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www.lifehouston.orgTogether, We can Nourishthe Future.#HungerActionMonthSeptember isHunger ActionMonthGet in Touch!2002 S. Wayside Dr., Houston, TX theToolkit!Annie Moore, Community EngagementCoordinator, 713-528-6044 ext. 1029EndingInfant Hunger 1. Choose a representative withinyour organization to manage thedrive. To register, visit Choose the time frame for theformula drive. Identify a convenientdrop-off location within yourorganization. To see a list ofrecommended items, please visit thetoolkit.3. Once your drive ends, report yourresults to L.I.F.E. Houston and dropoff the items at one of our 12locations across the GreaterHouston area. Help us end infant hunger byhosting a formula drive to supportfamilies in the Greater Houston area.For more informationabout our locations,scan the QR code.

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About Us Since 1988, L.I.F.E. Houston has beenfeeding Houston’s hungry babies byproviding an emergency supply offormula to families in crisis and offeringeducation on proper infant and earlychildhood nutrition. Why we needyour Support?L.I.F.E. Houston is rapidly expanding,operating 12 locations across theGreater Houston area and experiencingan average annual increase in client visitsof 20%. In 2023, we served over 7,500clients and, with your help, aim to reach8,000 clients this year.Access to safe, nutritious food in the firstyear of life is essential to healthy cognitiveand socio-emotional development in thefuture, including educational outcomes,health, and well-being—all of whichsupport better social and economicoutcomes later in life.Infant FoodInsecurityHunger ActionMonth Making An ImpactYour compassionate support isessential to nourish hungry infants andfulfill the urgent need for formula. Byhosting a formula drive for L.I.F.E.Houston, we will unite to make ameaningful difference in the lives ofthousands of families in the GreaterHouston area!Food-insecure families are forced tomake difficult decisions such aswhether to buy groceries or pay rent.The demand for L.I.F.E. Houston'sservices continues to increase due tothe rising prices of formula, groceriesand rent.As Houston’s only baby food bank,L.I.F.E. Houston is uniquely positionedto support these families by providingessential nutrition for infants, includingspecialty and allergen-friendlyformulas. Thanks to L.I.F.E. Houston mybaby now has formula anddiapers. It's truly a blessing forpeople to find it in their heartsto help me in my time of need.This September, every action—big orsmall—brings us closer to a world whereno one, including infants, goes hungry.Your voice, your actions, and yourcommitment are crucial to the movementto end infant hunger. When people arefed, including our youngest ones, theirfutures are nourished. With access tonutritious foods, everyone has theopportunity to reach their full potential.Infants living in foodinsecure householdsare at a higher risk ofhealth issues, limitedcognitive growth, anddecreased academicperformance.

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About Us Since 1988, L.I.F.E. Houston has beenfeeding Houston’s hungry babies byproviding an emergency supply offormula to families in crisis and offeringeducation on proper infant and earlychildhood nutrition. Why we needyour Support?L.I.F.E. Houston is rapidly expanding,operating 12 locations across theGreater Houston area and experiencingan average annual increase in client visitsof 20%. In 2023, we served over 7,500clients and, with your help, aim to reach8,000 clients this year.Access to safe, nutritious food in the firstyear of life is essential to healthy cognitiveand socio-emotional development in thefuture, including educational outcomes,health, and well-being—all of whichsupport better social and economicoutcomes later in life.Infant FoodInsecurityHunger ActionMonth Making An ImpactYour compassionate support isessential to nourish hungry infants andfulfill the urgent need for formula. Byhosting a formula drive for L.I.F.E.Houston, we will unite to make ameaningful difference in the lives ofthousands of families in the GreaterHouston area!Food-insecure families are forced tomake difficult decisions such aswhether to buy groceries or pay rent.The demand for L.I.F.E. Houston'sservices continues to increase due tothe rising prices of formula, groceriesand rent.As Houston’s only baby food bank,L.I.F.E. Houston is uniquely positionedto support these families by providingessential nutrition for infants, includingspecialty and allergen-friendlyformulas. Thanks to L.I.F.E. Houston mybaby now has formula anddiapers. It's truly a blessing forpeople to find it in their heartsto help me in my time of need.This September, every action—big orsmall—brings us closer to a world whereno one, including infants, goes hungry.Your voice, your actions, and yourcommitment are crucial to the movementto end infant hunger. When people arefed, including our youngest ones, theirfutures are nourished. With access tonutritious foods, everyone has theopportunity to reach their full potential.Infants living in foodinsecure householdsare at a higher risk ofhealth issues, limitedcognitive growth, anddecreased academicperformance.

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About Us Since 1988, L.I.F.E. Houston has beenfeeding Houston’s hungry babies byproviding an emergency supply offormula to families in crisis and offeringeducation on proper infant and earlychildhood nutrition. Why we needyour Support?L.I.F.E. Houston is rapidly expanding,operating 12 locations across theGreater Houston area and experiencingan average annual increase in client visitsof 20%. In 2023, we served over 7,500clients and, with your help, aim to reach8,000 clients this year.Access to safe, nutritious food in the firstyear of life is essential to healthy cognitiveand socio-emotional development in thefuture, including educational outcomes,health, and well-being—all of whichsupport better social and economicoutcomes later in life.Infant FoodInsecurityHunger ActionMonth Making An ImpactYour compassionate support isessential to nourish hungry infants andfulfill the urgent need for formula. Byhosting a formula drive for L.I.F.E.Houston, we will unite to make ameaningful difference in the lives ofthousands of families in the GreaterHouston area!Food-insecure families are forced tomake difficult decisions such aswhether to buy groceries or pay rent.The demand for L.I.F.E. Houston'sservices continues to increase due tothe rising prices of formula, groceriesand rent.As Houston’s only baby food bank,L.I.F.E. Houston is uniquely positionedto support these families by providingessential nutrition for infants, includingspecialty and allergen-friendlyformulas. Thanks to L.I.F.E. Houston mybaby now has formula anddiapers. It's truly a blessing forpeople to find it in their heartsto help me in my time of need.This September, every action—big orsmall—brings us closer to a world whereno one, including infants, goes hungry.Your voice, your actions, and yourcommitment are crucial to the movementto end infant hunger. When people arefed, including our youngest ones, theirfutures are nourished. With access tonutritious foods, everyone has theopportunity to reach their full potential.Infants living in foodinsecure householdsare at a higher risk ofhealth issues, limitedcognitive growth, anddecreased academicperformance.

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www.lifehouston.orgTogether, We can Nourishthe Future.#HungerActionMonthSeptember isHunger ActionMonthGet in Touch!2002 S. Wayside Dr., Houston, TX theToolkit!Annie Moore, Community EngagementCoordinator, 713-528-6044 ext. 1029EndingInfant Hunger 1. Choose a representative withinyour organization to manage thedrive. To register, visit Choose the time frame for theformula drive. Identify a convenientdrop-off location within yourorganization. To see a list ofrecommended items, please visit thetoolkit.3. Once your drive ends, report yourresults to L.I.F.E. Houston and dropoff the items at one of our 12locations across the GreaterHouston area. Help us end infant hunger byhosting a formula drive to supportfamilies in the Greater Houston area.For more informationabout our locations,scan the QR code.

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www.lifehouston.orgTogether, We can Nourishthe Future.#HungerActionMonthSeptember isHunger ActionMonthGet in Touch!2002 S. Wayside Dr., Houston, TX theToolkit!Annie Moore, Community EngagementCoordinator, 713-528-6044 ext. 1029EndingInfant Hunger 1. Choose a representative withinyour organization to manage thedrive. To register, visit Choose the time frame for theformula drive. Identify a convenientdrop-off location within yourorganization. To see a list ofrecommended items, please visit thetoolkit.3. Once your drive ends, report yourresults to L.I.F.E. Houston and dropoff the items at one of our 12locations across the GreaterHouston area. Help us end infant hunger byhosting a formula drive to supportfamilies in the Greater Houston area.For more informationabout our locations,scan the QR code.