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Hawaii Proposal

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TestimonialsEDVATIVEEdvative team members take extreme pride in their work. We believe that in order tosupport teachers in their work, we must first build trusting professional relationships. We hope the testimonials below shine light on those relationships and reinforce yourdecision to consider Edvative Learning as a strategic partner. Sam and his team were the best professionaldevelopment I received in 20+ years in education.Not only was their help timely, their professionalismand understanding made me feel valued as aneducator. I now have the skills needed to teachonline effectively. I also have a team of experts that Ican rely on moving forward. I can't thank youenough for your kindness, helpfulness, and personalapproach to working with my colleagues and me. CHERYL LORIOInterboro SD TeacherWe had our showcase this afternoon with our firstcohort of teachers. My expectations were exceededand your team has done an outstanding jobcommunicating, mentoring, modeling, andsupporting the work of our teachers. We saw realshifts in belief systems, paradigms, as well as growthin technical skills. Your team took all of our teacherswho were at varying starting points and movedeach of them further down the path towardsblended learning. Thank you for your willingness topartner. Your team is exemplary and did a great joblaunching this initiative DR. ELEANOR DIMARINOSuperintendent of Schools RoseTree Media School District3

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EDVATIVESAMUEL MORMANDOJULIE DEVINENIKOLETTE TROFAExecutive DirectorEducational AdvisorInstructional CoachMIKE SIMONEMEG HAYESCHRISTINE GUMPERTInstructional CoachInstructional CoachInstructional CoachMeet Our Team4

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InstructionalDesign01.Curriculum Design02.Course Design04.Resource DesignEDVATIVESince 2016, our team has worked with hundreds of educators across the country to help supporttheir transition to a more robust digital learning environment. As an educational 501(C)(3) non-profit organization, Edvative Learning is uniquely qualified to facilitate new learning in the areasof instructional design, curriculum design, resource design, and course design -- often for afraction of the cost of other partners.Included in every partnership is ongoing, real-time instructional coaching. Edvative's coacheshave on-the-job experiences working with teachers in every grade level and content area tosupport change. 03.What We Do5

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Scope of WorkEdvative will provide the Hawaiʻi State Department of Education with a strategic partnershipthat includes, but is not limited to working with a cohort of Hawaiʻi Virtual Education teacherson the development of elementary social studies classes in the Canvas LMS that are designedwith a combination of Open Education Resources (OER) and teacher-created resources. Curriculum Writing and DevelopmentEdvative team members will guide and support a cohort of Hawaiʻi Virtual Educationteachers through the curriculum writing and development process for elementarysocial studies classes. This work includes, but is not limited to aligning all writtencurriculum to Hawaii Core Standards for Social Studies (HCSSS) and the Nā HopenaA‘o (“HĀ”) framework. Open Education Resources (OER) Edvative team members will guide and support a cohort of Hawaiʻi Virtual Educationteachers through the three-step Open Education Resources (OER) implementationprocess. This work includes, but is not limited to the collection, curation, and creationof OER resources. Teachers will also review and use Creative Commons licensing perthe Hawaiʻi State Department of Education protocols. Effective Digital Instruction (EDI)Edvative team members will guide and support a cohort of Hawaiʻi Virtual Educationteachers through the Effective Digital Instruction (EDI) asynchronous course. Thisprofessional learning course will allow the Edvative team members to facilitate thelearning mentioned above (curriculum development and OER) and serve as a centrallocation for the Hawaiʻi Virtual Education teachers to collaborate. Teachers will focustheir asynchronous work around the 4 themes of EDI: Building Student Interactions,Designing Learning Experiences, Presenting Content, and Accessibility andInclusion. Ongoing Instructional CoachingTo facilitate this strategic partnership, Edvative team members will provide thecohort of Hawaiʻi Virtual Education teachers with ongoing instructional coaching.This work includes, but is not limited to scheduled bi-weekly virtual meetings tofacilitate the work, provide feedback, and support teachers in establishing andapplying their professional learning goals.EDVATIVE6

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Sample CurriculumDocumentEDVATIVE7

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EDVATIVEProcess for OpenProcess for OpenEducational ResourcesEducational ResourcesEdvative's process for supporting the shift to Open Education Resources allowsteachers to truly personalize the learning experience for their students. Despite themisconception, OER is not about "free" resources, rather, it's about personalization;and the Edvative "process" of OER brings teachers together, builds capacity, andgives them the skills to collect, curate, and create student-centered resources. ollectollectCCurateurateCCreatereateCC8

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Projected TimelinePrior to the timeline below, Edvative team members will work with a Hawaiʻi StateDepartment of Education leadership team to develop the necessary protocols andprocedures to monitor and support this strategic partnership. Edvative teammembers will also work to build trust and professional relationships with teachersprior to the beginning the work below. JANUARY 2023Introduce the strategicpartnership between Edvativeand the Hawaiʻi StateDepartment of Education. Begin to collaborate on allcurriculum documents. Begin Phase 1: Collection of theOER process for all classes.Begin EDI Unit 1: BuildingStudent Interactions. FEBRUARY 2023Continue to collaborate on allcurriculum documents. Complete Phase 1: Collection ofthe OER process for all classes.Begin Phase 2: Curation of theOER process for all classes.Complete EDI Unit 2:Designing Experiences. MARCH 2023Continue to collaborate on allcurriculum documents. Finalize Phase 2: Curation ofthe OER process for all classes.Complete EDI Unit 3:Presenting Content.JUNE 2023Finalize all elementary socialstudies "Master Classes" inthe Canvas LMS. Transfer ownership of allcurriculum documents to theHawaiʻi State Department ofEducation. Hold virtual or in-person"Presentation of Learning"MAY 2023Continue course developmentof all elementary social studies"Master Classes" in the CanvasLMS. Begin transfer of ownership ofall curriculum documents tothe Hawaiʻi State Departmentof Education. Continue preparation forJune's "Presentation ofLearning."APRIL 2023Finalize all curriculumdocuments. Finalize Phase 3: Creation of theOER process for all classes.Complete EDI Unit 4:Accessibility and Inclusion. Begin course development ofall elementary social studies"Master Classes" in the CanvasLMS. Begin preparation for June's"Presentation of Learning."EDVATIVE9

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Hawaiʻi State Department of Education1390 Miller StreetHonolulu, HI 96813To:NO: Q-FA22-HDE-1Date: 16 September 2022DescriptionTotalTotal62,50062,500QUOTEEdvative Learning1615 Yagle Avenue Prospect Park, PA 19076From:Thank You!Elementary social studies curriculum development Elementary social studies course design in Canvas LMSBi-weekly scheduled virtual meetings with instructional coachesOngoing virtual instructional coaching (as needed)OER professional learning asynchronous learning courseEffective Digital Instruction (EDI) professional learning course Virtual or in-person Presentation of Learning - June/July 2023Included:Edvative Learning is an educational 501(C)(3) nonprofit organization 86-2946356

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