W ritten and Illustrated byNicholas Townsend SmithISBN 978-1-300-40827-7)Copyright Nicholas Townsend Smith, 2012. All rights reserved.
Elayna,Marco,Ava and CapriI Love You All!Dad!Dedicated to
This is Andrew the Duck. See if you can find Andrew throughout the book!
EEWWW!I said as I looked atmy shoe.What is that green goo?I think its duck poo!
I did see a duckor maybe a few!Quack?Quack?Quack!Quack!
What did they chew to create this green goo?
Did they eat somethingyellow and mixed it with blue?
Was it pieces of bread covered in green mildew?
Is it possible that the duck ategreen stew?
I must be cuckoo tothink it is true, oreven to picture aduck eating stew.
So how could this happen, this poo on my shoe?
What will I do? I have an issue.I think I can get some helpfrom my nephew. You know theone with the crazy tattoo. Maybehe can undo this poo on myshoe.
I might ask a cow who likesto say “Moo.” Will you helpme get this poo off my shoe?I will tell him exactly what Ineed him to do, but the only response Isuspect will be “Moo?”
Oh yes itstrue, it‛s stuckthere like gluethis poo on myshoe.
I know just what will be my rescue,if only I can find some tissue.
An item like that in a momentlike this, will hold an amazingvalue.
There‛s no time to argue, i‛moff to pursue. I know it willtake the poo off my shoe. I‛mreally quite confident it will fixthis snafu.
Oh what a breakthroughcame to my view as I ran to the bathroom doing what looked like Kung Fu.
I flew throughthe door andburst into thestalls one byone with myspirit anew.I looked andlooked, it‛s allI could do untilI found a piecethat would do.
I did it! I cleaned it as good asif new.I removed that poo from myshoe!
Which duck it came fromI haven‛t a clue, but Ithink its the one withthe crazy hair-do.AndrewI couldimagine hisname isAndrew!
This much I know whether a parkor a zoo,i‛ll watch where I‛mwalking and avoid the green gooand a word of advice just foryou......
You Should Too!
The End
Green Goo A Clever Little Book About Duck Poo Green Goo ISBN 978 1 300 40827 7 90000 www NicholasTownsendSmith com 9 781300 408277