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Headshot Prep Guide

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A GUIDE TO HEADSHOTSBecause Your Image MattersVisit us at: Call us at: 978-967-4686

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Visit us at: Call us at: 978-967-4686

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HAIR & MAKEUP Hair and Make Up is not included in our group headshot ses-sions so you will be in charge of your own hair and make up for your session. Here are some tips to help ensure that you are perfectly ready.• Bring your makeup, hair products and a brush or comb with you for last minute xes• Avoid using any products with an SPF in it. ese can cause your skin to appear more shiny as they contain ingredients that reect light. Stick to non-SPF products.• Blush: use minimally or not at all. Photos are all about bal-ance of light and shadow. Cheeks and cheekbones are one of the more prominent areas where this balance is visible. Heav-ily blushed cheekbones are one of the more dicult xes to make in post processing so go easy or skip the blush for your headshots.• If you need a haircut, think about scheduling your cut or color at least 5-7 days prior to your session• Avoid drastic changes to your hair in the days just before your session.Visit us at: Call us at: 978-967-4686

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HEADSHOTS ARE AN INTRODUCTION TO WHO YOU ARE AND WHAT YOU REPRESENT. Oen potential prospects will see your headshot before they meet you. it is important that they are able to easily identify consistency between who you say you are on a website and who you actually are in person. This helps to build trust and people prefer to do business with people they know, like and trust.Visit us at: Call us at: 978-967-4686

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• Your clothing should be representative of your personality & style, your brand and your position (or intended position). If you do not regularily wear a suit to work, a suit probably isn’t necessary. • Solid colors are best and when it comes to clothing for your head-shots, color is better than black or white. You can almost never go wrong with gem tones and earth tones.• Avoid loud colors, loud patterns and large logos. Your face and expression should be the rst thing that pops from a portrait• e point of your headshot is for people to notice who you are rather than what your wearing….they can notice that, but second to noticing YOU.• Well-tting clothing is best. Oen people want to “hide” behind their clothing but loose tting clothing that hangs does not allow us to nip and tuck (should you want that) while closer, well-tting clothing will allow for shape enhancing retouches.• IRON, IRON, IRON your clothes beforehand. Did I mention that you should iron your clothes? =)• Be sure that your clothing is clean and free of stains or imperfec-tions. ese can oen be xed in post processing but will require advanced retouching services.• Classic, simple jewelry is best. Trendy jewelry will distract from your face and date your portraits. CLOTHINGVisit us at: Call us at: 978-967-4686

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GENERAL ADVICE • HYDRATE! Drink plenty of water in the 3-5 days your session. is helps your skin be at its best.• Avoid alcohol for at least 2 days before your session. • Get PLENTY of REST in the days before your session. • Dress from head to toe. While your feet and bottom half will not be in your headshots, dressing all the way to your toes helps you feel condent and presentable.Visit us at: Call us at: 978-967-4686

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HELP US HELP YOU• Take a few minutes to think about the job you have or the job you wish to have, identify 3-5 words that describe the quali-ties that make a person or candidate successful in this posi-tion. • Do you have a 30 second elevator speech about what you do, what your role is? Sometimes it is helpful to know this so that we have a better sense of who is in front of us and how we can best represent you.Visit us at: Call us at: 978-967-4686

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It is important to present your best self in your headshots. For this reason we take the time to complete basic retouch-ing, all done by hand, on all individual and team nal selections. Our retouchers are experts and work hard to make sure that you look natural and authentic, like you do on your best day.Have additional concerns or requests? No problem at all, we oer advanced retouching as well. IMAGE DELIVERYRetouched image les will be delivered in 5-7 business days from nal se-lection. Same day selection options are available. Final images will be delivered (generally via Google Drive) in three for-mats: » Ready for print use » Ready for general web use » Ready to be used as a prole picture on your social media platformsGive us a call to discuss your needs or preferences. ADVANCED RETOUCHING:* Reducing wrinkles in clothing* Repairing clothing/removing stains* Removing Glasses Glare* Removing Braces* Body Contouring* Color shiing* Background replacementGail & George LucozziBASIC RETOUCHING:* Cleaning up stray hairs* Reducing/removing darkness under the eyes* Smoothing skin/reducing wrinkles* Removing any blemishes. We’re looking forward to working with you! 978-967-4686