221NEWLISTINGS 35DAYS ONMARKET$263KAVERAGESALE PRICE 153HOMESSOLDDO YOU KNOW YOURHOME'S VALUE?MARKET UPDATEOur market has seen a steady appreciation ofhome values in the last 2 years. This year hasbeen interesting to watch because of theextreme lack of inventory, resulting in a seller'smarket. We want to make sure you are armedwith the best and most accurate informationwhen it comes to your home value, so we havecompiled a list of our top 3 reasons why youshould check it now.1. SEE IF YOU CAN DITCH THAT PRIVATEMORTGAGE INSURANCEThe first thing that comes to mind: Is that it istime to knock off PMI from your monthlymortgage payments. In many cases, your lenderrequired you to purchase private mortgageinsurance(PMI) if you put less than 20% downon your house. PMI typically amounts tobetween0.5%-1% of the purchase price.For a$200,000 mortgage, your PMI could be $1,000to $2,000 per year.DO YOU KNOW YOURHOME'S VALUE?2. UPDATE YOUR HOME’S VALUE ONONLINE LISTING SITES TO REFLECTRENOVATIONS AND IMPROVEMENTSEven if you’re in the earliest stages of puttingyour house on the market, you’ll want to startowning your home’s history and value online.Claiming your property on sites like Zillow,Redfin, and Realtor, and updating your home’sonline value, can change the perception of theproperty to better align with its current value.3. FIND OUT HOW MUCH EQUITY YOU’VEBUILT UPUnderstanding equity, or the current marketvalue of your home minus your outstandingmortgage balance, puts you in a better place tounderstand your finances overall. You may bebeginning to think about a move and knowingthe value of your property could lead to anaccelerated sale timeline, as long as you factorin the difference between home equity andyour home sale proceeds.
If you're a new homeowner, you likelyhave questions about budgeting for yournew expenses, adding value to your home,and handling post-purchase surprises andchallenges. Here, are the answers!HOMEOWNERQ: How do I come up with a post-homeownership financial strategy? A: Create a list of your monthly bills and due dates, and pay them ontime each month. Budget the money you have leftover formaintenance, savings and other expenses. Q: What should I know about taxes and homeownership? A: Homeownership comes with many tax perks. You can deductmortgage interest, property taxes and points on your tax return.Q: What can I do to maintain good credit after I buy a house? A: After taking on a large debt like a home loan, you may see yourcredit score decrease initially. However, making your mortgagepayment on time every month will get your credit back on track. Why November might be The BestMonth To Sell Your HomeMORE MOTIVATION:If buyers are looking for a home in November, they've eitherwaited through the busy season in hopes of a better deal, orthey're facing their own time constraints due to work changes orother reasons. For these highly motivated buyers, the traditionalbarriers to winter house-hunting — bad weather, short days,holiday preparations — don't apply. If your house is available forthem to view in November, these buyers are more likely to makean offer close to the listing price.Some owners hesitate to market their homes between Halloween and New Year's Day, believing the holidayseason to be an off-peak time to sell. However, the idea that houses don't sell in November and Decembercomes from outdated historical trends. In fact, several studies show that, on average, homes listed during thistime are more likely to sell, sell more quickly, and sell closer to the asking price. November, in particular, hassome unique advantages that make it an ideal time to sell. Here are two reasons why Thanksgiving month mightbe the best time to sell your home.LESS COMPETITION:Because of the misconceptions about selling during winter, it's true that many sellers don't think it's worth theirtime to try and sell their homes toward the end of the year, so they take their homes off the market. Their lossof a potential buyer is your gain! Serious buyers have fewer homes to choose from over the holidays. Thatmeans less competition for you — and more buyers checking out your even more desirable home, either onlineor in person.Q: How do I pick what home update to do first?A: Prioritize necessary repairs and functional improvements overcosmetic changes, focusing on areas that are most used or havesignificant issues like outdated electrical wiring, leaky roofs, or failingHVAC systems; consider the impact on your daily life, potential resalevalue, and your budget to determine the best starting point, oftenconsidered to be the kitchen or bathroom.
We have seen some local housing market adjustmentsand want to keep you informed and updated on yourhome's value.HOME VALUESCAN THIS QR CODETO GET YOUR UPDATEDStaging to Sell During the HolidaysIt’s the time of year that calendars are packed with holiday parties, budgets are strained by gift-giving and theroads are covered in freshly fallen snow. Alas, 'tis not the season for real estate. But the good news is that the fewbrave house-hunters who do venture out are serious about buying a house and stylish trimmings will make themwant to ring in the new year in your home. Try these tips to get buyers in the right spirit:Clean and Stage: Before you decorate, your house needs to be staged. Ifyour living room is already piled high with clutter and tchotchkes, yourceramic reindeer collection is only going to add to the sense ofovercrowding.Create a Cozy Vibe: The less-is-more mantra of home staging may temptyou to forgo holiday cheer this year. But a few subtle touches like a bowlof pinecones, an evergreen wreath, or a pot of cider simmering on thestove can create a warm and festive feeling in your home.Complement Your Palette: Before you start untangling your tinsel, makesure your holiday collection matches your current decor. If your livingroom is painted a soothing ocean-blue hue, skip the clashing red garlandand opt for white snowflakes or a silver glass-ball wreath. If you’ve got anearthy color scheme, accent it with rich tones like cranberries, forestgreens and gold.DO YOU KNOWYOUR HOME VALUE?Accentuate the Positive: Too many trimmings may distract buyers, but the right accessories can draw attention toyour home’s best features. Dangle mistletoe in an arched doorway, or display your menorah on the ledge of a baywindow; just don’t block a beautiful view with stick-on snowflake decals or clutter an elegant fireplace withpersonalized stockings.Go Light on Lights: Step away from the inflatable snowman, Clark Griswold. One man’s “merry” is another man’s“tacky,” so tone down any garish light displays while your home is on the market. Instead, use simple string lightingto play up your home’s architecture or draw attention to the gorgeous fir tree in your front yard.Mind the Tree: A tall Christmas tree can help you show off your two-story great room, but make sure the widebase won’t overwhelm the floor space. If your living area is on the small side, save space with a skinny tree. Trimyour tree in a cohesive theme such as icicle lights and silver tinsel, for example, or blue and gold glass balls.Clear the Clutter: A few decorations can stir the holiday spirit, but don’t feel obliged to hang every last ornament.A lot of people, when they decorate, tend to use all the extra space in their house, you still want each space to lookas spacious as possible. Limit yourself to a few hints of holiday flair, but stash the rest in the basement for now.