A NOTEFROM OURMANAGINGPARTNERWe're excited to share our inauguralCorporate Social ResponsibilityAnnual Report with our clients, friendsof the firm, and our community. Greenberg Glusker has played asignificant supporting role within theLos Angeles community for over 60years. Our founding partner ArthurGreenberg likes to say that we have"done well by doing good." By way of his example, the firm'sattorneys, from associate to seniorpartner, can be found in leadershippositions in some of the mostimpactful community-basedorganizations and non-profitinitiatives. P A G E 2Internally, our commitment todiversity, equality, and respect is notonly smart business, it is an ethicalimperative. We have several programsthat allow for an inclusiveenvironment, and we continually lookat our processes to ensure anequitable experience. Lastly, providing free legal assistanceto those who need it the most is botha moral obligation and an honor. Ourattorneys are given unlimited hours todo so, and we're thrilled to share someof our successes in this report. We thank you for your continuedrelationship with our firm, and welook forward to yet another successfulyear! Bob BaradaranManaging PartnerGreenberg Glusker LLP
CONTENTSCHARITABLE GIVINGpg.4Dress for SuccessFoothill FamilyCycle for SurvivalFood from the Bar to support theLos Angeles Regional Food BankA recap of the organizations we gaveback to, including spotlights on:DIVERSITY, EQUITY & INCLUSIONpg.9PRO BONO LEGAL SERVICESpg.12LACBA Counsel for Justice AIDSProject - 2022 Community ImpactAward RecipientClient Receives Over $24,000 inRetroactive Extended Foster CareBenefitsSuccess for Immigration Case inthe Ninth CircuitAssistance for UkrainianHumanitarian Parolees withResettlementPro Bono Corporate andRegulatory Work for CannabisSocial Equity ApplicantsStories from our pro bono services,including: P A G E 3ACC SoCal Diversity Internship ProgramHeritage Months @ GGInaugural Diversity Book ScholarshipProgram for First-Year Law StudentsOur Involvement in DiverseOrganizationsA look into our firm's efforts to promote adiverse, equitable, and inclusiveenvironment.
CHARITABLE GIVINGThis year, we contributed to over 50 organizations. Here are some of theorganizations to which we volunteered our time, money and resources. P A G E 4
This year, we contributed to over 50 organizations. Here are some of theorganizations to which we volunteered our time, money and resources. P A G E 5CHARITABLE GIVING
This year, we contributed to over 50 organizations. Here are some of theorganizations to which we volunteered our time, money and resources. P A G E 6CHARITABLE GIVING
P A G E 7In honor of Women’s History Month, weparticipated in Dress For Success’s “YourHour, Her Power” campaign, during whichour team members had the opportunity todonate an hour of pay to help supportwomen in need who were pursuingeconomic advancement. To add a little fun,we introduced a little friendly competition.Our three floors competed against oneanother to raise the most money per person,and the floor that won received cake fromSusieCakes, a woman-owned business. Intotal, we raised $8,831, helping women in theLos Angeles area to recover from theeconomic impact of the pandemic andincreasing inflation.Below is a snapshot of some of the charitable initiatives we participated in this year inour effort to give back to the Los Angeles Community.Greenberg Glusker partnered with FoothillFamily to provide necessities, toys, andhousewares to families facing financialinsecurity so that they, too, can experiencegift-giving and receiving during the holidayseason.CHARITABLE GIVINGCycle for Survival is the movementto beat rare cancers. The GreenbergGlusker Team switched off riding ona stationary bike, and through thishigh-energy, team cycling event,participants across the countryrallied their family, friends, andcoworkers to raise funds for rarecancer research. 100% of every dollarraised through the event supportspioneering research and lifesavingclinical trials led by Memorial SloanKettering (MSK).
Below is a snapshot of some of the charitable initiatives we participated in this year inour effort to give back to the Los Angeles Community.P A G E 8Food From The Bar is anannual fundraiser where lawfirms compete to raise themost money for the LosAngeles Regional Food Bank.Greenberg Glusker employeesengaged in lip-sync battles bydepartments. We raised a totalof $8,511 and came in 12thplace out of 51 total teams.CHARITABLE GIVING
A MESSAGEFROM OURDE&I CO-CHAIRSAt Greenberg Glusker, we stress theimportance of diversity and inclusionwithin the firm, and we consistentlystrive to promote diversity byincreasing the number of attorneyswho meet diversity criteria throughtargeted recruitment programs. In2022, we onboarded 16 new attorneys,with 11 of them identifying as diverse(68%).We create clear and measurableleadership opportunities within firmmanagement for women andminorities at all levels, including, butnot limited to, serving on the firm’sManagement Committee, as Chairs ofPractice and Industry Groups, and P A G E 9leading various committees,including Associate and LateralPartner Recruiting, Mentorship, andStrategic Planning Committees.This year, we partnered with theMentorship Committee torestructure our mentoring program,continued our Women’s LeadershipGroup, and offered one-on-onebusiness development coaching. Our proudest achievement this yearwas implementing our inauguraldiversity book scholarship program.We awarded eight first-year lawstudents scholarships based on anapplication process. We look forward to anothersuccessful year! Ricardo Cestero, Brian Moskal and Mark MuirDiversity, Equity & Inclusion Committee Co-Chairs
DIVERSITY, EQUITY & INCLUSIONBelow is a snapshot of some of the events and projects we worked on this year in oureffort to diversify the law profession and establish an inclusive work environment.P A G E 1 0In 2021, Greenberg Glusker participated as a foundingsponsor of the Association of Corporate Counsel (ACC) –Southern California’s inaugural Diversity InternshipProgram. We hosted several programs for 12 interns togive them a window into the day-to-day life of anattorney. We continued this program in 2022 and havealso committed to the 2023 program.ACC SoCal 2022 Diversity Interns at areception hosted by Greenberg Glusker.Black History MonthWomen's History MonthAutism Awareness MonthAsian-American Pacific Islander Heritage MonthLGBTQ+ History MonthHispanic/Latin@ Heritage Month Native American Heritage MonthDiwaliDía de Los MuertosWithin the firm, we celebrated the following heritagemonths and holidays: Each of these events featured speakers, trivia, or anopen forum to discuss pertinent issues. We alsopublished a dedicated Diversity Newsletter for eachmonth, which highlighted prominent leaders who madea difference, ways to make a difference, or resourcessuch as books, recipes, and music.ACC SoCal Diversity Internship ProgramHeritage Months @ GG
P A G E 1 1In 2022, we launched the Greenberg Glusker BookScholarship Program and awarded eight bookscholarships to diverse first-year law students atUCLA and USC. This initiative is designed to helpstudents start their legal careers off on the right footby defraying the costs of their books. Our DiversityCommittee worked directly with admissions andcareer services at both UCLA and USC, as well aswith the schools’ student groups, such as Black LawStudents Association (BLSA) and Latinx LawStudents Association (LLSA), to make sure theapplication reached as many diverse andunderrepresented populations as possible.Although we had initially set out to award sixscholarships, we were compelled to award eightdue to the extraordinary applicant pool.Networking and informal roundtablediscussion between book scholarshipwinnners and Greenberg Glusker attorneysInaugural Diversity Book ScholarshipProgram for First-Year Law StudentsOur attorneys are involved with and support many diverse organizations, including:Our Involvement in Diverse OrganizationsAmerican Jewish CommitteeJapanese American Bar AssociationJewish Federation of Los AngelesThe Jewish Graduate Student Initiative (JGSI)John M. Langston Bar AssociationKorean-American Bar Association ofSouthern CaliforniaLACBA President's Advisory Committee onWomen in the Legal ProfessionNational Asian Pacific American BarAssociationSouth Asian Bar Association of SouthernCaliforniaSouthern California Chinese LawyersAssociationWomen in FilmWomen in MediaWomen’s Entrepreneurship DayDIVERSITY, EQUITY & INCLUSION
A NOTEFROM OURPRO BONOCOMMITTEEWe support our attorneys inadvocating on behalf of members ofthe community who cannot affordlegal services. And we provideunlimited billable credit for pro bonowork to stand by our commitment.Providing free legal assistance tothose who need it the most is both amoral obligation and an honor.Greenberg Glusker’s commitment topro bono is best described from thestories of our attorneys and the hoursthey have devoted to providing a widearray of volunteer legal services. We’reexcited to share some of those storieswith you in this report. P A G E 1 2This year, a large number of attorneysacross all departments servedmembers of the community whocould not otherwise afford to obtainlegal help. We proudly work alongside thelargest pro bono organizations,including Public Counsel, Bet Tzedek,Legal Aid Foundation of Los Angeles,Inner City Law Center, and ACLU ofSouthern California.We look forward to anotherproductive year! Ricardo Cestero, Steve Stein, Megan Nogle andWilliam Moodie, Pro Bono Committee Co-Chairs
PRO BONO SERVICESGreenberg Glusker received the 2022 CommunityImpact Award in recognition of our ongoingsupport of the Los Angeles County Bar Association(LACBA) Counsel for Justice AIDS Project. “The pro bono matters I’ve handled via the AIDSLegal Services Project are among the mostrewarding of my career," noted Brian Moskal,Partner in the Environment Group at GreenbergGlusker. "Whether representing a gay, HIV-positive asylum applicant from Russia or a needleexchange program working to reduce diseaseincidence and improve life outcomes among peoplewho use injection drugs in Northern California,these matters have allowed me to actualize mydesire to make the world a better place – a little bitat a time.”“I have been privileged to have worked for theCounsel for Justice through the AIDS LegalServices Project and its predecessor for over 25years," said Timothy Toohey, Partner in theIntellectual Property & Technology Group atGreenberg Glusker. "The work that I have done inhelping communities in the greatest need is someof the most satisfying work that I have had as alawyer.”R E I S E | P A G E 4Partner Brian Moskal accepting the awardon behalf of Greenberg Glusker at theLACBA Counsel for Justice AIDS Project.Partner Tim TooheyP A G E 1 3LACBA Counsel for Justice AIDSProject - 2022 CommunityImpact Award Recipient
Vera Serova and Jillian Berk settled a casereferred by the Alliance for Children’s Rightsresulting in the payment to our client of$24.5K in retroactive extended foster carebenefits. Los Angeles Department of Children andFamily Services (DCFS) halted the benefits toour client when her foster son Trey turned 18,citing various inconsistent reasons such as thathe wasn’t attending school, wasn’t engaged ina job search, and didn’t live with his fostermom anymore. In fact, Trey satisfied all criteriafor receiving the benefits until the age of 21,because he did live with his foster mom,attended and graduated school, had a job, andenrolled in college. He was able to reinstatethe benefits at the age of 20, however, DCFSstill refused to pay the family retroactivebenefits for the two and a half missed years. After a four-year-long battle, our client wasable to obtain, with our help, a full repaymentof the retroactive benefits. Trey now serves inthe Army, and his mom is super-proud of him. R E I S E | P A G E 4Associates Vera Serova and Jillian BerkP A G E 1 4Client Receives Over $24,000 inRetroactive Extended FosterCare BenefitsPRO BONO SERVICES
Taryn Jacobson worked on an opening brief as a lawstudent in USC’s Immigration Detention andAppellate Clinic. On June 24, 2022, the Ninth Circuit reversed adecision by the Board of Immigration Appeals forTaryn’s client, a Salvadoran man who has lived in theU.S. for over 40 years. He sought protection underthe Convention Against Torture, because if removedto El Salvador he faced torture and potential death atthe hands of Salvadoran police and military, as well asSalvadoran gang members who control a majority ofthe municipalities in El Salvador.R E I S E | P A G E 4The issues on appeal involved the Immigration Judge’s and Board of Immigration Appeals’ wrongfuldiscounting of expert testimony establishing the high likelihood of torture, and the misapplication of a2006 Attorney General decision to deny the client protection under the Convention Against Torture.The Ninth Circuit agreed with Taryn’s arguments and held that the Immigration Judge and Board ofImmigration Appeals erred by requiring corroboration of credible expert testimony and also erred bymisapplying the prior Attorney General's decision."I worked on the case for about 4 months," Taryn said. "I spent a great deal of that time researchinggang culture in El Salvador and the repercussions of deporting former gang members back to ElSalvador. It also became clear from my deep dive into the case history that the holes in our immigrationsystem have detrimental consequences. I am thrilled with the Ninth Circuit's decision and grateful toUSC's Immigration Detention and Appellate Clinic for this opportunity."Associate Taryn JacobsonP A G E 1 5Success for Immigration Case inthe Ninth CircuitPRO BONO SERVICES
Vera Serova has been helping Ukrainianhumanitarian parolees with resettlement in theU.S. since March. She runs a social media groupwith ~4,500 members, where she and a few othervolunteers consult Ukrainian arrivals on basicimmigration and resettlement issues such as howto apply for a work permit, how to secure housingand find a job, how to apply for welfare benefits,how to enroll a child in school, and more. They havebeen working together with the Refugee ProgramsBureau of California Department of SocialServices, county refugee coordinators, and a fewresettlement agencies to remove barriers toresettlement. R E I S E | P A G E 4Vera has devoted significant time and effort to eliminate the confusion at the social services agenciesabout what Ukrainian parolees are eligible for in terms of welfare benefits and other assistance. She haspersonally helped a number of families to overcome difficulties in obtaining Medi-Cal health insurance,food stamps, and cash aid which helped them get by until they secured employment. In addition, she hassponsored two Ukrainian families to come to the U.S. under the government’s Uniting for Ukraineprogram: one family of five has a baby with cystic fibrosis, and the other family of three has a disabledgirl with spinal muscular atrophy. Both of these children were not receiving any treatment in Ukraine orEurope, and coming to the U.S. was their only chance to stay alive. Now they are receiving the neededtreatments under Medi-Cal. Associate Vera SerovaP A G E 1 6Assistance for UkrainianHumanitarian Parolees withResettlementPRO BONO SERVICES
In partnership with the Los Angeles CountyBar Association's (LACBA) Cannabis Section,Michelle Mabugat and Alexa Steinberg haverepresented numerous Social Equityapplicants and licensees in a wide variety ofgeneral corporate and transactional matters,ranging from entity formation and structuringto commercial transactions and Social Equitypartnerships in connection with the SocialEquity Program in the City of Los Angeles. The mission of LACBA’s Cannabis Pro BonoProgram is to promote fair and equitableparticipation in the licensed commercialcannabis industry, foster a level playing field asit relates to access to legal counsel, and helpdeter predatory practices targeting the SocialEquity community. These pro bono clientscome from low-income and marginalizedcommunities disproportionately impacted bythe failed War on Drugs. R E I S E | P A G E 4Counsel Michelle Mabugat and AlexaSteinbergP A G E 1 7Pro Bono Corporate andRegulatory Work for CannabisSocial Equity ApplicantsPRO BONO SERVICES
About Greenberg GluskerOverviewPractice Areas & Industry GroupsGreenberg Glusker has a wide variety of practice areas and industry groups, including:With 100 attorneys, Greenberg Glusker remains the largest single-office, full-service law firm inCalifornia. However, our reachfrom L.A.’s Westside spans the entire United States and the globe. Ourstructure and business strategy allow us to meet our clients’ needs in a competitive and cost-efficientmanner, with first-tier legal services, in-depth industry knowledge, and fewer client conflicts than in amulti-office, national firm.We profoundly subscribe to the belief that we work for people—not clients. Our firm’s culture forgeslongstanding relationships among our colleagues and the people we represent; drives authenticityand a deep commitment to provide unparalleled expertise in every service we offer; and, contributesto our clients’ prosperity and well-being.Over the years, Greenberg Glusker has evolved to offer the depth and breadth of services consistentwith the highest level of a national law firm. However, we remain committed to providing the personalattention of a smaller boutique law firm. P A G E 1 8Apparel & Accessories Branded Consumer Products Cannabis Industry GroupClean TechnoloyClimate Change & Sustainability Crypto & NFTs Digital Media & Technology Energy Financial ServicesHealth & Beauty Manufacturing & DistributionOpportunity Zones Restaurant, Food & Beverage SportsVideo Games, Streaming & EsportsIndustry GroupsBankruptcy, Reorganization & Capital RecoveryCorporate, Finance & Securities Cybersecurity & PrivacyEmployment Entertainment EnvironmentIntellectual PropertyInternationalLitigationOpportunity Zone GroupPrivate Client Services Real EstateTaxationPractice Areas