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GSA SWP 2024-2025

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The GSA and the University of Alberta reside on Treaty 6 territory and thehomeland of the Métis. This territory is a traditional gathering place fordiverse Indigenous peoples including the Cree, Blackfoot, Métis, NakotaSioux, Iroquois, Dene, Ojibway, Saulteaux, Anishinaabe, Inuit, and manyothers whose histories, languages, and cultures continue to influence ourvibrant community. In acknowledging this traditional territory and itssignificance for the Indigenous peoples who lived and continue to live uponit, we recognize its longer history that reaches beyond colonization and theestablishment of European colonies and recognize the GSA's ongoingcollective responsibility in working with First Nations, Métis, and Inuit (FNMI)peoples and what that means for the work of the GSA as it aims to practicethe principles of being Good Relations with FNMI peoples, Nations,communities, and lands.

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Message from the GSA ExecutivesMuhammad Haseeb ArshadRija Kamran Mariam MugheesSaad Arslan Iqbal Benjamin Kucher Muneeb Masood RajaGSA PresidentVP Academic VP ExternalVP Student LifeVP Student Services Associate VP Labour

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What is the Graduate Students’Association?The Graduate Students' Association (GSA) at the Universityof Alberta, established under the Post-Secondary LearningAct, represents and advocates for graduate students. As anindependent corporate entity, the GSA provides numerousservices to enhance the graduate student experience.The GSA also serves as the provincially-designated labourunion for Academically-Employed Graduate Students(AEGS), fulfilling both advocacy and labourresponsibilities.Who is a Graduate Student?A graduate student is an emerging colleague pursuing anadvanced degree through collaborative work in research,teaching, and creating university learning environments.Their contributions include:Extensive coursework and development of capstoneprojects, theses, or dissertationsAcademic employment and co-creation of scholarlyworkSecuring academic funding and participating inpresentations, conferences, and other initiativesContributing economically through innovation andentrepreneurshipGraduate students' roles should be carried out in anenvironment of mutual respect and fairness, aimed atdeveloping skills and knowledge with lifelong benefits. Thisrole deserves appropriate remuneration for theircontributions to enhancing the institution.

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What is the GSABoard’s StrategicWork Plan?The GSA Board’s Strategic Work Plan guides andprioritizes the GSA Executives’ initiatives to enhancethe graduate student experience. This livingdocument adapts to changes within the Universitycommunity and beyond, including provincial andfederal contexts. Developed annually throughextensive consultation with graduate students andreferencing previous plans, it serves as a roadmapfor current and future years.

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GOALSTo create a safe, supportive,respectful, accessible, andinclusive community thatrecognizes and fosters thediverse roles and contributionsof graduate students.MISSIONTo advocate for all graduatestudents to the University ofAlberta and all levels ofgovernment in pursuit of asafe, supportive, respectful,accessible, and inclusivecommunity that fosters themulti-faceted roles played bygraduate students.

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F r a m e w o r kTo effectively guide our efforts and achieve our mission, we havedeveloped the G.E.A.R. Framework. This framework encapsulates ourstrategic priorities and ensures that we focus on key areas that will driveprogress and support our graduate student community.Just as gears in a machine work together to create motion and progress,our framework is designed to drive the GSA forward, fostering a dynamicand supportive environment for all graduate students.

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Our commitment to "Grow" focuses on expanding andenhancing the initiatives and goals that have provensuccessful in the past. By building on those achievements, weaim to strengthen the foundation of the GSA, ensuringcontinuous improvement and sustainability. This includesenhancing existing services, increasing support systems, andfostering academic and personal growth.Foster a More Connected and Engaged CouncilAs part of our continuous improvement efforts, exploringmodern communication tools is key. Implementing Discordor Slack channels would provide the council with dynamicand inclusive digital spaces for collaboration, accessiblefrom anywhere.GSA will be setting up and configure platforms.Develop guidelines for usage.Promote platforms to councilor.Course-Based Masters GrantsPilot a hybrid scholarship program in collaborationwith GPS to provide financial support to Masters-Coursed based students.

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Strengthening the Peer Support ProgramDevelop the sustainable framework for the PeerSupport Program, ensuring it meets the needs of thegraduate student community.Finalize the pilot framework and conductconsultations.Identify and secure funding for the program.Gather and train peer support volunteers.Expand Childcare ServicesEvaluate and enhance current childcare services theGSA offers to students-who-parent.Identifying the gaps and areas for improvement.Collaborate with external and campus child care providers.Identify spaces for family corners in AugustanaCampus and Campus Saint-Jean.Full Implementation of PhD GuaranteedMinimum FundingAdvocate for the university-wide adoption andenforcement of minimum funding levels for PhDstudents to ensure financial stability and equity.

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Our commitment to "Engage" focuses on promotingactive participation and creating vibrant, inclusivecommunities through effective communication andengaging events. This pillar encompasses all initiativesrelated to student involvement, community building, andfostering a sense of belonging. By hosting interactiveevents, enhancing communication channels, andcelebrating diversity, we ensure every student feelsconnected and valued.Host High-Quality and Interactive EventsOrganize various high-quality events to promotemeaningful connections and a strong sense ofcommunity.Develop an events calendar on the GSA website.Collaborate with external groups in enriching theevents that the GSA hosts.Ensure diverse and inclusive programming.Gather and analyze feedback to improve futureevents.Building Community NetworksCommunity Networks Establish and supportnetworks and groups that foster connections amonggraduate students especially for the incoming Vice-President Indigenous Relations.GSA President and VP Student Life to collaborateon this work.Establishing Communication ChannelsCreate and promote multiple channels for studentsto communicate with the GSA and each other.Continuous improvement on social media,website, and newsletters.Regularly updates channels with relevantinformation.

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Securing Increased FundingLobby for increased university funding towards theGraduate Student Support Fund (GSSF) and enhancedhealth and dental plans.GSA will be developing a detailed proposal forfunding needs.Meeting with university officials and stakeholders.Present and advocate for increased funding.Indigenous RepresentationSpearhead indigenous representation in federallobbying efforts in Canadian Alliance of StudentAssociations (CASA) committees.Collaborate with the Federal Policy andGovernance Committee and Internal ReviewCommittee to support the inclusion of Indigenousrepresentatives in all committees, ensuring thattheir voices are integral to the decision-makingprocess of CASA.Safety and HousingAdvocate for transit safety measures and pursueaffordable housing grant opportunities for students.Our commitment to "Advocate" focuses on striving tochampion the rights and needs of graduate students at alllevels, from university policies to government regulations.This includes securing essential funding, enhancing mentalhealth and housing support, etc.. Advocacy is about giving avoice to students and ensuring their needs and rights areprioritized.

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U-Pass NegotiationsAddress student concerns and push forimprovements in the U-Pass program.Bring up list of improvements with the U-Pass Committee and negotiate with thetransit authorities.Communicate updates and outcomes tostudents. Provincial AdvocacyLead the refresh of ab-GPAC, the Alberta advocacylobby, particularly with VP External working withother GSAs.Campus Food Bank SupportAdvocate for storage space and increasedsupport for the Campus Food Bank, includingdeveloping a food strategy.Develop the Food Strategy with theCampus Food Bank and present it to theBoard of Governors.Collaborate with university andcommunity partners.Advocate for graduate departments topotentially fund Campus Food Bankinitiatives.

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Featuring DEO PrioritiesCreate new avenues to feature the work ofindividual DEOs through sharing reports onthe website and social media through a morecreative and engaging style of reporting.Develop a quarterly communications planfor the DEO reports.Create dedicated sections on the SGAwebsite.Explore other formats such us videos orinfographics to present the DEO priorities.GSA Social HourTransform the traditional Coffee Breaks into amore flexible and engaging event called theGSA Social Hour. This initiative will focus onexploring various campus locations, hostingevents in different buildings to meet studentswhere they are, and fostering greatercollaboration with both student and externalgroups.Our commitment to "Reimagine" driving innovation andimplementing new initiatives that reflect the vision andgoals of the new board. This pillar focuses on introducingfresh ideas, rethinking existing structures, and fosteringan environment of continuous improvement. Whether it'snew internal policies or groundbreaking programs,"Reimagine" is dedicated to evolving the GSA to meet theever-changing needs of our graduate student community.Health and Dental PlanMake the health and dental plan morecomprehensive by integrating health, dental,and mental health supports and seeking abetter provider.Conduct a review of current plan and asurvey to get feedback from students.Partner with potential providers andimplement new plan.

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Raising awareness and educating students about the CollectiveAgreement through events and activities to inform union membersabout their rights and benefits, fostering community and solidarity.Continuing to advocate for fair wages and improved working conditions.Strengthen the Faculty Steward Program to ensure betterrepresentation and support for union members.Develop an education plan with PSAC for training Labour RelationsCommittee (LRC) members and union members.Efficiently lead and manage bargaining asks to implement positivechanges in the Collective Agreement during the bargaining period.The GSA is committed to advocating for fair wages, working conditions, and the overallwell-being of Academically-Employed Graduate Students (AEGSs). The Associate VicePresident (AVP) Labour's goals for the upcoming year focus on strengtheningengagement, advocacy, and education within the union.

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Building the Foundationfor Future YearsYear 1 is not only focused on making the immediate goalsattainable but also on laying the groundwork for long-termgoals. As the new board comes in, we acknowledge that theirpriorities may differ. However, the recommendations set forYears 2 and 3 are intended to provide a strategic directionthat remains relevant and critical for continued progress. The foundation established in Year 1 will ensure that futureboards can build upon these initiatives effectively. Theserecommendations for Years 2 and 3 serve as a guide to maintainmomentum and ensure the sustained growth and developmentof the GSA and its support for graduate students.

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SustainableSupportFrameworkDevelop and fully implement a sustainableframework for peer support services, ensuringthey become a permanent offering by the GSA tosupport ongoing student well-being.ExpandChildcareServicesAssess, plan, and increase the availability ofchildcare services on and around campus tobetter support Students-Who-Parent services.ContinueEngagementInitiativesMaintain, expand, and evaluate initiatives thatpromote community engagement and inclusivity,refining them to meet the evolving needs ofstudents.GROWBuildCommunityNetworksDevelop, assess, and enhance long-termcommunity networks that support continuousstudent interaction and engagement, makingimprovements as needed.EnhanceParticipationImplement and introduce strategies andprograms to encourage ongoing studentinvolvement in GSA activities and initiatives,based on feedback from previous years.SustainEngagementEffortsEnsure engagement efforts are maintained andadapted to meet the evolving needs of thestudent community, establishing a plan forsustaining initiatives beyond the three-yearperiod.ENGAGE

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Elevate FinancialSupportAdvocate for improved minimum grant funding forgraduate students, ensuring financial stability andrefining financial support mechanisms established inprevious years.Transform HousingInitiativesTransfer government grants to housing projects,providing affordable living options for students, andcomplete the transformation of housing projectsinitiated earlier.TechnologyAdvocacyEstablish and evaluate the impact of a ServiceManagement Committee to lead advocacy efforts forupdated technology and better service provision,planning further improvements as needed.ADVOCATESustainedScholarship FundingDevelop and evaluate long-term funding strategiesfor Masters and scholarship programs, ensuringcontinuous academic support and planning for theirexpansion based on feedback and outcomes.GSA GovernanceReimagining the structure of the GSA Governance,Start conversations and research on restructuringthe GSA Council and committees to enhance itseffectiveness and inclusivity.REIMAGINE

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1-49 Triffo Hall, University of AlbertaEdmonton, AB T6G 2E1 +1 780 492 2175 gsa.frontdesk@ualberta.caContact Us