaven, where Christ sits in the place of honor at God’s right hand. Think about thethings of heaven, not the things of earth. For you died to this life, and your real life ishidden with Christ in God. So put to death the sinful, earthly things lurking withinyou. Have nothing to do with sexual immorality, impurity, lust, and evil desires. Don’tbe greedy, for a greedy person is an idolater, worshiping the things of this world.Because of these sins, the anger of God is coming. You used to do these things whenyour life was still part of this world.But now is the time to get rid of anger, rage,malicious behavior, slander, and dirty language. Put on your new nature, and berenewed as you learn to know your Creator and become like Him. In this new life, itdoesn’t matter if you are a Jew or a Gentile, circumcised or uncircumcised, barbaric,uncivilized, slave, or free. Christ is all that matters, and He lives in all of us. Since God chose you to be the holy people He loves, you must clothe yourselves withtenderhearted mercy, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience. Above all, clotheyourselves with love, which binds us all together in perfect harmony. And let thepeace that comes from Christ rule in your hearts. For as members of one body youare called to live in peace. And always be thankful.Let the message about Christ, in all its richness, fill your lives. Teach and counseleach other with all the wisdom He gives. Sing psalms and hymns and spiritual songsto God with thankful hearts. And whatever you do or say, do it as a representative ofthe Lord Jesus, giving thanks through Him to God the Father.Colossians 3:1- 17 The time has come when the Holy Spirit of God is being poured out. Revival fires areburning all over the world. And a division is beginning to take place. For those whohave chosen to do the above, to allow the Holy Spirit to transform their lives. Forthose who will step out of their comfort zone and trust His still small voice. Theseservants will bring Him glory as His Holy Spirit works through them to draw others toChrist. Healings and miraculous signs will be performed through these obedientservant’s by His Holy Spirit. All done to give everyone an opportunity to know Christ as Savior and Lord. Lord I pray that You will use my life to bring Glory and Honor unto Your Holy name. In Jesus name. Amen H O L Y G H O S T W R I T E R 7Written by

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Simone LewisCEO & FounderDesign Social

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period described as the last days. In 2 Timothy chapter 3, the word of God says that people will be lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, and they will have a form of godliness but deny the power of God. Then He goes on to instruct God’s people to turn away from such people! It’s incredible that God himself commands us to turn away from people who may claim to know Him; however they deny the very Word of God which is His instruction for our life. It would be much like pushing your vehicle instead of cranking the engine and driving to your destination.In today’s culture there is so much emphasis being put on the word “inclusion”. The corporate world has become so influenced and so infiltrated by people with an agenda to destroy Christianity that they have convinced much of society to be inclusive of the most vile and perverse things. Sadly even pastors and many churches have been deceived by this spirit of delusion from Satan himself.Instead of taking a stand on the word of God and turning away from the perversion, as He commands us to do, many are embracing it and even celebrating it in the name of inclusion.May I remind you Christian, that James 4:4 tells us clearly that to befriends with the world is to become anenemy of God. Why then do we allowthis ungodly culture who despiseseverything about the God we serveconvince us to celebrate things heconsiders an abomination?Before you bow the knee to inclusion be it known that the God weserve is not inclusive of perversion! 2 Corinthians 6:17 says, “Therefore,come out from among unbelievers, andseparate yourselves from them”, saysthe Lord. “Don’t touch their filthy things,and I will receive you!” Will you bow your knee to God or will you bow your knee to woke? It’s oneor the other it can’t be both; He says youare for me or against me.Derek RogersPastor, Cowboy Church of CorsicanaFounder of TABTGTO WHOM WILL YOU BOW? The Bible gives us a greatdescription of what society willlook like, as we begin the time

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OVERCOMING FEARBy DeWayne OwensWhy is it that many people have gone to theirgraves without accomplishing the things they havedreamed of doing? Why have so many people whohave vowed to change their lives have not doneso? Why do we struggle with achieving success inour lives? There are many answers that may comeabout to address these questions, however whenyou get right down to it there is one commonnegative factor involved. That is the fear factor. Ihave heard others say that people do not achievesuccess in their lives because they fear success, orthey fear failure. Whether people fear success orfailure, it is the fear itself that must be dealt with.Fear is a strong paralyzing component that willalways keep one from living his or her dreams.Fear will keep you stagnant and slowly decreaseyour hopes of ever achieving the success youdeserve in your lifetime. Fear must be dealt withand overcome to live out your God-given purpose.Because God is not a God of fear, then you as Hischild must also live fearless. But let’s not kidourselves, because fear is real to all of us. Whatwe must do is recognize our fears and confrontthem head-on. When I was five years old my parents enrolled me into aswimming class. We started the classes in the baby pool.I was excited about my developing swimming skillsbecause I knew whenever I stood up, my head would beabove water. After a couple of weeks, my instructorinformed the class that the following week we would bemoving to the large pool and begin swimming in the six-foot level of water. I was consumed with fear uponhearing the instructor’s news, because I was only aboutthree feet tall at that time. I could no longer stand up inthe pool with my head above water. I was so scared thatI wanted to quit the lessons, but my parents would notlet me quit. The following week the pool looked liked theAtlantic Ocean to me and there was no way I was goingto jump into the water. My swim coaches kept yelling forme to jump into the water. They kept assuring me that Iwould be safe, and everything would be all right. Thoseassurances fell on deaf ears because I was petrified ofjumping in the pool, even with an instructor there to helpme. Finally, an instructor lifted me up from behind andtossed me into the pool. I remember successfullydogpaddling in the water and in an instance my fear ofswimming in deep water was gone. Just like that it wasgone!It is incredible how you can rid yourself of fear byconfronting it directly. Eleanor Roosevelt said, “You gainstrength, courage, and confidence by every experiencein which you really stop to look fear in the face…Thedanger lies in refusing to face the fear, in not daring tocome to grips with it. You must make yourself succeedevery time. You must do the thing you think you cannot do.When my instructor tossed me into the pool, I was thankful that he helped meto overcome a fear for life. I am no longer afraid of water because of thatday. I know adults today who absolutely refuse to get into a pool because oftheir fear of water or drowning. To succeed in life, you must conquer yourfears. You must first be aware of what it is you fear and then work atovercoming it. If you choose not to become aware of your fears, then you havechosen to allow life to always control you, which makes you a slave to yourown psychological imprisonment. Only you can knock down the walls of yourown psychological imprisonment by dealing with your fears upfront by beinghonest with yourself. Analyze your fears and discover their roots. It is at theroot that your fear must be destroyed. This can be done through a variety ofways. Solutions include, prayer, self-exploration, professional counseling,advice from trusted others, etc. Begin now to battle what it is that holds youback in life. Begin now to become fearless in whatever area you feel fear.Begin now to allow God to help you fight your battles. Begin now to becomemore than a conqueror! DeWayne Owens is an Actor, MovieProducer, Motivational Speaker, andAuthor. He is the Owner and CEO ofGolden Life Presentations and Be LightFilms. We must learn to develop courage. Courage does notmean you are not afraid to do something. Beingcourageous means doing something when you areafraid to do it. There is a distinct difference. RalphWaldo Emerson once said, “It was high counsel that Ionce heard given to a young person, always do whatyou are afraid to do.”

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Get your on copy on"It’s far more t han just forgivingthe abuse. It’s walking inforgiveness. It’s walking in joy.It’s not allowing the things of thepast to have control over thethings of the future." -Mark SowersbyHow do you forgive when you've been wounded deeply?How do you move past the pain that keeps you up atnight, leaves you isolated, untrusting, and afraid? Howcan you possibly forgive them, especially when theydon’t deserve forgiveness?

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nytime we talk about end times one of two things can happen in the hearts of many of us. We canfeel anxious (“Am I ready?”) or we can feel fear (“How bad is it going to get?”)Let’s shift our focus and instead have a divine urgency there are so many to reach!Let’s start here…Our faith is marginalized when focus on ourselves. It’s nice to feel comfortable and confident in our ownstanding with God, but being a Christian is NOT just about being nice or even being a “good” person…it's about changing the world!If we want to CHANGE the world we have to accept that the only way this can happen is for us to BE the “new creations”.Most often, our response is, “okay God, do something new, but can you please make it look and feel like what I was comfortable with?”Nope. It’s time to be relentless about showing God’s love to the world.Romans 12:9-13 (NLT)9) Don’t just pretend to love others. Really love them. Hate what is wrong. Hold tightly to what is good. 10)Love each other with genuine affection and take delight in honoring each other. 11) Never be lazy but workhard and serve the Lord enthusiastically. 12) Rejoice in our confident hope. Be patient in trouble and keepon praying. 13) When God’s people are in need, be ready to help them. Always be eager to practicehospitality.This is a verse-by-verse instruction on how we can truly love one another!We need to read each clause of this passage in relation to the subject that Paul opened with; “Don’t justPRETEND to love others, REALLY love them.”Hate what is wrong in your relationships and take action to make it right.Hold tightly to what is good and defend what is best in your relationships. How? Philippians 4:8 (NLT)Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable. Thinkabout things that are excellent and worthy of praise.It’s too easy to get caught up in how we disagree or where there’s been hurt.Love each other with GENUINE affection. Don’t make people guess how you feel and the importance theyhold in your life. Take DELIGHT in honoring each other.Never be lazy in serving one another, but work hard, and by serving others you are serving the Lord!Rejoice in our confident hope. We don’t have to be fearful even when it seems the world has gone crazy!Be PATIENT in trouble. People will let you down BUT KEEP PRAYING FOR THEM ANYWAY!When they are in need stand at the ready to jump in and help.ALWAYS be EAGER to practice hospitality!Hospitality is best defined as…“You matter to me,” “I value you,” “I care about YOU enough to share the good news.”Time is short! Let’s change the world!Lafe Angell | Pastor Grace-Point Family church. Anna, TX

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Caty Hale Master Natural StylistAdvanced InjectorHolistic Health CoachLife is good…Let’s live it well!"I don't know where to start." Is the most commonthing. People say to me. As a cancer survivor thathas beaten the odds myself, I have educatedmyself and found what to do to live a clean,healthy life I can help you do that as well. In thesalon I use as clean and organic products asavailable to help reduce the toxic chemical loadon our bodies, and still achieve the look that youdesire. As an injector, I have access to the only neuro-modulator on the market that contains 0 additives and preservatives, so you can have afresh face without worry of what you are risking tolook young. As a Health coach. I can help you sortthrough your health issues and find a root causeto allow your body to heal itself. Working weeklywith you to find a system of life that you canmanage and maintain long term. This will help youto find lasting change and get off therollercoaster. We all want to be beautiful, young andhealthy. It's such a challenge in today'sworld. We are constantly beingbombarded with the stress of life. Thatstress is enough on its own to keep ussick and down, without the energy toeven feel like trying. Add in the stress ofthe chemical load from the productsthat are supposed to help us staybeautiful and the processed, pesticide-laden foods then next thing you knowour bodies are struggling to even keepup. But where do we even begin to startto change that? As a stylist and ahealth coach. I have felt the calling tohelp people find a solution.972.400.6576

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Revolutionize Your Business with Simplify'sAll-in-One Marketing Platform … it’s one dynamic system tailored for your business expansion.Designed like a Swiss Army knife for businesses, we showyou how to integrate your email, courses, calendars,websites, surveys... plus, 20 more tools.Your Single Source for Essential Tools, IntelligentAutomation, and Unmatched Analytics. Plus, it all comeswith State-of-the-art Cybersecurity LIVE 24/7 SupportStreamline your automations, operations, boostproductivity, and incorporate robustcybersecurity, all at an affordable price.SIMPLIFYSYSTEM.NET

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Protect Your Business Against Cyber Threats,Avoid Catastrophic Downtime & CostsInitiate Peace of Mind...Get Your Free Vulnerability ScanYour Business is at Risk: 43% of cyber-attacks target smallbusinesses and only 14% are prepared to defend themselves.( global giants, cybercrime: Cybercrime now boast asthe third-largest economy in the world. (WEF & Cybernews)Assess risks with our Free Vulnerability Scan: It's non-intrusiveand reveals the weaknesses within your network that hackers canget into and destroy your business.Reveal Weaknesses in Your Network that HackersCan Use To Destroy Your BusinessAll scans conducted with full confidentiality and zero obligation.Take Your FREE VULNERABILITY SCAN Today!CYBERSECUREONLINE.COMProtect your customers, your data, network, systems & reputation.

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A last minute October surprise toresurrect Senator Robert Fowler’spresidential campaign lands NavySEAL Joe O’Shanick and his closefriends Navy SEAL Matt Ramsey andDr. Christy Tabrizi in prison forcrimes they did not commit. Theysoon realize they have been markedfor death in order to keep themfrom revealing secrets that couldend Senator Fowler’s political careerand put him in prison. Far away from the battlefields of theMiddle East and Central America,O’Shanick and Ramsey findthemselves in an entirely differentkind of war, a high-stakes politicalwar of treachery, betrayal anddeath, with no rules of engagement.A suspenseful, captivatingpage-turner...highlightingreal-world issues.A taut action-thriller thatis guaranteed to keep youon the edge of your seat.““““The fourth installment in John GaltRobinson’s Joe O’Shanick / Christy Tabrizi series, In Darkness LightShines has readers raving on Amazon.InDarknessLightShinesJOHN GALT ROBINSONAvailable now onkindle and in printView on amazon.comBook 1 Book 2 Book 3Don’t miss the other books in the series:

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HERE COMESKeresa! Written by:s the old Yiddish proverb says, “If you want tomake God laugh, tell him about your plans.” My plan had always been to continue supportingconservative candidates who want to run foroffice, while serving as CEO of the LawtonGroup, the business that my husband J.R. and Ihave built for the last 40 years. The LawtonGroup encompasses several companiesincluding plumbing, HVAC, electrical,refrigeration and pest control, serving customersthroughout DFW, Austin and San Antonio.But God had other plans for me.And so, after much prayer and after seekingcounsel from family and friends, I am excitedand proud to announce that I am a candidatefor the Texas House of Representatives! Texas House District 61 in Collin County includesparts of the cities of McKinney, Frisco, Anna,Weston, and Celina. If you live in one of thosecities, I ask for your support and your vote. Regardless of where you live, I ask for yourprayers! Please visit my a Christian, mother, grandmother,entrepreneur, CEO, business owner and cancersurvivor, I am battle-tested and ready to bringmy Texas values, common sense and businessexperience to the Texas House. A

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Growing up in Texas we were taught in ourpublic school to love our state and ourcountry. We would begin every day with thepledge of allegiance. We learned about thehistory of Texas and its proud heritage. Wesang the state song: Texas, Our Texas. My husband J.R. and I have always tried touse what God has blessed us with to serveothers. We have opened our home forconservative candidates, causes, charitiesand missionaries. Now, I feel that God hascalled for us to embark on this new journeyof service. “As each has received a gift, useit to serve another, as good stewards ofGod’s varied grace.” – 1 Peter 4:10My family has deep roots in Texas; we’vebeen here since 1835, before the battle ofthe Alamo. We have been designated a“Texas First Family” by the Texas StateGenealogical Society. And I am proud to bea native Texan!Over the years, many have said,“As goes Texas, so goes the UnitedStates.” Big cities in Texas, such asDallas, Houston, San Antonio andAustin have already gone blue.Those cities are controlled byliberal Democrats. Which cities arethey targeting next? Well, you canbet that Collin County is in thecrosshairs. And if we lose Texas tothe left, we can kiss the free worldgoodbye!Today, Texas is under attack. Ourfamilies and our children areunder attack. The radical leftistagenda seeks to usurp parentalrights and works to undermine ourTexas values. However, there is a problem with our TexasRepublican legislature. In any other state,and even in Washington, D.C., whenRepublicans win a majority, then obviouslyRepublicans are appointed to chair everycommittee. But for some reason, right here inTexas, where we have a RepublicanGovernor, Republican Lieutenant Governor,Republican legislature, and RepublicanSpeaker of the House, Democrats areappointed to chair Texas House committees. Consequently, Democrats control the TexasHouse. When there is a Democrat Chairmanof a House Committee, then he or she can killlegislation in committee before it ever gets toa floor vote. And that’s what’s beenhappening in Austin for decades. Most votersare unaware of this problem. Democrats are funneling resourcesand recruiting candidates to run inTexas. Remember when BetoO’Rourke ran against Senator TedCruz? Beto was just the beginning.Millions of dollars are pouring intoTexas to try to flip our U.S. Senateseats as well as others.Most Americans, and even Texans,believe that Texas is a Republicanstronghold. After all, for over 20years, Republicans have held everystatewide office and a majority inthe Texas legislature. Republican legislators have gone along withthis system of power sharing for longenough. It is high time that we elect newstate representatives who will go to Austinand work for their constituents, not thelobbyists, the special interests, or theSpeaker for that matter!

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It is time for Texas Republicans to draw a line in the sandand take back control of our Texas House. We must keepTexas strong. As the lyrics say in our state song, Texas,Our Texas, “God bless you Texas, and keep you brave andstrong, that you may grow in power and worth, throughoutthe ages long.”It is time for Texas Republicans to draw a line in the sandand take back control of our Texas House. We must keepTexas strong. As the lyrics say in our state song, Texas,Our Texas, “God bless you Texas, and keep you brave andstrong, that you may grow in power and worth, throughoutthe ages long.”hat is the other big problem in Austin; most state representatives take largedonations from lobbyists as well as the Speaker of the House. Those donations fundtheir campaigns, and once they take that money, they are beholden to those specialinterests and vote accordingly. When elected to the Texas House, I will not acceptmoney in exchange for my vote. My only special interest group will be you, myconstituents in Collin County.#TEXASFIGHT#ASKKERESA#VOTECOLLINCOUNTYT

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You can make a difference in the life of a child in HaitiTODAY! With civil unrest and chaos unraveling in Haiti,children are left vulnerable, and they are in desperateneed of support. With your financial giving, a child in needcan recieve food, housing, education, clothing, and more!To sponsor a child, visit EMPOWER WOMENSPONSOR A CHILDSUPPORT A HOSPITAL Love Him Love Them provides Haitian women with dignifying jobsthrough our Beauty for Ashes jewelry line! The beads of our beautifuljewelry and ornaments are made from recycled trash found in Haiti. Youcan help empower women while having a positive environmentalimpact! To order jewelry, ornaments, and other items from the Beautyfor Ashes line, visit had the grand opening of Love Him Love Them’s medical facility onAugust 29, 2020. Our hospital has remained open throughout theseason of political and civil turmoil in Haiti. Our Haitian doctors andnurses continue to provide medical attention to those in need. We stillhave many essentials needed to make this a fully functional facilityincluding hospital beds, an ultra sound machine, and other equipmentand medical items. To help fund Love Him Love Them’s hospital,please visit PayPal.Me/lovehimlovethem.

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972.781.08 78www.petals -aflorist.comwww.flower sbypetals.com2401 Preston Rd., Suite DPlano, TX., 75093petalsaflorist@verizon.netThe Jennifer Sheehan Show | 49

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Pastor Lafe Angell | PRAYER COUNSELOR

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• Featured on over 10 major projectsin partnership with Prestonwood, Integrity Music, Hans Zimmer’s team, Liberty University, WOW Records, Red Tie Music, Radiant Music, TobyMac’s Man Cub Studios, and Biglife – Including Dove Nominated Album – Horizon• Featured at the Restoring Honor Rally at the Washington Mall(500,000 people), 4x at the MarchFor Life (100,000 people), the ArkEncounter Grand Opening, David Platt Conference in Thailand, CRU’s global church planting conference, Praise in the Park,Heaven on Earth, Indiana Pacers events, Indiana Fever concert, and has toured the US, parts of Europe, and Asia - at various conferences and events• Has been the main opener for FORKING and COUNTRY, toured with Winter Jam with Crowder, Passion, Hillsong Y&F, Building429, Andy Mineo, Riley Clemmons, Zauntee. Featured on albums with Paul Baloche, Michael W. Smith, Michael Neale, Charles Billingsly, Biglife, and the Gaither Vocal Band• Debut solo album – HEART ON FIRE – March 27, 2020. • Singles from Heart on Fire featuredon Spotify’s “New Music Christian Friday” playlist, Vertical Church Band, Weekly 10 Best of 2020, New Christian Music 2020, Top Hits 2020, Worship Music 2020, NewMusic, Discovery Global, Top FridayNew, Global Hit Music, and more top playlists.•3x Vocalist of the Year at Liberty University• Former Worship Leader for Prestonwood (4 years, Plano, TX, 35,000-member church)• Partner with Biglife Ministries – a disciple making ministry in over 130 countries(13 all originals), Producers: Leo Flores(Poema Creative), Micah Kuiper(Hawk Nelson and Man CubStudios)THIS IS WHY I WAS MADE...I remember the day when I found out why I was cre-ated. I have led worship for nearly my entire life in justabout every size venue you can think of - from our ownliving room with my family to outdoor conferences of500,000+ - but it was in 2015 when I moved from “gift-ing” into my God-given “calling”. Where He shifted mythinking from experiencing Jesus moments and insteadbeing hungry for Jesus movements.I was standing on the Circle Monument downtownIndianapolis about to lead worship for a city-widegathering – but then there was an uproar that left medazed and confused. Screaming and shouting filled the streets and echoed off of the buildings as tensionbegan to build in the midst of the crowds. I trembled in fear as I fell on my face asking God what to do. I felt the Spirit lift me up and strengthem me, saying, “I have created you for moments just like this, rise and sing, proclaim my name and release revival.” And so I did.I rose up and began to sing with my whole heart. Releasing the peace and joy of Jesus on hostile crowds. Literally in a moment, the crowds were silenced, and the anger turned to praises as everyone present began to join in one song unto the Lord. Jesus was releasing His peace, His healing, His joy, His hope, and His Gospel through one simple act of obedience. This is why I was made. It is no longer about giftinganymore. Or notoriety. Or being accepted by this or by that… Simply – the Kingdom of God coming to earth from the smallest level to the largest. Home tohome. Community to Community. City to City. Nation toNation. Until the whole world knows the unstoppable love of Jesus. This is why we were made! To see Jesusmoments turn into Jesus movements. The Holy Spirit has gripped me and I am forever in the love of God!In my debut album, HEART ON FIRE, you get a real look into this journey on what I believe God is unleashing in this world through all of us, lifting our voice to the Lord - until loving one another becomes second nature. ...THIS ISTHAN ALL OF US!BIGGERSNAPSHOT

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@BrokenBowVacayBROKEN BOW VACAYPresents... The LookoutContact Us388 Cascading Creek CirBroken Bow, OK 74728(918) 400-0305 www.BrokenBowVacay.comBrokenBowVacay@gmail.comThis Brand New Modern Luxury Cabin sleeps 11-133 Bedrooms / 2.5 Baths2 King with en-suite BathBunk Room with 2 Twin over Queen3rd Twin in the Under the Stairs Play Room /Pizzaria Slide & Disc Swings, Geocache, ArcadeInfinity Hottub, Fire Pit, Shuffleboard,BubblewallThe ONLY Resort Community in Broken Bowwith exclusive Club access to 3 Stocked Fishing Ponds, Pool Tables, Restaurant Bar &Grill, Hiking, Trails, and a Pool Overlooking the Ouachita MountainsOpen Concept Living / Dining / KitchenThe Jennifer Sheehan Show | 27