Heal & RiseHeal & RiseM A G A Z I N EM A G A Z I N EVolume No. 2 • April 2023Spiritual AwakeningSpiritual AwakeningHERstoryHERstoryFeature:Feature:ManifestingMorocco+ the spirituality vs religion debateMUSHROOMSMUSHROOMSTHE HEALING POWER OF& how two moms are spreading the wordThe Basics ofThe Basics of
Volume No. 2 • AprilLETTER FROM THE EDITORWhen you think of the term "spiritual awakening" whatcomes to mind?Perhaps this phrase invites you to recall a particulartime in your life... one where it felt like your whole worldwas flipped upside down and you had to discover whoyou really were at the depths of your soul.LET'S BREAK IT DOWN.Spiritual... meaning pertaining the aspect of yourself thatis not your body or mind. The essence and energy ofwho you are and your innate connection to the Divinepowers that be. And awakening... an arousing on a soullevel, a stirring within that makes you dive deeper intowhy you exist in the first place and the burning desire toignite the world with your purposeThis month's issue is filled with an invitation to do just so.To inspire an open-minded contemplation, questioning,and tuning into what is true to YOU. Ashley is a writer, holistic healer, and plant-obsessed meditating mama with a passion forempowering women and mothers. To discovermore of her story or inquire about freelancewriting work, visit ashleykayandy.comAshley KayLove & Healing,1
Kate is a hobbyist photographerfrom Waterloo, Iowa. Much ofher photography focuses onsub-cultures and people with apassion. She also enjoys playingwith creative still lifephotography.The cover photo of this month'sissue of Heal & Rise Magazinewas taken while she exploredMorocco, as can be read on the intriguing and powerfulHERstory feature entitled"Manifesting Morocco"You can connect with Kate andenjoy more of her photographyon Instagram @katembpF E A T U R E P H O T O G R A P H E R& H E R S T O R Y F E A T U R EKate Peterson2On the Cover
"kay, but what is it you DO exactly?"ENERGY HEALINGOur energy field is an electromagneticfield that extends beyond our physicalbody, sometimes referred to as youraura. We all have one. You know howyou can feel an intense vibration,almost like an electric buzzing whenyou connect deeply with someone? Orhow you can pick up on a person'sdemeanor or mood before eventalking to them? This is because weconnect through energy first andforemost... the words or physicalcontact come second.There are three components thatmake up the "you" that is existing onthis earth. These three parts cometogether to create the amazinghuman reading this right now. Thething about this triad of being, is thatmany of us have a lack of awarenessas to the third. Here are those threecomponents:YOUR BODYYOUR MINDYOUR SPIRITOThe Basics of3I smiled, knowing the concept of energy healing can feelforeign to those unfamiliar with this ancient holistic healingmodality. After all, only a handful of years ago and Iwondered the same. What does "energy healing" mean andhow does it actually work?by Ashley Kay Andy"IF YOU WANT TO FIND THE SECRETS OFTHE UNIVERSE, THINK IN TERMS OFENERGY, FREQUENCY, AND VIBRATION"- NIKOLA TESLA
Your physical body is made up ofthe organs, tissues, and cells thatcome together to create it.Everywhere you look, you'rereminded to take care of yourphysical body. From your watchencouraging you to get enoughmovement, to the gym ad yousaw near the grocery store whenyou were en route to pick outhealthier food choices, you'reconstantly having your attentionbrought to your body. You buyproducts to put on the outside ofyour body, the inside of your body,and do activities specifically tokeep it well. Your mind is what is in charge ofoperating your body, andmaking decisions. You are ableto have thoughts, createbehaviors, and experiencefeelings through your mind. Bystrengthening your mind, youopen yourself to entirely newcapabilities and understandingsof the world around you. Youread books and explore newideas in order to expand yourmind. In religion, you may hear theterm spirit. In science, energy. Incasual conversation with afriend you may refer to it as a"vibe". Your spirit, or energy, is theexpression of connection withyour Higher Self and your HigherPower. Whether this feels to be abelief in God, the Universe, orsimply the awareness that thereis a greater and mysteriousforce at work in our world, youare a part of something bigger.This is the component that ismost often overlooked, yetprofoundly impacts our overallwell-being.THE BODY4THE MIND THE SPIRITThat's where energy healing comes in! Energy healing acts on the awareness that there is a universal life forceflowing through the human body. A practitioner channels this energy, removing energetic blockages for thepatient to experience greater holistic wellness. This healing is spiritual in nature but transcends the limitationsof any particular religion or belief system. There are several different modalities of energy healing, from reikiand yoga to intuitive healing and acupuncture.Because these components are so closely intertwined, energy healing positively affects physical andmental/emotional well-being. I've had the honor of witnessing physical pain diminish and severe anxiety andstress relieved. I've watched as women felt a sense of peace over what had been plaguing their mind forweeks, and have seen chronic pain fade away. Overall, clients report feeling "lighter", less stressed, and lowerpain levels with more clarity and confidence as to their life's path. AND WHO COULDN'T USE A LITTLE MORE OF THAT?
MushroomsThere are some experiences that changeyour world so completely. My firstexperience with mushrooms was a yearago. It shattered the false reality I was livingand has become the most profoundexperience of my life.Ironically, I used to harshly judge anyonewho used “drugs.” Throughout my childhoodand teen years, the stigma of the dangers ofdrugs were ingrained into my belief systemand set a paradigm for me that drugs werebad and for “bad” people. When I had myfirst journey, the beliefs I had held for yearswere questioned. Were “drugs” bad? Aremagic mushrooms really a drug or are theythe key to healing? I now hold a deep beliefthat psychedelics are medicine when usedwith the right setting, the right intention, andthe right dose because of the profoundimpact my psychedelic experience had onmy life.During my childhood, I experienced abuse inmy home and watched my father strugglewith addiction. I had no safe outlet to sharemy thoughts, feelings, or the trauma I hadendured. I became a people pleaser. Ishowed up on the daily with a smile andgave my all to everything and everyone,despite feeling so much pain on the inside.During most of my life, I have struggled withCPTSD, anxiety, and depression. I triedmedication and therapy, but nothingseemed to provide me with lasting relief so Ihad the assumption that this is just how Iwould always feel.Christine's StoryTHE HEALING POWER OF6
One day, I had joined my dear friend Leah forlunch. She had shared about her healingmushroom journey. She seemed like a newperson and shared how her journeys withpsylocybin had helped her deal with similarstruggles and they even saved her marriage.At first, I was confused about what magicmushrooms even were, because I had spentmy entire life demonizing drugs. Yet, I was sodesperate for peace and a solution that thisnewfound information moved me to do myown research. I poured over research studies,watched documentaries, and tried to absorbeverything I could about the power ofpsychedelics. I was floored by the informationthat I was learning, and curious as to whythere was so much misinformation out there.Upon doing my research, I decided to do myown mushroom journey. I met with a guidewho was experienced in facilitatingmushroom journeys and together wediscussed my intentions for the experience.My intention was to find a way to release myanxieties and fears to achieve my goal offinding a deeper sense of peace andmeaning in my life.My journey began in a quiet space where Ifelt safe, comfortable, and away from alldistractions. I was incredibly nervous duringthe weeks before my journey and all the wayup until I took the medicine. I didn’t knowwhat experiences or feelings would come upand wondered if I could handle whatever wasshown to me. As the mushrooms began totake effect, I put on my eye mask and wentinto a subconscious state.7For several hours, I journeyed through a worldof sensations. Moments throughout, I wouldhave feelings of intense anger, sadness, grief,and frustration. Yet with each sensation Iwould remember my intention to “let go”. Iwould breathe, knowing I could feel all thesefeelings, and would then let it go. With time,not only did the feelings become less difficultto feel, but I started to gain this confidence inmyself.I didn’t need to be savedby anyone else because Ihad the power to savemyself. I felt such a deepsense of connection with theuniverse, and I experienceda profound sense of loveand compassion for myselfand everything around me.As the time passed and I came out of thisethereal state, I felt a renewed sense ofenergy and purpose. The weight of myanxieties and fears had been shed. I was ableto see my life and challenges from a newpositive perspective. Think of it like this; myexperiences were filled with all of thesemissing puzzle pieces and for the first time inmy life I was not only connecting the puzzlepieces as to why I did the things that I did, butwas also able to give myself so much graceand compassion for just doing my best whilebeing in survival mode with no guidance.
8The weeks following my journey andthroughout the past year, I continued toreflect on my mushroom journey. It was aspiritual awakening. The trip transformed mylife. It shifted the relationship I had withmyself and I learned how to love…like reallylove. All the hurt that I had held onto for allthese years, was able to be released. I let goof the fears and anxieties that had held mecaptive for so long. This journey allowed meto become much more present with myself,my family, and my friends. The best part isthat I feel like I’ve become the adult I sodesperately needed as a child.This experience was life shattering. Shatteringin the way that the picture I presented to theworld was broken down into these beautifuland ugly pieces and then put back togetherto create the most magnificent mosaic – arare and priceless work of art. When I realizedjust what this journey had created within me,I knew immediately that my purpose was toshare my story to help others so they couldfind their own beauty within… and that is howour podcast was born.Leah's StoryIt’s hard to say what the catalyst to myawakening was. I used to think it was my first heroic psilocybin(aka magic mushroom) trip. But lookingback, I think it was in the works for a while. Mymushroom journey just opened me up tobelieve that everything that had happened inthe six months prior led me to my journey ofdiscovery. Everything that happened beforemy awakening started to make more sense.Honestly, it took me a while to realize I was inthe middle of an awakening. I had no cluewhat was happening. I didn’t have a coach,or even a friend at the time who had everexperienced a spiritual awakening. Zerosupport in the spiritual world. The word‘awakening’ meant nothing to me at the time. Spirituality, in all honesty, scared me. I had a lotof religious trauma I was trying to heal from, soanything that remotely resembled religion wastoo much for me to explore. But I couldn’t explainor even rationalize all the things that started tohappen around me.At one point I honestly started to feel like I wasgoing insane, with no one to talk to whounderstood. No community. No support. I felt likethe world around me was blind and I was theonly one who could see things clearly. Iremember asking my therapist if I was goingcrazy. And she said, ‘crazy people don’t knowthey’re crazy. They’re not aware. I think you’re justseeing a lot of truth right now.’ This was extremelyreassuring, but still not comforting enough.About a year after my mushroom journey, I saw aTikTok (of course), that explained the stages ofan awakening... probably one of those "put afinger down" challenges. Immediately I felt sane.Suddenly everything made sense. ‘THIS?! THIS iswhat’s been happening to me?!’ I started lookingup the signs of a spiritual awakening and hadnever felt more seen.
It didn’t look like what I thought it would. Forme, it was more about trust… though I didn’tknow who or what I was trusting exactly. I callit the universe now.It felt like free falling, andtrusting that no matter whathappened, the Universe wouldcatch me.I wanted to close my business during covid,and at the time my husband was so worriedabout our finances. I trusted that thingswould work out. And soon after I closed mybusiness, he was offered a higher paying job.Things like that started to happen that hadno other explanation other than the fact that Itrusted that things would work out. And theyalways did. I had such a hard time letting goof things, even friendships, that no longerserved me. And as difficult as letting go was,the universe always seemed to reward meafterwards. I started asking for guidance, andanswers would come to me in numbers, insong lyrics, in random text messages fromfriends. It was so wild to me. And so beganthis practice of letting go and trusting overthe next few years.To me, spirituality feels so different fromreligion. Religion is full of fear and rules andeverything is so defined. It feels a little tooprescribed to me. And if you don’t follow therules, you are judged or condemned.Spirituality is more subjective and personal. It’sMY connection to a higher power. I get to call itwhatever I want. I get to express it anyway Iwant. Mindfulness, intention, connecting withnature. There are no rules, beliefs, or judgments.I can change my mind about my beliefs andpractices as I learn and explore without the fearof condemnation.In the last few years, I’ve found a communityand friends who are in the spiritual space. I’vewatched other people come out of heroicpsilocybin journeys and experience similarthoughts and feelings in the months after,including my husband. This has been incrediblefor our relationship. I’m not the "weird wife whobelieves in weird things" anymore. Now we’rethe ‘weird’ couple together… and I’m totallyokay with that!LISTEN TO THE LASTEST "SEE YOU ON THE OTHER SIDE" PODCAST HERE9
Lavender is known as the queen ofrelaxation, as well as supporting withsleep issues and restoring harmony.This flower and plant is warm andcleansing, helpful for restoring energeticbalance to a space.Sage has been used for spiritual practices inmany cultures all over the world, known forits cleansing properties spiritually andphysically. R A I S E T H E V I B ER A I S E T H E V I B E7 Plants & Flowers to Uplift Your SpiritROSELAVENDERSAGEThe rose has been revered for centuriesas a flower of love, but this extendsbeyond giving them as a romanticgesture. The rose is associated with theheart chakra, and enjoying rose oil cansupport you in opening your heart.Dried and fresh flower petals can beused for self-love rituals as well aschakra balancing and purification. Thisflower has increidbly positive energyand aromatics.LADY'S MANTLEThis useful plant is known for its healingabilities, supporting tissues in healing forboth internal and external wounds. It is alsoused to aide in women's health and forfertility.10
Rosemary is known to support mentaland spiritual clarity, used to support thehealing of mental illnesses. It is one ofthe oldest known incenses and isassociated with longevityROSEMARYMUGWORTWITCH HAZELLike lady's mantle, witch hazel is a wonderfulwound healing plant. It can be utilized mostfor healing and soothing the skin, and iscommonly used for skin cleansing andbeautification.This herb is most known for aiding withsleep, prophetic dreams, and spiritualsupport. It has been carried as aprotection herb for safe travels and isused to increase psychic awareness.EXCITED TO LEARN MOREABOUT THE SPIRITUAL ANDMEDICINAL USES OF PLANTS, HERBS, ANDFLOWERS? STAY TUNED FOR MORE TOCOME NEXT MONTH!10
DEBATEWhen you consider a placeof spiritual wellness, whatcomes to mind?One of the greatest illusions ofhuman experience is that ofseparation. We get lost in the beliefthat there is such a thing as us andthem.In the human psyche, separate butequal does not existIf we subscribe to a particular beliefsystem, we subconsciously create asense of divide between our way ofthinking and that of another. Wecreate a bond with those who shareour beliefs and mistakenly perceivedifference to be a threat, bondingus even more deeply with our like-minded village.But what if we challenge thisillusionary bias?The Spirituality vs Religion12
Not by pretending differences do notexist... but by recognizing what isuniting and finding beauty in whatdifferentiates. There is truth to befound when we find the courage tohave uncomfortable conversations andlisten to each other with an open heartand mind.We have to evolve beyond the petty,fear-based judgement and see oneanother's humanity. Where some feelthe Divine presence of God in theirSunday church service, others feel thisconnection most under a peacefulsunset with the power of the Universeor Goddess. Spiritual wellness is not a one-size-fits-all. The more we can learn from thosewhose experiences differ from our own,the more we can understand theimportant commonality our spiritualpractices have... the connection withthe Divine Love that lives in and aroundus all.In months to come in this column you'llfind spiritual practices, experiences,stories, and ideas that serve to UNITEus. They can be applied to any lifeseeking spiritual enrichment,transcending the limitations and lack ofinclusivity we too often find whenseeking to grow our faith in somethingbeyond what the eye can see.Let us learn from one another, expandour minds, open our hearts, and growourSouls.13
The dream to travel internationally andexperience a culture different from my ownfelt deeply rooted in my being. Throughtravel shows, books, and movies there wasone particular country that had a continualpull on me, the mystical land of Morocco.This was a recurring daydream that waspushed to the margins by parenthood andcareer. And even when the empty nestarrived and my free time was now my own,my inexperience in travel left me ill equippedon how to make this dream a reality.During a workshop on digital vision boards, Islid in a picture of a Moroccan street scene. HERstory FeatureApril 2023The vision board lived on my cell phonehome screen where I saw it frequently, butone day it occurred to me that even if theuniverse grants this crazy dream, I’m notgetting there without a passport. I gatheredmy personal documents and headed to thecourthouse.Many things in life come from the humanconnections you make even if it’s throughcasual connections on social media. Shortlyafter my passport arrived while scrollingInstagram the universe sent me an invitation.14Why not put the biggest dream in?
As a hobbyist photographer, I follow otherphotographers for inspiration, and one of them shareda post about an open slot for a women’s photographyretreat….. in Morocco. Within a few short hours I hadreserved my dream trip. Any doubt that I had aboutvision boards and manifesting dreams all but slippedaway. Six weeks later I was stepping into the enchanted cityof Marrakech, Morocco along with a small group oflike-minded women who were kind, smart,adventurous and creative. I’d found my people on theother side of the world. Our mornings began withmeditation on the rooftop of our riad, a traditionalMoroccan home. Our days were spent exploring. Ourevenings ended in reflection and sharing.Our immersion into Moroccan culture offered us adelight to the senses. The ancient city Marrakechpresented us with colors, textures, and architecturereflecting the history of the city. The chaos of thenarrow streets of the markets, called the souk,demanded that we stay alert even when we weredrawn to the rugs, spices and clothing for sale.Morocco is a deeply religious country practicing theMuslim faith. Five times a day all activity stops forprayer. Loud speakers positioned throughout the city ofMarrakech broadcast the call to prayer with chanting.Upon the first time hearing it I was surprised at myreaction. I was naturally startled and then a deepsense of reverence overcame me. At times the prayerwas a simple chant and other times lyrical like a poemor song. Although I did not understand the words Ifound myself deeply moved by the sound and thedevotion of it all. I too paused, and prayed the way Iknow.An overnight trip to the desert brought a silence I’venever felt before. Moving from the chaos of the souksto the stillness of the desert was a welcomed contrast.It is said that being in the desert brings you close to thesoul of the earth and to that I agree. The vastness ofthe landscape and the infinite celestial night sky alongwith the stillness settled my soul like I’ve never felt. Iwas present in an ancient land and felt the voices ofthe ancestors telling me to hush and to be present.15
Our last day in Morocco was the first holyday of Ramadan. Accompanied by one ofmy new friends, we walked to the largestand oldest mosque in Marrakech to witnessthe gathering of people for the eveningprayer. We stood in the courtyard andwatched as the droves of the faithful arrived.The men and boys entered through one doorand the women and girls entered throughanother. Once the mosque was full theyspilled out into the courtyard, laying theirprayer mats in organized rows, hundreds ofthem. We watched with respect as theyworshipped. This display of sacred prayerwill always be one of my most memorablemoments.Travel changes you. It canmake you feel small, in agood way. It gives youperspective of the world andenriches how you see it. Itgives you a deeper connectionto humanity.18Where my senses had been dulled by thehustle of daily life, they now were awakenedby the immersion in a land so different frommy own. The food I ate, the ancient energy Ireceived, and the connections I made, allare part of who I am now. It courses throughmy veins.It is true that when you put your desire out tothe universe you better be ready for thereply. More importantly you must be open tothe lessons learned. You can find wonderand awe in a foreign land, but what Ilearned through that journey is that you canfind those at home too. Wonder and awecan be found in your nearby forest or in theperson next to you at the grocery store. Itcan be found in a light pattern on your wallor in a child’s hand, it’s just in how youchoose to see it.
The Heal & RiseBook ClubLife is meant to be fun and the Universe iswilling to play with us! We are surroundedby so-called coincidences every day. Thesecoincidences are meaningful nudges and canbe life-changing. We are not alone. We areall connected to each other, nature, our lovedones that have passed, the supernatural. Thisconnection is our soul’s greatest desire. Thething that connects us is the magical force oflove that some call God, the Universe, aHigher Power… Call it what you want, butit’s real. Author Michelle Moine Prohaskastarted seeing signs of this connection afterthe unexpected death of her dad with“coincidences” that were too odd not to beGod. Some were jaw-dropping, somehilarious, and others caused a sense of peace.After experiencing repeated“Godincidences,” Michelle set out to exploreand connect with the supernatural forcebehind it all.See what the world can look likewhen we open our minds to the dailypresence of the Universe’s power and howeach and every one of us can tap into thispower and experience life in an exciting way.20
JOIN US?Share Your BusinessHeartfelt stories of your own healingjourney to uplift and inspire otherwomen along their own journeyArticles about body, mind, and soul holistic wellnessStories of the divine at work in your lifeand spiritual or supernaturalexperiencesIntentional mothering and mindfulliving adviceIf you have an inspiring story of hardships,women's empowerment, and healing orrising above your challenges you'd like toshare, please let us know! Here's what we'relooking for in upcoming contributions:Send your submission pitches and ideas tothe editor at ashleykayandy@gmail.comwith the subject line "Heal & Rise MagazineSubmission"We are proud to promote thebusinesses, artitsts, and brandswe believe in. If you own or workfor a woman-inspired business orcreator who is making a positiveimpact, let's talk! By promoting your ethical goodsand services that supportwomen's true wellness, we areshifting away from corporategreed and toward positive societaland environmental behaviors.Email your requests and inquiriesdirectly to the social contentcreator & magazine editor atashleykayandy@gmail.com21
for taking the time to read and enrich your body,mind, and soul. May the words within these pagesbring more joy and peace to your life. Join us next month as we explore the topic ofliving a sustainable lifestyle, going far beyond justrecycling! In the meantime, connect on Instagram& Facebook @ashley.kay.andyTHANK YOU