KCA NEWSDecember issue
Dear all,As we approach the end of our first term of the 2024/25 academic year, it’shard to believe how quickly the time has flown. The term has been filled withnumerous individual achievements, which were clearly showcased during ourrecent Learning Afternoon. Thank you for your active participation and supportduring this event. It was so lovely to see such proud children showcasing theirhard work and effort.I look forward to seeing you all in the coming days as our children present theirChristmas performances. Please refer to the schedule provided in thisnewsletter for specific dates and times.Christmas FareA heartfelt thank you to our PTA, led by Daniella, for organising a wonderfulevent last Friday. It was fantastic to see the community come together tosupport the school and raise vital funds. These events would not be possiblewithout the dedication and hard work of a committed group of volunteers. Toeveryone who helped behind the scenes or attended on the day — thank you.Your support is genuinely appreciated.Parent ConductRecently, we have seen an increase in reports from parents about incidentsinvolving other parents/families. While it may seem quicker or easier toaddress issues directly with each other, we strongly encourage you to use thesupport systems available at KCA. Message from the Head
Our senior leadership team — including Phase Leaders, Assistant Headteachers,the Deputy Headteacher, and myself — are here to help resolve any concerns. Inmany cases, involving school staff allows for a more balanced and constructiveresolution.Finally, as we approach the holiday break, we wish you all a joyful and restful time.However you choose to spend it, we hope it is filled with happiness, relaxation, andfestive cheer.Kindest regards,Stephen MitchellHeadteacherStephen Mitchell
AttendanceThere has been a significant rise in children arriving late to school this half term. Even 5 minutes late each day has an impact on children’s learning as they missthe start of a lesson. It also affects the other children in the class as the lesson isthen disrupted. Whilst 5 or 10 minutes seems such a short time, if this is on aregular basis, it adds up to several hours over the school term. I would like to kindly remind you that the school day starts promptly at 9.00 amand all children are expected to be in school at this time. Please could we worktogether to make sure that all the children start each school day on time!How to get to school on time to avoid being late for school:be clear with your child - ensure that they understand what time schoolstarts and how long it will take them to get there;have a regular routine for the start of each day;help your child get their clothes and equipment ready before they go to bed;set a reasonable bedtime to make sure they get enough sleep.Remember - we are here to help. If you are struggling to set productive morningroutines with your child, speak with any of the leadership team who will be happyto advise.Sali Douglas-WatsonSpring term plannerWe are pleased to present our Spring Term calendar, which outlines key events for parentsto engage with throughout the term.This is a live document, with a finalised version to be shared in our first Januarynewsletter. While we do not anticipate significant changes, some adjustments may benecessary, and we appreciate your understanding and flexibility.Click here
Global GenerationCookery ClubOur pupils attended the Global Generation Cookery Club! The club was a huge success, and we’re planning to partner with the StoryGarden team and their chef again in the new year.
Parent trainingGiovanni PillituWe are delighted to relaunch our programme of parent/carer trainingevents. These take place every 2 weeks, on a Wednesday.All training sessions run 9-9:45am in the training centre. Please enterthe building through the main reception for these sessions.Our full programme for this term can be found below:
EYFS VillageStephen MitchellAfter an extensive tender process, we are delighted to announce that installationdates for the EYFS Village have been secured. This exciting project has beenmade possible through generous financial support from Camden Council, TheKing’s Cross Central Limited Partnership, and our own PTA.To ensure the work can be carried out safely, we will be sharing updates inJanuary regarding adjustments to drop-off and pick-up arrangements. Weappreciate your patience and cooperation during this period.The concept includes seven ‘houses’. Each house is designed to supportmeaningful play in line with the EYFS curriculum. Our plan includes:a velocity housea construction housea theatre housea green housean engineering housea mud kitchen / cook houseWe want to thank Mike McMahon Studios for so generously working on thisdesign. Mike and Jewlsy are two of our parents and have been sosupportive of finding solutions to make this difficult space as useful, childfriendly and exciting as possible.
Lunch MenusEsther Kabeya, School ChefSchool lunch week 1School lunch week 2
HT Coffee MorningsStephen MitchellThank you to all the parents who have taken the time to attend theHeadteacher coffee mornings so far. These sessions have been avaluable opportunity for me to connect with you and discuss theissues that matter most to us both.Additional dates will be included in our Spring Term calendar, and Ilook forward to welcoming many of you at the upcoming events.