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Going Deeper Campaign 2024

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Since 2001, Scranton Rd. Ministries has served over 22,492 Cleveland youth & adults; with best-practicelegal serv ices, educational enrichment, and workforc e development; all interwoven with the Gospel of Christ. ABOUT USmore families received legalBrief Advice, paperworkassistance, and referrals topro-bono attorneys in 2022than 202148%of studentsdemonstrated academicimprovement in grades &standardized tests81%of students completed aprofessional portfolioincluding a Resume &Cover Letter; and receivedInterview Skills training87%The Going Deeper capacity campaign is focused on positioning Scranton Rd. Ministries to helpmore people across Cleveland flourish. From struggle to success, and ultimately to significance. Amidst the deep challenges plaguing the communities we serve, we’re privileged to represent Jesus,who meets us in the depths to restore hope and purpose. Our friends and neighbors, activated byGod’s great love & equipped with the practical skills SRM provides, are mobilized to lifelong success.“Deep calls to deep in the roar of your waterfalls; all your waves and breakers have swept over me.” Psalm 42:7 Since 2001, Scranton Rd. Ministries has served over 23,705 Cleveland youth & adults; with best-practicelegal serv ices, educational enrichment, and workforc e development; all interwoven with the Gospel of Christ. ABOUT USof Legal Clinic workshopparticipants indicate thatSRLC helped themsuccessfully resolve theirlegal matter97%of Academic Enrichmentparticipants demonstrated academicimprovement in grades &standardized tests81%of YJP students completeda professional portfolioincluding a Resume &Cover Letter; and receivedInterview Skills training88%The Going Deeper capacity campaign is focused on positioning Scranton Rd. Ministries to helpmore people across Cleveland flourish. From struggle to success, and ultimately to significance. Amidst the deep challenges plaguing the communities we serve, we’re privileged to represent Jesus,who meets us in the depths to restore hope and purpose. Our friends and neighbors, activated byGod’s great love & equipped with the practical skills SRM provides, are mobilized to lifelong success.“Deep calls to deep in the roar of your waterfalls; all your waves and breakers have swept over me.” Psalm 42:7

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VISIONHelping to revitalize Cleveland, one life at a time.MISSIONScranton Road Ministries Community Development Corporation helpsto revitalize Cleveland, one life at a time; by engaging, equipping, andmobilizing our youth and families with the Gospel of Christ and theskills for lifelong success.WHYCompelled by God's love, we envision our city transformed from theinside out. VISIONHelping to revitalize Cleveland, one life at a time.MISSIONScranton Road Ministries Community Development Corporation helpsto revitalize Cleveland, one life at a time; by engaging, equipping, andmobilizing our youth and families with the Gospel of Christ and theskills for lifelong success.WHYCompelled by God's love, we envision our city transformed from theinside out.

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Your partnership will help us:Deeper Service - Reach 25%+ more students across Cleveland by expanding our classroomfacilitator, career coach, and placement specialist team.1.Deeper Impact - Provide more career exposure opportunities (both worksite and college visits)across a network of in-demand career fields.2.Deeper Network & Opportunity - Strengthen our proven training content with strategicpartnerships in health care, IT, construction, and manufacturing.3.Deeper Engagement- Provide personalized mentoring, college workshops, and familyengagement to help students reach their full potential.4.Help us equip Cleveland students for successBiblically-based workforce development, preparing future leaders to flourishin viable careers and continuing educationNEED: $75,000Youth Jobs PartnershipLearn more by clicking HERE Your partnership will help us:Deeper Service - Reach 30%+ more students across Cleveland by expanding our classroomfacilitator, career coach, and placement specialist team.1.Deeper Impact - Provide more career exposure opportunities (both worksite and college visits)across a network of in-demand career fields.2.Deeper Network & Opportunity - Strengthen our proven training content with strategicpartnerships in health care, IT, construction, and manufacturing.3.Deeper Engagement- Provide personalized mentoring, college workshops, and familyengagement to help students reach their full potential.4.Help us equip Cleveland students for successBiblically-based workforce development, preparing future leadersto flourish in viable careers and continuing education.NEED: $75,000Youth Jobs PartnershipLearn more by scanning the QR Code

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Your partnership will help us:Deeper Service - Increase our client capacity by 25%+ by expanding our attorney, paralegal, andadministrative team.1.Deeper Impact - Fully integrate our legal services with best-practice tools and content to providethe most up-to-date and comprehensive legal assistance available.2.Deeper Network - Expand our referral network through greater collaboration with partnerattorneys, legal and community organizations.3.Help us prepare Cleveland families to navigatetheir legal challenges with dignity and care Our free legal clinic is empowering people facing legal challenges through briefadvice, legal guidance, referrals, and education of their rights.NEED: $72,500Legal ClinicLearn more by clicking HERE Your partnership will help us:Deeper Service - Increase our client capacity by 25%+ by expanding our attorney, paralegal, andadministrative team.1.Deeper Impact - Fully integrate our legal services with best-practice tools and content to providethe most up-to-date and comprehensive legal assistance available.2.Deeper Network - Expand our referral network through greater collaboration with partnerattorneys, legal and community organizations.3.Help us prepare Cleveland families to navigate their legalchallenges with dignity and care Our free legal clinic is empowering people facing legal challenges throughbrief advice, legal guidance, referrals, and education of their rights.NEED: $72,500Legal ClinicLearn more by scanning the QR Code

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ACADEMIC ENRICHMENT PROGRAMPreparing Cleveland's youth for lifelong success. ACADEMIC ENRICHMENT PROGRAM

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Your partnership helps us:Deeper Impact - Serve 25-30% more students in multiple communities with leading-edgeeducational services, and key character training (integrity, excellence, etc.)1.Deeper Service - Grow our team with additional program leadership, youth advisors, andcontent specialists.2.Deeper Purpose - Solidify our student leadership program, mobilizing our youth with the vision,skills, and heart to impact their communities as servant leaders.3.Deeper Content - Continue integrating our program with best-practice interdisciplinary training,experiences, and content. 4.Help us transform the lives of kids ages 5-14Education is not preparation for life; education is life itself. - JOHN DEWEYBest-practice academic enrichment, Biblical character development, and leadershiptraining to help students reach their full potential. NEED: $65,000Academic EnrichmentLearn more by clicking HERE Your partnership helps us:Deeper Impact - Serve 25-30% more students in multiple communities with leading-edgeeducational services, and key character training (integrity, excellence, etc.)1.Deeper Service - Grow our team with additional program leadership, youth advisors, andcontent specialists.2.Deeper Purpose - Solidify our student leadership program, mobilizing our youth with the vision,skills, and heart to impact their communities as servant leaders.3.Deeper Content - Continue integrating our program with best-practice interdisciplinary 4. training, experiences, and content. Help us transform the lives of kids ages 5-14One child, one teacher, one book, and one pen can change the world. - MALALA YOUSAFZAIBest-practice academic enrichment, Biblical character development,and leadership training to help students reach their full potential. NEED: $65,000Academic EnrichmentLearn more byscanning theQR Code

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IMPACT BY THE NUMBERSof every dollar is investedin directly serving people$0.88people served acrossCleveland since 200122,492individuals have attendedfree or low-cost EducationalWorkshops and Brief AdviceClinics635of the youth we serve live at orbelow the poverty level72%Students served in CMSDClassrooms in 2022(11,262 over 16+ years)501OverallLegal ClinicAcademic EnrichmentYouth Jobs PartnershipLEGAL CLINIC AEP YJP800 600 400 200 0 HOW MANY SRMHAS HELPED SO FARHOW MANY ADDITIONAL WECAN REACH WITH YOUR HELPStudents served both duringin school and after schoolenrichment392 IMPACT BY THE NUMBERSof every dollar is investedin directly serving people$0.88people served acrossCleveland since 200123,705individuals have attendedfree or low-cost EducationalWorkshops and Brief AdviceClinics563of the youth we serve live at orbelow the poverty level72%Students served in CMSDClassrooms in 2023(11,533 over 17 years)271OverallLegal ClinicAcademic EnrichmentYouth Jobs PartnershipLEGAL CLINIC AEP YJP0200400600800HOW MANY SRMHAS HELPED SO FARHOW MANY ADDITIONAL WECAN REACH WITH YOUR HELPStudents served both duringin school and after schoolenrichment379

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STAFF MEMBERSChris Whitmore, Executive DirectorJB Hecock, Chief Operations OfficerNatalie Thomas, Legal Clinic DirectorSeneca Bankston, Academic Enrichment DirectorNate Ortiz, YJP FacilitatorJosh Jucutan, AEP Youth AdvisorMark Ritzman, IT & AEP Youth AdvisorMartinez Weeks, AEP Youth AdvisorKeturah Kennedy, Legal Clinic AdministratorRenee Stalzer, Financial AdministratorCarly Quinones, Office AdministratorBOARD MEMBERSTom Wadsworth, Board ChairLen Cosentino, Vice ChairFred Bartz, TreasurerDoris Barnhouse, SecretaryFred SnyderPastor Joe AbrahamMark WhithamTo learn more about who we are, whatwe do, or our community impact overthe years, please visit our website atscrantonroadministries.orgTo partner with us for this year'scampaign, please click HERE tomake your donation.Sabrina Chacon, Social Media CoordinatorTherefore, as you received Christ Jesus theLord, so walk in him, rooted and built up inhim and established in the faith, just as youwere taught, abounding in thanksgiving.Colossians 2:6-7Jessica Umpierre, AEP Youth AdvisorMika Timura, AEP Youth Advisor To learn more about who we are, whatwe do, or our community impact overthe years, please visit our website atscrantonroadministries.orgTo partner with us for this year'scampaign, please scan the QRcode with your phone’s camerato make your donation.Last year...SRLC hosted Brief Advice Sessions &Workshops covered matters includingFamily Law, Elder Law, Landlord/TenantSituations, Expungement & CQE's,Creditor/Debtor Issues, Custody &Visitation, Probate Law, Wills & Power ofAttorney, Consumer Law and moreAEP served 110 students with 28 weeks of In-School Enrichment Services, includingAcademic support in Math, Reading andScience classes, reinforcing criticalacademic metrics, and engaging studentswith STEM, the Arts, Health & Wellness,Digital Literacy, and SEL/Character Training.YJP provided Cleveland young adults, ages 15-20, with valuable job training services includingCritical Thinking & Effective Communication Skills, Conflict Resolution, and Digital Literacy. Aswell as support in Completing a Resume, Cover Letter& Personal Budget, Interview Skills, Social& Emotional Learning, and Worksite & College Exposure and Supportive Services.

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Contact Us 216-861-5323 3095 Scranton Road Cleveland, OH 44113 Contact Us 216-861-5323 3095 Scranton Road Cleveland, OH 44113