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Heal & Rise Magazine- May

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Heal & RiseHeal & RiseM A G A Z I N EM A G A Z I N EVolume No. 3 • May 2023Sustainable LivingSustainable LivingHERstoryHERstoryFeature:Feature: GARDEN TIPSGARDEN TIPSFROM A SOIL SCIENTISTJournalingJournaling88THE ART OFTHE ART OFSlowing DownSlowing DownBANISH BURNOUTBANISH BURNOUT7 ways to rebalance

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Volume No. 3 • May 2023LETTER FROM THE EDITORWhen one thinks of sustainable living, yourmind might jump right to recycling andenvironmentally friendly choices.Sustainability certainly includes this, but let'sexpand on this concept a little deeper.True sustainable living is creating a pleasantand peaceful way of life for us and all thosearound us. It's slowing the pace to be easilymaintained over our lifetime, rather thanrushing until we hit burnout mode, escapewith a temporary vacation, and then cycleback around once again. It's choosing to livein a way that honors the living things aroundus, our neighbors on this planet of all kinds. Itis intentionally curating our life full of thatwhich brings us joy and sharing that joy withothers.May this issue help you to live moresustainably, from your environmental impactto your sense of spiritual wellness.Ashley is a writer, holistic healer, and plant-obsessedmeditating mama with a passion for empowering womenand mothers. To discover more of her story or inquireabout freelance writing work, visit ashleykayandy.comAshley KayLove & Healing,1

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Lydia is a speech language pathologist, wife and mother ofthree, who loves the small things. She is a creative spiritwith no photography experience, but a desire to share thebeauty that she sees. Sharing the little things that bringher joy is a fun and simple way to spread positivity. Lydiawas once described as the “hype man” for the ReinbeckFarmer’s Market committee and she feels that it is a prettyfitting descriptor for all areas of her life. Whether it istaking pictures of the market, spreading the word aboutfriends’ new creative business ventures, planning glampingweekends with her group, being excited to give kids a voiceat work, or sharing hundreds of her pictures of nature thathas caught her eye on social media, Lydia thrives on beinginspired to live by her mom’s favorite quotes “find joy inthe journey” and “we better live it up while we still can.”F E A T U R E P H O T O G R A P H E RLydia Robertson2On the Cover

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BANISH BURNOUT7 Ways to Rebalance Your Life3By understanding our needs and settingboundaries that protect them, we supportour sense of wellness by staying balanced.1) SET & ENFORCE BOUNDARIESPHOTO BY JENNY MEYER OF MEETJENNYMARIE.COM2) SCHEDULE SELF CAREToo often we allow self care rituals androutines to be the first to slip to thewayside when busy or overwhelmed. Soput that yoga class in your planner, set analarm on your phone reminding you tomeditate and drink water, and put yourrelaxation day on the family calendar.Then show up.3) REDUCE SCREENTIMEWe may monitor and enforce rules aroundour kiddos screentime... but what aboutyour own? Set timers to preventunnecessary scrolling and create a newhabit instead. When you are tempted tobegin scrolling, pick up that book you'vebeen meaning to read instead. 4) MEDITATIONFrom breathing techniques to a mindfulnature walk through the woods, the bestway to meditate looks different foreveryone. If you could use some support inbeginning or maintaining your meditationpractice, try this.

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45) CLEANSE, CLEAR, AND RELEASEWhat have you been holding onto that it'stime to let go of? From physical clutter, torelationships with others, to old limitingbeliefs, check in with yourself as to what nolonger serves your greatest good.6) WRITE YOUR THOUGHTSFrom thank you notes to write and burnnotebooks, to keeping an ongoing journal(discover an especially helpful one later inthis issue), writing helps us to reach a deepersense of understanding. 7) MOVE YOUR BODY WITH JOYWhatever way you used to love moving yourbody as a child, do that once more. Dance,skip, run, prance, stretch, wiggle, and MOVEyour body with joy and gratitude.In order to live a sustainable life, we must live in a way thathonors our own body, mind, and soul as well as the earth homewe reside upon. These are not separate, but one in the same. Ifwe care for ourselves, we develop greater empathy towardMother Nature. If we care for Mother Nature, we are giving loveto ourselves. Share your ideas or sustainability practices with one anotheron social media with the hashtag #Heal&RiseMagazine so wecan join together in our efforts of living sustainably as acommunity.

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Don’t clean up last year’s residue until theweather is consistently warm to givebeneficial insects and pollinators time toemerge! Some bees don't emerge until May,so be patient before clearing those leaves.Rather than running that hose, use rainbarrels to collect the water from yourgarden straight from your downspouts.8 G A R D E N T I P S8 G A R D E N T I P SFrom a Soil ScientistCOMPOSTBE PATIENTCOLLECT RAINWATERComposting your household foodscraps in a compost tumbler, wormcompost, or simply a compost pilerecycles nutrients instead of sendingthem away. This also decreases costs togrow your tasty vegetables or feed yourother plants.CHOOSE NATIVEAvoiding mowing your lawn? Why notreplace part (or all) with garden or a nativeno-mow mix? Select native flowers, shrubs,and trees-they are already adapted for thearea and ready to thrive! 6

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Harvest not only your flowers and produce,but save your seeds as well! You can saveseeds of your most successful plants to usenext year and share with your fellowgardeners.Save money and enjoy a meaningfulhobby and mindfulness practice bygrowing your own food. You'll not onlycut your grocery bill on veggies, fruit, and herbs, but you'll find you value andappreciate the food your hard workproduced!M E E T T H E S C I E N T I S TM E E T T H E S C I E N T I S TDr. Amber AndersonJOIN TOGETHERRather than using stone or rubbermulch that prevents the soil fromreaching its optimal health, landscapewith a natural mulch wuch as straw orwood chips.Amber is passionate about soils, sustainableagriculture, and working with her Iowa StateUniversity students and beyond.. Herresearch primarily focuses on soilmorphology/genesis as well as soils teaching,coaching the soil judging team at ISU andleading trips abroad. The editor is proud tobe her younger sister.7If you don’t have space, connect withyour local farmers, or locate communitygarden spaces.USE MULCHSAVE SEEDSGROW YOUR FOOD

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moments that inspire the pause, by Lydia Robertson 8

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CreatingWhen Brooke Happe first picked up hercrochet hook, she didn't do so with theintention of building a business.A physical therapist by trade, she waspassionate about her work of inspiringand supporting others. When expectingher third child, she felt a realization.The internal battle was a challenge at first,but Brooke felt a knowing within her heart.She could always return to using her hard-earned degree and experience in thephysical therapy field, but time away fromher young kids could not be recovered.As she transitioned to caring for their threechildren, she recognized some newchallenges on the horizon. Where therewas once structure and balance, she nowmust create anew. A lifelong learner, shedecided to teach herself to crochet,keeping her hands strong. She decided tocreate hats for donation to the NICU of thelocal children's hospital.Something that helped her feel puttogether on those busy mom, messy hairdays was a hat... but she couldn't quitefind that perfect beanie to throw on andbring an outfit together. She began to useher newly learned hobby of crochet tomake one for herself.HAPPEness"As I tried to juggle everything, I felt likeI was losing precious time with my kids"HERstory Feature16

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"I knew if my cup wasn't full... if I wasn't happy doing whatI was doing, I couldn't be the best mother to my children."Fellow school drop-off and play datemamas began asking where she got herhats. Upon discovering that they werehandmade by Brooke herself, theyencouraged her to sell them. She begandoing so at the markets in Des Moines,Iowa.To begin, for every hat Brooke sold shewould donate one. Even as she could nolonger keep up with doing so, shecontinues to donate a portion of theproceeds to the children's hospital anduses b.e. happe as a way to give back.As her business grew, she found herselfbrainstorming with her husband about thesimplicity of life when camping. Theymade the decision to sell their house andbegin RV traveling full time, providing theirfamily with a lifestyle that invitedexploration and adventure. So far they've traveled to 27 states and 14national parks! You can read about theirtravels by clicking the link below.While her location and daily activitieshave shifted in a meaningful waythroughout the last five years, one thinghas remained the same. Brooke's greatestgoal is to inspire others to live the life theydream of. Explore & Shop b.e.happe HERE!"We had these end goals we wantedto achieve... but felt like we weremissing everything in between.""Do what makes youhappy, focus on whatyou can control, andtake action to makethis world a betterplace - even if it’ssomething as simpleas buying a hat thatgives back." 17

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The Heal & RiseBook ClubThe Outdoor Adventurer's Guide to ForestBathing is first and only guide to shinrin-yoku for the outdoor adventurer! Withtechniques tailored for hiking, mountainbiking, paddling, climbing, trail-running,and cross-country skiing, this is the definitiveguide to applying the healthy andrejuvenating practice of forest bathing toyour favorite activities.Forest bathing techniques have been largelylimited to use while walking and hiking, butnow The Outdoor Adventurer’s Guide toForest Bathing will guide mountain bikers,paddlers, trail-runners, cross-country skiers,and climbers as they reap the benefits offorest bathing while enjoying their favoriteactivities. With invitations tailored for eachspecific sport and stunning colorphotography throughout, this book willenhance the outdoor enthusiast’s love of theoutdoors while improving their overallwellbeing.18

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AYURVEDAPairing perfectly with this issue'sbook and the healing art of Ayurvedic teablended with love by SwatiRohatgi. Next month we'll read ofthe inspiration behind her journey.Until we do, I invite you to exploreher soothing teas.FOREST BATHING is a very smooth,mildly sweet with a bitterundertone. This is an excellentchoice for spring season as thespices in the tea will balance thekapha dosha which is prevalent inthe environment.Heartfelt19I first enjoyed this tea during astressful week. I felt overwhelmedand undernourished, and hadn'tbeen making the time for thoseself-healing habits that helped me.Upon taking the first sip I could feelmyself exhale, beginning to feel thegrounding effects as it warmed mefrom the inside out... rebalancingmy energy. Again I returned to myafternoon tea habit, slowing downand breathing deep as I relished inthe healing power of ayurveda.Shop them here

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JOIN US?Share Your BusinessHeartfelt stories of your own healingjourney to uplift and inspire otherwomen along their own journeyArticles about body, mind, and soul holistic wellnessStories of the divine at work in your lifeand spiritual or supernaturalexperiencesIntentional mothering and mindfulliving adviceIf you have an inspiring story of hardships,women's empowerment, and healing orrising above your challenges you'd like toshare, please let us know! Here's what we'relooking for in upcoming contributions:Send your submission pitches and ideas tothe editor at ashleykayandy@gmail.comwith the subject line "Heal & Rise MagazineSubmission"We are proud to promote thebusinesses, artitsts, and brandswe believe in. If you own or workfor a woman-inspired business orcreator who is making a positiveimpact, let's talk! By promoting your ethical goodsand services that supportwomen's true wellness, we areshifting away from corporategreed and toward positive societaland environmental behaviors.Email your requests and inquiriesdirectly to the social contentcreator & magazine editor atashleykayandy@gmail.com20

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This issue is published in memory of HinaSandhu, whose spirit is now dancing.Hina was an advocate of healing andspiritual expansion, inspiring me tocontinue writing and speaking my truth. She encouraged others to lovethemselves, and care deeply for theirbody, mind and soul. Her article entitled,"Hina's Healing" can be found in the firstissue of Heal & Rise Magazine. Healingthoughts and prayers to her family andfriends as her memory lives on in thosewho love her.IN MEMORY OF21