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HeartBeat Summer Vol 1

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TABLE OFCONTENTSWELCOME MESSAGEAT THE COREOur Mission The GoalUPNEXT PROGRAMWhat to expectProgram inclusions & Special EventsABOUT THE GROUPS Behind the Scenes Book What to expectLearn the Bible Join a Group The Acts CultureParents CommunicationUPCOMING EVENTSOperation Christmas MiracleHome Coming Camp2024 YEAR-END UPDATE@ a glanceTHE ACTS MINISTRY OVERVIEWFrom the beginning (Personal Testimony)How the weekly groups started OPPORTUNITIESCommunity House International Missions Opportunities Christian Merch PARTNERSHIPSConnected OrganisationsMain PartnershipsPartner Profile - Mill Valley Ranch Partner Profile - Reveal Church Partner Profile - Church on Tarwin Partner Profile - Reality Church Partner Profile - Waurn Ponds Community ChurchGOVERNANCEPAGE 4555667899101112-131415161718192020-212122-23232324-252627282930-3132333435

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The book of Acts is the only book in Scripturewithout an ending, as such the acts of the God'sapostles continues to this day. Miracles, healings,deliverance are still for God's kids today. At theheart of The Acts is a desire to see people knowand found their life on the Bible. To live in such away that their decisions are based Scripture bysimply applying them to our lives, in practicalways. The phrase starts in the Bible, end in theBible and stay in the Bible are often heard inteachings and daily conversations. T. Fernando isoften to be found helping many Christianindividuals and supporting churches acrosslocation and denominations. The heart of theMinistry is not to draw people to one location orchurch, rather to see many come to know andunderstand the fullness of the Gospel and be ableto communicate that to their friends and families.WELCOMEPAGE 4

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OUR MISSIONTHE GOALTo understand and live in the Fullness of Christ At the core of all we do at The Acts is to be a heraldfor the Good News, revealing God to all people. Tolive a life centered on doing our Father's business,where His love, joy, and peace are displayed by themanifestation of Jesus. To live in a way where theBible testifies the words, we speak are true andaligned to Scripture, through the help of the HolySpirit. Reveal Christ to the lost –Maybe reveal is a betterword than showCreate Christ Centered communitiesResource individuals to operate at the highestlevel in the area they currently operate in Provide practical opportunities for theoutworking of what participants have learnt To train and equip individuals in the areas Godhas planned for them Connect with churches andwork closely to evangelize in various locationsUnderstand and Practice walking in Holy SpiritCreate a thirst to seek God and create a self-sufficient and self-feeding cultureLive a Christ centered life and demonstrate thatto othersDemonstrate how all the above can be lived andreplicated, so that participants can go andfurther replicate it.@ the core@ the core PAGE 5

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UPNEXTUPNEXT PROGRAMPROGRAMUpnext is a specializeddiscipleship program on offerto Year 7's to 12's at RevealChurch, which runs mostSundays of the school term.Initially launch in August 2023,to assist with strengtheningthe faith of our youth, itquickly grew at thecommencement of 2024 tosee youth previously notconnected with Reveal Churchin attendance. Our focus has not to see youthso much move from theirchurch to Reveal, but to beequipped to be betterprepared to be involved in thechurch in which they alreadyattend with their families.Some youths are fromunchurches or dechurchedbackgrounds and it has beenwonderful to see themsurrounded by an excellentgroup of Christians and to seethem strengthen in the Lordand build a community tosupport them as they face thepressures of the world in theirschool and workenvironments. WHAT TO EXPECT The Upnext program starts at10:00am on Sundays in themain service of Reveal, wherewe join with the maincongregation for their worshipservice. At 10:30am Upnextmove to their session which ishosted onsite at Reveal.The Upnext Program seesmany of the Kids and Youthministry teams from RevealChurch fulfilling support roles,and the main teaching beingundertaken by a smaller teamincluding Fernando, alongsidethe Est Yth and KidexCoordinators.

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PROGRAM INCLUSIONS& SPECIAL EVENTS Upnext sees a combination ofBiblical teaching and practicaloutworking which happensover across the term. The mainbiblical focus is to ensure thateach of our youth have a goodunderstanding of the Bible,God, Jesus, Holy Spirit,evangelism and loving oneanother. Weaved into the Upnextschedule you will findpractical opportunities such asdoor knocking, church visits,local ministry tours,opportunities to be involved inConnect Services andinvitation to attend the multichurch lead HomecomingCamp in the January Schoolholidays. These opportunitiesare inputted when and as theLord leads and are not on a setcycle. The reason for this isthat we want to be obedientto the leading of God in eachseason and not recyclingprogram of practicalopportunitie. The main biblical focus isto ensure that each of ouryouth have a goodunderstanding of theBible, God, Jesus, HolySpirit, evangelism andloving one another. PAGE 7

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BEHIND THE SCENES TRUE STORIES OF LIVE CHANGING MOMENTS Behind the Scenes presents captivating Christiannarratives of miracles, spiritual growth, and God'sboundless love. Through real-life stories, discoverthe transformative power of faith in daily life anddeepen your connection with God.The stories in this book showcase what God isachieving in the lives of ordinary people. Even insituations that seem like failures or disappointmentsto human eyes, God is continuously at work,performing extraordinary feats.Sharing the message of Christ with the unsaved,lonely, anxious, and broken-hearted leads totransformed lives. Through Christ's power, shatteredsouls are renewed, and individuals experiencepersonal encounters that reveal the depth of God'sdesire for a unique connection with them.My prayer is that this book not only sheds light onGod's ongoing work but also magnifies Hisgreatness. As you delve into these stories, may yourfaith grow stronger, and may you marvel at the awe-inspiring God we serve.To Buy:www.biosite/theacts “This book is a greatencouragement to many, but Isee it being especially useful tothose in ministry with youngergenerations. It is a strongreminder to all of us that God isalive and moving, and wants usto move with Him’’— Japheth -PAGE 8

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WHAT TO EXPECTThe groups are designed to equip theattendees with a greater understanding ofScripture and how it can be practicallyapplied to their lives, as such topicsincluding fasting and generous giving arealso included alongside the Growing withChrist material which forms a basis for mostlessons. ABOUT THE GROUPSABOUT THE GROUPSPAGE 9

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LEARN THE BIBLELEARN THE BIBLETOPICS COVEREDThese are 5 main categoriesof teaching focused on withinthe groups:The BibleThe Godhead – God the FatherThe Godhead – Jesus – God the SonThe Godhead – God the Holy Spirit EvangelismOne of the topicsthat continues toblow my mind wasauthority. Bylearning moreabout the authorityGod has given me,I have been able topray moreconfidently overothers. Also, myleadership haschanged as I havelearnt more abouthow Jesus led, andhow I canimplement Hisways.-Alyssa-There is also a strongemphasis on practicalChristian living, where topicssuch as fasting, giving and theGolden Commandments areshared from a Scripturalfoundation with examples ofpractical application. PAGE 10

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JOIN A GROUPTUESDAYBIBLE STUDY(ZOOM) EST. YTHPROGRAM @REVEALCHURCHGEELONGBIBLE STUDY (IN PERSON)UPNEXT YTH@ REVEAL FRIDAY WEDNESDAYSATURDAYTHURSDAYSUNDAYPlease Note: All ongoing groups are free of charge toattend. For camps and conferences there may be asmall charge to cover the cost of catering andequipment. BIBLE STUDY(ZOOM)INTERNSHIP(WARRAGUL) BIBLE STUDY(ZOOM) School Holidays – Mill Valley Ranch Camps; and Specialised camps/conferences are held as the Lorddirects3RD SUNDAY EACH MONTHCONNECTSERVICE

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THE ACTS CULTURETHE ACTS CULTURE Growing closer to God and aligning your lifewith both Biblical and worldly values is acommendable endeavor. Here are some stepsyou can considerSTUDY THE BIBLE Dedicate time to reading and studying theBible regularly. Focus on both the Old andNew Testaments to gain a comprehensiveunderstanding of God's teachings.PRAYER AND MEDITATION Develop a consistent prayer life. Spendtime in prayer, not only asking for guidancebut also expressing gratitude and seeking adeeper connection with God.Practice meditation on Scripture, reflectingon its meaning and how it applies to yourlife.ATTEND CHURCH AND FELLOWSHIP:Regularly attend a local church toparticipate in worship, receive biblicalteachings, and connect with a communityof believers.Engage in small groups or fellowshipactivities to share experiences, praytogether, and encourage one another.MODEL CHRIST-LIKE BEHAVIOURStrive to embody the teachings of Jesus inyour daily life. Show love, compassion,forgiveness, and humility in yourinteractions with others.Consider the fruits of the Spirit (love, joy,peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness,faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control)as a guide for your behaviour (Galatians5:22-23).

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SERVE OTHERSFollow Jesus' example of service by activelyseeking opportunities to serve others. Thiscould be through volunteering, helpingthose in need, or contributing to yourcommunity.PRACTICAL FORGIVENESS Apply biblical principles to your work andrelationships. This includes honesty, integrity,humility, and a commitment to treatingothers with respect.SEEK WISDOMPursue wisdom as outlined in the Bible. Thismay involve seeking knowledge,understanding, and discernment in bothspiritual and practical matters.CULTIVATE A GRATEFUL HEARTCultivate gratitude for the blessings in yourlife. Recognize and appreciate God'sgoodness and faithfulness.EDUCATE YOURSELFCultivate gratitude for the blessings in yourlife. Recognize and appreciate God'sgoodness and faithfulnessRemember that spiritual growth isa lifelong journey. Be patient withyourself, seek guidance frommentors or spiritual leaders, andallow the Holy Spirit to work inyour life. Regular self-reflection andevaluation of your actions againstbiblical principles can help youstay on course.PAGE 13

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It is important to maintain strongcommunication between parentsand the team. To facilitate this, agroup was established in 2024 tokeep everyone involved in midweekgroups informed about ongoingactivities and practicalopportunities as they arise.The group allows a place forparents to view term topics,upcoming events, camp details andmore. PARENTSPARENTSCOMMUNCOMMUN-ICATION-ICATIONTo join: Note: This group is only for Bible StudyGroups (Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Saturday) PAGE 14

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Practical Service OpportunitySaturday 16th November Waurn Ponds Community Church From 10amConnect Service Sunday 17th Novemberwith Andrew Scarborough from 5:30pm @ Reveal ChurchOperation Christmas MiracleFriday 20th December to Sunday 22nd December@ Reveal Church Homecoming Yth CampFriday 17th to Sunday 19th January @ Reality Church FOR MORE DETAILS PLEASE UPCOMINGUPCOMINGEVENTSEVENTSMany of our events have a small cost tocover basic food and transportation needs.We are grateful for your donations, whichhave allowed us to reach more youth andyoung adults.To donate, please visit you!

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HOMECOMINGHOMECOMINGYTH CAMPYTH CAMPFriday 17th January to Sunday 19th January A free camp that is donation funded to have teenagers come together. Hosted at Reality Church Traralgon VictoriaMore details coming

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As we reflect on 2024, wecelebrate a year ofremarkable collaborationacross churches, towns, anddenominations. Together,we organized impactfulevents that empowered ouryouth and young adults,creating vibrantopportunities for growthand connection. The spiritof partnership has trulyblessed our communities,and we look forward tobuilding on this momentumin the coming year! At the start of the year,Fernando set a goal toreach and help 1,000 youngpeople. Currently, webelieve that 850 havealready been impacted, andwe expect to reach the goalby the end of December.This success has come 2024 Year-End Update2024 Year-End Updatethrough various initiatives,including involvement inschool holiday camps at MillValley Ranch, numeroustrips led from our homebase at Reveal Church, andonline gatherings for youthand young adults via ZoomBible study, WhatsAppgroups, and our Instagramchannel.We’d like to take thisopportunity to thank all thechurches, pastors, parents,organizations, and kids whohave partnered with us,prayed for us, andgenerously given their time,finances, and food to helpus achieve our goals. Mostof all, our gratitude goes toGod, who has guided us inall areas this year.

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The Acts group has helped me in many ways but one of thebiggest ones for me was just helping me get through toughtimes, like when I had a bad day or had something Ineeded to get off my chest they would always be there forme in a friendly manner and help me through it but alsohelped me grow in my faith and they met me at whereverstage I was at. Everything I learn I write into my journalthroughout sessions and somehow I always have thatjournal and those notes when I feel that someone needs tohear them which is just God moving through our dailylives. I am also just taking simple life lessons likefriendship and prayer in everything that I do and mostimportantly taking every opportunity I have to share thegospel. The Acts groups have impacted my life in so manyways from my faith to my day to day attitude I have beenable to apply lessons to my life. My learnings on thegospel has opened doors to me preaching to randompeople but also just to friends and family on a deeper levelwhich doesn’t just impact me but others and their faithwalk as well. ~Ellie~JANUARY TO MARCH Homecoming Camp Easter Youth Retreat APRIL TO JUNEMansfield Ministry TripState Youth Games JULY TO SEPTEMBERGippsland Mission TourKnow Your Enemy Seminar OCTOBER TO DECEMBERPractical Ministry & Holy Spirit Yth ConferenceCOMING SOON - Operation Christmas Miracle2024 @ a glace2024 @ a glacePAGE 19Most of all, ourMost of all, ourgratitude goes togratitude goes toGod, who has guidedGod, who has guidedus in all areas thisus in all areas thisyear.year.

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From an early age God’s love towards me was immense. God’s favor onmy family was prominent. I was honored to be alongside my parentswhen they ministered. The promise of God was evident in all areas of ourlives. From a small age I had much knowledge of God, my faith wasstrong. Being educated in a Seventh Day Adventist school, undertakingthe Pathfinder program and being a master guide. My family wereregular church goer and I saw my faith grow from an early age. However,I still lacked one thing, which I will reveal in just a moment. I left my birth country Sri Lanka to live in Australia when I wasseventeen. While Australia has blessed me with a tertiary education anda well-paid job. The master I served soon changed. I was no longerserving God, and my church attendance fell. Even though I read theBible and prayed, the intention and my reason I was doing so faded. Ithad become a habitual process, rather than being based in longing toconnect and know God. My heart had changed from God to other things, but deep down thefaith I had when I was small still shined through me. Heaven was thegoal I was focused on, even though everything I was doing was nothelping me get there. With many self-inflicted bad decisions life was not looking the brightest,and not biblical. With visa issues the circumstances of life were gettingharder. I am 2018? In 2018 maybe, things progressed to worse when mywork rights were taken away, with a further change to my visa status.Among other issues a broken heart was also added to the list, but Godcame to me in amazing circumstances. Giving me a second chance atlife, which has changed forever the way I love. With this newfound second chance, the greatness of God was revealed,with visions and miracles soon following. The previously lost hunger forGod grew, gusts of wind was pushed out of me, the fire was re-ignitedhotter than ever before. My mind was sharped, wisdom grew, and I wasprovoked with the love, peace, joy of God. FROM THE BEGINNING (PERSONAL TESTIMONY)THE ACTS MINSITRYTHE ACTS MINSITRYOVERVIEWOVERVIEW

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With this newfound second chance, thegreatness of God was revealed, with visionsand miracles soon following. The previouslylost hunger for God grew, gusts of wind waspushed out of me, the fire was re-ignitedhotter than ever before. My mind wassharped, wisdom grew, and I was provokedwith the love, peace, joy of God. With this newfound authority and changedheart I started volunteering. First at myhome church (Reveal Church, EndeavourHills), where some thinking had to beunlearnt and new things had to be learnt.The volunteering capacity increasedexponentially to the point it covers all areasin my church; then overflows to otherchurches and ministries. The hand of Godbecame visible, now more than ever before. With this new Gospel understanding, Istarted to show the heart of my Father toothers. Not being bound with limitations ora lack of resources instead standing in thetruth that God blessed me in all areas.I started volunteering locally and helpchurches via technology internationally andnow connect with over ten differentchurches, being involved in 24 differentministries in different capacities. My love forGod has grown. I can say I have newunderstanding of Jesus and see Father in anew light. I cannot go through a day withoutmy friend Holy Spirit. The power of theGospel is finally revealed. Now I not onlyunderstand Him, but I also love Him too,which is something I never understoodwhen I was younger. As I grow in Him, therevelation is finally personal, and thiswebsite is to show the fruits of walking withmy Father, revealing Him to the world.HOW THE WEEKLYHOW THE WEEKLY GROUPS STARTEDGROUPS STARTED The groups have grown overthe last few years, andoriginally started duringCOVID to further encourageour local youth and Mill ValleyRanch kids who had questionsof faith that where not beinganswered, and to provide aplace for them to beencouraged in reading theBible and Prayer. PAGE 21

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The Acts has a strong emphasis on providingpractical Christian experience to thoseinvolved in the Bible Study or Mentoringgroup. These opportunities, while notcompulsory, are highly recommended. Someexamples include:Seminars & CampsMinistry & Community PracticalExperiencePrayer Groups Daily prayer calls forthose who choose to join at 7:00 amMonday to FridayThe Acts You Version BibleReading – where a group of youthare running the platform to havepractical experience in applyingwhat they are learning.Connect Service - a place tooutwork what they are learningwith various churchesWe are currentlyworking withgenerationsleaders fromvarious churches,to provideexperience,further trainingand practicalapplication innew settings. I love regularly being around praying people andpeople supporting each other and loving eachother through prayer. It’s often a source ofencouragement and empowerment-thanks forcreating more opportunities for us to pray ~Jenny~OPPORTOPPORTOPPORTUNITIESOPPORTUNITIESOPPORTOPPORTOPPORTUOPPORTUPAGE 22

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COMMUNITY HOUSECurrently in development ~ More informationto be available shortlyThrough CRC Churches International, people canundertake a mission trip to one of the many nationsthey are involved with globally. INTERNATIONAL MISSIONSOPPORTUNITYMore information to become available shortly WORK EXPERIENCE COMING IN 2025COMING IN 2025Being apart of The ACTS Group has been anamazing experience it has helped me growdeeper into learning about the Bible and Godin a different setting. I have felt like myunderstanding has completely changed andgrown so much. I’ve been able to apply a lot of what I learntinto my life and also my quite time with God. The ACTS Group has made me want to dive alot deeper into my understanding of God andour relationship. It has opened manyopportunities for me including being able tohelp with the YouVersion app, which isamazing to not only learn but to be able toapply it into different parts of serving andministry because of the opportunities I’vebeen offered :)~ Hannah ~ RTUNITIESTUNITIESRTUNITIESTUNITIESTUNITIESTUNITIESPAGE 23

Page 24 MERCHCHRISTIAN MERCHSharing the Gospel Through FashionSPECIAL OPPORTUNITIESChristian fashion tailored for youth andyoung adults. These garments aim to upliftGod and serve as reminders of the teachingslearned from the Bible.The opportunity to collaborate and bringtheir ideas to fruition through partnershipwith Mimshack Shop. Young people cancontribute their current ideas and have avoice in ongoing projects, allowing them towitness their concepts come to life.Encouragement to brainstorm what theyenvision. Planning is essential, as it allowsyouth to observe the behind-the-scenesprocess of how ideas and products aredeveloped. This experience provides valuablereal-life lessons.Mimshack Shop has designed clothing toinspire youth to share the gospel. Thesedesigns are intended to spark conversations,serving as a helpful reference at times and apractical tool at others.PAGE 24

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Each patch wasdesigned to help thewearer share the goodnews. The QR Code leads toan online gospelmessage created bymany of the youth whoare involved in The ActsGroups. Visit: toview this video. PAGE 25

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PARTNERSHIPSPARTNERSHIPSWhile the groups run underReveal Church our heart is not tosee youth and families leave theirchurches, rather see the youthgrow in faith and be a blessing towhere God has placed them, intheir churches, families. schoolsand workplace. We believe that thought we mayattend different churches, that weare all part of God's family. Assuch Fernando partners withmany churches (15+) and otherdenominations (includingBrethren, Seventh Day Adventist,church of Christ, Pentecostal,Baptist etc.), with a heart to seemany come to know andunderstand the fullness of theGospel and be able tocommunicate that to their friendsand families.These partnerships have resultedin churches working together invarious capacities, with thecommon goal of seeing theKingdom extended thoughChristians regardless of church ordenominational back groupworking in unity. "We believethat thoughtwe may attenddifferentchurches, thatwe are all partof God'sfamily".PAGE 26

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Fernando has forged relationships with manychurches and organisations around Australia,which has created other opportunities to ministertogether on single events or an ongoing basis,some churches include; Church on TarwinMoe New Life Eternity Church - Morwell Urban Praise MY TCC (The City Church, Traralgon)Waurn Ponds Community ChurchCommunity Church Warragul Turning Point Church Kingston City Church Diggerland - Redcliffs Colour City Church - Orange NSWReality Church - TraralgonMill Valley Ranch CONNECTEDCONNECTED ORGANISATIONSORGANISATIONSPAGE 27

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MAINMAIN PARTNERSHIPSPARTNERSHIPSVaried ongoing partnershipsexist with Reveal Church, MillValley Ranch, Waurn PondsCommunity Church, and Churchon Tarwin; where Fernando ispart of the Intern Program and isundertaking the teaching of firstyear participant.Mill Valley Ranch and BaptistCamping have avenues open foryouth to join one of The Actsgroups for ongoing discipleship,this partnership started in 2022. IIn September 2024, Waurn PondsCommunity Church opened theirfacility to host a face-to- facegroup for those in the area,seeing the Geelong Group movefrom a family house to apermanent facility while otherdevelopments happen with theCommunity House. Reveal Church is foundational inmany aspects of the running ofThe Acts ministry, from providingspiritual covering to a venue formany of the specialised campsand conferences. Many of the congregation members havebeen pivotal in providingpractical support, funding, andmeals on many occasions. Most Sundays at Reveal Churchthe Upnext Program, aspecialised discipleship programrunning with Year 7 to 12 youth.More information about Upnextcan be found in Appendix A PAGE 28

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Quick Glance:Website: Phone: 03 5942 8356Offerings: School and church camps, specialised holiday programsCome check it out and see what it’s all about!Mill Valley Ranch (Baptist Camping Victoria) isa serene destination for spiritual growth andcommunity bonding, offering variousprograms and events. The camp featuresactivities that foster faith and connection,including outdoor adventures, team-buildinggames, worship services, and Bible studies.Participants enjoy campfires, groupdiscussions, and recreational activitiesdesigned to deepen their faith and buildlasting friendships.The Bartlett family has a rich history with thecamp, playing a crucial role in itsestablishment and operations. Theircommitment to creating a welcoming spacefor spiritual retreats and communitygatherings has shaped the camp’s missionover the years. Today, Mill Valley Ranchcontinues to promote fellowship, personaldevelopment, and a love for nature, making ita cherished location for those seeking to growin their faith while enjoying the beauty of theoutdoors.PA RT N ER PR OF I LEEXPLORING

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REVEAL CHURCHREVEAL CHURCHGod Revealed Lives TransformedReveal Church is a vibrant multi-site, cross-cultural, and cross-generational communitydedicated to nurturing faithacross all ages. With a strongemphasis on children and youthministry, the church offersengaging programs that inspirethe next generation. From livelykids' activities that sparkcuriosity about God’s love toyouth gatherings that promotespiritual growth and leadership,Reveal creates safe, welcomingspaces for young people toconnect and thrive. By focusingon building relationships,embracing diversity, andteaching the Bible, Revealempowers individuals of allbackgrounds to flourish in theirfaith and engage in a warmcommunity. Grounded in biblicalteachings, Reveal fosters adeeper understanding of God’sword, enabling members togrow spiritually and apply thoselessons in their lives.Founded in September 1979,Reveal Church (formerly known PA RT N ER PR OF I LEWe believe thatthought we mayattend differentchurches, thatwe are all partof God's family.PAGE 30

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as South Eastern ChristianCentre) began at Doveton HighSchool under the leadership ofPastor Mike Cronin. Over thepast 41 years, the church hassuccessfully plantedcongregations in Cranbourne,Beaconsfield, and beyond,earning respect across Australia,with Pastor Cronin serving asState and National Chairman forCRC Churches International.Reveal is dedicated toministering to all generationsand cultures, offering a diversearray of programs for everydemographic.Quick Glance:Website: reveal.churchService Times:Sunday: 10: 00 AMFridays: 7:00 PM (Youth Group)Connect Service: First Sunday of eachmonth, 5:30pm ( Yth & YA's)Email: info@reveal.churchVisit us at Reveal Church— where we nurturefaith in kids, youth, and young adults as theystep into their God-given purpose! PAGE 31

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PA RT N ER PR OF I LEExploringExploring Church on TarwinChurch on TarwinIf you’re looking for a place to connect,grow, and worship, Church on Tarwin,Warragal is the spot for you. With a richhistory of faith and community, thischurch has been bringing people togetherfor years.What really sets it apart? The GenerationsMinistries! This awesome initiativewelcomes everyone—kids, teens, adults,and seniors—to come together, share theirstories, and support one another on theirfaith journeys. It’s all about buildingrelationships and creating a vibrantcommunity where everyone feels at home.Whether you’re new to the area or justcurious about faith, you’ll find a warmwelcome here. Plus, the church is activelyinvolved in outreach, making a positiveimpact right in the neighborhood.Quick Glance:Website: Times:Sunday: 10:00 AMWednesday: 7:00 PM (Youth Group)Email: check it out and see what it’s all about!PAGE 32

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Reality Church is a welcomingcommunity where you cancome as you are, embracinggrace and faith. Family isnurtured, and every member isvalued. With a focus onconnection and genuinetransformation, Realityencourages serving like Jesusand speaking life into others, allwhile fostering love andinclusivity. Reality Church's youth ministryis dedicated to creating anengaging and supportiveenvironment for young people.Aimed at students in years 7 to12, the ministry focuses onfostering meaningfulconnections and spiritualgrowth through variousactivities, including youthgatherings, small groups, andevents. These programsencourage teens to exploretheir faith, develop leadershipskills, and build lastingfriendships. With a strongemphasis on inclusivity andauthenticity, Reality Churchseeks to empower youth tonavigate their faith journeyswhile cultivating a sense ofbelonging within the churchcommunity.Quick Glance:Website: Times: Sunday: 10:00amFridays: 7:00pm (Youth Group)Email: us at Reality Church, whereyou can grow in faith and connectwith a loving community PA RT N ER PR OF I LE

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PARTNERPROFILEWAURN PONDSWAURN PONDSCOMMUNITY CHURCHCOMMUNITY CHURCHWPCC is a warm and welcoming placewhere everyone can meet Jesus andconnect in a life-giving community. With apassion for authentic worship and makinga difference, the church believes you arevalued and loved—created with a uniquepurpose.Families will appreciate the vibrant kids’programs—like Creche, Primary Kids, andMainly Music—where children can discoverGod’s love in a fun environment. The youthministry serves as a safe haven for teens toexplore their faith while enjoying engagingactivities. Additionally, the Young Adultsand Connect Groups provide excellentopportunities for building lastingfriendships. Visitors are encouraged to jointhis loving community that celebratesgrowth and connection for all ages!Quick Glance:Website: Times:Sunday: 10:00 amFridays: 7:00pm (Youth Group)Email: more information about services andprograms, visit the website or reach out viaemail!PAGE 34

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GOVERNANCEGOVERNANCEAs many of the people we are workingwith are individuals under 18, Childsafety practices play a significant rolein who we set up the governancestructures. The Child safety policy ofReveal Church is applied and is theoverarching document and processfollowed in the daily running. Due to the nature of this specialministry where The Acts areconnected to multiple churches, if anorganization has a stricture policy,that becomes the standard. Allpastoral and other issues are handledby Reveal Church, but other churchesare also notified of the issue andcourse of action. This means that if anincident occurs a report is sent to allrelevant organizations. Updates onwhat is planned are also sent to therespective churches and leaders tokeep them up to date. Reveal Church oversees the vettingprocess for leaders and helpers,ensuring that we keep up to date withall Child Safe Requirements. As part ofthis process each leader mustundertake an application process,present a valid Working withChildren’s Check, as well ascompleting a code of conduct andconfidentiality statements. DO IT THE SAFEDO IT THE SAFEWAY; DO IT THEWAY; DO IT THERIGHT WAY; DORIGHT WAY; DOIT EVERY DAYIT EVERY DAYPAGE 35

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Got questions? Email fernando@reveal.churchCONTACT USHERALDING GOOD NEWS.SEEING LIVES MIRACULOUSLYTRANSFORMED visit: purchase: Behind the Scenes