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KENYA HUNGARY Jim Phyllis Beck John Susan Van Nash Cooper Having worked in and around Malindi Kenya since 1985 the Becks current focus is on helping the first generation church leadership to empower the second and third generation Their two faith communities Uzima and Mahenzo practice holistic discipleship Their representation of the Good News involves not only church planting but working to lift their community out of poverty including education sustainable agriculture orphan care health clinics and more In addition to discipling their own leadership Jim has also enjoyed getting to teach at the Nairobi Great Commission School Pray for the new generation of local leadership in Malindi The Coopers moved to Hungary one year ago to build a new disciple making platform called Media to Movements M2M In the last year they have recruited and trained eleven new teams across Europe and are about to launch the new OneKingdom Euro Hub with the vision of organizing at least one local M2M team for every country on the European continent Pray for God to bring new workers and for their messages to land on good soil Also their oldest son Nash recently underwent a procedure to install an insulin pump to help manage his Type 1 Diabetes Please pray for Nash s adjustment Newsletter email request to subscribe jimnpk sbcglobal net jcooper teamexpansion org phyllis beck 31 www onekingdom team jim beck 75 thecoopers hu PERU NICARAGUA NORTH AFRICA Olive Branch Ministries Caleb Jenny Adin Caris Beck This year Olive Branch completed three medical mission trips to Peru and another to Nicaragua in October These involved students from the Texas Tech Health Sciences Center and Abilene Christian University Please pray for seeds that were planted by their teams in 2022 Contact Malena Rampy if interested in a 2023 trip with Olive Branch malena rampy gmail com www olivebranchministriesinternational com The Becks act as regional coordinators for Mission Resource Network s MRN Mediterranean Rim Initative MRN is strategically deploying missionary teams in major cities around the Med Rim during the largest Muslim migration in history The Becks will act as the entry point for new missionary families entering the missionary field are have themselves just completed year one of language learning Arabic and French New missionary families will live with them for three months to be immersed into Arab culture then move to one of five cities around the Med Rim to build new discipleship hubs Please pray for the first missionary family the Becks recently welcomed in September The Becks share updates on an encrypted channel via Signal App email to connect cb mrnet org thecoopers hu

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FALL 2022 Business as Mission GLOBAL MISSIONS A quarterly update on Monterey s global missions partners What is Business as Mission Business as Mission involves the whole church taking the whole gospel to the whole world The Whole Church Business people in local congregations often feel like their contributions to the Kingdom of God are limited to financial giving serving on a committee or as a deacon All of these are wonderful things but few business people recognize the significant role their business activities can play in impacting individuals families and communities for the Kingdom The Whole Gospel SPOTLIGHT THE SHUMAN FAMILY LANDON COURTNEY AMANDA RADYN HAPPY HUDSON Dar es Salaam Tanzania When many believers consider Jesus commands about the Kingdom His words recorded in Matthew 28 and Acts 1 come to mind making disciples baptizing and teaching them We often forget Jesus words in Matthew 25 in which He separates the sheep from the goats based on acts of love and compassion As followers of Jesus we are to live holistically ministering through our actions and our words Doing one without the other is incomplete The Shumans grew up in New Mexico attended Lubbock Christian University and moved to Dar es Salaam in 2014 Most of their children have only known Tanzania as home besides Amanda who was adopted from Haiti following the 2010 earthquake while the Shumans attended LCU The Whole World Though on the mission field since 2014 the Shumans began practicing Business as Mission full time in 2021 as a strategic way to make disciples and integrate the message of Jesus into a predominantly Muslim culture learn more about Business as Mission on back The Shumans work with local churches businesses and business owners to disciple the community into faith With all our mission efforts still 41 of the world s population does not have a realistic chance to hear the good news of Jesus Christ Part of the problem is that many nations have closed their doors to traditional missionaries Since our church and para church systems have been shaped by past experience often our people and money go to the places where more conventional mission work has previously existed As a result less than 1 of the money given to churches goes to support work in the most unreached places of the world The same is true for our missionaries Of all the missionaries sent into the world 87 go to places already reached with the Gospel While believers intentionally integrating their faith with their vocation is nothing new the name Business as Mission BAM and the movement around it is a relatively recent development Business as Mission practitioners seek to strategically live their lives of faith in places and ways that allow them to speak into a community naturally and holistically to bring the Good News of Jesus to the world Business as Mission entrepreneurs and managers recognize that they are stewards of the resources that God has given them and seek to work alongside Jesus in restoring His creation Source Adapted from Center for Business as Mission DBU www dbu edu Coffee is an emerging market in Tanzania and the Shumans are leveraging it to connect with others Harakati Coffee employs and mentors young people into the job market as well as trains and certifies new baristas across their city of seven million In every case they integrate the teachings and way of Jesus to expose new friends to the Gospel The Shumans were just awarded a grant by the Monterey Foundation for a new coffee roasting machine which will bring both sustainable revenue and more opportunities for interaction with new and existing business partners Please be in prayer not only for Harakati but for the Shumans church and school communities which have experienced a string of tragic losses Newsletter email request to subscribe shumantz gmail com harakaticoffee _courtneyshuman_