HAITI BIBLEHAITI BIBLEMISSIONMISSIONLiving the DLiving the DifferenceifferenceJeremie, HaitiJeremie, HaitiF I F T E E N Y E A R SF I F T E E N Y E A R S
O U R C O R EV A L U E STHE FAME OF JESUSWe long to see Jesus become famousthroughout the region and are committedto spreading His love in every place thatwe are present.A LIFE WORTH IMITATINGAuthentic, humble, Christ-like lives getour attention and are our ambition.A MISSION MINDSETWe want to operate from a heart for lostpeople and serving the least of these bygoing after the overlooked, the oppressed,and the ones no one cares about.BIG FAITHWe dream BIG, pray BIG, and plan BIG.We refuse to dishonor God by playing itsafe in life, or in leadership.GRACE IN PRACTICEWe will always extend grace to others inthanks to the grace God has given us.FAMILY IS OUR FIRST MINISTRYOur families’ safety, quiet time and healthwill always trump everything else.JOYFUL CELEBRATIONWe will be quick to party and give thanksfor the goodness of God, rejoicing in Hisgoodness and answered prayer.4GENEROSITYWe find joy in a lifestyle of giving all thatwe can.ACTIONS OVER WORDSTrue character will be revealed throughour actions, not just words.DEVELOPING LEADERSWe see potential in people, and througha relational approach, we want to investin and raise up world changing leaders.W W W . H A I T I B I B L E M I S S I O N . O R G
ABOUT HAITI Just two hours by air from the US mainland,Haiti is one of the least developed countries inthe world and is the poorest country in theWestern Hemisphere. Haiti has a population ofalmost 12 million people consisting of a lowincome, peasant-based economy. The peopleare of mostly African descent with the averageHaitian making about $3.25 USD per day. Voodoo is widely practiced throughout thecountry. The disparity between rich and pooris dramatic, with one percent of the populationmaking forty-five percent of the total income.In addition, the Haitian government is knownto be plagued with corruption andmismanagement. The country also suffers from a very poorinfrastructure of roads, communications andelectrical power. All these factors have virtuallyeliminated foreign investment and tourism. Haiti is a densely populated island with anaverage of 989 people per square mile. Most ofthe Haitian people live in rural villages,consisting of gravel roads and footpathssurrounding a collection of single roomhomes. A lack of clean water and sanitarysewers in both rural and urban areas causemany to die each year from disease. Haitian average life expectancy is only fiftyyears. Because of the widespread poverty, manycannot afford to send their children to primaryschool. Only 73% will complete the six years ofprimary school and will do it in an average ofsixteen years. Only 15% of the children willcomplete secondary school. The adult literacyrate is only 60%. Culturally, the Haitian people are hardworking, fiercely loyal, kind, and family-focused. They enjoy lively music, cultural dance,and community events. Their joy is oftendescribed as infectious and unwavering despitetheir tremendous ongoing adversities. Mainfood staples are rice, beans, and produce grownin family gardens. Meat is minimallyaffordable/accessible for most. In recent years, Haiti’s situation has becomeeven more dire, with earthquakes, a presidentialassassination, and severe inflation making lifealmost impossible for many. None of thesecatastrophic situations compares to theenormous growth and spreading of violentgangs that are now controlling most of thecapital and essentially holding the people ofHaiti hostage. Haiti needs our prayers andsupport like never before. ECONOMY, EDUCATION,AND LIFE ON THE ISLAND5
THE BEGINNING JUST A FEW SUITCASES AND OUR ONE YEAR OLD.... When we moved to Haiti over a decade ago, with just a fewsuitcases and our one year old son, we were excited, scared,hopeful, and all the other emotions that come with tackling thehuge task of moving to a developing country. We had no ideawhat we were getting into. We moved in to a rented home thatwas full of biting bugs and spiders, NOT “toddler-proof” (baby’sfirst concussion anyone?), and was unnervingly unsafe with theconstant threat of break-ins. Within a few months we wereblessed to move on to our own property, which provided uswith a better sense of security. However, it came with its ownset of challenges including no running water/plumbing, noelectricity, or even windows and doors. Even the floors andwalls were only half completed, so we all lived in one room,while the construction crew completed the others. The day wegot toilets was the highlight of our year! Despite the hardshipswe endured in those early years, we also began setting thefoundations of what would become Haiti Bible Mission’sgreatest passion. We met HBM’s first emerging leaders.Although just teenagers at the time, we knew God was settingus on a course that would impact His Kingdom in ways we neverimagined. One of the first things that stood out tous was the hunger of the next generationfor purpose and change. They knew theywanted more, but had no idea how toaccomplish that. We found our newHaitian friends were driven, intelligent,and loved to learn. We began pouringinto them through life-on-lifediscipleship. Following Jesus’ model ofdiscipleship, we began setting afoundation that has created a rippleeffect and is now multiplying across thecommunities of Jeremie.6
HBM'S HEARTBEATD I S C I P LE M A K I N G Jesus left us with a call. He said, “Go into the world and make disciples.” He also left us with amodel for this charge. Jesus’ discipleship template was a group of young men and women that hespent lots of time with, life-on-life. Some of His greatest teaching moments with his team were notwhen he was addressing crowds of thousands, but at a meal, during a journey to a neighboringtown, and going about everyday activities. Jesus took advantage of the teachable moments thatcame along as a result of life experiences with his disciples. This is HBM. This highly relational, family-unit approach means we are in the trenches together and thereforeendure life’s worst hardships and greatest triumphs, together. Sure, there are many opportunitiesfor organized “education” and “leadership training”, but when it comes to things like being a greatfather or a great wife, these things are best learned walking beside a great father or great wife.People will retain 15% of what they hear (think seminar, classroom), but they will retain 85% ofwhat they experience (life). It is this model that propels us to empower leaders to transformcommunities. Another heartbeat of our ministry is “Living the Difference.” This comes from the verse in 1 John3:18, "Dear children, let us not love with word or speech but with actions and in truth." We wantour love to be through actions, not just words. Actively living a life of tangible love and truth isdifferent and noticeable. This is Living the Difference, “By this all will know that you are Mydisciples, if you have love for one another” John 13:35.LIVING THE DIFFERENCE7W W W . H A I T I B I B L E M I S S I O N . O R G
"Dear children, let us not love with word or speech but with"Dear children, let us not love with word or speech but withactions and in truth."actions and in truth." 1 John 3:181 John 3:18
Eldet Tine One day during a church Elders’ meeting, one ofthe pastor’s wives interrupted with an urgentmessage that one of her neighbors, a very prominentwitch doctor/Voodoo Priest was seeking our help.We dropped everything and followed her directionsto where we could find him. What I encounterednext changed me forever. A weak, emaciated man,that weeks before had been one of Satan’s mosteffective tools in Haiti sat helpless before us. Hisstory sounds made up, but it is true. Jean-Marie toldme how he never wanted for money, he wasprovided everything he could ever need byproviding deeds and favors for the demon that usedhim. He would stay up all night, communing withthe demon who strengthened and directed him.People would come from all over, even contactinghim from the states, to provide favors, healing, andcurses; lines of people offering in the thousands ofdollars, one man even shipped him a truck as a giftfor his services. He had indescribable powerbestowed on him from the demon. One night thedemon described a banquet he required of Jean-Marie to assemble; the demon demanded a samplingof every food, bread, fruit, and vegetable that couldbe found. As always, Jean-Marie obeyed andassembled the banquet and prepared for theceremony. However, the demon required one lastthing….a human sacrifice. Jean-Marie refused and sothe demon removed his favor and power and JeanMarie immediately began to be afflicted by theworse kind of pain and suffering.STORIES FROM THE FIELD He went to all of his witch doctor friends who couldnot heal him and even went to conventional doctorswho also could not help him. The pain and sufferingbecame so bad, he tried to end his life by jumping offof a bridge, but some men stepped in and pulled himdown. He then found a hidden corner of a fencenext to the road to sit and hide. That’s when he sawhis neighbor…a pastor’s wife, he knew she had theanswer to his suffering and called her over. Jean Marie insisted his whole family be present tohear from our elder team about Jesus, and all of themgave their lives to the only One who Saves! Themoment he accepted Jesus, everything in his lifechanged. He knew what he had to do and did itimmediately. The church came together to help himburn his idols, statues, and evil devices. He choppeddown his Voodoo flag and pole. He and his wife gotmarried before God. The change in Jean-Marieconvinced his brother, also a witch doctor/voodoopriest to trust in Jesus as well! They haveencountered every kind of persecution since puttingtheir faith in Jesus, but they have been unwavering.Jean-Marie says the freedom and peace he has inChrist is worth whatever he must endure.Director of Operations, Haiti10
Towards the end of 2022, Jeremie experiencedsome of the worst unrest I’ve ever seen. The countrywas protesting “Lavi Che,” the impossible rise ofliving costs. I don’t know why, but the angry groupof protestors turned their attention to the NGO’s inJeremie; organizations they thought were a part oftaking money meant for helping Haiti, but insteadwere squandering it. They began attackingorganizations in town, breaking down their gates,looting and destroying their buildings, and burningtheir vehicles. They had completely destroyed threecompounds and then we heard the news that theywere headed toward Haiti Bible Mission. Weprepared as best we could with our security staff,but really prayer was our best defense. As the mobcame to our gate, our head of security boldly metthem face to face. At the same time, people in the communitybegan to come and gather in front of the angryprotestors, speaking on behalf of all HBM does forJeremie, convincing them that we truly help and areneeded in the community. They stood their groundbefore the angry mob. To our relief, the mob wasconvinced! They moved on, unfortunatelydestroying the compound of an organization not farfrom HBM. I will never forget, the humbling sight ofall of the people willing to put their own safety atrisk to stand up for HBM in that moment. It is atestament to the relationships and work we’ve putinto this community. I’m proud to be a part of thework God is doing at Haiti Bible Mission. One of the biggest things God has ever done forme is, after the death of both of my parents, Ithought I was going to have a life of suffering, butbefore even a month had passed, I had found agreat family. In Haiti we have a saying that if awooden door closes, a door made of iron opens,meaning a future that is more solid and protectedcan be found. I found this to be true in theStockeland family. The Stockeland family hasshown me how to love people, love God, believe inGod’s Word, to not be selfish and to love to blessothers. And how they love me is like I am theirchild, flesh and blood. It’s like my mother andfather are inside of them to treat me how theywould want me treated. I thank God for this familyand all He has done for me and will continue to dofor me! Zachary VincentAssistant Director of Operations, HaitiMinista Stockeland11
When I was 12 years old, we went into town andmy dad wanted us to meet a new friend (a witchdoctor) and see some of his animals. He had lots ofrabbits, ducks, guinea fowl, and other animals thatare pretty rare in Haiti. He told us he had somebaby rabbits in the back, so we followed himthrough a dark hallway with tiny, dark and dingyrooms lining the hall. I didn’t know what the roomswere at the time, but got a weird feeling as wepassed through. Later my mom explained that wasa brothel and what took place there. I felt reallyheavy and burdened for the girls and all they gothrough. Along with some of HBM’s leaders Istarted building relationships with some of the girlswhen we would visit, and one of them namedStephania really wanted to leave that life. She felttrapped, feeling like it was the only way she couldprovide for her kids. She also was really interestedin learning about Jesus, but didn't think she couldbe saved while living the life of a prostitute. HBMwas able help her start a business and get out of thebrothel. That same moment she gave her life toJesus. I also became friends with the witch doctor’sniece, Sarafina, we would play basketball together.She watched Stephania's transformation and Iprayed with her to accept Jesus, too. I’ll neverforget the feeling of seeing their lives changed! Lacey Stockeland It was during our first couple of years on themission field and I was up early making breakfast fora visiting team from Ohio. I had poured a full boilingkettle of water into our large french press coffeemaker and was trying to push down the mechanismto get the grounds sifted out. What I didn't knowwas the filter was clogged and every inch of myprogress was compressing the steam until it builtenough force to literally explode out. My face tookthe brunt of the boiling explosion along with someof my upper body. The pain was excruciating, as skinwas literally peeling off of my face and my clotheswere keeping the boiling water close to my skin,intensifying the burns. Two thirds of my face had2nd and 3rd degree burns, with my chest and armsalso covered in large, raw wounds. Immediately, friends began praying and in lessthan an hour, my pain completely ceased! Pastorsmade long journeys from the countryside to pray formy healing. Two pastors in particular prayed that myface would be completely restored to it’s former selfBEFORE our planned trip to the states in 7 days.They didn’t want me to have to face any staring orridicule during our travels. At that point I was moreconcerned with infection than scarring, but theyprayed for the latter! The day of our travels camearound and MIRACULOUSLY, not one mark was lefton my face! Just fresh, new, unmarked skin. My chestand arms still had oozing wounds, further provingthe healing miracle of my face. God is SO GOOD!MissionaryAmrey Stockeland12
Mark Stockeland After Hurricane Matthew in 2016, the devastationand suffering in Jeremie were at catastrophicproportions. I’ve never experienced desperation atthat level before or since. As the main organizationon the ground, myself and team were makingfrequent trips to the airport to receive and distributesupplies brought in by various international aideorganizations. One late afternoon we had loaded ourtrucks at the airport and were headed back to thecompound when we came under attack. A largegroup of desperate individuals had dragged treetrunks and boulders into the road to block our pathand began attacking our caravan that included anescort by the UN and Haitian police. Large rocks,gun shots, and tear gas filled the air around us andcollided into our vehicles; we honestly thought wewouldn’t make it home. By the grace of God, wemade it back to the compound with minimalinjuries, but very shaken. I can only explain it as theHoly Spirit’s compulsion, but the next morning Igathered our team and we loaded our trucks withsupplies and drove straight to the scene of theattack. I knocked on the gate and the leader of theassault was staring back at me; the shock on his facewas priceless. My team proceeded to unload thesupplies we had brought including tarps, food, andother necessities at his feet, while I gave the man alittle encouragement along with a not so subtlemessage that he would never be attacking me or myteam ever again. We never had another problem atthat intersection. Only God!CEO/Founder of HBM13W W W . H A I T I B I B L E M I S S I O N . O R GBarak Stockeland My two passions are Jesus and soccer. Notmuch else truly excites me. I have been trainingwith my coach, Nighson for over three years. Hepushes me to my physical limits, sometimes to thepoint of throwing up. I love it! He’s one of my bestfriends, but I always worried for him, as I knew hewasn’t following Jesus. I prayed and prayed thathe would put his faith in Jesus, to the point Iwould cry. During one of his games he wasseverely injured and rushed to the hospital. Hisfoot seemed to be broken or worse. As one of thegreatest athletes in our town, it was devastating.We invited him to stay at the mission compoundfor a while, since his home is only accessible byfoot and up a steep, steep mountain, and hecouldn’t walk. I was scared for Nighson’s future asan athlete, and he was also very upset. I think hebegan to think more about his life and realizedsoccer isn’t everything or guaranteed. I could seeJesus stirring his heart. He went to my dad andsaid he doesn’t want to leave this place withoutknowing Jesus. The next morning my dad andanother pastor explained the Gospel and Nighsonprayed to accept Jesus as his Savior! It was one ofmy greatest moments ever!
LEADERS IN ACTION Many great missions around the world are investing in children's education, feeding programs, and otherhumanitarian efforts. We applaud and thank them for their incredible service to God's kingdom! The Lordhas led Haiti Bible Mission to an often overlooked aspect of ministry; empowering young adults. We havefound this to be one of the missing pieces in the quest for sustainable, healthy communities. Watchingyoung men and women grow into incredible, capable leaders that serve their communities and teach othershow to do the same is our most rewarding privilege. The power of their positions is especially on displaywhen major natural disasters and the country’s ongoing insecurities make it nearly impossible for outsideaid to be obtained. Our leaders are first, last, and indefinitely on the ground to serve their communities,selflessly pouring out when they are called upon. Even in the grind of daily life, they are helping theirneighbors, sharing Christ, leading their businesses with integrity, and investing in the next generation ofleaders. HBM is so incredibly proud of these leaders and what they are doing for the Kingdom of God. This is EMPOWERING LEADERS TO TRANSFORM COMMUNITIES, our leaders in ACTION.14
Haiti Bible Mission has a heart to go find men andwomen that tend to be overlooked by others, to helpthem see their potential and give them the chance tobecome all that God has created them to be. HBM’svision is to empower leaders to transformcommunities. Whatever goals and dreams these men and womenhave we want to help them accomplish those. Whilewe help them with these dreams we start a deeprelationship with each one of them. Teaching themmany things that will accompany them in their skilledwork in the future. We want them to be greatcommunity leaders and that includes great dads andfathers and great moms and wives. We want them tobe world changers in their communities, but thisdoes not happen without discipleship and a personalinvestment from our HBM team. When you supportour Leadership Development program you arehelping do so much more than just pay for theireducation. Our discipleship program includes: Developing Godly Character Finding purpose Marriage & Family Money management and budgets Customer service Skilled trades and honest business practices In order to empower and equip these leaders, itcosts about $400 a month or $18 a day. This supportgoes to their monthly stipend, education andtraining, housing for those that need it and basicmedical coverage. Whether you can commit to amonth, a day or a few days, you are bringing changeto these leaders which in turn impacts thecommunities where they serve.EMERGING LEADERS ARE THE FUTUREOF HAITI. SPONSOR OUR EMERGING LEADERSWe believe in investingand equipping Haitians. God hasbig plans to use His children forHis glory. We want to invest inGod's children. Will you investwith us?15W W W . H A I T I B I B L E M I S S I O N . O R G
EMPOWERED LEADERS Pastor Eldet Tine is the Director of Operations inHaiti and is also the lead pastor of HBM’s St. Helenchurch plant. He has an incredible wife and fourbeautiful children. He is passionate about God andHis Word, and seeing others also find this life-changing relationship with Christ. He seeks todisciple, empower, and change the next Haitiangeneration for Christ. We met Eldet as a teenager and quickly recognizedhis passion and potential. However, his story goesback much further. Eldet was born in an isolatedcommunity, far from what most would considercivilization, so far in fact, their closest neighborswere beyond hearing-distance of the loudest screamyou could muster. Subsistence farming supportedthis family that would eventually have 7 children,having tragically lost a young daughter. The familymade several moves as the children got older inorder to accommodate their education. Even so,Eldet did not sit in an actual educational institutionuntil he was 14 years old. Each move was even moredifficult than the last, with new challenges they hadto persevere and overcome. Originally, isolation wastheir main obstacle, water became the challenge attheir next home. A 7 hour round-trip, mountainoushike to get water meant missing school for lack ofclean clothes or opportunity to bathe. It also meantdays without food, for lack of water for cooking, andobviously these desert-like conditions limited theirgarden options, therefore food was also scarce. Evenso, the Lord provided for the family and Eldet looksback in awe at the Lord’s goodness in those difficulttimes. The Tine family moved to Jeremie, again toaccommodate the aging children’s educationalneeds. And once again, the move proved even moredifficult than the last. This latest move furtherintensified the family’s impoverished state. Theybecame the “charity cases” even in the poorestcommunities they lived. If it weren’t for the help ofcompassionate neighbors, the family would havestarved. Eldet felt an intense responsibility to helphis family and sought ways to help financially in anyway he could. Leading & ServingW I T H H U M I L I T Y A N D E X C E L L E N C EW I T H H U M I L I T Y A N D E X C E L L E N C EEldet TineHe became a self-taught block-maker, which wasphysically demanding work that eventually affected hisschooling, but he persevered. It was during these difficultyears that Eldet began walking with the Lord, attending aBible church, and growing in his relationship with God.He became mutual friends with some teenage boys thatcame to stay on the HBM compound. This tall, lankyteenager was incredibly hard working, intelligent, andhad character to spare. He was the first person weentrusted with our keys when we would leave thecountry. We could see that Eldet was hungry for moreand we began to invest into Eldet, through life-on-lifediscipleship and helping him finish high school. Heshared his dream to become a Pastor and we helped himpursue that passion as well through training and highereducation. He is now a pillar in his community while alsoleading HBM as our Haitian Director. He empowers thenext generation, pours into those around him, and ismaking a difference wherever he goes.16These are just two of the many stories of Leaders being trained with apassion for Jesus and Haiti!
Renous Severe is the Director of Shipping &Customs for HBM. Renous runs his own businessand is also a talented musician and serves in ourchurches. Renous has a joyful personality and acontagious laugh. He is married to an amazingwoman and together they have an adorable son.Renous grew up in the countryside with hisparents and 4 siblings. His home was a 1 1/2 hourwalk, one-way from the town where his schoolwas. He and his siblings would carry their shoesduring their walk to ensure they would last for theschool session. Their only income came fromselling various goods to neighboring towns (4-5hours by foot each way) carrying these heavygoods on their heads. From a young age, Renousand his siblings would make the journey with theirmother, helping her carry the heavy goods.Renous moved to the town of Jeremie to stay withrelatives to continue his education. Renous was ateenager when he began working for HBM, doingsmall jobs like yard work and generatormaintenance. In these early years, Renous lackedconfidence in himself and his potential. He balkedat opportunities to grow or advance. Evenexpressing his contentment in “doing his job” andnothing more. However, we continued to investand empower Renous, pushing, investing, andencouraging him for years. Today, Renous is astrong leader and example in his community. He isone of HBM’s top leaders and we are so thankfulthat he took the courageous step to trust God andput his fears aside. He looks back at those fearfulyears and all God has done, with a huge smile. Hewants to see others recognize their God-givenpotential too.Renous SevereW W W . H A I T I B I B L E M I S S I O N . O R G17
Our passion is to Empower Leaders to Transform Communities. What does it look like to see acommunity transformed? We’re talking transforming the whole community, even beyondfeeding programs and education. It looks like investing into leaders and then unleashing theminto their communities to launch businesses, invest into families (weddings, churches, medicalclinics), sports outreach, build homes and community hangouts (Ti-Chills). It’s working toimprove living conditions physically, emotionally, and spiritually. It’s unleashing and saturatingcommunities with men and women who love Jesus and want to see their very own communities,transformed through the power of a Christ-centered focus. This is where HBM thrives! We LOVEto see communities transformed!TRANSFORMED COMMUNITIES18
Haiti Bible Mission hosts teams of disciple-making Christ followers from North Americadesiring to live the difference in Haiti, abeautiful but desperately impoverishedcountry. The Mission serves and supportsseveral local churches and schools in andaround Jérémie, Haiti. Our widespread reachin the communities provides short-termmission teams ample opportunities forservice."SERVING WITHHUMILITY ANDEXCELLENCE."MISSION TRIPSW W W . H A I T I B I B L E M I S S I O N . O R GShort-term mission teams work alongsideHaitian pastors, Haitian construction teamsand/or ministering to children, youth andfamilies. Teams have the opportunity toserve through teaching, sports ministry orspecialized men, women or children'sministries. We also have the ability to host medicalteams depending on the ministry interests of theteam and the need of the local communities.Please visit our website for more information!20
C O M E S E R V E W I T H U S !C O M E S E R V E W I T H U S !
Our Medical Missions have undertaken a huge transformation in these 15 years! Fifteenyears ago, our medical ministry consisted of infrequent American teams including doctors,nurses, and their willing hearts. The teams would spend their week taking medicine andcare to some of the most rural and difficult to access areas of our region. The week tripswere huge blessings to those who couldn’t get care otherwise, but due to the infrequencyand difficulty of follow-up care, we couldn’t consider this a long-term solution. This allchanged, when one of HBM’s emerging leaders graduated medical school! His heart toreturn to his home-community and serve the poorest and most untouchable had finallycome true. Now, Dr. Jackson, along with other like-minded colleagues, travel to the samerural and difficult to access areas of our region, providing medical care and life-savingmedications; but as Haitian-nationals, they are able to provide long-term, follow-up care asneeded. This aspect has transformed our Medical Missions! We still encourage (sometimesbeg) American medical personnel to donate their time and skill-sets as they feel led, but ourAmerican teams will join our Haitian national team and support the work they continue todo in their communities. 22HAITIBIBLEMISSION.ORG/MEDICAL-MISSIONSMEDICAL MISSIONS
SPORTS OUTREACHA SOCCER MINISTRY STARTED BYBARAK STOCKELANDHAITIBIBLEMISSION.ORG/SPORTS-OUTREACH What began as some pick-up games withfriends, has grown to community-wide sportsoutreach. Barak Stockeland was impacted andmoved to do more when he realized after severalhours of hard play, he would go home and eat,but his friends didn’t have that luxury. Moved totears on multiple occasions at this awareness,Barak decided to do something about it. Hebegan raising money for food, purchasing andorganizing a meal for he and his friends to shareafter hard play on a weekly basis. He also saw aneed for spiritual nourishment and beganbuying Bibles and sharing Jesus. The ministry has grown and now otherleaders have caught on to the passion and helplead. In addition to Bibles, sports equipment hasbeen donated and distributed to thankfulrecipients. They also go out into thecommunities of Jeremie and host friendly gamesand share Jesus. A highlight for Barak has been agrowing friendship with a witch doctor’s son andhis reception to hear about Jesus and accept aBible. Please continue to pray for receptivehearts of the youth in these communities and fortheir lives to be changed!23
"I started Haiti'sHeroes after meetingJackson and Bella, twochildren that had beenabandoned in thehospital for over a year.I came home crying andasked my parents if Icould do more to help." -Amrey Stockeland In 2018, when Amrey Stockeland was eight years old,she saw a need at the local hospital’s pediatric ward. Shenoticed children spending weeks and sometimes monthssitting in the hospital, unable to pay for their necessarymedicines to get better. She started her own ministry tobless the children in the hospital with visits and treats,but heavy on her heart was to also raise money to pay forthe important prescriptions that these kids needed to gethealthy and go home to their families. Amrey’s passionhas only grown and even spread, as she now has a teamof leaders helping her run her thriving ministry. Theamount of time that children sit in the hospital is cut inhalf with the help of Haiti’s Heroes. Children sufferingfrom typhoid, malaria, tuberculosis, pneumonia,malnutrition, and countless other illnesses are findinghealing at rapid rates and getting to go home to theirfamilies. We praise God for Amrey and her heart to serveGod’s children in their time of great need.HAITI'S HEROESA HOSPITAL MINISTRY STARTED BYAMREY STOCKELAND24
Recently, the needs have become more difficultto meet, as thousands of families are fleeing thegang violence in Port au Prince and settling intoJeremie. The local hospital is overflowing withchildren and Haiti’s Heroes has been workingovertime. Consider praying how you might help ussupport these children and families through Haiti’sHeroes. The need is great, but God is greater! HAITIBIBLEMISSION.ORG/HAITIS-HEROES25
While we will all mourn this season coming to anend, we are aware that my role in the mission isshifting. I won’t be “in the game,” but I am moving tothe position of “Coach”. I am transitioning tosupporting our leaders in other ways, whichincludes advocating for them and the work that isbeing done in Jeremie, Haiti. I will be focusing onraising the much needed awareness and funds thatkeeps the ministry moving forward. It goes withoutsaying that my passion to encourage and lift thehands of my team will always be a part of me and willcontinue going strong! Haiti is and will continue tobe my life’s work, as God wills. I want to thank God for all he has done. I want tothank all of our HBM family who have partnered andwalked with us these last 15 years. We can’t wait tosee all God will do in the future as we make HisKingdom the center of all we do! I leave you with this verse that has been a sourceof constant encouragement and truth for me:Jeremiah 17:7-8“Blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord, whosetrust is the Lord. He is like a tree planted by water,that sends out its roots by the stream, and does notfear when heat comes, for its leaves remain green,and is not anxious in the year of drought, for it doesnot cease to bear fruit.”Blessings to all, Founder/CEO Haiti Bible MissionFUTURE VISIONDREAMING BIG! Wow, I can’t believe it’s been 15 years for myfamily and team in Jeremie, Haiti! I am so thankfulfor God’s favor and blessing these past 15 years.While there have been many times ofdiscouragement and countless challenges, lookingback and seeing all of the God stories along the waymakes it all worth it. Thinking about the impactHBM has had on the community and amazingrelationships built over the years and even duringthe chaos of natural disasters, God has movedmountains in and through HBM! I’m most thankfulfor the great leaders God has raised up to lead theministry and continue the work of ‘EmpoweringLeaders to Transform Communities.’ This was thevision God put on my heart from the beginning: toempower and equip men and women who had aheart for Jesus and a passion to bring change to theircountry. I’m so thankful God has allowed me to bepart of His mission to make disciples and raise upleaders in Haiti. An unforeseen blessing has beenseeing my kids starting their own ministries andraising up others to run them in their absence. Godis so good! I am confident in the foundation God haslaid for HBM and that our leaders will continue totransform their communities in the years to come! Moving forward is exciting, yet change brings it’sown set of challenges. The last 15 years on theground have been great and I will miss all theexcitement and fun with my team as we did so muchlife together. Looking to the next 15 years, we nowhave so many great leaders who don’t need me to be“in the game” anymore. They are now leading andserving in all aspects of the ministry. 26
THANK YOUSPECIAL THANK YOU TO OUR PARTNERS!We cannot begin to put into words how important our partners are to our work inHaiti. We COULD NOT do what we do without you. Your prayers, financial support,and words of encouragement propel us on. Thank you, from the bottoms of our hearts, thank you!27W W W . H A I T I B I B L E M I S S I O N . O R G
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