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About Hans Langeveld

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Hans Langeveld | Partner at TheLeadershipAdvisoryTheLeadershipAdvisory providesmanagement continuity. Executive andInterim Leadership search and consultancy.‘You have to astound your client with quality’He has made it his livelihood to question and reciprocate:search for and consult boards of directors, managementteams, supervisory boards. He wants to know. Needs to know.Considers it his moral responsibility. As far as he isconcerned, having suffered bruises is a prerequisite for thejob. As well as having reached an age at which you no longerfeel the need to prove yourself, but at which the drive to boostgovernance is as strong as ever. Who is Hans Langeveld? 

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‘You get hired for your abilities, but fired for who you are. The first adorn your CV, but the latter is what we’re interested in. Does a candidate fit the team? We know you can do the job; or we wouldn’t have invited you. What’s interesting however, is whether you’ll be able to perform in this particular context. With these people. At this stage. With this Supervisory Board. That’s the stuff a CV doesn’t tell you. Impropriety ‘To determine those things, we grill the candidate. Maybe even unsparingly so. On top of that, we benchmark a candidate against 45,000 leaders in Europe. The benchmark shows someone’s score on every axis. Any score is only relevant when set against a benchmark. Name of the game ‘We scrupulously question the client as well. We look beyond the dished-up profiles, because that is where we can add value. The challenge is to get there; that’s the name of the game. It is the most challenging part for the client too. They’ll say: ‘Look, it says it right here!’ No, it does not; it doesn’t say what kind of person you need, that is what we are trying to distil. Context ‘We try to look behind the obvious answers. We want to fully understand the context of the position; how exactly does that team operate? What is going on behind the scenes? What will be the team’s mission? What is the actual task? Which abilities are needed for that task? I always tell my clients that when we represent you in our search, we become you. Our candidates are always people of a certain calibre who themselves are very apt at raising questions. We cannot afford to be stuck for an answer to a candidate’s question. We have a moral responsibility to convey the true context, if only because we equally cherish our relationship with the candidate. Onboarding ‘Despite the scientific validation an assessment provides, intuition is crucial. You cannot top your best guess. Our approach, therefore, is that an important new phase starts as soon as we have brokered a match. We help with the onboarding process of our people. Not from afar, but close at hand. The results are astounding. I feel that we provide the missing piece of the puzzle with our onboarding assistance. It is an opportunity to guide the newly placed executive on the job. Shock treatment ‘To perform well in this line of business, you need to be genuinely and intrinsically motivated to deliver the best thinkable and possible solution for that situation, company, or issue. This is the most striking characteristic of the people we work with. You ‘We try to look behind the obvious answers. !We want to fully understand the context of the position.’

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have to astound your client with quality. That comes with a certain price tag, but with hindsight our clients often tell is that they got a brilliant bargain. That is what we’re trying to do at TheLeadershipAdvisory. Bruises ‘I’m convinced you can only do this job well when you’ve suffered some bruises in the course of your career. I held executive positions with top companies at a fairly young age, but I am very aware of my mistakes. I wasn’t burdened by those; I learned a lot and have been very successful. Success is a bad teacher though, it’s the things that did not go well that teach you valuable lessons. This job requires a certain maturity: your personality has taken shape, you have little need to prove yourself to the world, and you have gained sufficient wisdom and flexibility to be who you need to be. No more play-acting, but saying ‘‘this is who I am. And I see you for who you are.’’ Consulting ‘This is an incredibly fun line of business. The context and degree of complexity change with each assignment. I always enjoy the puzzle. That has to do with my curiosity businesswise: I want to know the ins and outs and I have an opinion. Giving feedback from an independent perspective; that is the consulting side of our work. Business ‘I have been in executive search for twenty years now, even though I had never expected to be in this business. When I left KPN due to a difference of opinion with the then CEO, I wanted a job that would put me closer to the actual operation. As a member of an executive board you mostly deal with abstractions. During my interviews with search agency Korn/Ferry I was asked whether I’d ever considered their line of business. Worldwide this business consisted of only about 2,500 people, which was a 1,000 less than my division at KPN, so I wasn’t interested. However, when a London-based search agency asked me the same question some time later, I started wondering whether !I was overlooking something. ‘This is an incredibly fun line of business. The context and degree of complexity change with each assignment. I always enjoy the puzzle.’

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Swimming pool ‘Then Korn/Ferry called. There was a board meeting in Florida, including all partners and the CEO. Yes, I was allowed to speak to everyone and the CEO had already said he wanted to speak to me. So, at the pool, I had seventeen conversations with very interesting heavyweights. People who had all held top positions. I was enthralled: these people didn’t work at just one company, they worked at ten different ones every day. They don’t just have a peek in the kitchen, they look into the pots and pans and adjust the recipes. Every day you are privy to front-page news, but you have to keep mum. How exciting is that for a job?’ Curriculum vitae Hans Langeveld!!2017 – present TheLeadershipAdvisory; Managing Director and owner "2013 – 2017 Langeveld Management Consultancy | TheLeadershipAdvisory 2001 – 2012 Maes & Lunau; Managing Director, Partner and owner 1999 – 2001 Korn/Ferry: Managing Partner Netherlands, practice leader technology Europe 1998 – 1999 CEO Business Market Division KPN 1995 – 1998 General Manager KPN Telecom Midden-Brabant Region 1992 – 1995 Division Director Government KPN 1992 – 1998 Supervisory Board Trionet (joint venture KNP, Getronics and Roccade), member 1991 – 1992 Corporate Account Director, Large Accounts; KPN NV 1987 – 1991 Marketing Director, Unisyss Benelux 1985 – 1987 Senior Account Manager, Unisys Benelux 1983 – 1985 Owner/Director Computerhill BV Education Rotterdam Business School Computer Science, Rhode Island University Computer Science Course, Columbia University New York Various Media Training Courses (audio and video) Executive Management Program in Telecommunications, University of Southern California, Los Angeles Financial Management Training Courses Various Leadership Programs Executive Board Program, Nyenrode University International Governance Training, Harvard University, Boston

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Hans Langeveld gets energized by workingwith inspired people and has a healthy ‘senseof reality’. He has an acute sense of marketand client. Hans understands the concept ofservice but is experienced and independentenough to strategically and analyticallychallenge a Board or Supervisory Board.He knows how to connect and how to keepdistance and let go. Hans likes to set thepace, be it accelerating the process orhanging back to allow all those involved toalign. He is decisive but cautious, with ahighly developed sensitivity towards timeand the individual.To create value, he values creativity,entrepreneurship and initiative overhierarchy and status. He can charge people,and subsequently organizations, withenergy. Although he gets what stature andauthority can lead to, he is also a peopleperson. Expressly non-corporate, eventhough he once was.Hans Langeveld has evolved beyond ego !and is generous in sharing the credit forsuccessful searches or consultations.About Hans Langeveld!ContactWhat TheLeadershipAdvisory !can help you !+31 653 218 Garden   Stroombaan 10                  1181 VX Amstelveen                Wassenaar:                 Kasteel de Wittenburg                 Landgoed de Wittenburg 1    2244 BV Wassenaar-Fill both permanent and temporaryexecutive or supervisory positions andcoach candidates in those positions;
-Independant board room consultancyregarding change management andstrategic issues;
-Executive or Supervisory Board Self-assessment programmes;-Individual or team coaching;!-Peer support;!-Individual or team leadershipassessment;Our team of 20 senior (interim) managers,consultants and coaches operating fromour offices in Amstelveen and Wassenaar isat your disposal.