InTouchInTouch2023-2024Senior Sunrise Breakfastclass of 2024
-Erik RitschardIs there one thing above all that we must teachour children, and build into our understandings ofourselves and our families and our school? It was a day of questions for Jesus: a bunch ofPharisees “went and plotted how they mightentangle Him in His talk.” (Matthew 22:15) Theydecided to ask Him about paying taxes to Caesar,but that didn’t stump Him. In fact, when theyheard Jesus’ answer, “they marveled, and left Himand went their way.” (Matt 22:22).Not wanting the Pharisees to have all the fun, theSadducees quizzed Jesus about the resurrectionon the same day (Matt 22:23). They hoped they’ddeveloped an impossible puzzle, but like thePharisees, found Jesus to be un-stumpable. Jesus’response caused more marveling from the crowd:“When the multitudes heard this, they wereastonished at His teaching.” (Matt 22:33)The Pharisees re-enter the scene after hearingthat “[Jesus] had silenced the Sadducees,” andapparently decided that this question wouldconfound Him: “Teacher, which is the greatestcommandment in the law?” Of course Jesusanswers them with familiar words, quotingDeuteronomy chapter 6: “‘You shall love the Lordyour God with all your heart, with all your soul,and with all your mind.’ This is the first andgreatest commandment.” Then He added (quotingLeviticus 19), “and the second is like it: ‘You shalllove your neighbor as yourself.’” (Matt 22:34-39)MESSAGE from Head of Schools, Erik RitschardThe One ThingSo this is it – this answers our question. The OneThing most important to teach our children is tolove: and to aim that love first toward the Lord,and then toward everyone else. Our leadership team recently completed a helpfulbook on this subject by Dr. James K A Smith,entitled You Are What You Love. As we continueto work with the students here, and as you guideyour children through the summer and beyond, Iwould encourage us to be wrestling with theimplications of the two greatest commandmentsand the title and contents of Dr. Smith’s book.Walking through life with Jesus is not somethingwe are asked to think about, it’s something we areasked to practice and do, and that doing begins inand is sustained by love – first, God’s love for us,and then, our walking in love with God and ourneighbor. School and family life both provide ampleopportunity to examine who and what we mostlove, and to commit to consistent Christ-like lovethat is slow to speak, slow to anger (James 1:19-20), and quick to forgive. (Colossians 3:12-14) I’mdeeply grateful that I get to be part of a schoolteam that is very intentional about teaching andpracticing love for God and neighbor, and deeplythankful that we had the blessing of working withyou and your children this past school year. I’mpraying for each family this summer that wewould continue to grow and walk in love, and indoing so stay focused on the One Thing.
TABLE OFCONTENTSMes sage0204Head of Schools - Erik RitschardFundraising EffortsSchool BudgetK-12 Entrepreneurship Initiative50th Anniversary CelebrationGrace NewsCCMS NewsCCHS News081012Message From The PrincipalYear HighlightsMessage From The PrincipalYear HighlightsMessage From The PrincipalYear HighlightsSparrow RecapCapstone ProgramClass of 2024Callenger AthleticsGCCS Sponsors2223Staff FarewellsDis tric t Ne ws
Fundraising Results04SPORTS SPONSORS2023-2024Fundraising ResultsWe extend our heartfelt thanks to all the GCCSfamilies, sponsors, and generous donors for theirunwavering support of our schools. Year afteryear, we witness God's incredible provisions.We're thrilled to announce that we have not onlymet our goals, but surpassed them. Thedevelopment team reports that The NumbersAre InTogether We Can Do Great things$700,000was raised this year! The impact of these funds onour schools is immeasurable, benefiting not only ourstudents but also extending far beyond them. It's atestament to God's goodness and how He hasprovided for our schools this year. Thank you forheeding God's call to invest in the lives of ourstudents and their families.
School Budget052023-2024 SCHOOL BUDGETGrace Cascade Christian Schools is a 501c(3) non-profit corporation that exists to assist Christian familiesby providing a Biblically-based education designed tocultivate spiritual maturity, Godly character, strongscholarship, and selfless service to others. Without adoubt, our most important “resources” foraccomplishing our mission are our parents, students,employees, and supporters, but of course we must alsodesign and steward a responsible budget each year. The “bottom line” for our 2023-2024 fiscal year? We’veoperated slightly under budget in most categories, andexpect to finish the fiscal year July 31 “in the black”with all our obligations met and with some appropriatereserves for moving into next year.Following the full audit of our FY 2020-2021 that wecompleted last year, we’ve continued our relationshipwith the accounting firm KDP both for professionalassistance and annual reviews. The annual review ofFY 2021-2022 has been completed, and againconfirms our school’s fiscal responsibility andorganizational integrity. GCCS operates from three direct sources of revenue: Roughly 81% comes from tuition and fees fromparents or grandparents with students enrolled.About 13% is generously given by donors,sponsors, and foundation partners who also providesignificant additional support for capital projectsthat are not part of regular operating expenses. Wesimply could not function without this level ofsupport from our donor and sponsor partners – aHUGE thank you to each!Roughly 6% is income from auxiliary operations,such as facilities rental or food service.Our schools also receive significant indirect supportthrough two groups of very important people: Our faculty and staff, who out of love for ourstudents and mission work for lower wages thanthey would be paid for comparable employmentelsewhere. This support from our employees meansthat our expense budget is significantly lower thanit would otherwise be, and is just one more reasonwhy we’re so grateful for our wonderful teachersand staff! Our volunteers, who selflessly provide hours of timeeach school year to help out - from athletics to fieldtrips to praying over our school and students.Paying for those services would add tremendouscost, and so we are always grateful for theencouragement and indirect financial blessings wereceive from our volunteers! ·Operating a thriving private Christian School takessignificant commitment and investment from many, andwe’re deeply grateful for each parent, donor, employee,and volunteer who makes those investments each yearto help us provide Biblically-grounded educationdesigned to cultivate spiritual maturity, Godly character,strong scholarship, and selfless service to others. For the 2023-2024 school year, the Board of Trusteesadopted a budget of $8,140,510. The first two graphicsillustrate major income and expense categories, whilethe third shows the amount of funds given in financialaid this year. We humbly and gratefully acknowledge that the Lord isour provider. We also recognize that He provides forour school through choices that His people make toinvest in Christian education. We’re thankful for eachone who has supported our schools and our communitythis past year as we make every effort to steward everydollar and every offering of time and energy with careand wisdom. Thank you – for each of you who haveshared God’s blessings with us this year – we soappreciate each of you!
K-12 Entrepreneurship Initiative 07Sparrow Shirt FundraiserExciting changes are underway at Grace CascadeChristian Schools, as innovative staff and communitymembers collaborate to introduce a dynamic new learningstyle. Throughout the academic year, students acrossvarious grade levels have actively engaged in experientiallearning, business and entrepreneurship experiences. Thesuccess of these initiatives has sparked a movementtowards integrating this approach permanently into ourcurriculum.In its early stages, the idea of a new K-12Entrepreneurship Initiative has already garnered interestfrom local community partners. We eagerly anticipateseeing how this program will foster student engagementand better prepare them for future endeavors.At the elementary school level, fourth-grade studentsrecently participated in the annual Invention Convention.Here, they tackled real-world problems by creatinginnovative solutions through new product designs. Theirinventions were showcased much like a tradeshow,allowing fellow students and guests to explore theircreativity and pose insightful questions.At the high school level, new elective classes haveprovided invaluable learning opportunities. The FinancialStewardship class featured 33 guest speakers whocovered topics ranging from financial literacy to smartinvesting. Business class students were challenged tocreate business plans and present them to communitypartners.Meanwhile, the Marketing class empowered students toapply their knowledge through hands-on projects. Theydeveloped social media content to promote school events,fundraisers, and even collaborated with local businessesto enhance their online presence. Notably, their Sparrowspirit shirt fundraiser raised $5000, showcasing theirentrepreneurial spirit and community impact. Thesemester culminated in students presenting theirmarketing strategies to esteemed investors, receivinginvaluable feedback for their future endeavors.Additionally, our sophomore students recentlyparticipated in the Careers in Gear event, the region'spremier youth career expo. This event boasted over 400business professionals and was attended by 1700 localstudents. Students came equipped with interview sheetsand were tasked with meeting business professionals andcompleting informational interviews about their careers. The event also partnered with colleges, tradeschools, and universities alongside the businesses asthe students learned about the pathways to attainmeaningful careers in our region.Throughout the year, several teachers haveintegrated experiential learning styles acrossdifferent subjects, nurturing our students' growthand confidence. We look forward to continuing toprovide such transformative experiences as ourstudents progress through their academic journey.If you are interested in learning more about our K-12Entrepreneurship Initiative, please contact StacieGrier at Join us as we shape the future of education andempower our students to thrive in an ever-changingworld.Exciting Ways to Learn!Careers in GearInvention Convention
GraceC H R I S T I A NE L E M E N T A R Y2 0 2 3 - 2 0 2 4
Grace Highlights09Grace HighlightsAs we approach the end of another incredible school year, I am filledwith gratitude for God’s faithfulness and all we have accomplishedtogether as an elementary school through His leading. The 2023-2024academic year has been filled with unforgettable moments, growth,and achievements, and it is my honor to reflect on these experienceswith you.I want to extend my heartfelt appreciation to our dedicated teachers,staff, administration, and school board for their unwaveringcommitment to our students' success. Your passion, creativity, andtireless efforts have created a nurturing and inspiring learningenvironment where each child has the opportunity to learn God’s truthand thrive. To our incredible students, congratulations on a year filled withcuriosity, hard work, and resilience. You have embraced newchallenges, learned valuable lessons both inside and outside theclassroom, and demonstrated exceptional growth. Your enthusiasm forlearning and your kindness towards one another continue to inspire us.Continue to learn and grow in your walk with Jesus pursuing truth! To our supportive parents and families, thank you for entrusting uswith the education and well-being of your children. Your partnershipand involvement in our school community make a significant differencein the lives of our students and contribute to the vibrant spirit of GraceChristian Elementary School. As we look back on the memories we have created together, fromengaging classroom activities to exciting extracurricular events, we arereminded of the strength and unity of our Grace Christian Elementaryfamily. Together, we have celebrated achievements, overcomechallenges, and fostered a culture of truth, faith, unity humility andintegrity as outlined in our Core Values. As we say good-bye to this school year and prepare for the adventuresthat lie ahead, I encourage you to carry forward the lessons learned,the friendships forged, and the dreams that inspire us. May yoursummer break be filled with joy, relaxation, and memorable momentswith loved ones. I am excited to see what the future holds for each one of our studentsas they continue to learn, grow, and make a positive impact for Jesuson the world around them. Wishing you all a Christ-centered summer! Message from Tim Teterud - Elementary Principal
CascadeC H R I S T I A N M I D D L E2 0 2 3 - 2 0 2 4
CCMS Highlights11CCMS HighlightsAs the 2023–2024 closes to an end I look forward to the Lord'sdirection as we plan for next year. First of all, I would like to thank allof you for your amazing support you demonstrated to your studentsand staff at Cascade Christian Middle School. When I think about thispast year, I find myself being grateful to our Lord as He directed ourevery stepThere were lots of “firsts” this year. First of all, every Monday I wouldmeet with the entire middle school in the Commons. We called it“First Things.” During those few minutes of that day, we would taketime for specific prayer requests, review our school values, or just takethe time to encourage each other. This past year quarterly events were planned to celebrate friendships,play games, or just “hang out” giving our kids the opportunity tostrengthen already established friendships or meet new friends.Our middle school also worked diligently by helping others in ourcommunity. Community Service encourages our students to becomeServant Leaders. Students raked leaves, cleaned areas in theirchurches, volunteered to watch younger children, and were involved invarious events held in their community. Our 6th grade studentsinvented the “Snack Shack” to raise funds for our Sparrow which washeld every Tuesday in the Commons. Over $1,000 was raised! Thanksfor the Snack Shack, kids. Maybe we will see it next year?Along with Community Service opportunities, we enjoyed promisingactors, singers, and dancers during this year’s musical of “David andGoliath.” The talent was something to see. Plans for next year arealready underway.A huge thank you goes out to Kena Sampson, who organizes ourSparrow events (see pg 14). This year, however, she had CCHSsenior, Joezie Mitchell to assist. Joezie planned special events workingwith our students to help raise funds for our Sparrow, Evelyn. Joezieplanned a great send off for Evelyn and her family which involvedbubbles, fire trucks. family and friends. Thanks, Joezie, for anoutstanding job. You are a great example of Servant Leadership.This was a great year as we welcomed Sarah Johnston, Garret Root, Nick Fanelli, and David Malcolm to our middle school staff. They wereall great additions to our already fabulous staff. Keep up the greatwork.Our partnerships with families and God’s faithfulness allowed successfor our students and allowed us to walk alongside each other foranother year.As we head into summer, we pray for our school families and staff,giving thanks to our awesome God. He knows us, sees us and stillloves us with His perfect and unconditional love and understanding. It is only through Him we can do what seems impossible because weknow nothing is impossible with God.Message from Diane McMahon - Middle School Principal
CascadeC H R I S T I A N H I G H2 0 2 3 - 2 0 2 4
CCHS Highlights13CCHS HighlightsWow, what a remarkable year it has been inChallenger Country! As I reflect on my second yearwith this new family, I am filled with a deep sense ofjoy and gratitude for the collective journey we haveshared. This year, we have stood as a testament to thestrength of our shared values, the unwavering supportof our families and community, and God’s faithfulness.Let’s take a moment to celebrate our fantastic journeyand the incredible growth we have experienced indifferent areas of school life, a testament to our unityand shared commitment.Community of Kindness: Our school communityexperienced significant growth this year as we workedtoward creating an environment where every studentis seen, valued, supported, and loved as a brother orsister in Christ. From daily interactions, intentionalfocus, and organized events, students and staffconsistently showed genuine concern for one another. Servant Leadership: Our school theme this year wasServant Leadership, accompanied by the focus versefrom Romans 12:10-11: Love each other with genuineaffection, and take delight in honoring each other.Never be lazy, but work and serve the Lordenthusiastically. This year, our students have embracedthe call to servant leadership, stepping up to servetheir peers, school, and local community. Throughservice projects, leadership roles, and mentorshipprograms, they have demonstrated that authenticleadership is rooted in humility and service to others.An excellent demonstration of our students' hearts andleadership came through our fantastic partnership withthe Sparrow Club and how our school communityrallied around and supported our Sparrow, Evelyn. Spiritual Growth: Grow in the grace and knowledge ofour Lord and Savior Jesus Christ." - 2 Peter 3:18Spiritual growth has been at the heart of our mission.Our students have deepened their relationship with theLord through regular chapel services, Bible studies,prayer groups, and intentional reorienting to the Lord.It has been inspiring to witness their growing faith andcommitment to living out Christian values daily. Thisyear, our Chapel speakers and Worship team did afantastic job providing a well-rounded opportunity forstudents to connect with and worship the Lord. Academic and Extracurricular Excellence: Our comm-itment to academic excellence has remained un-wavering. Our dedicated faculty members have loved,inspired, and challenged our students to reach newheights. Our fine arts and performing arts departmentsput on two outstanding performances this year thatwonderfully showcased our students' many giftings.Our students also took home several trophies this yearfor their fantastic performance in local and regionalacademic competitions! In addition, in athletics, we had numerous district champions, two team statechampionships, and several individual statecompetitors! Our participation numbers for allextracurricular programs, club teams, and lunchtimeprograms were off the charts, and many programswere bursting at the seams. These opportunities haveallowed students to explore their passions, developnew skills, and build lasting friendships. Participationin these activities has enriched their educationalexperience and contributed to their holisticdevelopment.Community Engagement: Our commitment to serviceand community engagement was reignited this year,with the restrictions of the last couple of years nolonger being an obstacle. Our students havedemonstrated extraordinary compassion andgenerosity, actively seeking ways to impact our localcommunity and beyond positively. From organizingfundraisers for charitable causes, participating involunteer work, or the love and support poured intoour Sparrow, Evelyn, and her family, our students haveembodied the spirit of Christ's love in action. Theyhave been true ambassadors of our school’s corevalues, making a difference in the lives of those lessfortunate.Character Formation: Throughout the year, wecontinue to emphasize our core values of truth, faith,unity, humility, and integrity. Our students havedemonstrated exceptional character as they facedchallenges, treated one another with respect, playedan active role in helping rebuild our school community,and continued to grow to embrace the diversity withinour school. We are excited and blessed to be part ofthis formative process!Our achievements this year have been a testament tothe unwavering support of our dedicated parents,families, alumni, and community. Your prayers,involvement, and encouragement have been invaluableto our school's success. Your commitment to Christianeducation and partnership with our faculty and staffhave made a profound impact on the lives of ourstudents. We are deeply grateful for your continuedsupport and look forward to strengthening our bondsin the future. Your presence and contributions are trulycherished.As we conclude this school year, let us give thanks toGod for His guidance and blessings. It is through Hisgrace that we have achieved so much. I am incrediblyproud of our students, faculty, and families for theirhard work and dedication. Together, we have created avibrant and thriving school community that embodiesthe love of Christ. May we continue to grow in faith,wisdom, and love, carrying forward the lessons wehave learned this year into the future.2023-2024 was a Great Year To Be A Challenger!Message From Toby Walker - High School Principal
Sparrow Recap14EvelynNo one stands taller than when they stoop to help a child.Cascade Christian’s partnership with Sparrow Clubempowers kids to help other kids. Our students found their hearts captured by 7-year-oldEvelyn, a local girl diagnosed with cancer last fall. Meetingher inspired a spirited volunteer and fundraising effortbeyond our wildest imaginations.Cascade Christian students raised ten thousand dollars tosupport Evelyn while she battled cancer. Those effortsincluded graffiti cleanups, snack shacks, charity sportingevents, a mission trip to Mexico, making teddy bears,collecting coats, Sparrow Spirit T-shirt sales and severalacts of service. Although the goal was 600 hours, ourstudents clocked over 1,692 hours of service for ourSparrow who is now cancer-free after going throughtreatment. Kena Sampson of Sparrow Club and CCHSSparrow Student Advisor Joezie Mitchell spoke at a specialchapel service in May to celebrate, complete with a victorywalk, fire department escort, and celebratory stop atHuman Bean.What a great opportunity for the students and staff ofCascade Christian to become a part of something biggerthan themselves.Our SparrowIt is very hard to put into words how much yourtime, energy, and kindness has impacted ourfamily. This has been the most stressful year, butwe have never felt more loved and supported aswe have, from you all. I hope you know that thepositivity you have given to the Sparrow’s Projectis one that has made Evelyn’s memoriessurrounding her battle with cancer happy andconfident. You have made her and Henry feel likerockstars with every encounter and that issomething we cannot ever repay. Thank you-fromthe bottom of our hearts. With so much love,The Owens Family
Capstone Project15The New Graduation ProgramThis year we rolled out our Senior Capstone (activities,assignments, and reflections leading to a presentationsenior year). We are on our way to accomplishing ourvision to ensure that each Cascade High School graduateis prepared to step into their future with confidence, Godhonoring purpose, and direction. Students in grades 9-12reflected on the world of work and Christian mission,engaged in self-knowledge assessments and inventorieshelping them identify fitting careers related to theirinterests, skills, and God given aptitudes. They wereexposed to careers, colleges, trades, and the military. Withthe implementation of block scheduling this year, many ofthese activities happened during “Challenger Period.”Freshmen reflected on their unique experiences andinterests, including taking interest inventory andconnecting their results to possible future careers.Sophomores used their Brain Games aptitude assessmentresults to identify businesses to connect with at Careers inGear. They came armed with questions and reflected onwhat they had learned when they returned to school.Juniors participated in interview and resume’ workshops,created and edited resumes in preparation for CascadeChristian Careers Day. On Careers Day we wereoverwhelmed by the parents in our Grace Cascadecommunity who volunteered their time as in-person andvirtual mock interviewers and career panelists. Studentsdressed for success and came away inspired by what theyheard from career panelists and with increased confidencein their interview skills. They attended informationsessions and tours at Klamath Community College and theOregon Institute of Technology. This gave them theopportunity to learn how to approach a college visit andhear about the programs and opportunities unique tothese schools. Not long before school was out theylearned how to create a stand-out college admissionsessay in their English classes and submitted them as aCapstone assignment.Juniors and seniors learned more about colleges, themilitary, and the trades through representatives wehosted on campus. Seniors fine-tuned their college admissions essays,applied for a scholarship, completed their communityservice hours, and created their final presentation. Onthe last day of school they reflected on their high schoolexperience and shared their spiritual, vocational,community, and family goals for the future.Students in all grade levels were introduced to the ideaof SMART goals (Specific, Measurable, Attainable,Reasonable, Time-bound) and asked to create SMARTspiritual, vocational, community, and family goals.Many students in all grade levels began seeking jobshadows and informational interviews, as well asworking on their community service hour requirement.Some fulfilled their career exposure requirement byattending Health Occupations Day at RogueCommunity College, while others attended a trades fair.It was a great year! We look forward to fine-tuning andenhancing the Capstone next year.
Class of 202416ValedictorianSalutatorianBrook AkinsGeorge Fox Univ.NursingAlissa AmannGeorge Fox Univ.Math & MusicHalle BergenTrade SchoolCosmetologyMcKenzie BonnerGeorge Fox Univ.Youth MinistryColsen BrownCal BaptistBusinessMaddi CarterGeorge Fox Univ.NursingBlake ChamberlainATP Pilot ProgramStephanie ChavezGrand Canyon Univ.MarketingJosh ClarkRogue CCBusiness/Computer Sci.Kaydence CobleTrade SchoolCosmetologyAmira JarradOregon Tech Diagnostic MedicalSonographyKris FralichGrand Canyon Univ.BusinessMolly GriffinGrand Canyon Univ.Design/AnimationMason HoffmanRogue CCFire ScienceGraycee DornerCharleston SouthernPre-Law
Nikhil JosephLane CCPilot ProgramKellan KlekerGrand Canyon Univ.BusinessClaire KnipsGrand Canyon Univ.Marketing/AdverstingJack KnipsLassen CCCriminal JusticeNoah LetendreWorkforceCarpet CleaningCharlee MageeWorkforceA Plus PoolsAustin MaurerGrand Canyon Univ.Business/MarketingPeyton MaurerGrand Canyon Univ. Business/AdvertisingGabby JonesOR State Univ.Bio/Pre-Vetclass ofCASCADECHRISTIAN2024202444 GRADUATES$5.3 MILLIONAWARDED IN SCHOLOARSHIPSEarning college scholarships52%50%Attending a 4 year college698Concurrent creditsearned from SOU27%Attending a community college10%Attending tradeschool100%Participation in athletics or activities 70%Participation in tradesor skills classes50%Participation inmissions outreach
Class of 202418ValedictorianJoezie MitchellCalvin Univ.Speech PathologyAshton MoodyE. Kentucky Univ.Business/Golf ManagementGrace Anne MurphyBaylor UniversityEntrepreneural BusinessZach NorthropTrades-WeldingLocal 290 ApprenticeshipJonah ParkerOregon TechMechanical EngineeringKatelynn ReedWorkforceCattle RanchTimnah RobersonRogue CCUndecidedLuke RyderGrand Canyon Univ.MarketingSierra SamhammerMarian UniversityNursingShelby ShannonWorkforceNIC IndustriesBlake SkeetersWorkforcePrecision ElectricNathan SnyderRogue CCBusinessMaddie ToddLiberty University Pre-lawCole StoffletCollegeUndecidedSydney ShipmanHannibal La GrangeUniversityPsychology
Class of 202419Gavin UlrichRogue CCComputer ScienceBrendon Van WartWorkforceHelicopter PilotDylan WestlakeWorkforce - PlumbingLocal 290 ApprenticeshipLuke WilsonWorkforceWilson EquipmentCommencement Ceremony - June 1, 2024Surrounded by family and friends, the graduates took part in a beautiful ceremony at Cascade Christian HighSchool. The event featured inspiring speeches, heartfelt advice, and Pastor Mayben's final message to theclass before his retirement this year. A special addition this year allowed for the graduates to be announcedby a staff member of their choice. It was a very special occasion for all in attendance. Congratulations to theclass of 2024! We extend our prayers, support, and love as you embark on your next journey. Go get 'em,Challengers! Shine God's light wherever He leads you!Pam Scaglione
Challenger Athletics Recap20Our girls’ softball team enjoyed a season of resurgence,going from a winless 2022 campaign to seven in 2023, to19 this year. This program is looking forward to the returnof several talented young players next season. Ourbaseball team enjoyed their third consecutive season of 20wins or more with a fresh influx of growing talent. First-year coach Kasey Siliga had great success with thegolf team, guiding the program to its first state meetappearance since 2017. We had a great turnout for tennisand had a fun 2024 season. Our numbers for track andfield were a little smaller this season, but several athletessavored the taste of victory and progress toward fulfillingtheir potential. The spring also marked the introduction ofboys’ volleyball, sanctioned as an emerging sport. The guyshad a great time and had a winning season. We hadanother successful Trap team season- with a 1st placefinish in the fall. We also rolled out our first eSports team.Participating students competed with other schools in epicbattles of Super Smash Bros. While not an OSAA-sanctioned sport, Cascade Christian’sown Sierra Samhammer has enjoyed an illustrious BMXracing career, and signed a letter of intent to continue herathletic pursuits at Marian University in Indiana.It’s a great day to be a Challenger! Mr. Walker’stagline for our daily announcements certainly ringstrue with Cascade Christian athletics. The 2023-24school year was plentiful with victories, and wherethere weren’t victories, there was tremendousgrowth. Highlighting our fall programs was the statechampionship-winning football team. For the secondyear in a row, the Challengers were undefeated-winning the state title against Banks after a dramaticvictory over Vale in the semifinals. QB/LB AshtonMoody has signed a letter of intent to continueplaying at Eastern Kentucky.Our volleyball team had another brilliant run, after anundefeated league season they earned 4th place atthe state tournament in a highly competitive field.Coach Rob Kleker crossed the 250-win plateau. Well-stocked with senior leadership, wins over Creswelland Burns propelled the Challengers to a consolationbracket championship. One of our seniors- DSSydney Shipman- has committed to play at Hannibal-LaGrange University in Missouri.The boys and girls cross country teams had fineseasons, with the boys placing 8th at the state meet.Our boys' soccer program took the field for the firsttime in three seasons, winning three matches, andthe girls' soccer team continued their upward trendwith several new faces contributing alongside severalveteran athletes.Cascade Christian earned a third straightchampionship crown in Oregon 3A boys basketball.The Challengers defeated three tough opponents inDel La Salle North Catholic, Valley Catholic, andWestside Christian to do so. Austin Maurer set a newschool record for scoring, and heads to Grand CanyonUniversity to play at one of the best programs in thecountry. The girls’ program made tremendous progress,qualifying for the playoffs and winning 17 games.The program graduates two seniors and has a greatcore of athletes returning next year to reach newgoals. Winter also brought back our much-neededcheer squad - bringing a lot of spirit with them.Our swim team took a sizable contingent to the statechampionships and competed well. Senior JoezieMitchell recently signed a letter of intent to competefor Calvin University in Michigan.In wrestling, it was a building year for Jesse Everett,teaching the fundamentals to a fresh crop of newwrestlers. In addition, it was fun to see this group ofathletes bond.C H A L L E N G E R A T H L E T I C S
Sports Sponsors 22We all recognize the many benefits of participating in school sports, including fostering teamwork, boosting self-esteem,teaching leadership skills, building relationships, enhancing time management, encouraging hard work, and emphasizingthe importance of physical activity, to name just a few. The Challenger Athletic program boasts exceptional coaches whodedicate immense amounts of time and energy to our athletes. Additionally, we are fortunate to have the support of ourgenerous sports sponsors, whose contributions have exceeded $120,000! Thank you for investing in our athletes andschools—you help make our award-winning program possible.THANK YOU SPORTS SPONORS!JOHN AND PENNY ESSERCONRAD MORSE FAMILY TRUSTGERHARD FAMILYRICHARD BREWSTER, CPA, PC
Staff Farewells23Thank You for Your ServiceMaybenLindseyStevensJohnsonBrownAtkinsonCroyKing (Clark)ShaPastor MaybenTeamwork makes the dream work! When thinking about the rich historyof Grace Cascade Christian Schools, there’s a realization that the Lord hasbrought several wonderful individuals to our staff who have selflesslyserved to make this a great place for educating our young people.We take this opportunity to offer a heartfelt thank you to our departingstaff who are either retiring, moving, or embarking on new adventures.With 27 years of service, Daren Croy has been here for over half ourschool’s history, teaching such diverse subjects as health, technology, andBible at the secondary level. He estimates he has taught roughly 2,400kids, and each knows Mr. Croy has done so with great passion and care.As alumni and second-generation staff, Mychal Sha and Tiffany Clarkhave been a part of our family for a long time. Mr. Sha and his family aremoving Arizona, as his wife has accepted a promotion with her employer.He has served in several roles, most recently as our middle school PEteacher. Tiffany recently became Mrs. King and is looking forward to thisnew chapter in life as she moves out of the area.The dynamic duo of Mike and Anita Mayben are retiring after a longcareer of working with kids. Pastor Mayben’s love for God and His Wordwas evident in his Bible teaching, and he also set a good fundamentalfoundation for our middle school athletes as a football coach. Mrs.Mayben kept the machinery of our athletic department running smoothly,with great attention to all the details of scheduling, transportation,eligibility, and communication.After working for years in public education, Linda Johnson possessedgreat insight into what we could offer as an alternative at GCCS. Workingas Admissions Coordinator, Mrs. Johnson enthusiastically introducedfamilies to our schools and was key in managing the detailed process ofadmissions. Linda looks forward to retired life, but promises she’ll be backto volunteer at our many events.The presence of international students at Grace Cascade has done somuch to enrich the student experience here. Mandy Lindsey not onlyhelped bring students from other lands to our school but was alsoimportant in walking alongside our international students through theirjourney here. Lisa Brown is entering an exciting new phase of life as a grandparent.Her valuable work has included cultivating the reading skills of our youngstudents at Grace Christian Elementary. We know she will find great joyin spending time with the newest generation of her family.After teaching third grade for the last few years, Becky Stevens returnsto ministry alongside her husband at Heritage Christian Fellowship. Shewill be a blessing in her new role as someone with an evident heart forthe Lord and people.As a sixth-grade teacher, Nisha Atkinson had a creativity, warmth andkindness we will miss. We wish her all the best as she moves out of thearea to be closer to family.
Copywrite 2024 Grace Cascade Christian Schools. All rights reserved. No part ofthis publication may be reproduced in any form except by prior written permission.Printed on recycled paperMission: Grace Cascade Christian Schools exists as a faithful instrument in God’s hands to assist Christian families by providing a Biblically-basededucation designed to cultivate spiritual maturity, Godly character, strongscholarship and selfless service to others, resulting in students who knowJesus Christ personally and make Him known. gracechristian.orgGrace Christian SchoolCascade Christian Middle SchoolCascade Christian High School@gcsmedford@ccmsmedford@cchsmedford541-608-1322Celebrating 50 years of building futures on God’s foundation!