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Govindpur fights back- Laboni D.

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ffiwffiffiffiff*ffi ffimffiffiThis graphic nsvel is based on a real life event,which happened in the vlllage of Bankathi,Durnka District, .lharkhand, lnCia. The ineiCenttook place inr April 2020, when the country wasaffected by the Ccvic{-1 I Pandemic" All schnalsand colleges were under lack-down. While thestudents cities and towns across India havesniitched sver to snline learning, rural areascontinue to grapple with the new system duetc unstable internet connectivity and lack ofsmartphones or computers. ln this light, thlscnmic depirts a novel initiative, taken by asch*al headrnaster, which helped the villagecomrnunity overcome the difficult situation.I hape you enj*y!Post Scriptum: A glossary of collcquiaN andregional terrns, used in this graphie novel, hasheen added at the end for reference. Creativeliberties have been taken to portray th* stnrybetter.€ftn

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When willBaba ornebqck hamthe larmTne qorrevnment has cverything drre tothg Covid -14 ?criet lic. t ldre-scP@sed to start*'a-t V'ro"al.e. )Whql aAiLemwvrkno,r. atld^e\shops -i^rere doad,Sol.. Ang uag,{m goin3 ort!

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fr'*+ratct *ffi-i^rhAt }.lhappc-nei2.1.ldhg a,re 5ou-. {l{rDdltl4 t€.^r\ brot't?"? /AshhllNothng!To school I

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0ovr D-lssvnapfoMtDelhi: Studentsresutns sehoolviq online rila-tfortns likeZoonris is unfoir.lToAay I al'rnosbbuvst into tears beauI rrriss school soNe donrb have auessb, il^e internet, but*hy shoulol 6,^,red;r@*ion sufter?.Let's tqlk to Masterji About Lt.,:.., if {trisqoes on.hori;u r +uleitny bopu'sof me becominAoc*or !.l've been thinkingabout it.1.'ll seehat I canY3ir looat thistStudents incities hove.started onlc-lasser. hlto mafntain socialdistqnc. Then, hor^r(an we sfudu- togeth ullhe tnrg say. grr.efr eood-bq€s2 leavingM asterii ltrinhinq S hirns"et€. ..Something nepds to bedone ASAP. rathq shouldI eovindp,{/l'Liaslz-hetd bick 1 Tnestuden{s' wilt losehope, 6lrop out&sloft /zrrninq r{\ {tnrs tmtin/tns...,-ffiw{o

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Yeqh surclBut wh'.L {or?Does {ne school rreedttnern for something?What a- brilljantid.q sf rjill Go forit!t'tt sini ea-esltover to help tlor,lArrErurroN GRAMvAstYoN I tlMon/aq onwards wL t,*lillstart tlass.s {o" the childrtnVr'a loudEPeqkerS q+ 1'o0 qmLverq da'q. LverLtons hrill haveto {t { +eet d.part ar\d LovQ-y^their rno u*hs compulsori lq{L SBV horne, shy sqfel JThqnl-gou :ingo"4

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H igh Fivu I Iol'r qeah, \lou'tl right I-No qaar !Ng tou.tnirrg 1Re"ngrllber"- r ))A . r x'-+--.^^i^all'So ual DrstanctnS!But I s,rre-qrn haPPu6lt.Next Mondag rnorninS. --Navjeevan/ Caood .lMorninS kr'd slTodqu ls our. first'loudspez

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fiaii.-fS+Wart wLt?ractigso [nf oatr ain {actr so .rnethtnqatl CAN do:Sorrql Dista ncinq..JMask.? lrlash yo ur H ands uo ith5oap..,r S artitize qnd D;sinfectSurf aces (ng,rlarlg.STAY HOME, STAY EAFE.END.GL@SSARYBabaNa rnaste3. Aregl+ Aai5. ?,oa- roti6. SahabV;agalayaM a ster iiBa pu trbeLaS qr panchSrarnvasilonChqtoL.2.-Father o r Dad- A respectfiul yeetin3 said vrshen {r'vin3 avtamaskar (V,g joining patrns toSelher)- A tnrr^ of exctannofion used U ad,dresssorn e one , [ike "H"yl.o oy t'Oh! " .- Mother or Morn- Da i I y bread i rnetaphor {br livelrhooot.- A terrn used to reter to a- |2erson o+ygspect or hgher gta-tttsS chool- Heqdynaste-r i.t ji, us"d *o adA rts pe cL- Fathor or DqdSon CIr ohi ld .- HeaA o{ frte Viila_ge or ?anchagat tthe\ocal go v:ynrnent L.r^ cil.) .- V ill a ge - ol ,ruelle rs- Litera(lg ynectns "Let's 3o,r., bwt in t:lteQcntzxt o( *he stor ll it' means uoiar,

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.at:r-HsnwEd,;ffi' ; ;l\.::1., :'..,:l, l :::.1,'rl:.:i;i$sica ScatesMi"Rishk* seviGop*t ,.lr: i