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HBM 2025 Booklet FINAL

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517 PEOPLE517 PEOPLEWERE HELPED THROUGH MOBILEWERE HELPED THROUGH MOBILEMEDICAL CLINICSMEDICAL CLINICS2024 IN REVIEW20 HOMES20 HOMESCOVERED WITH NEW ROOFSCOVERED WITH NEW ROOFS538,200538,200MEALSMEALS DISTRIBUTEDDISTRIBUTED26 BAPTISMS26 BAPTISMS24 COUPLES MARRIED24 COUPLES MARRIED9 NEW LEADERS9 NEW LEADERSIN TRAININGIN TRAINING172 CHILDREN172 CHILDREN RECEIVED CARE THROUGHRECEIVED CARE THROUGHHAITI’S HEROESHAITI’S HEROES3 NEW BUSINESSES STARTED3 NEW BUSINESSES STARTED In 2024, Haiti, a nation rocked by gang cruelty and plagued with politicalinsecurity, had three prime ministers, saw at least 7,000 people killed andexperienced brutality from armed groups so intense that it forced extendedclosures of the international airport twice. A search for a solution to the crisis isgrowing more urgent as gangs continue to gain territory and over 700,000people have fled their homes. Gangs now control 85% of the capital city of PortAu Prince. Thousands of people are dying from hunger. Despite the weaponsban, gangs show off their guns on social media and stockpile homemade bombs. Haiti Bible Mission remains steadfast in our mission to Empower Leaders toTransform Communities. Our men and women on the ground in Jeremiecontinue the work every day and we believe that through the power of thegospel and the love of Jesus, lives will be changed. We are not giving up on Haiti.As you read through this information, we ask that you consider partnering withHBM to increase our impact in 2025 and beyond!THE LORD IS OUR STRENGTHTHE LORD IS OUR STRENGTH46 NEW BELIEVERS46 NEW BELIEVERSACCEPTED CHRISTACCEPTED CHRIST

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Leadership Development is at the heartof Haiti Bible Mission. We exist toEmpower Leaders to TransformCommunities. This encompasses:Schooling and Training for StaffEmerging Leaders SalariesDiscipleship & Bible StudiesTeaching Money Management andBudgetingBusiness DevelopmentPre-Marital & Marriage Counseling20242024LEADERSHIPDEVELOPMENTGoal: $3,000/monthGoal: $3,000/monthNine newleaders joinedour programThree newbusinessesstarted

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2024Haiti Bible Mission is based inJeremie, Haiti on the Western sideof the country. We are intentionalabout being involved in manyaspects of community outreach andgrowth. We want to be the handsand feet of Jesus. Our outreachincludes:Haiti’s Heroes Hospital MinistrySports Outreach Feeding ProgramsRoofing & Building ProjectsClean WaterPublic BathroomsMobile Medical ClinicsCOMMUNITYOUTREACHGoal: $3,250/monthGoal: $3,250/monthWe repaired20 roofs172 kidsreceived carewith Haiti’sHeroesOver 500Families fedthrough ourfeedingprogram2024517 peopletreated at MobileMedical Clinics

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CHURCHMINISTRYHBM believes in empowering andsupporting our local churches. Bylifting the arms of our churches, wesupport the marriages, widows, familiesand youth of our communities.This includes:WeddingsWidows MinistryChurch NeedsYouth GroupsPastoral SupportGoal: $4,000/monthGoal: $4,000/month202424 couplescounseled andmarried202426 peoplebaptized!

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Haiti Bible Mission has been serving in Jeremie forover 16 years, witnessing hurricanes, earthquakes,floods, food crises, riots, and a presidentialassassination. Amid widespread governmentcorruption and rising insecurity, the people facepanic, desperation, and hunger. HBM has consistentlyled the charge during these challenging times andaims to be fully prepared for future emergencies. Ourgoal is to maintain a stockpile of essential supplies toensure our team can respond swiftly in any crisis:Food KitsTents & TarpsMedical KitsFuel reservesWater purifiersEMERGENCYRESPONSEGoal: $1,500/monthGoal: $1,500/month

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Chief Executive OfficerMARK STOCKELAND The goal all along has been transformed lives andtransformed communities. As the country of Haiticontinues to become more and more unstable andlife more and more difficult, we continue to pressforward with the same goal; to transform lives andtransform communities. This begins with thepower of the Gospel and the discipleship of Haitianmen and women with a heart to see their countrychanged. I’m so thankful for the great men andwomen God has brought to us who had a desire tobe discipled and in turn go out and find others tobe discipled and equipped. God is using them tohelp bring change to Jeremie and the surroundingDirector of Haitian OperationsELDET TINE In 2025, we look forward to continuing to trainand empower young Haitians. We would like topartner with other people around the world whocan train our men and women in the fields ofleadership and entrepreneurship and to bring thegospel to the socio-political and economicproblems in our country. The empowerment of young leaders is not only acrucial step for the growth and success of HBM, butit also holds the potential to create lasting, positivechange within the communities they serve.Ultimately, this initiative stands to create a rippleeffect that amplifies impact, not just for HBM butfor society as a whole. communities. I want to encourage people that God is doing great things in thelives and hearts of these men and women and they are taking Him to theircommunities. People are coming to know Jesus, marriages are being restored,leaders getting married and starting families, serving in the local church, runningthe hospital and sports outreach and so many more things that tend to beoverlooked. I am seeing transformation first hand every single day. As we move forward, we have BIG dreams because we have a BIG God. Ourleaders have dreams of a Haiti their children can grow up in that the name of Jesusis more famous than the leaders of the gangs and the sound of worship is louderthan gunshots. I want this for Haiti, too. I would ask that you join us in prayer andpartner with us financially as we make strides to empower more leaders andsaturate the city with Godly families and businesses serving the community. Wehave so many big dreams, we want to buy more land and build a training facility tohouse our leaders in training, plant more churches, start more businesses andbuild up our resources in reserve for emergency response. Let’s GO!

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