WHY STAGE?It is estimated that only 10% of home buyers canvisualise the potential of a home, so when they walkinto a styled home they are able to envisionthemselves in the space, whereas an empty homecan create doubt and an empty feeling! Emotional ConnectionA Quicker SaleIn controlled tests selling identical homes, professionallystaged vs. those not staged, the nonstaged houses soldin 102 days, while the staged houses sold in 45 days.(Real Estate Staging Association). Most buyers form an opinion about a home within thefirst 7 - 10 seconds of arriving, so it is crucial tocaptivate a potential buyer with a styled well-spacedout home and stand out from the houses that won’thave that effect.Stand Out
WHY STAGE?83% of real estate agents said that a stagedhome sells faster than an unstaged home92% of agents found home staging to bebeneficialover 50% of agents said that staging increases ahome’s value anywhere from 1%-15%The Stats: Let’s say your property is valued at $650k.If staging helps sell the property 5% above the asking price,that’s an extra $32,500 in the pocket.
WHAT WE OFFERWe w ill comp l ete l y fu rnis h an d sty le y o ur h ome from bed r oom sto b athr ooms and ever ythi n g i n bet ween usi n g o u r be spok e ,hig h qua lity fur n itur e an d de c or f or a 6-8 wee k per iod. Full Hire Package Partial Hire Package Thi s pac kage is p erf e ct i f yo u wo uld l ike us t o w o rk w ith what youhav e and jus t ne e d a sec o nd p air of e y es a nd p rofe ssio nal i nte r ioradv i ce. We d o a h alf - f u ll s tagi ng d a y w o rki n g w i th y our furn i tur e ,hom e ware s an d ac c ess o rie s , as well as i nco r por a ting our pie c es t obri n g a cohe sive sty l e t o lif e.
Free Consultation Detailed QuoteSetting a DateFurniture Installation1.THE PROCESS2.3.4.We will come visit your property free of charge to get a clear understanding of the layout, size and style of your property.We’ll take photos and discuss how our process will work.After the consult, we will provide you with our proposal,detailing what was discussed in our on-site meeting. On yourend you let us know if you would like to proceed with ourservice.Once you approve the proposed quote, we’ll be in touch to set a date for your installation and start putting together the bitand pieces, allocating furniture and setting aside for you.On installation day our team will be on-site installing all thepieces to transform your property, and add the final touchesso you are ready for photos and a successful marketingcampaign.
PRICE LISTFull Hire Package Partial Hire Package Prices Include: Living, Dining, Outdoor living, Kitchen,Bathroom/s and Laundry and includes 6-8, weeks hire(Price varies based on client furniture is used. Discussed anddetermined via on-site consultation and detailed quote.)*GST NOT INCLUDED. Prices may vary with extra areassuch as living, dining, outdoor, study etc. 1 Bed/Studio: 3 Bed: 4 Bed: 2 Bed: $2,500$3,200$3,800$4,900
APPLY NO WSTYLE NOW,PAY LATER.Bringing your property to its fullest potential on the market cantake an extra amount of money you may not have at this point intime. Don't let that hinder you. We have a way to stage now andpay later. We can arrange for the cost of your styling to be delayed for upto 120 days, plenty of time to cover your campaign andsettlement period. The application can be made in 3 minutes andis approved within 2 hours with no upfront or monthly payments.
GET INTOUCH Ruby Grace Lili Grace Emma Grace