CAREER GUIDE G R I F F I N S P A L D I N G C O U N T Y S C H O O L SEXPLORE! Dozens of in-demand careerpathwaysPlan Your FutureCreate a plan for success after high schoolSCAN for the digitalversionOCTOBER 2024
CTAE Graduation Rate99%No Pathway Graduation Rate1%from CTAE CoordinatorNoteW e l c o m ef r o m G S C SWelcome to Griffin-Spalding County Schools! I am thrilled to present the inauguraledition of our Career Guide, a comprehensive resource showcasing diverse pathway optionsto graduation, including CTAE, Fine Arts, World Language, and diploma seals. This guideis designed to illuminate the array of career paths available to our students, reflecting ourcommitment to transformative experiences and future-ready opportunities. It aims toinspire and empower students, parents, and other stakeholders by highlighting the manyways we can achieve success together. As we embark on this exciting journey, I amextremely proud of the dedication and vision that fuel our school community. Here’s toexploring new possibilities and reaching new heights!As the Career, Technical, and Agricultural Education (CTAE) Coordinator, I amthrilled to introduce you to the exciting pathways we offer.We strive to elevate ourstudents' readiness for college and career success by providing additional optionsand opportunities that enrich their educational experience, equipping them with theskills and knowledge to excel in a rapidly evolving world. This year the graduationrate for students that complete a CTAE Pathway is 99% ! We look forward topartnering with you to support your educational journey!1From the GSCS SuperintendentNoteDr. Kimberly Sheppardfrom Fine Arts CoordinatorNoteI am excited to present an inside look into our vibrant and diverse fine arts programs. GSCSis dedicated to nurturing creativity, passion, and excellence in the arts. From visual arts andmusic to drama, our programs offer students the opportunity to explore their artistic talentsand express themselves in meaningful ways.Through our programs, students develop critical thinking, problem-solving, andcollaboration skills, all highly valued by colleges and employers. Participation in the artsenhances communication, emotional intelligence, and cultural awareness, equipping studentsfor success in diverse professional environments. Join us as we foster a community wherecreativity thrives and future leaders are nurtured through the arts.Jennifer L. WilsonDr. Keith Simmons
OPTIONSCOLLEGE & CAREER TABLE OF CONTENTSCareer, Technical, and AgriculturalEducation (CTAE) & Fine Arts prepareshigh school students for their nextstep after high school. Each pathwayhas a CTSO (Career Technical StudentOrganization). We also haveAdvanced Academic Pathways forstudents to choose from.HIGH SCHOOL CTAE,ADVANCED ACDEMIC &FINE ARTS PATHWAYSTaking AP courses andexams in high school couldgive you an advantage incollege by letting you earncollege credit if you pass theexam. ADVANDED PLACEMENTWork-Based learningprovides students theopportunity to receive creditwhile working in anenvironment related to theircareer pathway.Butts, Pike and GSCS attendfor half of their day at GRCCAfor high school, dualenrollment, or acceleratedcareer classes or pathways.Transportation is provided.GRIFFIN REGION COLLEGEAND CAREER ACADEMY We work with 3 college to allowstudents to earn college creditwhile working on their HS diploma.This covers tuition, mandatory feesand required textbooks.DUAL ENROLLMENTStudents choose tosimultaneously earn a highschool diploma and acollege Associate Degree,Technical Diploma, or two(2) Technical Certificates ofCredit (TCC's) in a specificcareer pathway.ACCELERATED CAREERWORK BASED LEARNINGPLAN YOUR FUTUREPg.3-8Pg. 9-16Pg.17Pg.18 - 19 Pg.21-22Pg.23-24Pg.25-31PATHWAYDESCRIPTIONSPg.32-64Your future is in thepalm of your hand.Take a look at theInterest Survey,Student PathExamples, and HotCareers for 2030. 2
Practice asking questions face-to-faceLearn and practice good time management skillsExplore interest, volunteer, become involved in school activities and organizationsIdentify your strengths and interests (You can used your YouScience Results)Develop your 4-year high school plan and register for next yearStart building your resume with volunteer, school activities and other experiencesDecide what you want to accomplish in the next four yearsFreshmanYearDISCOVERSophomoreYearEXPLOREConsider taking the PSAT, ACT, ASVAB, or SAT in the FallRegister for classes that prospective colleges require or align with your career pathAttend College and Career Fairs to talk with college and career representativesVisit Colleges or consider job shadowing during breaksPrepare drafts of application essays using Common Application questionsContinue extra-curricular, volunteer work, jobs and add them to your resumeMake sure you are on track for graduationJunior YearPLANAttend a college and career fair to explore your interestBegin discussions with family about plans after high school and their careersTake a Pre-ACT or Pre-SAT testLearn about requirements for careers of interestPlan courses and register for next year by reviewing your creditsFind a summer job, college camp, or volunteer work that might be related to your career interestConsider applying for Work Based Learning in your area of interestStart requesting letters of recommendation and don’t forget to thank them Request transcripts in Fall and start applying to chosen collegesNovember is deadline for military academy applications & some ROTC programsLearn about scholarship & financial aid process and submit (FAFSA)Get college housing requests in as soon as possibleIf considering trades, research local opportunities and any certifications neededSenior YearACTAsk toupdateYouSciencesurveyPLAN YOURFUTURE Make sure you're on track with your post -secondarycollege or career plans with this helpful checklistWho Am I? What do I like to do? What am I good at? What is important to me?Utilize YouScience tools to research and explore academic and career optionsClarify and evaluate academic options and career goalsTake action on postsecondary plan and career goals including application for:Scholarships * Financial aid * Technical colleges * Colleges * Military * Jobs/CareerApply forWork BasedLearningCheck outoptions atGRCCAApply forWork BasedLearning3
STUDENT JOURNEY PATHSE X A M P L E S O F S T U D E N T S T H A T H A V E R E C E N T L Y G R A D U A T E D FOUR YEAR DEGREE MANUFACTURING HEALTHCARE AVIATIONMAINTENANCE WELDINGGoal: Gain a collegedegree in the area that Iam passionate aboutGoal: Find a hands-oncareer that I enjoy andcan growGoal: Help others in acareer that I enjoy andcontinue to learnGoal: Find a hands-oncareer and great benefitsand growthGoal: Complete highschool early and find acareer that I enjoyUtilized: CTAE HSBusiness Pathway &Academic DualEnrollmentUtilized: SCTC DualEnrollment Maintenance*TCCs & Internship withCAT through GRCCA at nocostUtilized: SCTC DualEnrollment CNA *TCC &Internship with Wellstarthrough GRCCA at nocostUtilized: Middle GACollege Dual EnrollmentAviation MaintenancePathway through GRCCAat no cost & FAA Part 147 Utilized: AcceleratedCareer to complete 2*TCCs in SCTC DualEnrollment Weldingthrough GRCCA at no costNext Steps: Graduateand starting a Bachelor’sDegree in GeorgiaNext Steps: Caterpillarfull time - Initial earnings$18 per hr or $36,000 peryr (Plus overtime)Next Steps: Wellstar fulltime - earning $20 per hror $40,000 per yr (Plusovertime)Next Steps: Transferredto Eastman MGA Campusto complete an A&PCertificationNext Steps: Ranews fulltime - earning $21 per hror $42,000 per yr In 4 Years: Graduate fromCollege and start workingin field - earning $22.5 perhour or $45,000 per year In 4 Years: Earning $30per hour or $60,000 peryear with 4 years of workand additional bonusesIn 4 Years: Earning $30per hour or $60,000 peryear with 4 years of work.Potential degreeadvancementIn 4 Years: Automatic Deltahire - Earning $46 per houror $92,000 per year with 21/2 years of work In 4 Years: Earning $26per hour or $52,000 peryear with 4 years of workand additional bonuses *TCC - Technical Certificates of Credit**Wage Source - ONET - & Delta.org4
Check all activities below thatinterest you. Count the number ofmarked activities in each group, andwrite the total in the box provided. Self-Starter Innovator InfluencerTotal Total TotalCareer Paths Career Paths Career PathsAutomotive (p. 34) Construction (p. 41)Horticulture (p. 51)Programing (p. 40)Manufacturing (p. 52-53)Aviation (p. 35-38)Welding (p. 64)Fix Mechanical ThingsPlay a SportFollow a PlanPlant a GardenSolve a PuzzleBuild ThingsWork AloneOperate MachinesWork OutdoorsTake Care of AnimalsWork with RoboticsPlay in a BandTake Photos or VideoAct in a PlayRead/Write Novel/PoetryUse Your ImaginationFollow RulesWork on CraftsDraw by Hand or Computer Teach OthersDesign Programs/GamesDesign Items/FashionOperate a BusinessSupervise OthersLead A Group to a GoalGive a Talk or SpeechPromote an IdeaSell ThingsDefend Your OpinionMeet Important PeopleFilm EventsParticipate in a PoliticalCampaignBe Responsible for EventA/V Tech & Film (p. 33)Construction (p. 41)Cosmetology (p. 42)Early Childhood (p. 47)Education As a Profession (p. 48)Engineering (p. 49)Fine Arts (p. 61-63)Manufacturing (p. 52-53)Welding (p. 64)A/V Tech & Film (p. 33)Business (p. 39)Criminal Investigations (p. 43-44)Culinary (p. 45-46)Early Childhood (p. 47)Education As a Profession (p. 48)JROTC (p. 55)Student InterestSurveyTo help us provide career guidanceplease fill out this quick survey5
OrganizerStrategist AdvocateTotal Total TotalCareer Paths Career Paths Career PathsAutomotive (p. 34)Aviation (p. 35-38)Business (p. 39)Construction (p. 41)Government (p. 55 & 59)Horticulture (p. 51)Programming (p. 40)Welding (p. 64)Work InsideUse a ComputerWork with NumbersCreate a SystemStay OrganizedBuild ThingsWork AloneBe Responsible Keep Accurate RecordsWork with DocumentsFollow ChecklistsStudy the StarsSolve ProblemsInvestigates ProblemsRead Scientific BooksUse Logic and AnalyticsUse a MicroscopeDo Complicated CalculationsLearn About New TopicsDo Lab ExperimentsCreate Websites or GamesUnderstand PhysicsLaws and Theories Plan Activities Work with ChildrenEnjoy Talking to PeopleParticipate in MeetingsHelp Resolve DisputesPlay a Team SportLead a Group DiscussionTeach Someone SomethingCare for OthersWork as a Volunteer fora Charity Help Others with ProblemsAllied Health (p. 32)Business (p. 39)Nurse Aide (p. 56)Engineering (p. 49)Horticulture (p. 51)Phlebotomy (p. 58)Programming (p. 40)Sports Medicine (p. 60)Allied Health & Nurse Aide (p. 32 & 56)Business (p. 39)Cosmetology (p. 42)Criminal Investigations (p. 43-44)Culinary (p. 45-46)Early Childhood (p. 47)Education As a Profession (p. 48)Government (p. 55 & 59)Phlebotomy (p. 58)Sports Medicine (p. 60)Which group had the highest number of marked activities? Explore the suggested career paths in the following pages. 6
FBLA - A, G, SThe mission of Future Business Leaders ofAmerica is to bring business andeducation in leadership positions. HOSA - G, SThe mission of HOSA is to learn fromand meet the needs of the health carecommunity.FCCLA - G, SThe mission of the FCCLA is topromote leadership through familyand consumer sciences education. SKILLSUSA - G, SThe mission of SkillsUSA is to buildworld class workers, leaders, andcitizens. FFA - GRThe mission of FFA is to make a positivedifference through agricultureeducation.TSA - G, SThe mission of the TechnologyStudent Organization is learning tolead in a technical world. CAREER TECHNICAL STUDENT ORGANIZATIONCTSO?What is a What is a Enhance studentsknowledge and skills byparticipating in realworld activities, events,and competitions.Students thatparticipate gainleadership and personaldevelopment. Check with your CTAEteachers to find outhow to join. Available at: A=AZKG= Griffin HighS=Spalding HighGR=GRCCA1 0
What is the Social Studies CivicEngagement Seal? The purpose of the Civic Engagement Diploma Seal is to preparestudents to constructively participate in civic life and recognizetheir commitment to community.SOCIAL STUDIES CIVIC ENGAGEMENTDIPLOMA SEALSTATE SSCOURSEREQUIREMENTS Students mustmeet the stateSocial Studiescourserequirements forgraduation.AMERICAN GOV BASIC SKILLSTEST 56 Questionsaligned toAmericanGovernment/Civics GSE (Spring)APPLICATION OF SOCIAL STUDIESKNOWLEDGE The 50-hourservicerequirementFor more information contact: 770-229-3710 Ext. 10614CAPSTONEPORTFOLIOStudents mustpresent acapstone portfoliothat summarizestheknowledge/skillsand experienceCRITERIA1CRITERIA2CRITERIA3CRITERIA41 1
1 2
WORLDLANGUAGEPATHWAYWORLDLANGUAGEPATHWAY4 credits inELA, Math,and SC1.3 credits in SS2.1 Health/PE3.3 credits inWorldLanguagecourses 4.Students whohave highproficiency in aWorld Lang.4 ELA creditswith 3.0 GPA1.Score of 6 +on AvantSTAMPAssessment2.3 credits in sameWorld Lang. 1.4 credits inInternationalFocus courses2.4 Globalexperiences3.20 hours ofGlobalcommunityservice. 4.Capstone 5.Ready to Apply? Talk with your teachers and counselor to see if you are agood fit and that your schedule will permit you taking the course.Proficiency in a World Language adds acompetitive advantage in all careerfields.Employees who can communicate effectively with global partners are vital to allbusinesses currently doing business abroad or wishing to expand internationally. Itshould be noted that world language proficiency at the advanced level can increase anemployee’s salary by 20% or more. These are three options in GSCS.GA SEAL OFBILITERACYINTERNATIONALSKILLS DIPLOMASEAL1 3
ADVANCEDACADEMICPATHWAYCHOOSE PATHWAYEnglishMathScienceSocial StudiesCOURSESComplete 4Academic classesin your Pathway. This is alsoneeded forgraduation. ADVANCEDOne of yourclasses for youpathway mustbe either an APor DualEnrollmentcourse.Interested? Talk with your counselor to see if your pathway is already setup.WORLD LANG.Complete twoyears of a Worldlanguage. CREDIT RECEIVED•And that’s it! You’re done!Want To Complete A PathwayJust By Graduating?Georgia’s high school students have the opportunity complete aPathway in an Academic area by following these steps. Thesepathways prepare students for career opportunities that will leadto multiple postsecondary options for advanced studies and skills. 1 4
CTAE +DETERMINE PATHWAY COURSEOPTIONSAfter successfulcompletion ofthe entirepathway,students sign upfor credit and itwill be appliedto the student’stranscript. The Academiccredit grade willbe the samegrade earned inthe 3rd creditcourse grade.The grade countsfor HOPE & GPAcalculations.CREDITSGRADESAviation Maintenance (Math - 27.09930)Engineering and Technology (Math -27.09970)Flight Operations (Science - 40.09970)Unmanned Aircraft (Science - 40.09980)Audio Video Technology and Film I (ELA -23.09920)Business and Technology (23.09960)CREDIT RECEIVEDThe CTAE+ fourth credits may not be accepted by the University System ofGeorgia (USG) but if you take 30+ transferable hours with a technicalcollege they may transfer those to a USG school. Academic Credit for taking aCTAE Class?Students can gain academic fourth credit for taking certain CTAEclasses but these should only be considered for students enteringthe Technical College System of Georgia or graduates goingdirectly into the workforce. 1 5
ARTICULATEDCREDITCTAE PATHWAYSuccessfullycompleterequired coursesin your chosenCTAE pathway toqualify for thearticulatedcredit.EOPAPass EOPArequired to earnthe articulatedcredit.ARTICULATION With instructoror Counselor,completeArticulatedCreditVerificationForm.Ready to Apply? Talk with your CTAE teacher to see if your pathway isalready set up and then set up a meeting with your counselor.TECH COLLEGEApply to theTechnical Collegeof your choice.Upload Form &Exam Credential/Certificate withTCSG application.CREDIT RECEIVED•Receive acceptance from the Technical College of your choice.•Additional documentation or demonstration may be required by the local TCSG institutionfor the credit to be awarded.•And that’s it! You’re done!College Credit Just for TakingCTAE Classes?Georgia’s high school students have the opportunity to earncollege credit by successfully completing specific high schoolcourses in a CTAE Pathway and an external assessment orcredential (EOPA-End of Pathway Assessment).1 6
ADVANCEDPLACEMENTAP COURSESIdentify the APcourse thatwould be thebest fit for youand work withyour schedule. SCHEDULEWork with yourcounselor to signup for thecourse. Alsomake sure that itis approved byyour futurecollege. COURSE WORKComplete thecourse workand prepare totake the APexam in May. Ready to Apply? Talk with your teachers and counselor to see if you are agood fit and that your schedule will permit you taking the course.REQUESTThrough the APsite, request thatyour scores aresent to thecollege of yourchoice. TESTING COMPLETESuccessfully pass the exam.And that’s it! You’re done!Ready to take college classes inhigh school? High school students have the opportunity to take rigorouscourses in high school and can earn college credit by successfullycompleting AP exam. SCAN FOR MOREINFORMATION1 7
Complete theapplication usingthe QR codeSpeak with yourcounselor. Makesure you are ontrack forgraduation.Submit all signeddocuments to WBLCoordinatorincluding employerinformation.YESWeekly assignmentsthrough CanvasRegular visits to yourjob site Create a portfolio foryour futureGet startedWhy Participate?WBL gives studentsopportunities to practice skills inreal-world scenariosWBL helps students develop softskillsWBL gives students a chance toobserve professionals in actionWBL helps students networkwith potential employersNext Almost ThereFinally - Do I haveassignments in WBL?Ready to Apply? Email Jada.Ingram@gscs.orgVisit MISSIONTo empower each student to graduate college and career ready.Work-Based Learningis a structured experience whichconnects classroom learning toan engaging job opportunity. Internships can be paid orunpaid. Students complete aportfolio and are allowed to leavecampus to intern with localbusinesses, earning course creditfor the experience. Requirements2.5 GPA16 years old with reliabletransportationGood attendancePositive BehaviorTeacher RecommendationsDefined career goal1 8
EMPLOYABILITY SEALComplete GABestPATHWAY SEALComplete at least one CTAE Pathway AND 2 of the following: Pass your EOPA,Complete 1 unit of WBL, Complete 2 TCCs, or Earn a Rank of E-5 in ROTCLEADERSHIP SKILLS SEALComplete 1 year of membership in a CTSO and a Portfolio (Resume, Cover letter, and 3letters of recommendation plus 1 of the following: 40 hours of community service, Earn arank of E-5 and at least 2 ROTC credits, receive an honor of region or or recognitionDiploma SealsCareer Ready Diploma Seals areawarded to graduating high schoolstudents who complete a series ofaccomplishments as outlined andengage in activities, courses, andexperiences that foster career readiness.The diploma seal is a signal toemployers that a student is prepared toparticipate in the workforce.EMPLOYABILITY DISTINGUISHED SEAL And Earn at least one unit of state approved WBL in your CTAE PathwayPATHWAY DISTINGUISHED SEALComplete at least one CTAE Pathway AND 1 of the following: Pass your EOPA,Complete 1 unit of WBL, Complete 2 TCCs, or Earn a Rank of E-5 in ROTCLEADERSHIP DISTINGUISHED SKILLS SEALComplete 2 years of membership in a CTSO, 80 hours of community service,Hold a leadership office or earn a rank of E-7.1 9
2 0
GRCCA2025-26MISSIONTo develop and grow a well-trained workforce byempowering our students with a rigorous andrelevant education, excellent soft skills, and theconfidence to succeed in a highly competitiveworld.CORE FOCUS21st Century SkillsCareer AlignedEarly CollegeDual EnrollmentSCAN QR CODE FORREGISTRATION DATESAND CONTACT INFODISCLAIMER: The information contained within this book is as accurate as possible at the time of publication. Classes offered canchange due to scheduling and allotment conflicts.2 1
Entrance Requirements:Dual Enrollment Core Academics11th & 12th GradeHope GPA 3.0Dual Enrollment Core Academics (11th &12th Grades)COMM 1110 - Elective, Speech (Online)ECON 2105 - Economics (Online)ENGL 1101 - 4th English, Adv Composition ENGL 1102 - English Elective ENG 2131 - American LiteratureHIST 2111 - United States HistoryMATH 1111 - 4th Math, College AlgebraPOLS 1101 - American GovernmentPSYC 1101 - Elective, PsychologySOCI 1101 - ElectiveSPAN 1001 - Spanish 1 or 2 (Online)Entrance Requirements:Dual Enrollment Career & TechnicalEducation10th to 12th GradesGPA 2.0Dual Enrollment Core Academics11th & 12th GradesGPA 2.0Dual Enrollment Career & TechnicalEducation (10th to 12th Grades)Automotive (Accel. Career - 1 Yr)CosmetologyCriminal JusticeCulinaryDiesel Mechanic (Accel. Career - 1 Yr)Early Childhood Ed. (Accel. Career- 1 Yr)Film ProductionForensic ScienceIndustrial Maintenance (Accel. Career - 2 Yr)Nurse Aide (Jrs. & Srs.) (Accel. Career - 2 Yr)Phlebotomy (Jrs. & Srs. ) (Accel. Career- 2 Yr)Welding (Accel. Career - 1 Yr)Dual Enrollment Core Academics (11th &12th Grades)BIOL 1111 - Biology I or 4th ScienceECON 1101 - Economics (Online)ENGL 1101 - 4th English, Adv CompositionENGL 1102 - English Elective ENGL 2130 - American LiteratureHIST 2111 - United States HistoryHUMN 1101 - Elective, HumanitiesMATH 1111 - 4th Math, College AlgebraMATH 1113 - College Pre-CalculusPOLS 1101 - American GovernmentPSYC 1101 - Elective, PsychologyEntrance Requirements:High School Career & TechnicalEducation10th to 12th GradeOn-Track for GraduationHigh School Career & TechnicalEducation (10th to 12 Grades)Aviation MaintenanceAviation DroneAviation FlightWarehouse ProfessionalAgricultureTeaching as a ProfessionEntrance Requirements:Dual Enrollment Core Academics11th & 12th GradeHope GPA 3.0Dual Enrollment Career & TechnicalEducation (11th to 12th Grades)AVMT 1000 - Aviation Math & PhysicsAVMT 1010 - Aviation Regulations &Human FactorsAVMT 1020 - Aircraft Applied ScienceAVMT 1025 - Aircraft Applied Science IIAVMT 1030 - Fundamentals of Electricityand ElectronicsVisit our Website:www.grcca.orgAVIATION MAINTENANCE2 2
IS THIS FOR ME?Do I see value in earning certifications that could help me get a jobright after graduation?Do I prefer practical, hands-on learning experiences over theoretical,classroom-based learning?1 Year Welding (2 TCC)2 Years Industrial Maintenance (2 TCC)Accelerated CareerAccelerated CareerDiplomaDiplomaGRCCA CAMPUSAccelerated Career pathways offer qualified students a uniquepath to high school graduation. GRCCA offers several of thepathways required TCCS as well as some of the required highschool courses. Interested in pursing Accelerated Career pathway through GRCCA?See your high school counselor or Dana Hall @ GRCCASCTC CAMPUS Requirements:GPA 2.0 OR Accuplacer Requirement10th to 12th GradesComplete Nine High School Courses2 English (American Lit/EOC)2 Math (Algebra 1/EOC)2 Science (Biology/EOC)2 Social Studies (core or 1 and 3 Math)Personal Fitness/HealthComplete any of the following Technical CollegeCredentialsAny one Associates Degree2 Technical Certificates of Credit (TCC) on theapproved list1 Year Automotive (2 TCC) Griffin2 Years Phlebotomy (2 TCC)2 3
Students participating in the Accelerated Career Diploma can use DualEnrollment Funding and/or HOPE Funding, if eligible, to pay for technicalcollege courses. Accelerated Career students are held to the same residencyrequirements and funding caps as all Dual Enrollment students.Students interested in pursuing Accelerated Career Diploma should follow thesteps below:STEP 1 - Interested student meets with his/her high school counselor whoconfirms a 70 or above GPA (or test scores if needed).STEP 2 - During meeting with the HS Counselor, qualified studentscomplete the Accelerated Career Interest Form.STEP 3 - Parents are contacted by GRCCA Counselor, Ms. Dana Hall, andthe student is added to the Accelerated Career List if space is available inthe requested program.STEP 4 - SCTC High School Coordinator, Lea Santerre, contacts the studentand provides instructions to complete the SCTC admissions applicationand GAfutures funding application.STEP 5 - Upon successful completion of steps 1-4, the student is admittedto GRCCA & SCTC.STEP 6 - GRCCA Counselor & SCTC High School Coordinator registers thestudent for classes.STEP 7 - GRCCA Counselor shares the student’s schedule with the basehigh school counselors. ***Please note that an interview process is a required step for thoseinterested in the Work-based Learning programAccelerated CareerAccelerated CareerDiplomaDiploma2 4
DUALENROLLMENTAP COURSESIdentify the DualEnrollmentcourse thatwould be thebest fit for youand work withyour schedule. PLANSConsider yourplans for post-graduation anddetermine whichclasses you needto graduate.Work with yourcounselor. GRCCASign up toattend a GRCCAevent todetermine ifthis is the rightfit for you. Ready to Apply? Sign up to visit GRCCA and speak with your counselor. REQUESTApply with bothGRCCA and thecollege andFAFSA forstudent aide.CLASSESDo well in your classes so thatyou will be able to take more forFREE. And that’s it! You’re done!Ready to start college classesnow?Georgia High school students have the opportunity to register forcollege classes and earn up to 30 college hours with one of our localpartners to take college classes either at GRCCA or on the collegecampus. These classes count twice for both high school and college. SCAN FOR MOREINFORMATION2 5
Southern Crescent Technical College is a Technical CollegeSystem of Georgia institution. Students can earn up to 30 coreacademic college credit hours. Tuition cost is covered by DualEnrollment funding. All Courses offered at the GRCCAArticulate to the University System of Georgia colleges.Requirements:11th & 12th GradesGPA 2.0 OR Accuplacer , SAT, ACT, PSAT RequirementEarly CollegeEarly CollegeIS THIS FOR ME?How do the dual enrollment courses align with my long-term academic and career goals?Am I prepared for the academic rigor and timecommitment of college-level courses?1ST YEAR ACADEMIC COHORTFall: ENGL 1101 & HIST 2111Spring ENGL 2130 & PSYC 1101plus an optional course on the next page, select one if desired.2ND YEAR ACADEMICCOHORTFall: MATH 1111 & BIOL 1111/1111LSpring ENGL 1102 & POLS 1101plus an optional course on the next page, select one if desired.2 6
HIST 2111/US History lHigh School Credit for United States HistoryHUMN 1101/Introduction to Humanities High School Credit for Elective, Humanities MATH 1111/College Algebra High School Credit for 4th Math, Pre-req Algebra IIMATH 1113/Precalculus Additional Math, Pre-req Math 1111POLS 1101/American Government High School Credit for American Government PSYC 1101/Introduction to Psychology High School Credit for Elective, Psychology Southern Crescent Technical College is a Technical CollegeSystem of Georgia institution. Students can earn up to 30 coreacademic college credit hours. Tuition cost is covered by DualEnrollment funding. All Courses offered at the GRCCAArticulate to the University System of Georgia colleges.Requirements:11th & 12th GradesGPA 2.0 OR Accuplacer , SAT, ACT, PSAT RequirementEarly CollegeEarly CollegeIS THIS FOR ME?How do the dual enrollment courses align with my long-term academic and career goals?Am I prepared for the academic rigor and timecommitment of college-level courses?GRCCA CORE OFFERINGSBIOL 1111 & BIOL 1111L/Biology High School Credit for Biology I or 4thScienceECON 1101/Principles of Economics High School Credit for Economics ENGL 1101/Composition and Rhetoric High School Credit for Advance Compositionor 4th EnglishENGL 1102/British Literature & Composition High School Credit for British Literature, Pre-req ENG 1101 ENGL 2130/American Literature High School Credit for American Literature,Pre-req ENG 11012 7
Early CollegeEarly College1st year Academic Cohort2 8
Gordon State College is a University System of Georgiainstitution. Students can earn up to 30 core academic collegecredit hours. Tuition cost is covered by Dual Enrollmentfunding. All Courses offered at the GRCCA Articulate to theTechnical College System of GeorgiaRequirements:11th & 12th GradesGPA 3.0 & Accuplacer, SAT, ACT RequirementsEarly CollegeEarly CollegeIS THIS FOR ME?How do the dual enrollment courses align with my long-term academic and career goals?Am I prepared for the academic rigor and timecommitment of college-level courses?1ST YEAR ACADEMIC COHORTFall: ENGL 1101 & HIST 2111Spring ENGL 2130 & PSYC 1101plus an optional course on the next page, selectone if desired.2ND YEAR ACADEMICCOHORTFall: MATH 1111 & POLS 1101Spring ENGL 1102 & SOCI 1101plus an optional course on the next page, selectone if desired.2 9
HIST 2111/US History lHigh School Credit for United States HistoryHUMN 1101/Introduction to Humanities High School Credit for Elective, Humanities MATH 1111/College Algebra High School Credit for 4th Math, Pre-req Algebra IIPOLS 1101/American Government High School Credit for American Government PSYC 1101/Introduction to Psychology High School Credit for Elective, Psychology SOCI 1101 ElectiveSPAN 1001 Spanish 1 or 2 (Online)Gordon State College is a University System of Georgiainstitution. Students can earn up to 30 core academic collegecredit hours. Tuition cost is covered by Dual Enrollmentfunding. All Courses offered at the GRCCA Articulate to theTechnical College System of GeorgiaRequirements:11th & 12th GradesGPA 3.0 & Accuplacer, SAT, ACT RequirementsEarly CollegeEarly CollegeIS THIS FOR ME?How do the dual enrollment courses align with my long-term academic and career goals?Am I prepared for the academic rigor and timecommitment of college-level courses?GRCCA CORE OFFERINGSCOMM 1110/Public Speaking High School Credit for Elective, Oral & WrittenCommunication (Speech)ECON 2105/Principles of Macroeconomics High School Credit for Economics ENGL 1101/Composition and Rhetoric High School Credit for Advance Compositionor 4th EnglishENGL 1102/British Literature & Composition High School Credit for British Literature, Pre-req ENG 1101 ENGL 2131/American Literature High School Credit for American Literature,Pre-req ENG 11013 0
1st Yr. - ENGL 11011st Yr. - ENGL 21311st Yr. - HIST 21111st Yr. - PSYC 11011st Year Cohort2nd Yr. - SOCI 11012nd Yr. - ENGL 11022nd Yr. - POLS 11012nd Yr. - MATH 11113 1
IS THIS FOR ME?Are you interested in becoming a doctor or a nurse? Are you empathetic and like to help people?Do you enjoy math, science, and the human anatomy?PathwayAllied HealthAllied Health HEALTHCARE - ALLIED HEALTH AND MEDICINEexposes students to the healthcare industry andjobs offered in a variety of establishments:hospitals, nursing and residential care facilities,physicians, dental, and other health practitionersoffices, home health care services, outpatient carecenters, ambulatory health care services andmedical and diagnostic laboratories. COURSES REQUIRED25.52100 Introduction to HealthcareScience (HS – HIS) 25.44000 Essentials of Healthcare25.43700 Allied Health and MedicineNational Healthcare Association -Medical Assistant CCMA Counts as a fourth ScienceCertification Medical Assistant$36,878 annual salaryAssociate DegreePhysical Therapist Assistant$61,000 annual salaryRadiologic Tech$63,710 annual salaryBachelor DegreeRegistered Nurse$80,746 annual salaryCREDENTIALS EARNEDTOP CAREER CHOICESHOSACTSO3 2
PathwayA/V Tech & FilmA/V Tech & Film A/V TECHNOLOGY AND FILM students will design,manufacture, operate and/or repair audio visualequipment, create presentations of sound, video,and data in a variety of formats, gatherinformation, prepare broadcasts, build sets, andoperate equipment used to record and transmitprograms and/or motion pictures, and operatesound mixing and/or video editing equipment.COURSES REQUIRED10.51810 Audio and Video Technology and Film 10.51910 Audio-Video Technology and Film II 10.52010 Audio-Video Technology and Film IIIAdobe Certified Associate (ACA):Adobe Premiere ProCREDENTIALS EARNEDTOP CAREER CHOICESCTSOSkillsUSAIS THIS FOR ME?Do You Have a Passion for Technology and Creativity?Are You Comfortable Learning and Adapting to NewTechnologies?Do You Enjoy Collaborative and Independent Work?Certification Sound Engineering Tech$84,614 annual salaryAssociate DegreeBroadcast Tech$48,360 annual salaryBachelor DegreeCamera Operator$56,701 annual salaryFilm and Video Editor$61,422 annual salary3 3
IS THIS FOR ME?Do I have a strong interest in cars, engines, or other automotive technologies?Do I enjoy working with my hands and solving mechanical problems?AUTT 1010 - Automotive Technology Introduction:Introduces basic concepts and practices necessary for safe and effective automotive shop operations.Topics include: safety procedures; legal/ethical responsibilities; general service; hand tools; shoporganization, management, and workflow systems.AUTT 1020 - Automotive Electrical SystemsIntroduces automotive electricity, emphasizes the basic principles, diagnosis, and service/repair ofbatteries, starting systems, starting system components, alternators and regulators, lighting system,gauges, horn, wiper/washer, and accessories.AUTT 1030 - Automotive Brake Systems: Introduces brake systems theory and its application to automotive systems and anti-lock brakesystem (ABS) to include ABS components and ABS operation, testing, and diagnosis.AUTT 1050 - Automotive Suspension and Steering SystemsIntroduces students to principles of steering, suspension, wheel alignment, electronic steering, &electronic active suspension.AutomotiveAutomotiveREQUIRED COURSESThe Auto Electrical/Electronics System Technician program providesstudents with the knowledge and skills necessary to diagnose,service, and repair basic electrical/electronic automotive systems asan entry-level technician.The Auto Chassis Technician Specialist program provides studentswith skills needed to enter the automotive industry as an entry-levelchassis technician.Students have an opportunity to earn two of these certificates and goimmediately into the workforce or continue on to finish their diplomaor associate degree Requirements:GPA 2.0 OR Accuplacer Requirement10th to 12th GradesAccelerated Career Diploma 1 YearCredentials Earned: Auto Electrical/Electronic Systems Technician TCC (AE41)Automotive Chassis Technician Specialist TCC (ASG1)SCTC main campus3 4
IS THIS FOR ME?Are you excited by the idea of using drones for different applicationssuch as aerial photography, surveying, agriculture, or deliveryservices?Do You Have Skills in or Are You Eager to Learn About Robotics,Programming, Electronics, Aviation, and Remote Control Systems?Are You Detail-Oriented, Responsible, and Comfortable withFollowing Regulations?COURSES REQUIREDPathwayAviation DroneAviation DroneUNMANNED AIRCRAFT SYSTEMS (DRONE) - GRCCA CAMPUSThe Unmanned Aircraft (Drone) program prepares you withthe regulations, operating requirements, and procedures forsafely flying drones. Students will have an opportunity toearn their Remote Pilot License at the end of the pathway.10th -12th Grades only.47.46000 - Fundamentals of Aerospace47.48800 - Flight Operations l47.48900 - Unmanned Aircraft SystemsFAA Part 107CREDENTIALS EARNEDCTSONoneCertification Photographers $41,280 annual salaryUnmanned Aircraft Vehicle Pilot$80,415 annual salaryAssociate DegreeTelevision, Video and Film Operator$61,900 annual salarySurveyors and Mapping Techs66,680TOP CAREER CHOICES3 5
IS THIS FOR ME?Are You Passionate About Flying and Interested in Aircraft Operation?Are You Prepared for Rigorous Training and Committed toContinuous Learning?Do You Have Strong Attention to Detail, Situational Awareness, andDecision-Making Skills?COURSES REQUIREDPathwayAviation FlightAviation FlightAVIATION FLIGHT OPERATIONS- GRCCA CAMPUSThe Flight Operations program include aircraft pilots and airtraffic controllers. The earnings of airline pilots are amongthe highest in the nation. Most airlines require at least twoyears of college and prefer to hire college graduates. Pilotsare employed in all areas of the U.S., but most airline pilotsare based near major metropolitan areas. 10-12th Gradesonly.47.46000 - Fundamentals of Aerospace47.48800 - Flight Operations47.48900 - Flight Operations lI FAA Written Private Pilot Endorsement,with successful completion of examCREDENTIALS EARNEDCTSONoneAssociate DegreeAvionics Tech$67,000 annual salaryAir Traffic Controller$153,774 annual salaryBachelor’s DegreeAirline Pilot/Copilot, & FlightEngineer$134,819 annual salaryTOP CAREER CHOICES3 6
IS THIS FOR ME?Are you curious about how airplanes work, including their engines,electronics, and mechanical systems?Are You Detail-Oriented and Good at Diagnosing and FixingProblems?Do You Enjoy Hands-On Technical Work and Are You Willing to PursueSpecialized Training?COURSES REQUIREDPathwayAviation MaintenanceAviation MaintenanceAviation Maintenance Program has been developed to provideStudents with the knowledge and basics skills intended to makethem an ideal candidate for Aviation Maintenance Apprenticelevel employment. While the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)Technician General Handbook is the primary source of coursematerial, there are additional topics such as Piston & TurbineEngine design and operation, basic sheet metal tools andpractices, aircraft ground operation, various aircraft systems, andbasic aircraft inspection. Student also have the option to earnhours toward an A&P Letter of Experience. 10th - 12th Graders only. 47.46000 - Fundamentals of Aerospace47.46200 - Aviation Maintenance I 47.46300 - Aviation Maintenance II47.46400 - Aviation Maintenance IIIPathway Completer. Prepares you forDual Enrollment Aviation MaintenancePathway with Middle Georgia College. CREDENTIALS EARNEDCTSONoneAssociate DegreeAvionics Tech$61,000 annual salaryAviation Maintenance Manager$90,000 annual salaryBachelor’s DegreeAerospace Engineer$130,720 annual salaryTOP CAREER CHOICES3 7
AVMT 1000 - Aviation Math & PhysicsProvides students with the knowledge necessary to use and apply mathematical procedures that areapplicable to aviation maintenance functions. AVMT 1010 - Aviation Regulations & Human FactorProvides students with the knowledge and skills necessary to select and use FAA and manufacturers'specifications, data sheets, manuals, related regulations, and technical data; to write descriptions ofaircraft conditions, record work performed, and complete maintenance forms and inspection reports;and learn to interpret federal regulations regarding mechanic privileges and limitations. AVMT 1020 - Aircraft Applied Science: Provides the student with the fundamentals of aircraft maintenance. Topics include: fluid lines andfittings, materials and processes, aircraft cleaning and corrosion control, and aircraft inspectiontechniques. 35.06100 - Study Skills IThe Study Skills course is designed to prepare students with an array of skills which tackle the processof organizing and taking in new information, retaining information, or dealing with assessments.AviationAviationMaintenanceMaintenanceIS THIS FOR ME?Do I enjoy working with my hands and solving technical problemsAm I Interested in Aviation and How Aircraft Function?REQUIRED COURSESThe Aviation Maintenance program is Part 147 FAA-approved whichincludes a comprehensive and regulated curriculum that preparesindividuals for aircraft maintenance careers. The programs currentlycovers the General Topic portion of the Airframe and Powerplant(A&P) certification and students receive hands-on training with realaircraft and specialized equipment. These programs are closelymonitored by the FAA to ensure compliance with safety andeducation standards. Requirements:11th & 12th GradeHope GPA 3.0Accuplacer, PSAT, PACT, SAT or ACT or Completion of Algebra IICredential(s) Earned: CTAE Pathway Completer / FAA Part 147 GeneralEndorsement, with successful completion of exam.3 8
Business and TechBusiness and TechIS THIS FOR ME?Do You Enjoy Problem-Solving and Analyzing Data?Are You Interested in How Technology Impacts Business?Do You Have Strong Communication and Teamwork Skills?PathwayIntroduction to Business & Technology is thefoundational course for Business and Technology,Entrepreneurship, and Human ResourcesManagement pathways. The course is designedfor high school students as a gateway to thecareer pathways above, and provides an overviewof business and technology skills required fortoday's business environment.COURSES REQUIRED07.44130 Introduction to Business & Tech 07.44100 Business and Technology 07.45100 Business CommunicationsMicrosoft Office Specialist (PowerPoint,EXCEL, Word)CREDENTIALS EARNEDCTSOFBLATOP CAREER CHOICESHigh School Bookkeeper $45,032 annual salaryHuman Resources Specialist$67,496 annual salaryBachelor DegreeAccountant$83,054 annual salaryPersonal Financial Advisor$114,130 annual salary3 9
IS THIS FOR ME?Do you like puzzles, games, or activities that involve criticalthinking and problem-solving?Are you fascinated by how websites, apps, or games arebuilt and want to learn how to create them? Are You Persistent and Detail-Oriented?PathwayComputerComputerProgrammingProgrammingPROGRAMMING students will learn essential skills involved inthe design, development, implementation, and maintenanceof computer systems and software, requiring knowledge ofcomputer operating systems, programming languages, andsoftware development. Students are able to strategize, design,and develop games and mobile and desktop applicationsthat can be produced in the real world and learn about life-cycles of project development and use models to developapplications. COURSES REQUIRED11.44600 Introduction to Software Tech11.47100 Computer Science Principles 11.47200 Programming, Games, Apps andSocietyMicrosoft Office SpecialistCounts as a fourth Science. If all three courses aretaken it counts as World Language Requirementfor most schools.CREDENTIALS EARNEDCTSOTOP CAREER CHOICESCertification Computer User Support $60,923 annual salaryAssociate DegreeComputer Network Support $71,635 annual salaryBachelor DegreeInformation Security Analyst$110,448 annual salaryComputer Systems Manager$162,469 annual salaryTSA4 0
IS THIS FOR ME?Do You Enjoy Hands-On Activities and Working Outdoors?Are You Interested in How Structures are Built andFunction?Do You Have Strong Teamwork and Problem-Solving Skills?PathwayConstructionConstructionCONSTRUCTION/CARPENTRY students will learn the basicknowledge to function safely on or around a constructionsite and provide them a solid foundation in carpentry skillsand knowledge. The pathway introduces students to fourconstruction craft areas and allows them to gain Level OneIndustry Certification in one of the craft areas. Students willlearn the history and traditions of carpentry, masonry,plumbing, and electrical craft trades and the care and safeuse of hand and power tools as they relate to each tradeCOURSES REQUIRED46.54500 Industry Fundamentals andOccupational Safety (AC-IFOS) 46.54600 Intro Construction (ACCT -IC) 46.55000 Carpentry I (ACCT -CI)National Center for ConstructionEducation ResearchTechnical College Credit:Fund. of Carpentry SkillsConstruction Trades CoreCREDENTIALS EARNEDCTSOSkillsUSA TOP CAREER CHOICESCertification Welder $60,923 annual salaryCarpenter $47,986 annual salaryAssociate DegreeCivil Engineer Tech $53,352 annual salaryBachelor DegreeArchitect$88,670 annual salaryConstruction Manager $100,214 annual salary4 1
IS THIS FOR ME?Am I passionate about beauty, fashion, and personal care?Do I enjoy interacting with people and providing customer service?COSM 1000 - Introduction to Cosmetology TheoryIntroduces fundamental both theory and practices of the cosmetology profession. Emphasis will beplaced on professional practices and safety. Topics include: state rules, and regulations; stateregulatory agencies, image; bacteriology; decontamination and infection control, chemistryfundamentals, safety, Hazardous Duty Standards Act compliance, and anatomy and physiology.COSM 1020 - Hair Care and Treatment: Introduces the theory, procedures and products used in the care and treatment of the scalp and hair,disease and disorders and their treatments and the fundamental theory and skills required toshampoo, condition, and recondition the hair and scalpCOSM 1120 - Salon ManagementEmphasizes the steps involved in opening and operating a privately owned salon. Topics include: lawrequirements regarding employment, tax payer education / federal and state responsibilities, lawrequirements for owning and operating a salon business, business management practices, and publicrelations and career development.COSM 1040- Styling Introduces the fundamental theory and skills required to create shapings, pin curls, fingerwaves, rollerplacement, blow dry styling, thermal curling, thermal pressing, thermal waving, artificial hair andaugmentation, and comb-outs. Laboratory training includes styling training on manikin.CosmetologyCosmetologyREQUIRED COURSESThe Salon and Spa Support Specialist technical certificate of creditintroduces courses that prepare students for careers in the field ofcosmetology as shampoo technicians. The program emphasizes specialized training for safety, sanitation,state laws, rules and regulations, chemistry, anatomy and physiology,structure of the hair, diseases and disorders of the hair and scalp, hairand scalp analysis, basic hair and scalp treatments, basicshampooing techniques, reception sales, management,employability skills, and work ethics. Requirements:GPA 2.0 OR Accuplacer Requirement10th to 12th GradesCredential(s) Earned: Salon and Spa Support Specialist TCC4 2
Criminal InvestigationsCriminal InvestigationsIS THIS FOR ME?Do You Have an Interest in Solving crimes?Are You Detail-Oriented and Methodical in your approach?Are you committed to fairness, justice, and adhering toethical standards, even when faced with tough choices?PathwayCRIMINAL INVESTIGATIONS students students have theopportunity to explore the basic processes andprinciples of a criminal investigation. Students will learnthe legal responsibilities and challenges of the patrolofficer, investigator, and crime scene technician at acrime scene. Students will learn the importance ofpreserving and documenting the crime scene alongwith the identification, collection, and processing ofevidence and the contribution to the criminalinvestigation.COURSES REQUIRED43.45000 Introduction to Law, PublicSafety, Corrections, and Security 43.45100 Criminal Justice Essentials 43.45300 Criminal InvestigationsNocti - Criminal Justice Technical College Credit:Introduction to Criminal JusticePrinciples of Law EnforcementMethods of Criminal InvestigationsCrime Scene ProcessingCREDENTIALS EARNEDCTSOSkillsUSATOP CAREER CHOICESCertification Corrections Officer$41,454 annual salaryAssociate DegreeParalegal $55,494 annual salaryBachelor DegreeForensic Science Tech $51,875 annual salaryProfessional Degree Lawyer $144,373 annual salary4 3
IS THIS FOR ME?Am I passionate about justice and fairness?Am I comfortable working in potentially high-stress and high-riskenvironments?CRJU 1010 - Introduction to Criminal Justice:Introduces the development and organization of the criminal justice system in the United States.Topics include: the American criminal justice system; constitutional limitations; organization ofenforcement, adjudication, and corrections; and career opportunities and requirements.CRJU 1030 - Corrections: Provides an analysis of all phases of the American correctional system and practices, including itshistory, procedures, and objectives. Topics include: history and evolution of correctional facilities; legaland administrative problems; institutional facilities and procedures; probation, parole, and prereleaseprograms; alternative sentencing; rehabilitation; community involvement; and staffing.CRJU 1040 - Principles of Law Enforcement:Provides an analysis of all phases of the American correctional system and practices, including itshistory, procedures, and objectives. Topics include: history and evolution of correctional facilities; legaland administrative problems; institutional facilities and procedures; probation, parole, and prereleaseprograms; alternative sentencing; rehabilitation; community involvement; and staffing.COMP 1000 - Introduction to Computer LiteracyThis course introduces the fundamental concepts, terminology, and operations necessary to usecomputers. Emphasis is placed on basic functions and familiarity with computer use.Criminal JusticeCriminal JusticeREQUIRED COURSESThe Criminal Justice Fundamentals technical certificate of credit is asequence of courses that prepares students for criminal justice professions.Learning opportunities develop academic, occupational, and professionalknowledge and skills required for job acquisition, retention, andadvancement. The program emphasizes a combination of criminal justice theory andpractical applications necessary for successful employment. Completion ofthis technical certificate of credit may permit students to pursue entry-levelopportunities in the criminal justice field. Completion of the Criminal JusticeFundamentals technical certificate of credit does not ensure certification ofofficer status in Georgia. Students must seek such certification from thePeace Officer Standards and Training (P.O.S.T.) Council. Requirements:GPA 2.0 OR Accuplacer Requirement10th to 12th GradesCredential(s) Earned: Criminal Justice Fundamentals TCC (CJ71)4 4
PathwayCulinaryCulinaryCULINARY ARTS students will complete a variety of skillsrequired by the restaurant and food industry such asknife skills, cooking techniques, menu planning, foodpurchasing and costing, food safety and sanitation,and front of the house service. The pathway allowsstudents to develop in-depth knowledge and hands-on skill mastery of culinary arts and allows them torefine hands-on production of the classicfundamentals in the commercial kitchen. 20.53100 Introduction to Culinary Arts(FCS-ICA) 20.53210 Culinary Arts I (FCS-CAI) 20.53310 Culinary Arts II (FCS-CAII)Culinary Arts Cook Level 2 NOCTIServSafeTechnical College Credit:CUUL 1110 and CUUL 1120, or CUUL 1122 and CUUL 1124CREDENTIALS EARNEDCTSOFCCLACOURSES REQUIREDIS THIS FOR ME?Do You Have a Passion for Cooking & Experimenting with Food?Are You Comfortable in Fast-Paced, High-Pressure Environments?Are you comfortable with repetitive tasks that require fine motorskills, such as chopping, garnishing, or plating?TOP CAREER CHOICESCertification Chef$57,221 annual salaryFood Service Manager$68,245 annual salaryBachelor DegreeMeeting/Convention Planner $56,826 annual salaryDietitian and Nutritionist $57,408 annual salary4 5
IS THIS FOR ME?Do I enjoy cooking and experimenting with food?Do I have a genuine interest in food safety, nutrition, and culinarytechniques?CUUL 1000 - Fundamentals of Culinary Arts: Provides an overview of the professionalism in culinary arts, culinary career opportunities, Chef historyand pride. Introduces principles and practices necessary to food, supply, and equipment selection,procurement, receiving, storage, and distribution. CUUL 1110 - Culinary Safety & Sanitation:Emphasizes fundamental kitchen and dining room safety, sanitation, maintenance, and operationprocedures. Topics include: cleaning standards, O.S.H.A. M.S.D.S. guidelines, sanitary proceduresfollowing SERV-SAFE guidelines, HACCAP, safety practices, basic kitchen first aid, operation ofequipment, cleaning and maintenance of equipment, dishwashing, and pot and pan cleaning.CUUL 1122 - Foundations of Cooking PrinciplesThis course introduces fundamental food preparation terms, concepts, and methods. Course contentreflects American Culinary Federation Educational Institute apprenticeship training objectives. Topicsinclude: weights and measures, conversions, introduction to basic production mise en place, classicalknife cuts, basic stock preparation methods, mother sauce techniques and preparations, small saucesand derivatives from mother sauce, basic thickening agents, classical soup preparation methods,introduction methods of food preparation, recipe utilization, and nutrition.CUUL 1124 - Foundations of Cooking TechniquesThis Course introduces fundamental food preparation terms, concepts, and methods. Course contentreflects American Culinary Federation Educational Institute apprenticeship training objectives. Topicsinclude: weights and measures, conversions, methods of food preparations, classical knife cuts,kitchen aromatics, regional cuisine history, and introduction to safe food preparations, recipeutilization, and nutrition. Culinary ArtsCulinary ArtsREQUIRED COURSESThe Prep Cook Technical Certificate of Credit provides skills for entryinto the food services preparation area as a prep cook. Topicsinclude: food services history, safety and sanitation, purchasing andfood control, nutrition and menu development and design, along withthe principles of cooking. Requirements:GPA 2.0 OR Accuplacer Requirement10th to 12th GradesCredential(s) Earned: Prep Cook TCC (PC 51)4 6
IS THIS FOR ME?Do You Enjoy Helping Others Learn and Succeed?Are you excited by the idea of making learning enjoyable?Are you good at explaining ideas clearly?EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION students will learn theknowledge, skills, attitudes, and behaviors associatedwith supporting and promoting optimal growth anddevelopment of infants and children. The pathwayprovides a history of education, licensing andaccreditation requirements, and foundations of basicobservation practices and applications. Early childhoodcare, education, and development issues area alsoaddressed and include health, safety, and nutritioneducation. PathwayEarly ChildhoodEarly ChildhoodEducationEducationCOURSES REQUIRED20.52810 Early Childhood Education I 20.42400 Early Childhood Education II 20.42600 Early Childhood EducationPracticumNOCTI - Early Childhood Care andEducation II PracticumTechnical or University College CreditCREDENTIALS EARNEDBUSINESS PARTNERSFCCLATOP CAREER CHOICESCertification Teaching Assistant $29,360 annual salaryBachelor DegreeK-12 Teacher $50,000 annual salaryEducation Administrator $75,000 annual salary4 7
IS THIS FOR ME?Do You Enjoy Helping Others Learn and Succeed?Are you excited by the idea of making learning enjoyable?Are you good at explaining ideas clearly?COURSES REQUIREDPathwayEducation As aEducation As a ProfessionProfessionEducation As a Profession - program is for the student whowishes to become a school teacher, counselor, mediaspecialist or Administrator - or anyone in a related field:school social worker, teaching assistant etc. Upon successfulcompletion of this pathway students can earn credit for:EDUC 2110 Investigating Critical & Contemporary Issues inEducation at any USG school. 10-12th Grades only.13.01100 - Examining the Teaching Profession13.01200 - Contemporary Issues inEducation13.01300 - The Teaching as a ProfessionPracticumEDUC 2110 Investigating Critical &Contemporary Issues in Education(with successful completion of allrequirements) / Option to takeParaprofessional GACECREDENTIALS EARNEDCTSOFCCLATOP CAREER CHOICESCertification Teaching Assistant $29,360 annual salaryBachelor DegreeK-12 Teacher $50,000 annual salaryEducation Administrator $75,000 annual salary4 8
PathwayEngineeringEngineeringENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY students will combinehands-on projects and rigorous curriculum to beprepared for challenging postsecondary engineeringand technology problems; and build solid technicalwriting, comprehension, calculation, problem-solving,and technical skills. . Students are encouraged to takerelevant math and science courses, such as advancedalgebra, chemistry, calculus, geometry, trigonometry,physics, design, and engineering concepts. COURSES REQUIRED21.42500 Foundations of Engineering andTechnology (ENGR – FET) 21.47100 Engineering Concepts (ENGR - EC) 21.47200 Engineering Applications (ENGR –EA)NOCTI - EngineeringCREDENTIALS EARNEDBUSINESS PARTNERSTSAIS THIS FOR ME?Do you like working on math or science problems and findinglogical solutions to challenges?Do you find yourself taking things apart to see how they workor coming up with ideas to make things better?TOP CAREER CHOICESAssociate DegreeMechanical Engineer Tech$66,976 annual salaryBachelor DegreeIndustrial Engineer $90,210 annual salaryMechanical Engineer $96,928 annual salaryElectrical Engineer $114,296 annual salary4 9
IS THIS FOR ME?Do I have a passion for storytelling and visual creativity?Do I enjoy collaborating with a team and taking direction?CRJU 1010 - Introduction to Criminal Justice:Introduces the development and organization of the criminal justice system in the United States.Topics include: the American criminal justice system; constitutional limitations; organization ofenforcement, adjudication, and corrections; and career opportunities and requirements.FOSC 1206 - Introduction to Forensic Science:This introductory course will provide a broad overview of the areas in forensic science covered inhigher level courses. Topics include the recognition, identification, individualization and evaluation ofvarious types of physical evidence, forensic science and the law, and ethics in forensic science. Therelationship of forensic science to the natural sciences and the use of the scientific method in forensicscience will also be exploredCRJU 1062 - Methods of Criminal Investigation:This course presents the fundamentals of criminal investigation. The duties and responsibilities of theinvestigator both in field and in the courtroom are highlighted. Emphasis is placed on techniquescommonly utilized by investigative personnel as well as the procedures used for investigating variouscrimes.CRJU 1063 - Crime Scene Processing: This course presents students with practical exercises dealing with investigating crime scenes andgathering various forms of physical evidence. Emphasis is placed on crime scene assessment, search,fingerprinting, and evidence collection. Forensic ScienceForensic ScienceFundamentalsFundamentalsREQUIRED COURSESThe Forensic Science Fundamentals Technical Certificate of Creditbegins to introduce students to various careers in the rapidly growingfield of forensic science. Students will gain introductory exposure toknowledge and skills that may encourage further academicpreparation in careers in forensic technology in areas such as crimescene investigation, death investigation, laboratory technology,evidence technology, forensic computer science, and generalforensic science or criminal justice fields. Requirements:GPA 2.0 OR Accuplacer Requirement10th to 12th GradesCredential(s) Earned: FSF1 Forensic Science Fundamentals TCC (FSF1)5 0
IS THIS FOR ME?Do you enjoy learning about and using technology, such as drones,GPS-guided machinery, data analytics, and precision farming tools?Do you like working with your hands, whether it’s planting, tending toplants, caring for animals, or managing farm equipment?COURSES REQUIREDPathwayHorticulture & AnimalHorticulture & AnimalScienceScienceHorticulture and Animal Science - In the Horticulture & AnimalScience program students, learn about animals and plantsthrough hands-on activities and insightful projects. With live farmanimals and a greenhouse, students gain practical experience infields outside of just animal science and horticulture, includingagricultural business, environmental science, landscaping, andveterinary careers. While attending agriscience classes, studentsare enrolled as members of FFA, a national youth leadershiporganization, which enhances communication and leadershipskills. 10-12th Grades only.02.47100 - Basic Agriculture Science01.46100 - Gen. Horticulture & Plant SC02.42100 - Animal Science Tech/BiotechPrecision - HorticulturePathway CompleterCREDENTIALS EARNEDCTSOFFACertification Vet Tech$39,312 annual salaryBachelor’s DegreeFood Scientist and Tech$68,756 annual salaryEnvironmental Engineer$87,818 annual salaryProfessional DegreeVeterinarian $109,470 annual salaryTOP CAREER CHOICES5 1
IS THIS FOR ME?Do I have an interest in how machines and systems work?Do I enjoy working with my hands?IDSY 1101 - DC Circuit Analysis (MM71 & PC81): This course introduces direct current (DC) concepts and applications. Topics include: electricalprinciples and laws; batteries; DC test equipment; Series, parallel, and simple combination circuits; andlaboratory procedures and safety practices.IDSY 1105 - AC Circuit Analysis (MM71 & PC81):This course introduces alternating current concepts, theory, and application of varying sine wavevoltages and current, and the physical characteristics and applications of solid state devices. Topicsinclude, but are not limited to, electrical laws and principles, magnetism, inductance and capacitance.DSY 1170 - Industrial Mechanics (MM71):This course introduces and emphasizes the basic skill necessary for mechanical maintenancepersonnel. Instruction is also provided in the basic physics concepts applicable to the mechanics ofindustrial production equipmentIDSY 1161 - Mechanical Laws & Principles (MM71):Introduces the student to fundamental laws and principles of mechanics.DSY 1190 - Fluid Power (MM71): Provides instruction in the fundamentals of safely operating hydraulic, pneumatic, and pump andpiping systems. Theory and practical application concepts are discussed. Topics include hydraulicsystem principles and components, pneumatic system principles and components, and theinstallation, maintenance, and troubleshooting of pump and piping systems.Industrial MaintenanceIndustrial MaintenanceREQUIRED COURSESThe Manufacturing Maintenance Technician certificate program preparesstudents to troubleshoot, repair, and maintain machinery inmanufacturing environments. Emphasis is placed on applying electricaland mechanical concepts, using basic machine tool skills, and practicingpractical problem solving techniques in an industrial setting. Studentsgraduating with this Technical Certificate of credit may find employmentin this region at the numerous manufacturing plants. Requirements:GPA 2.0 OR Accuplacer Requirement10th to 12th Grades Accelerated Career Diploma/Year 2Credentials Earned: Manufacturing Maintenance Technician TCC (MM71)Programmable Control Technician TCC (PC81)Manufacture Maintenance (MM71)5 2
IS THIS FOR ME?Do I have an interest in how machines and systems work?Do I enjoy working with my hands?IDSY 1101 - DC Circuit Analysis (MM71 & PC81): IDSY 1105 - AC Circuit Analysis (MM71 & PC81):IDSY 1110: Industrial Motor Controls I (PC81):This course introduces the fundamental concepts, principles, and devices involved in industrial motorcontrols,theories and applications of single and three-phase motors, wiring motor control circuits, andmagnetic starters and braking. Topics include, but are not limited to, motor theory and operatingprinciples, control devices, symbols and schematic diagrams.IDSY 1120 - Basic Industrial PLC's (PC81):This course introduces the operational theory, systems terminology, PLC installation, and programmingprocedures for Programmable Logic Controllers. Emphasis is placed on PLC programming,connections, installation, and start-up procedures. Other topics include timers and counters, relaylogic instructions, and hardware and software applications.IDSY 1220 - Intermediate Industrial PLC's (PC81):This course provides for hands on development of operational skills in the maintenance andtroubleshooting of industrial control systems and automated equipment. Topics include datamanipulation, math instructions, introd to HMI, analog control, & troubleshooting discrete IO devices.Industrial MaintenanceIndustrial MaintenanceREQUIRED COURSESThe Manufacturing Maintenance Technician certificate programprepares students to troubleshoot, repair, and maintain machinery inmanufacturing environments. Emphasis is placed on applying electricaland mechanical concepts, using basic machine tool skills, andpracticing practical problem solving techniques in an industrial setting.Students graduating with this Technical Certificate of credit may findemployment in this region at the numerous manufacturing plants. Requirements:GPA 2.0 OR Accuplacer Requirement10th to 12th Grades Accelerated Career Diploma - 2 year Credentials Earned: Manufacturing Maintenance Technician TCC (MM71)Programmable Control Technician TCC (PC81)Programmable Control (PC81)5 3
5 4
PathwayJROTCJROTCJROTC offers the opportunity for high schoolstudents to enroll in a leadership/citizenshipprogram coordinated under the umbrella ofthe Career, Technical and AgriculturalEducation Division of the Georgia Departmentof Education. Any three JROTC courses satisfythe requirements for a career pathway, andthe JROTC curriculum satisfies national andGeorgia Performance Standards (GPS)requirements. COURSES OFFERED28.03110 Army JROTC LET 1 Alpha 28.03120 Army JROTC LET 1 Bravo 28.03600 JROTC Army LeadershipEducation 6 (PS-LE6) 28.03700 JROTC Army LeadershipEducation 7 (PS-LE7) 28.03800 JROTC Army LeadershipEducation 8 (PS-LE8)U. S. ArmyU. S. Marine CorpsU. S. Air Force U. S. NavyU.S. Coast GuardSelective Service ProgramTOP CAREER CHOICESIS THIS FOR ME?Do You Have a Strong Desire to Serve Your Country andContribute to a Larger Mission?Are You Prepared for the Physical and Mental Challenges ofMilitary Life?Are you comfortable with a structured environment wherefollowing orders and adhering to protocols is crucial?5 5
IS THIS FOR ME?Am I interested in learning about healthcare?Am I okay with handling bodily fluids and close physical contact?ALHS 1040 - Introduction to Health Care Introduces a grouping of fundamental principles, practices, and issues common in the healthcareprofession. In addition to the essential skills, students explore various delivery systems and relatedissues. ALHS 1090 - Medical Terminology for Allied Health Sciences:Introduces the elements of medical terminology. Emphasis is placed on building familiarity withmedical words through knowledge of roots, prefixes, and suffixes.ALHS 1060 - Diet and Nutrition for Allied Health Sciences: A study of the nutritional needs of the individual. Topics include: nutrients, standard and modifieddiets, nutrition throughout the lifespan, and client education.NAST 1100 - Nurse Aide Fundamentals:Emphasis is placed on roles and responsibilities of the Nurse Aide, understanding and developingcritical thinking skills, as well as demonstrating knowledge of the location and function of human bodysystems and common disease processes; responding to and reporting changes in aresidents/patients condition, nutrition, vital signs; nutrition and diet therapy; disease processes; vitalsigns; observing, reporting and documenting changes in a residents condition; emergency concerns;ethics and legal issues and governmental agencies that influence the care of the elderly in long termcare settings; mental health and psychosocial well-being of the elderlyNurse AideNurse AideREQUIRED COURSESThe Nurse Aide Technical Certificate of Credit prepares students withclassroom training and practice as well as the clinical experiencesnecessary to care for patients in various settings including generalmedical and surgical hospitals, nursing care facilities, communitycare facilities for the elderly, and home health care services. Studentswho successfully complete the Nurse Aide technical certificate ofcredit may be eligible to sit for the National Nurse Aide AssessmentProgram (NNAAP) which determines competency to become enrolledin the state nurse aide registry. Requirements:GPA 2.0 OR Accuplacer Requirement10th to 12th GradesCredential(s) Earned: Nurse Aide TCC (CN21)5 6
IS THIS FOR ME?Do I have a passion for storytelling and visual creativity?Do I enjoy collaborating with a team and taking direction?FILM 1100 - GFA Introduction to On-Set Film ProductionThis course provides students with a basic set of skills and insights sufficient to be integrated onto thesets of working film productions. The course is offered in collaboration with the Georgia Film Academy.FILM 1030 - Essentials of Film and Television Post-Production:Expose students to the final phase of the production process cycle. Introduce all facets ofpostproduction and create an understanding of file protocols, workflow, basic logging of originalmaterials and an introduction to the concept of “non-linear editing”. FILM 2010 - Advanced Skills for Film and TV Production IEmphasis is placed on the students understanding of the fundamental elements, principles andtheories of film production, including the classical stage, set and location environments. Hands oninstructional exercises reproduces production department environments, responsibilities, protocols,etiquette and ethics used daily by production assistants. FILM 2020 - Advanced Skills for Film and TV Production II: Building on the fundamentals gained from the course Film 2010, students will broaden the explorationof the business of Film and Television Production by better understanding the scheduling andbudgeting process.On-Set ProductionOn-Set ProductionAssistantAssistantREQUIRED COURSESOn-Set Production Assistant I certificate program will train competententry-level Film/Video Production Assistants who can successfully get anentry-level job in the film/video production industry or continue with theireducation goals in one of the other Film Production program areas.Subject matter includes basic training in OnSet production protocols, thepre-production/production/post-production process and crewresponsibilities / hierarchy. Hands on labs provide student with real worldFilm and TV production simulations. Requirements:GPA 2.0 OR Accuplacer Requirement10th to 12th GradesCredential(s) Earned: Film Production – On-Set ProductionTechnician I TCC (IT01)SCTC Ellis Crossing Campus5 7
IS THIS FOR ME?Am I interested in learning about healthcare?Am I okay with handling bodily fluids and close physical contact?ALHS 1011 - Structure and Function of the Human Body: Focuses on basic normal structure and function of the human body. Topics include general plan andfunction of the human body, integumentary system, skeletal system, muscular system, nervous andsensory systems, endocrine system, cardiovascular system, lymphatic system, respiratory system,digestive system, urinary system, and reproductive system.PHLT 1030 - Introduction to Venipuncture: A study of the nutritional needs of the individual. Topics include: nutrients, standard and modifieddiets, nutrition throughout the lifespan, and client education.PHLT 1050 - Clinical Practice Provides work experiences in a clinical setting. Emphasis is placed on enhancing skills in venipuncturetechniques. Topics include: introduction to clinical policies and procedures and work ethics; routinecollections: adult, pediatric, and newborn; and special procedures.ALHS 1090 - Medical Terminology for Allied Health Sciences (CN21 & PT71) Introduces the elements of medical terminology. Emphasis is placed on building familiarity withmedical words through knowledge of roots, prefixes, and suffixes.ALHS 1040 - Introduction to Health Care (CN21 & PT71)Introduces a grouping of fundamental principles, practices, and issues common in the healthcareprofession. In addition to the essential skills, students explore various delivery systems and relatedissues. PhlebotomyPhlebotomyREQUIRED COURSESThe Phlebotomy Technology Specialist program educates students tocollect blood and process blood and body fluids. Phlebotomytechnicians typically work in concert with clinical laboratorypersonnel and other health care providers in hospitals or other healthcare facilities. Topics covered include human anatomy, anatomicalterminology, venipuncture, and clinical practice. Requirements:GPA 2.0 OR Accuplacer Requirement10th to 12th GradesPhlebotomy Technology Specialist TCC (PT71)Combine with Nurse Aide for Accelerated Career Diploma5 8
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PathwaySports MedicineSports MedicineIS THIS FOR ME?Are you enthusiastic about sports and curious about how athletestrain, recover, and stay healthy?Can you remain calm and make decisions quickly in high-stresssituations, such as when dealing with injuries on the field?HEALTHCARE - SPORTS MEDICINE students will learn about themusculoskeletal system, injury prevention, or rehabilitationfor careers in sports medicine and rehabilitative services.This pathway enables students to receive initial exposure totherapeutic services skills and attitudes applicable to thehealthcare industry. The concepts of anatomy andphysiology, assessment, preventative and rehabilitative careare also introduced. Fundamental healthcare skillsdevelopment is initiated, including medical terminology,kinesiology, patient assessment, record keeping, and basiclife support. COURSES REQUIRED25.52100 Introduction to HealthcareScience (HS – HIS) 25.44000 Essentials of Healthcare 25.44600 Sports MedicinePrecision - Sports MedicineCounts as a fourth ScienceCREDENTIALS EARNEDCTSOHOSACertification EMT/Paramedic$64,000 annual salaryAssociate DegreePhysical Therapist Assistant$61,000 annual salaryRadiologic Tech$63,710 annual salaryProfessional DegreeAthletic Trainer$71,487 annual salaryPhysical Therapist $96,746 annual salaryTOP CAREER CHOICES6 0
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IS THIS FOR ME?Do I enjoy hands-on, practical work?Do I enjoy creating and building things?COFC 1080 - Construction Trades Core: This course introduces the student to the basic fundamentals of the construction trades. Topics includeBasic Safety, Construction Math, Hand and Power Tools, Construction Drawings, Rigging, MaterialsHandling, and Job-Site Communication and Work Ethic Skills.WELD 1007 - Welding Technology FundamentalsThis course introduces the student to basic welding and cutting techniques. Topics include weldingsafety, Oxyfuel cutting, Plasma Arc cutting, Air Carbon Arc cutting and gouging, base metal preparation,and weld quality requirements.WELD 1037 - GMAW and FCAW Welding: This course covers the fundamentals of Gas Metal Arc Welding (GMAW) and Flus Cored Arc Welding(FCAW). Topics include welding symbols and print reading, metal characteristics, pre-heating and post-heating of metals, equipment and filler metals, and plate weldingWELD 1045 - Gas Tungsten Arc Welding I:This course provides an overview of gas tungsten arc welding(GTAW). Topics include welding safety,power sources, electrodes, equipment, GTAW torches, filler metals, equipment setup and plate welding.This course aligns with select modules found in NCCER Level II welding curricula.WeldingWeldingREQUIRED COURSESThe Gas Metal Arc Welding certificate program preparesstudents for welding careers in the MIG process. Topicsinclude welding and cutting fundamentals, oxyfuelcutting techniques, and MIG welding techniques andprocesses. Requirements:GPA 2.0 OR Accuplacer Requirement10th to 12th Grades Accelerated Career Diploma - 1 year programCredential(s) Earned: NCCER Gas Metal Arc Welding TCC (GM21) /NCCER Gas Tungsten Arc Welding TCC (GT31)6 4
FOR MOREINFORMATIONScanNON-DISCRIMINATION STATEMENTFederal law prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color, or national origin (Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964); sex (Title IX of the Educational Amendments of 1972 and the Carl D. PerkinsVocational and Applied Technology Education Act of 1990); or disability (Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and The Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990) in educational programs oractivities receiving federal financial assistance. Employees, students, and the general public are hereby notified that the Griffin-Spalding County School System does not discriminate in any educationalprograms or activities or in employment policies. The Griffin-Spalding County School System offers the following career and technical education programs for all students regardless of race, color,national origin, including those with limited English proficiency, sex or disability in grades 9 - 12. AV Technology & Film, Information Technology, Architecture & Construction, Business Technology,Health Science, Early Childhood Education, Engineering, Culinary Arts, & JROTC.