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Heartland PETS 2024

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Hilton Garden InnSalina, Kansas2024Districts 5680 & 5710March 21 - 23

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6:00 - 8:00 PMCheck in, Badge pick up & Welcome Reception (ends at 7:30)8:00 - 10:00 PM Bowling at The Alley of Salina - 115 E. AshMeet in the Pre-function Area (food and drinks on your own) ScheduleThursday, March 21 Friday, March 227:30 - 8:10 amCheck in, Badge pick up & Buffet Breakfast8:10 - 9:30 am Opening Session - Tom Gump, Aide to RI President9:30 - 9:45 amNetworking Break9:45 - 10:35 amMeet with your Governor-elect by DistrictD5680 - DGE Jeff Horlacher- (Eisenhower/Flint Hills)D5710 - DGE Tamara Sevcik - (Graves/Earhart)10:35-10:50 amMovement Break10:50 - 11:45 amRI Club and District Support-Andrez Perez11:45 am - 1:15 pmLuncheon- PDG Vickie Randel — Our Rotary Foundation1:15 - 1:30 pmMovement Break1:30 - 2:30 pmFacilitated Training Session #1Group A - Membership Engagement/PRI(Eisenhower)Group B - Club & District Admin/Support (Graves/Earhart)Group C - Leading Your Club (Flint Hills)Leadership Sessions (Dole Boardroom)2:30 - 2:45 pmNetworking Break2:45 - 3:45 pmFacilitated Training Session #2Group A- Club & District Admin/Support (Graves/Earhart)Group B- Leading Your Club (Flint Hills)Group C- Membership Engagement/PI (EisenhowerLeadership Sessions (Dole Boardroom)

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3:45 - 4:00 pmMovement Break4:00 - 5:00 pmFacilitated Training Session #3Group A-Leading Your Club (Flint Hills)Group B- Membership Engagement/PRi(Eisenhower)Group C- Club & District Admin/Support (Graves/Earhart)Leadership Sessions (Dole Boardroom)6:00 - 6:30 pmSocial - Cash Bar6:30 - 8:30 pmDinner - Keynote: Greg Podd, Trustee, The Rotary FoundationEnd of DayMembership Engagement/Public Image: PDG 5680 Fred Heismeyer and DGN 5710 Chuck UdellThis session will give you ideas and best practices for membershipengagement and attraction strategies. Public Image and membership workhand and hand to promote your club to attract new members.Leading Your Club: Arlen Honts, District Trainer 5680This session will address your role as the leader of your club. It will focus ontools that you can use when thinking about issues you will face during yourPresidential year – including helping members take ownership in the club,managing your club communications, and dealing with conflict.Club Administration & District Administrative Support: DeEtte Lombard, District Trainer 5710 & Kent Erb, District 5680 Executive Secretary/TreasurerThis facilitated session will focus on various opportunities and tools that willprove useful to Rotary Club Presidents and their club members. The varioustools and training/course menus are designed to increase Rotary knowledgeand to develop leadership skills that participants will find valuable whenapplying them in Rotary, as well as in their personal and professional lives. Friday, March 22 - continuedFacilitated Sessions:

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ScheduleSaturday, March 237:45 - 9:00 amBreakfast Morning KickoffKeynote: Pat Merryweather-Arges, RI Director 9:00 - 9:15 amMovement Break9:15 - 10:15 amLessons Learned Under PressureGroup A - David Player, Guyman, OK (Eisenhower)Group B - Blake Waters, Leavenworth, KS (Graves/Earhart) Group C - Robin Waddle, Pratt, KS (Flint Hills)10:15 - 10:30 amMovement Break10:30 - 11:30 amMeet with your Governor-elect by DistrictD5680 - DGE Jeff Horlacher - (Eisenhower/Flint Hills)D5710 - DGE Tamara Sevcik - (Graves/Earhart)11:30 am - 12:30 pmDISTRICT 5680 ONLY - Grants TrainingSAFE TRAVELSGravesEarhartFlintHillsEisenhowerBall Room

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Tom Gump is a member of Rotary International’s Membership Growth Committee (2022-25) andRotary Coordinator. He passionate about growing Rotary Membership through forming new and creative Rotary,Rotaract and satellite clubs. He founded, co-founded, helped form and/or inspired dozens of newand creative clubs around the world. Tom also formed a Rotary Community Corps for Refugees,which serves hundreds of refugees in Minnesota, USA. Tom is also one of only 1,000 Rotarians in the world to be named to The Membership Society forNew Member Sponsors for bringing in more than 50 active members into his club, which puts him atthe Gold Level of the Society. He was the winner of 2021 “Zones 28 and 32 Individual MembershipInnovation Award,” for promoting new cause-based clubs throughout the world. Tom now inspires others around the world to form new and innovative Rotary clubs. He speaksregularly on the topic of membership at Rotary club, district, multi-district, zone and internationalevents. He has spoken at the 2022 Rotary International Assembly and is scheduled to speak at the2023 Rotary International Assembly. For the past few years, he has led and been a panelist onbreakout session panels at Rotary International Conventions. He also led a panel at 2022Presidential Rotary Preconvention Conference: Serve to Bring Peace. He is on the Presidents-electTraining Seminars Alliance’s list of “Popular Speakers” and serves on the organization’s AdvisoryCommittee. He has also served as a President’s Representative. Tom’s tips for attracting and retaining members and some of the clubs he has formed have beenfeatured as part of cover stories in the North American Rotary magazine and he and his work hasappeared in other Rotary regional magazines. Tom has also written articles for Rotary’s blog RotaryVoices. Tom has also served an International Assembly Training Leader and the General Chair of the 2022Rotary Zones 25B and 29 Institute. He has served in various promotion roles for Rotary including as Zone Promotion Coordinator for theToronto and Honolulu Conventions and for Rotary’s Rose Bowl Parade Float. As District 5950 Governor, Tom led his district to become only the third district in the world to everhave all of its clubs designated as 100% Paul Harris Fellow Clubs; and, in so doing, his districtbecame one of the top overall giving districts in the world. Tom and Catherine are both MajorDonors to The Rotary Foundation and members of both its Paul Harris and Bequest Societies. Healso loves working on local and international grants. He was the International Grant Sponsor on a1.3 million euro grant in Italy that involved every district in the country. He led his District in raisingover $642,000 for the End Polio Now campaign during his year as District Governor. SpeakersThomas A. Gump Aide to Rotary International President 2024-2025

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SpeakersVickie Randel has been a member of the Lawrence Rotary Club since 1991. She has servedon many club committees, was club president in 2002-2003, and for the past several yearshas been Co-Treasurer/Secretary. She served as District 5710 Assistant Governor for threeyears, District Governor in 2008-2009, District Grants Chair, District Rotary FoundationChair, and Stewardship Chair. She hosted a Rotary Youth exchange student from Germanyand along with her daughter, Rotarian Emily Randel, participated in a Rotary FriendshipExchange to Istanbul. She has served as the RI President’s Representative, as Assistant Regional RotaryFoundation Coordinator for Zone 27, and was the General Chair for the 2018 Zones 21B-27 Institute in Boise, Idaho. She was District 5710’s representative for the 2020-23 RICouncil on Legislation cycle and is serving in that capacity again for the 2023-26 cycle.She chaired the 2020 RI Director’s Nominating Committee for Zone 29. Vickie has received the Rotary Foundation Citation for Meritorious Service and theDistinguished Service Award. She is a member of the Paul Harris Society, Bequest Society,and is a Level 2 Major Donor to the Rotary Foundation.Vickie Randel, Past District Governor, District 5710Andrez Perez is the Club and District Support Officer for Zone 29. In this role, Andrezworks directly with Rotary leaders to help them understand Rotary’s policies andprocedures, guides members through club and district processes, and assists in addressingadult harassment. He is a graduate of the Savannah College of Art and Design where hereceived a B.F.A in Film and Television before moving to Chicago. In his spare time, he likesto cook, go to music venues, and work on short, experimental films. Andrez Perez, Officer, Zones 29 & 31, Club & District Support

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Greg is a C.P.A. (Certified Public Accountant) and a P.F.S. (Personal Financial Specialist)having operated his own practice since June 1979. He has written continuing educationcourses, been a keynote speaker at national conferences, taught many courses as a guestprofessor, and has made presentations to over 20,000 Certified Public Accountants andChartered Accountants from the United States and foreign countries. He was also thePresident and owner of a very large metal fabrication firm for the telecommunication industryand an international healthcare software development firm. Greg became a Rotarian in May1982 and is a member of the Evergreen Rotary Club.He served a six–year term as a member of the Rotary International Investment Committee anda three–year term as a member of the Rotary International Finance Committee. Greg haschaired five Zone Institutes and served as a Rotary International Training Leader at theInternational Assembly in San Diego. He has held many Regional and District Offices.During the Rotary year 2014 – 2015, in addition to his duties as a Rotary International Director,Greg chaired the Rotary Audit Committee, the Rotary Board Council on Legislation AdvisoryCommittee, and the Service Above Self Award Selection Committee, in addition to severalother committees. During the Rotary year 2015 – 2016, Greg served as the Vice President ofRotary International and a member of the Executive Committee, Strategic PlanningCommittee, Council and Board Committee and the Workgroup to examine Rotary’s currentInternational Convention model. During the Rotary year 2016 – 2017 he served as a member ofthe Rotary International Election Review Committee, the Rotary International BoardGovernance Committee, and the Vice Chair of the Rotary International Operations ReviewCommittee. After completing a 6–year term on the Rotary International Operations ReviewCommittee, Greg is currently serving a 4–year term as a Trustee of the Rotary Foundation,where he is a member of numerous related committees.Greg is the recipient of the “Service Above Self Award” and The Rotary Foundation Citationfor Meritorious Service Award. Greg and his wife Pam have been married for 47 years andhave three beautiful children and four very special grandchildren. Greg and Pam are bothArch C. Klumph Society Members.SpeakersGreg Podd, The Rotary Foundation Trustee 2023–2025

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Pat is a member of the Rotary Club of Naperville and Rotary International Board Director2022-2024. Pat also serves as a Board Member of the WASH Rotary Action Group, HealthOutcomes and Patient Safety Chair of the International Rotary Fellowship of HealthcareProfessionals; District International Service Chair, Council on Legislation Representative.Pat served as District Governor and has serviced as Chair of the 2016 Zones 28-29Institute in Cleveland, Chair of the Presidential Peace Conference in Chicago in 2018, andChair of the Region 36 Virtual Leadership Conference in 2020 and 2021. Pat has traveledto over a dozen developing countries on Rotary projects of which most of them have beenon healthcare, peace, and water related.Pat is Executive Director of Project Patient Care, a not-for-profit organization that bringsthe voice of patients and families to clinical interactions, research, policy, and regulatorymatters, and quality improvement and safety. She has served in executive leadershippositions at federal, state, and local levels and has overseen Medicare Quality programs inmultiple states and developed the Illinois QualityCare Institute and COMPdata, a five-state quality and performance information system. Pat serves on several international,national, state, and local boards and committees focused on hospitals, healthcare qualityand safety, and peace and conflict resolution.Pat is married to George Arges, a Rotarian, and together they have four sons, threedaughters-in-law, and seven grandchildren. Pat and George are Major Donors; Paul HarrisSociety and Polio Plus Society members; and benefactors. Pat has received the RotaryInternational Service Above Self Award, Avenues of Service Award, and Rotary FoundationCitation for Meritorious Service.SpeakersPat Merryweather-Arges, Rotary International Director

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Please visit the exhibitor booths and Russell Hampton!Visit for more resources.*NO OUTSIDE FOOD OR DRINK ALLOWEDIN THE CONFERENCE CENTER*