Intake TriageAn OverviewA roadmap tothe rootcauses ofpeople and petsupport needs
T A B L E O FC O N T E N T S3. Data Collection4. Intake Reasons vs. Pet History5. Conversational Approach 3 5 786. Getting Started 91. Overview 42. Intake Reasons
O V E R V I E WImprove understanding of the maincauses of pet relinquishmentIs not comprehensive or consistentenough to understand the nuancessurrounding the root causes of a petsurrender requestUse this Guide to: Assess the effectiveness of existingsupport measuresCreate pathways to reduce unnecessaryseparation of people and petsDo not capture multiple people andpet-related reasons for surrenderTraditional Intake Data Collection:3
Download this comprehensive list ofreasons for surrenderUpdate owner surrender and returnintake reasons options in shelter softwareto capture standardized, primary reasonsI N T A K E R E A S O N STracking Root Causes4
Tip: Download and utilize the HASS Intake Triage FormCollect comprehensive data at two points in time Surrender and supportrequestsIntakeCapture multiple reasons for intake and support conversations D AT A C O L L E C T I O NOwner Surrender Reasons5
Tip: Download and utilize the HASS Intake Triage FormD A T A C O L L E C T I O NLost/Found PetsCollect Finder and lost pet details including: Finder’s report of pet behavior andphysical condition Finder’s willingness to foster Finder’s attempted methods to locatethe pet’s ownerVisual pet identification worn by the petwhen found6
I N T AKE REASONS V S . P ET HISTORYCapture the owner’s“why” behind theirdecision to seeksurrenderGather pet medical,behavioral, preference,and care history Informs support needsfor the person and petNOW and for future programsInforms support needsfor the pet NOW and forIntake-to-PlacementsolutionsRegardless of owner report, it’s best practice to alwaysfurther investigate a pet’s medical & behavioral needs. vs.INTAKE REASONSPET HISTORY7
C ONVE R S A T I O N A LA P P R O A C HStaff TrainingUse a conversational approach to get tothe heart of understanding people and petneedsApply findings to provide quality supportfor your community to keep people andpets together whenever possible8
G E T T I N G S T A R T E DImplementation ChecklistUpdate intake reasons optionsin shelter software to capturestandardized, primary reasonsLaunch a tool to capture multiple reasons forsurrender and support requests, like a digitalformApply findings to provide qualitysupport for your community tokeep people and pets togetherwhenever possibleVisit HASS Intake Triage: Getting Started forthe complete implementation guide and alltraining materialsHold authentic conversationswith clients to get to the heart ofpeople and pet support needs9