Centennial Celebration GuideCentennial Celebration GuideHighland Baptist ChurchHighland Baptist ChurchThat the generation to come might know...Psalm 78:6That the generation to come might know...Psalm 78:6
Special GuestsDr. Bob Pitman was saved & called into ministry here atHighland. He also served as Associate Pastor from 1967-68.Dr. Pitman has served as a senior pastor, dean of twodifferent higher education institutions, & in various otherSouthern Baptist leadership roles. He and his wife, Cheryl,have two sons who pastor active churches, 7grandchildren, & 4 great grandchildren. He has written 4books and preached thousands of revival meetings. Dr. Bob PitmanJanuary 28Dr. Sammy GilbreathAugust 4Dr. Sammy Gilbreath served as Senior Pastor at Highlandfrom 1985-1996. He has served the State Board of Missionsin the Office of Evangelism and as pastor of variousSouthern Baptist churches. Dr. Gilbreath is a certified Interim/Transitional Pastor & has served many churches inthis role. He and his wife Carol have two children and 5grandchildren. Learning to Live Like You’re Dying is Dr.Gilbreath’s autobiography.Dr. Gil McKee served as Highland Baptist Pastor from 1996-2000. He has served as the Senior Pastor of First BaptistChurch Tuscaloosa in Tuscaloosa, Alabama since April 3,2000. Dr. McKee is married to Sharon. They have twomarried children and four grandchildren. His hobbiesinclude hunting, reading, mentoring and discipling men,and spending time with his family.Dr. Gil McKeeSeptember 8Dr. Paul Chitwood was elected President of the IMB inNovember 2018. He previously had served as ExecutiveDirector of the Kentucky Baptist Convention. Prior to that,Dr. Chitwood served as the pastor of local churches inKentucky. He and his wife, Michelle, have four children. Hewill be with us for a special missions emphasis Sunday.Dr. Paul ChitwoodOctober 6
We will be celebrating with ourfriends at First Baptist ChurchFlorence. They helped plantHighland in 1924 when theyrealized there was not a Baptistchurch serving this part of thecity. The joint picnic will be held atWilson Park on September 15from 4-6pm. More details willbe provided as we get closer tothe date. CELEBRATIONSUNDAYOCTOBER13CELEBRATION PICNICSEPTEMBER 15October 13 will be the officialCelebration Sunday of ourCentennial Year. Small groupswill not meet this day in order toallow more time during ourworship service.Following worship, we will havea dinner in the CLC. More detailswill follow as we get closer to thedate.Joel RaneyApril 14Joel Raney served as Highland’s pianist from 1972-1978. He is asought-after choral and keyboard clinician, and stays busyperforming throughout North America as a piano soloist and aduo-concertist. He earned a Choral Conducting Degree atUNA before leaving to be trained at The Julliard School. Joelwill be in concert here at Highland on April 14th at 6pm.Sophie Hudson, author & speaker, will be with The Gatheringon Aug. 3 for “Celebrating a Legacy of Enduring Faith". Sophiespeaks regularly to groups across the country & loves to laughmore than just about anything. She hopes that through herstories, women find encouragement and hope in the everyday,joy-filled moments of life.Sophie HudsonAugust 3Other Special Events
P A ST ORSHBC TimelineEst. Oct. 121924Rev. J.L. Ivey1925-1926Dr. John Evan Barnes Sr1926-1928Rev. C.E. Calvert 1929-1935Rev. F.L. Hacker1935-1945Rev. L.E. Kelley1945-1963Rev. Jerry Helms1963-1971Rev. Wyndell Jones1972-1977Rev. James M. Metts, Jr1978-1981Dr. Donovan Davidson1981-1985Dr. Sammy Gilbreath1985-1996Dr. Gil McKee1997-2000Dr. John Brock2001-Present
NOT A BLE EVEN T SHBC TimelineEst. Oct. 121924Grace Mission 1938Weeden Heights Mission1948Central Heights Mission 1957Forest Hills Mission1963TV Ministry Launch1972Dedication of Sanctuary2004Broadway Fellowship2013The Well Church 2016The Well Church Network2021HBC Foundation Launch2023
JAN UAR YSpecial Centennial Displayson the Missions Wall at theWelcome CenterFEB RUA R Y MAR CHAPR IL MAY JUN EJUL Y AUG UST SEP TEM B ERChurchPlantingPastors &StaffSmallGroupsMusic &MediaMinistryChildren’sMinistryWeddingsStudentMinistryMissions BuildingsOCT OBE RChurchPlanting
As we approach the 100th Anniversary of Highland, I am reminded of mypersonal journey with this wonderful church. My family moved to Florencein 1970. It didn’t take long for us to make Highland our church home. I have experienced many happy memories throughout the years at HBC.Many were life changing, such as:I accepted Christ during a revival & was baptized.My dad (Bob) was ordained as a deacon.My mom (Ruby) was a staff member for 30 years.I was married in this church & raised 3 boys here.My dad’s funeral was held in this church.As we all know, not all memories are happy. This church has comfortedme during the difficult times. After my mom’s passing, she chose to haveher funeral in the county she was raised in, 4 hours away. Of course myHighland family came to the funeral on church vans. Yes, Highland Baptist Church has been a constant source of God’s love inmy life. In closing I am blessed & honored to have been a small part ofHBC’s first 100 years. I look forward to what the Lord has in store for thenext century. In Christ,ChipWe want to extend a special thanks for the many hours of researchand work devoted to this year of celebration from our Centennial Committee.Centennial Committee A Word from Our Centennial Chair, Chip DanielWrayDillardB.J.PriceChrisUnderwoodKimNelsonSusanLambertCarra-EllenJames
For 100 years, Highland Baptist Church has been LIVING THE LEGACY offaithfulness to the gospel and the glory of God in the Shoals. We enterthis year of celebration with joy and gratitude, looking back at what Hehas done and ahead to all He has planned for us. Since we arrived in 2001, you have been a great blessing to our family. Charman, Elizabeth, Johnathan, and I are forever grateful to have shareda part of this 100 year journey with you. You have been a cherishedspiritual home and family for us, and it has been my great joy to serve asyour Pastor.I would like to express my deep gratitude to Chip Daniel and ourCentennial Planning Team. We enlisted them early and challenged themto plan a year long celebration. They have done a wonderful job creatinga great plan, and we will enjoy the fruits of their labor all year. This guideincludes our biggest events and gives you the chance to put them onyour calendar early. Please express your appreciation to Chip and histeam as you have opportunity. Highland has been LIVING THE LEGACY for 100 years, but the best is yetto come. I look forward to all that God is going to do in this year ofCentennial Celebration. May our look back at the past launch us out intoan even brighter future. Your Pastor,Bro. John A Word from Our PastorDr. John Brock