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GVC Strategic Plan 2023-25

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ContentsIntroductionContextObjectives of the Glencree Visitors’ Centre CLGThe Glencree Visitors’ Centre In FocusThe Strategic Plan 2023 - 2025 & Its ImplementationStrategic Plan 2023 – 2025 Vision, Mission & ValuesFour Strategic Plan Objectives & 18 Priority ActionsGlencree Visitors’ CentreGlencreeEnniskerryCo. 1 2829711Company Registration No. 4538084578101214AcronymsGCPR – Glencree Centre for Peace & ReconciliationGVC – Glencree Visitors’ CentreOPW – Office of Public Works

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IntroductionGVC Timeline4LOOKING TO THE FUTUREThe development of the Glencree Visitors' Centre(GVC) Strategic Plan 2023-2025 is informed byevidence (surveys and feasibility studies),experience, and supporting the revised GVCConstitution.The GVC started this process in summer 2021 andcontinued into 2022 whilst Covid was still causingserious problems for organisations involved inhospitality. This is the first Strategic Plan developedfor the GVC since it started providing hospitalityservices (currently café, retail and accommodation)to the Glencree Centre for Peace and Reconciliation(GCPR) activities and visitors.The GVC Board is committed to providing enhancedhospitality services, planning to increase revenue toprovide any surplus generated to the GCPR tosupport its work.We are committed to strengthening organisationalgovernance for this period to build systems that areable to withstand some of the current challenges inthe sector (e.g., staffing), whilst delivering qualityhospitality services.Glencree Visitors’ Centre Board10 October 20222003 - 2008Bridge Visitor’s Café– small Café inBridge Building2007 - 2008OPW refurbishArmoury buildingFeb 2008GVC opensArmoury CaféAug 2013HSD Feasibility– Peace ThemedInterpretative &Visitor CentreAug 2016Trinity MBA StudentsDevelopment ofInteractivePeace Exhibition(Bridge Bldg.)

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ContextThe primary purpose of the GVC is to support thework and activities of the GCPR. Any surplusgenerated through the GVC activities will be used tosupport the GCPR objectives and operations.The Glencree Visitors’ Centre is a Company Limitedby Guarantee since 2008.This is the first Strategic Plan of the GVC. It wasinitiated following a decision of its Board in 2021.This was preceded by a decision of the Board of theGCPR in April 2021 that there should be analternative governance and legal structure put inplace that would be appropriate to the enterprisedevelopment of Glencree. This plan focuses on Hospitality Services includingcafé, retail, accommodation, heritage, cultural andrecreational activities for 2023 - 2025.The GVC Board will develop an Annual BusinessPlan to ensure the critical implementation of thepriorities outlined in this Strategy. This will providefor annual monitoring and reporting ofperformance on these priorities until the end of2025. The achievement of charitable registration with theCharities’ Regulator is an early target of this Planand this process is underway by the Board. The Plan builds on the knowledge and experience ofthe Visitors’ Centre operating a range of servicesover the past 20 years. The Plan was also informedby three feasibility studies from 2013-2020 with themost recent study in 2020 conducted by CHLConsulting Co and Howley Hayes Architects, fundedby Wicklow County Council and the Office of PublicWorks (OPW).During 2021, a research process was conducted toscope the local and national landscape on socialenterprise, available technical and financialsupports and appropriate governance models. Thisled to a review of the GVC Constitution and the GVCBoard ratified a revised Constitution in December2021.Alongside this process, the Board undertook anextensive internal engagement, with its keystakeholder the GCPR Board represented by theBoard Chair and senior staff. This Strategic Plan willbe shared with a group of key stakeholders andsocial enterprise bodies. An independentconsultant, Joan O’Flynn, supported the Board inthis process. The GVC Board ratified its new Strategic Plan on 14June 2022. The Board made minor adjustments tothe timeline of the Plan to 2023 – 2025, and revisedpriority action due dates accordingly on 10 October2022.52019 - 2020OPW & WicklowCounty Council fund Site Feasibility Assessment Jan 2020CHL & Howley Hayes present final report Oct 20222023- 2025 GVC Strategic Plan Sept - Dec 2021Revised GVC Constitution sent to CRO

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President of the Federal Republic of Germany, Frank-Walter Steinmeier, meets children of Operation Shamrock at the Armoury Cafeduring a State Visit to Ireland. Locally produced artisanal crafts and foods available in the Armoury Cafe, which also features artworksdeveloped during Dialogue Workshops of Glencree Centre for Peace & Reconciliation. Participants in the annual Glencree Peace Walkfundraiser gather at Armoury Cafe to enjoy a barbecue and entertainment.6

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The advancement of conflict resolution or reconciliation, to be achieved primarily bythe provision of financial support to the GCPR to enable that charity to promote itsmain charitable objectives from available surpluses generated by the Companythrough operating enterprise and business activities which are aligned or otherwisecompatible with the values of the GCPR.To support and assist the Glencree Centre for Peace and Reconciliation CLG in itscharitable activities, and its members, employees and agents in their work on itsbehalf.To establish a permanent centre for the provision of facilities for people engaged inor affected by conflict with a view to the assisting in conflict resolution andreconciliation and for the provision of other facilities to enable the Company toadvance its main object.To provide facilities for the training and education of people of every tradition toencourage them to play a responsible and effective part to strengthen institutions,communities and people’s capacities to prevent and transform violent conflict,support peacebuilding and develop pathways to reconciliation.To provide other appropriate facilities, services and operations in furtherance of themain object of the Company.Following the Board ratification of a revised Constitution in December 2021, the primaryand subsidiary objectives of the Company are:Primary ObjectSubsidiary ObjectsThis Strategic Plan identifies the key priorities for the next three years in harmony withthe achievement of the above company objectives. GVCObjectives7

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There is an intrinsic relationship between thefacilities and services offered by the GVC to thepeoples and communities impacted by conflict whoare brought together by the GCPR to find pathwaysto reconciliation and sustained peace throughdialogue, relationship-building, public discourse andshared learning. The concept of hospitality is central topeacebuilding at Glencree. The Armoury Café,appreciatively supported by the CommunityServices Programme administered by Pobal, is avital offering by the GVC that impacts onpeacebuilding and on peoples and communitiesengaged in peacebuilding. Hospitality helps to create a welcoming and friendlyspace for people engaging with people who havebeen or remain in conflict with together. Hospitalityfacilitates people spending reflective time with each‘other’. Hospitality is critical to creating memories,experiences, and emotions with and between‘others’ and is therefore vital to creating theconditions for the meaningful safe space dialoguesthat are conducted in Glencree. Through catering and accommodation and smalland larger scale conferencing and events, theVisitor’s Centre provides key hospitality services tomen, women and young people from allcommunities in Northern Ireland, who wereengaged in, are affected by, or are victims of conflicton the island or are from differing communitiesacross the border on the island of Ireland. In FocusIt provides key hospitality services to people whoexperienced conflict in other countries and/or nowlive in Ireland, in particular people who live in directprovision centres, second generation Irish Muslimand African young people, members of the AfricanIrish community, Muslim women and people whohave international protection here as refugees fromconflict. Accommodation and small and larger scaleconferencing is also central to facilitating andhosting peace- and reconciliation-centred dialogueswith diverse groups such as diplomatic corpsmembers, members of the defence forces,members of the Oireachtas and NI Assembly, headsof State and visiting people from other jurisdictions. This Plan maintains this reconciliation-related workas a primary focus for the next three years. It willalso examine how the GVC Board can establishappropriate business models that support the GCPRas it designs and deliver education and training onpeace, mediation, dialogue and reconciliation. Supporting Social InclusionThe GVC helps to address the needs of groupsexperiencing social exclusion locally throughbuilding relationships with community andvoluntary groups. The Visitors’ Centre Café employs and supportspeople who are seeking to return to the labourmarket from periods of unemployment or socialexclusion. Supporting Reconciliation8

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The Board wishes to intensify this focus through thisStrategic Plan through outreach locally in Wicklowand building relationships with Wicklow PPN andLCDC, and Social Inclusion Networks. A Local Resource& Gateway The Glencree site and Armoury Café are also animportant local facility, co-hosting the Shaking BogArts and Nature Festival on a two-year cycle inconjunction with a local-based organisingcommittee. It also offers hospitality to visitors to thearea including walkers, cyclists, motor and tour busvisitors, as well as offering a meeting place for localcommunity groups. An annual day of remembrance is facilitated everyNovember with the German Embassy in Dublin thatincludes a formal ceremony at the German MilitaryCemetery and a reflection on site in Glencree.Working spaces are also provided to local artistsand literacy groups. The Board envisages building on this over the nextthree years through offering a series of annualcultural events and enhancing the recreational andheritage opportunities on the site. The Board envisages that Glencree will become anestablished destination in Wicklow, that harnessesand enhances the natural environment of itslocation and serve as a gateway to the National Parkon its doorstep. 9

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10Strategic Plan 2023 - 2025 & its implementation

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organisations and communities engaged in reconciliation and socialinclusion communities and people who are local, or in Wicklow as visitors, andattracted by its natural environment, culture, hospitality and heritage. The Strategic Plan, outlined next, is a critical framework for the Board of theGlencree Visitors’ Centre to take a significant step to consolidate its currentservice provision. It is also a critical framework to incrementally develop the Glencree site as ‘adestination’ that is networked with:The Board is alert to the need for the Strategic Plan to be a framework that isrealistic and proportionate to the company’s current level of financial andhuman resources.The Board is confident that this Plan will be a platform to strengthen these vitalbusiness elements over the next 36 months. An Annual Business Plan with specific targets to be monitored and reported onwill be an essential commitment to realise the implementation of this StrategicPlan. An energised and expanded Board is necessary for the effective oversight ofboth the 3-year Strategic Plan and the Annual Business Plan.It is an exciting new opportunity to take a significant step to more widely sharethe wonderful resource of the Glencree site to generate a greater social impactthrough reconciliation, social inclusion and community/rural development. The Plan also reflects the Board’s sensitivity and understanding of itsresponsibility to develop enterprises that are respectful of the narrative ofremembrance, solidarity, conflict resolution and transformation thatcharacterises generations of people associated with Glencree and in whosesteps it follows. 11

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Our vision is a sustainable, vibrant, inclusivehub of dialogue, learning, hospitality, andheritage that celebrates and protects ourunique natural environment.Our VisionOur MissionUsing a social enterprise approach, establishGlencree Visitors’ Centre as a trusted brand anddevelop our site and facilities as hospitable andsocially inclusive for people engaged in buildingreconciliation, local communities and visitors.12

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Innovative & EntrepreneurialWe encourage and nurture creativity and innovation and thus seek to profitablydevelop and manage opportunities, by adapting to changing market conditionsand by evaluating and implementing new services and products. Community BenefitWe will share our profits for the benefit of communities and people engaged inreconciliation and peacebuilding through providing financial support to theGlencree Centre for Peace and Reconciliation; we will seek to createemployment, training and work experience opportunities for peopleexperiencing social exclusion and/or unemployment in the local hinterland andwe will seek to engage local community and voluntary bodies in sharing andusing our facilities.EthicalWe commit to exercise ethical decision-making; to treat all with respect anddignity; to conduct our business in a fair manner; to be ‘good neighbours’ in ourlocality; to implement transparent and sustainable business practices and tosupport environmental protection as much as possible. Hospitable & Inclusive We will provide a warm and safe welcome to all, and we welcome people fromall backgrounds as Board members, staff or as visitors/customers.Quality We commit to exercise best practice through implementing quality standards inour work and to implementing professional standards as appropriate andrequired. Our ValuesThe Glencree Visitors’ Centre Board adopts these values as a statement ofits ethos and motivation. It will work to design and deliver its services andproducts in accordance with the values below. 134StrategicObjectives 18PriorityActions

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StrategicObjective GLENCREE VISITORS' CENTREProvide and manage hospitality, accommodationand conferencing operations and outdoor facilitiesfor the requirements of the Glencree Centre forPeace and Reconciliation (GCPR).114Priority Actions1.2.3. Annually agree and implement a service level agreement withthe Board and management team of the GCPR.Annually establish and implement a codified system ofactivities and costs to apply to provision of relevant servicesand products to the GCPR.Establish the feasibility of providing business support for thedelivery of GCPR’s learning and education activities.

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StrategicObjective GLENCREE VISITORS' CENTREDevelop the Café as a 7-day week service with an incrementalapproach to expand to a licenced evening service.Maintain the social enterprise ethos of the Café to supportpeople experiencing social exclusion.Explore the potential for future development of seasonalaccommodation at Glencree. Develop and evaluate a pilot system for booking andmanagement of facilities and accommodation forconferencing, events and workshops, for artisans and craft-workers and for other scial purposes.Diversify and expand the on-site hospitality offeringfor communities and visitors to Glencree.215Priority Actions4.5.6.7.

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StrategicObjective GLENCREE VISITORS' CENTREWith the GCPR, develop an overall site plan that provides forthe integrated and serviced provision of an appropriate andviable range of heritage, cultural and recreational facilities. Identify and evaluate opportunities to pilot at least twocultural events in 2024 as profit-generating opportunities.Establish a walking route around the Glencree site and marketaccordingly.Establish a high-quality outdoor exhibition for walking visitorsthat explains the heritage and history of Glencree.Develop the Glencree site as a high-quality andestablished attraction in Wicklow through theprovision of heritage, cultural and recreationalfacilities.316Priority Actions8.9.10.11.

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StrategicObjective GLENCREE VISITORS' CENTREBy Q1 2023, maintain a process to develop, implement andreview an Annual Business Plan to support theimplementation of this Strategic Plan.By Q1 2023 ensure that the GVC Board has an appropriate mixof expertise in enterprise, aligned with the GVC services andproducts.By Q1 2023, GVC is recognised by the Charities’ Regulator as aregistered charity.Ensure the GVC needs on use and access to land, buildings,facilities and services are included in a binding agreementbetween the OPW and GCPR.By Q2 2024, establish an internal expertise to plan andimplement ongoing revenue supporting work to ensure theviability of the GVC’s services and products.By end of 2024, establish and implement a workforce plan thatsatisfies the GVC’s requirements.By end of 2024, review, develop and market the GVC brand. Ensure that the GVC has ‘fit for purpose’ governanceand administrative structures, personnel andsystems.4Priority Actions1712.

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The Armoury Cafe terrace provides a welcome respite and connection with nature. During a State Visit to Ireland, PortuguesePresident Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa visits the HerStory Peace Heroines Exhibition on display at the Armoury Cafe. Cyclists and visitorsenjoying a sun-filled afternoon on the Glencree grounds. Supporting local artists with artworks on display and available for sale in theArmoury Cafe.18

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The Wicklow-stone remains of the dormitory of St. Kevin's Reformatory. A lone piper at the Celtic Cross overlooking the GermanMilitary Cemetery at Glencree during the annual German Remembrance Day. Approaching the Armoury Cafe across the Featherbedsfrom Dublin. Glencree is surrounded by a woodland of native trees. The Conference Room of the Bridge Building set up for a circledialogue event of the GCPR. The Armoury Cafe provides catering services to a broad range of events and activities.

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2022 - GLE NCRE E VI SITORS' CENTREPrinte d on Rec ycle d paper