CRITICALHEALTHCARESOLUTIONSYour Trusted Life Safety and Security AdvisorProtecting lives. Securing futures.
Access Control, ClocksRTLSCOMPLETE CLINICAL SUPPORTCommunication Company of South Bend is a full systems integration provider. We havebeen designing, programming, installing and servicing communications systems since 1976.We offer best-in-class life safety, security, audio-visual, and communication systems fromthe top brands — including Rauland Borg Ametek, Siemens, Harman Kardon, DSX, Sony,Sharp, and many others.Your Trusted Life Safety and Security AdvisorSecurity SurveillancePaging, Intercoms,NotificationAudio, Visual,ConferencingCOVID-19 ResponseInteractive Display,ConferenceManagementMetal Detectors,Violence MitigationNurse CallMessenger,EmergencyCommunicationsEMR IntegrationFire Alarms,Extinguishers,InspectionsWirelessTelepathy
ABOUT OURINTEGRATEDSOLUTIONSOur goal is to help you meet yours. Our staff and patientcommunication solutions improve efficiency and allow you tofocus on increasing patient safety, improving the patientexperience or helping to drive quality outcomes. Our industryleading solutions increase response time and help you shareinformation with those in need, which alleviates anxiety and helpsin healing.1. Enterprise Foundation: Security, scalability, flexibility, savingsResponder Enterprise’s new architecture gives you the flexibilityto grow and respond to change while reducing your serverfootprint. You benefit from an open structure that doesn’tsacrifice security or availability.2. Clinical Workflow Standardization: Review, modify, improve, performBuild on your IT foundation with tools that help you easily evolveand expand best clinical practices. Achieve consistent, repeatableoutcomes with Responder Enterprise’s standardized technology,powerful integrations, and value-added services. Easily applyclinical best practices across your organization.3. Clinical Outcomes Improvement: Healthcare analytics to help identify, measure,optimize for continuous improvementOur Clinical experts employ Lean methodology to help youidentify wasted time and effort, and develop and test newstandards, as well as utilize healthcare analytics to measure how itincreases effectiveness and efficiencies in moving toward youroutcome initiatives.Your Trusted Life Safety and Security Advisor
Your Trusted Life Safety and Security AdvisorCOMPREHENSIVE NURSE CALLSYSTEMResponder® Enterprise’s scalablearchitecture addresses critical issues byproviding an IT foundation that cansupport and improve the way healthcare isdelivered and managed acrossdepartments, buildings, and operationalunits. This framework provides insights tohelp Clinical staffing drive evidence-basedprotocols and optimize care delivery—forhigher patient safety, improved staffsatisfaction, and a sharper focus on timely,efficient responses to patient needs.In-Room Digital Control CenterRauland Enterprise Converge is a new approach that brings a digitalcontrol center into the patient room to manage care and overseestaff and patient activities across the entire floor or facility.Execution of multiple functions from one locationAbility to see status and next steps for all patients Instant initiation of patient processes with other clinicians Integration with RTLSMobile IntegrationThe Responder Enterprise Clinical Mobile application providesnurse call from the palm of your hand. This easy to use app givesclinicians real-time information wherever they may be working toensure quick response to patient needs.Real-Time Locations Systems Rauland EveryWear is a real-time wearable location system thatconverges with other technologies to empower clinical teams, applybest practices across multiple facilities, and improve quality of careand overall productivity.
EFFICIENT EMERGENCY &EVERYDAY PAGING SOLUTIONSCommunicate with Ease Telecenter U controls both everyday and critical messaging requiredin today’s healthcare facilities, including routine announcements,patient-related emergency calls and building-wide emergencynotices. Scheduling prerecorded voice and visual messagesthroughout the building or on-the-fly text-to-speechannouncements is made easy and accessible through a web browser.Manage Emergency SituationsFor campus or building-wide threats, such as an active shooter orweather emergency, Telecenter U initiates a sequence of events thatcan be initiated manually or automatically – by phone, dedicatedconsole, mobile app, web page or dedicated panic button. Sequencescan consist of audio messages or tones, visual messages to messageboards, emails and interfaces to other systems.See Activity with Virtual MappingTelecenter U uses a map interface to give staff a real-time visualdepiction of the entire campus or hospital floor plan, instantlyshowing the locations of calls without announcing it via publicaddress. Authorized users can see where emergencies are occurringand direct responses accordingly.Your Trusted Life Safety and Security AdvisorRauland Telecenter U® is a network-basedbuilding communications system for theacute care environment. It has beendesigned to work in tandem with Rauland’sResponder® 5 nurse call system, combiningtraditional paging and intercom functionswith a toolbox of features to handle criticalsituations. Combining these two systemsgives staff a powerful communications toolto deliver the best possible patient care.
ENSURE PATIENT &STAFF SAFETYRTLS for Patients, Staff & EquipmentIn the midst of a crisis, every second counts. Respond to theunexpected with a real-time location system to keep track ofpatients, staff, visitors and equipment within your facility.Real-time visibilityInventory optimizationRetrospective data Change management Bluetooth capabilities CCTV & Video Surveillance Security systems help protect your patients, staff and facilities.We partner with leading manufacturers to offer diverse systemsand products that provide:Seamless integration with existing technology Continuous real-time video monitoring Active shooter detection Automated emergency alertsSmartphone and tablet video integration Scalable platform and open architecture Face-mask detection and occupancy monitoringDoor Access Controls Secure your facilities with a fully-integrated door access controlsystem from Communication Company. Depending on yourneeds, you can select from a range of product features, including:Scalable access control for any requirementsVideo surveillance integration Intrusion detection Cloud-based software Mobile command center Microsoft Access™ and SQL Server™ editionsRemote management of multiple buildings Your Trusted Life Safety and Security Advisor
Interactive Patient Smartboards and Bedmate Tablet TV Help patients by using education, remote visits, social networks, TVentertainment, and game apps, alleviating anxiety and boredom forbetter outcomes. With the Vizabli patient smartboard and HCIinteractive bedmate tablet TV:Push appointment reminders Capture vital informationProvide discharge information via video library Select a wide range of on-demand entertainment options Offer safe internal & external Telemedicine or care and familyconferencingConnect with onsite pharmacy for medication orders Provide personalized in-room meal ordering options Automated Conferencing and Interactive DisplaysPerfect for board rooms, conference rooms, and other areas of yourfacility, our integrated systems offer simplified installation, practicalfeatures, streamlined maintenance, and scalability for future expansion. Room schedulingSmart room controlVideo conferencingWireless presentationPro Sound Systems Communication Company offers cutting-edge audio solutions for a widerange of healthcare facility applications. Wireless & wired microphones & accessoriesSurround sound systems Portable PA systems Indoor / outdoor loudspeakersWireless & wired bluetooth speakersAndroid & iOS headphonesComputer audio systemsYour Trusted Life Safety and Security AdvisorINTERACTIVE AUDIOVISUALSOLUTIONS IMPROVE THEPATIENT & STAFF EXPERIENCE
Your Trusted Life Safety and Security AdvisorFIRE SAFETY SYSTEMSWith Customer Choice from Siemens, you can design the system and access the service youneed for a successful project. All technicians are Siemens Technology Certified, whichallows them to install, service, and expand Cerberus PRO systems. End users can alsobecome certified to support their own software and equipment.Fire ManagementFire Detection &Notification EMERgency 24 MonitoringFire ProtectionFire ExtinguishingCloud Solutions A PERFECT PLACE IS A PROTECTEDPLACE Fire safety involves many disciplinesfrom detection, alarming, evacuationand extinguishing to danger and buildingmanagement. Only if all of them arecarefully geared to each other, per yourspecific requirements, can you beassured that your employees, visitors,and assets are maximally protected. Weoffer all the required products, systemsand solutions from a single source tosafeguard the continuity of yourbusiness.
OUR HEALTHCARE TEAMYour Trusted Life Safety and Security AdvisorLynnetta ClearyAccount Manager, Healthcarelcleary@communication-co.com574.299.0020 (o) "We promise to provide you a scalable architecturethat addresses critical communication issues byproviding a healthcare IT foundation that supports andimproves the way healthcare is delivered and managedin your environment." -Dan Schmidtendorff833.266.6261 South Bend, IN | Columbus, OH | Detroit, MIProtecting lives. Securing futures.Rachel DayClinical Application Specialistrday@communication-co.com574.299.0020 (o)