Traveling Responsibly: Exploring Alternatives to Air Travel and Reducing Our Ecological FootprintScuola Primaria Collodi
This activity encourages students to thinkabout the environmental impact of traveland make responsible choices, blendinglearning with engaging math practice.INTRODUCTIONINTRODUCTION
3. Discover alternativeEuropean travelroutes, such as bikepaths or historicalpilgrimage trails likethe Via Francigena.4. Solve simple mathproblems related tosustainability and CO₂calculation.PROJECT GOALSPROJECT GOALSObjectives1. Understand CO₂emissions and theconcept of ecologicalfootprint.2. Learn about variousmodes oftransportation andtheir environmentalimpact.
Paper and colored pencils.- Access to a CO₂ calculator (on acomputer or tablet).- Map of Europe showing major cities andhistorical routes (e.g., Via Francigena).- Math worksheets with word problems.MATERIALSMATERIALS
1. Introduction (15 minutes)Introduce CO₂ emissions and ecological footprint in asimple way, explaining that everything we do leaves a“footprint” on the planet. Discuss the environmentalimpact of different modes of travel.2. CO₂ Calculator Activity (20 minutes)Show students how to calculate the CO₂ emissionsfor a hypothetical trip, comparing plane, train, andbus options. In groups, they use the CO₂ calculatorto estimate emissions for trips to different citiesand discuss the results. ACTIVITY STRUCTUREACTIVITY STRUCTURE
1 3. Alternative Routes Exploration (30 minutes)Introduce a historical route, like the **Via Francigena**.Show a section on the map and simulate a journey onfoot or by bicycle. Students color the route anddescribe their imaginary, eco-friendly trip.4. Math Problems (20 minutes)Students solve simple math problems related to CO₂emissions, distance, and time, designed to reinforce theconcepts of sustainable travel.ACTIVITY STRUCTUREACTIVITY STRUCTURE
PROBLEMS 1. Michael decided to visit us in Firenze, he iswalking 5 km per day, how many days to cover 20km?2. Cristina will visit Isabel in Portugal.Calculate CO₂ saved by choosing the train overthe plane.3. Calculate the distance Helga will covered in 3 hours by bike if riding 10 km per hour.
Exploration of AlternativeRoutes
Conclusion and Reflection (15 minutes)Discuss students' reflections on what theylearned about eco-friendly travel and askwhich transportation modes they’d choosein the futureCONCLUSION ANDREFLECTION (15MINUTES)CONCLUSION ANDREFLECTION (15MINUTES)