In the remote village of Addu, two kids Name Ayaat & Ayyublived with their mommy name Anaa, in a quaint, old house.The house had a large glass door that led to a dark,overgrown garden. At night, the wind would howl throughthe trees, making the door creak and groan.
One Lovely evening, Ayaat and Ayyubwere meant to be fastasleep, yet their room resonated with the sounds of theirlaughter and whispers. Their excitement was so palpable thatsleep seemed impossible. Though their mommy had urged themto be quiet, her words went unheeded. The children seemed toignite their excitement over time.
The children were consumed by their games and stories. Theyignored their mother's warnings, their hearts filled with a thrill.The excitement thatfilled the room wassoon to be replaced by achilling fear, a fear thatwould grip their heartsas the night unfolded.
A storm raged outside, thewind howled louder, and theglass sliding door began to tap.Tap. Tap. Tap.Ayaat and Ayyub’s laughterfaltered, but they soon resumedtheir noisy play. The tappingturned into a furious banging.Bang. Bang. Bang.
The noise was so intense it felt like the door was about toshatter. At the same time, a cold draft swept through theroom, and they felt an icy grip on their legs. The childrenshrieked as they felt their legs being pulled away.
Thuhthubeiya was mischievously playing tricks on thechildren, taking advantage of his invisibility to create fearand pull the kids legs.
“ Ayaat cried,‘’mommy, mommy,thuhthubeiya ispulling my leg, Iwon´t make nomore sound’’ Finally, Ayaat and Ayyub could take it no longer. Theyscrambled to their mother’s side, clutching her tightly. Mommy,with her soothing presence, calmed them down. She wrappedthem in her arms and spoke softly, her voice cutting throughthe ghost’s eerie wail.“It’s alright, my darlings. Thuhthubeiyaa just wants us to bequiet so he can rest.”
The storm outside continued its wild dance, but inside, theroom was now a haven of peace. Thuhthubeiyaa, satisfiedthat the children had finally settled down, retreated into theshadows, leaving the family to sleep soundly.The children eventually settled down. Ayaat clung tightly toher teddy bear, while Ayyub embraced his penguin with equalfervor.
From then on, Ayaat and Ayyub knew the importance of quietnights, and they never forgot the ghostly reminder ofthuhthubeiya for sleep.Later, Mommy lay down between the two children, offeringthem comfort and reassurance.