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Giving That Grows (Planned Giving)

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b u h l p a r k . o r g7 24 - 9 8 1 - 5 5 2 2B u h l P a r k7 1 5 H a z e n R o a dH e r m i t a g e , P A 1 6 1 4 8Leaving A Legacy - Planting SeedsToday For The Youth Of Tomorrow.Passion.Plan.Impact.

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O V E R V I E WO R G A N I Z A T I O NOur PassionBuhl Park is a recreational and cultural gem inthe heart of Western PA's Shenango Valley. As an award-winning, premier destination, thepark annually welcomes over half a million localand national visitors. With a passion for serving the communitythrough our mission, our team embracesopportunities to innovate as the needs of ourpark, community, and environment change. We respect Buhl Park as an extraordinary giftand an invaluable resource playing an importantrole in our environmental sustainability.Buhl Park was the creative idea of millionaireindustrialist Frank H. Buhl and his wife, Julia, inthe early 1900s. Wanting to share their wealthwith others, Mr. and Mrs. Buhl invested intheir hometown. Between 1907 and 1911 theypurchased seven parcels of farmland in thecity of Hermitage, bordered by the city ofSharon and the Borough of Sharpsville. Theparcels combined to comprise an area totaling271 acres. Over 4 years, they developed theland into a beautiful outdoor recreational areaknown as Buhl Park.Our HistoryOur MissionFulfilling the Buhl legacy by providingwellness, recreation, education, andentertainment while promoting a healthylifestyle and thriving environment.Our VisionBuilding a healthy, happy, and connectedCommunity.

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M E S S A G E F R O M T O MW E L C O M ELive Your HappinessWhile it is always more fun to talk or write about the manygreat features and activities of Buhl Park, there is abusiness side to this wonderful community asset. Thefuture of Buhl Park, which is private and not supported byany tax dollars, is dependent upon having the financialresources required to sustain it. The necessary resourcescan ultimately be achieved through the growth of BuhlPark’s endowment. With an adequate endowment, theannual income from the endowment can be used to coverannual operating costs which easily exceed $1 million.Tom RoskosTom RoskosExecutive Directortom@buhlpark.org724-981-5522 ext. 104Many people who have enjoyed Buhl Park want to share their memories and the park’s beautyand amenities with future generations. It is easy to do this, and quite honestly, our endowmentmust grow substantially for us to reach financial security.Frank and Julia Buhl not only built Buhl Park, but they continued funding it with a planned gift thathas lasted for over 100 years. Now, it is time for the community to step up to help fund the nextcentury. This brochure describes Buhl Park as an organization and how you can extend Frank andJulia’s brilliant vision and generosity through your planned gift. Thank you in advance, and please call me if you have questions or want to begindiscussions.

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All of our Board of Directors have made a financialcommitment to the Buhl Park Endowment, and all ofour Trustees have joined the Julia and Frank BuhlLegacy Society. Rest assured that we are not onlycommitted to being stewards of our gifts, but of yoursas well to preserve the legacy of Julia and Frank Buhl.12,217Fre e 9-h ole r ounds of golf19,337Peo ple e njoye d freemus ic in the ParkO U R C O M M I T M E N TParticipationSustainabilityGovernance provides the necessary guidelines,procedures, and accountability to not only guide ourorganization but to assure you, the donor, that wecan sustain the park and ensure its longevity.Long-Term ImpactOur goal is to grow our endowment to $30 million inthe next 10 years. With your help, this endowmentwill enable us to fund future operating costs,complete capital improvements, and employ thestaff necessary to maintain the park.729,886Par k vis itors annually11,164Buc kets of Dr iving Ran ge ba lls s old102,485Lap s aro und t he Fitness Trail3,224Kid s enr olled in ourYou th Pr ogram ming

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LIFE-ENRICHING AMENITIES,PROGRAMS & WILDLIFEDozens of diverse opportunities for engagement with nature, fitness, sports, culture, and community – all contributing to the quality of life and learning. The Park’s scenic acres are home to incredible natureand wildlife. They inspire us, teach us, and enhance our health and the health of our environment.

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When you donate to Buhl Park, you invest in the success of your entire community. Each year, Buhl Parkserves over half a million who participate in a wide variety of park amenities, programs, and events. Visitorscount on Buhl Park for:Fitness and sporting needsSafe opportunities to play outdoors, explore, or find calm and restorationEnjoying community or family events and activitiesParticipating in educational programs such as environmental learning, sports training, and nature-centricchildren’s activitiesGolfing on the only free golf course in the nation, affectionately known as Dum Dum C O M M U N I T Y IMPACTArts In The ParkConcerts, D ance Floor, Outdoor Mo v iesWetlands RestorationADA Access i ble Observa t ion Areas/ P latforms Julia's Garden Serene & P i cturesque U p dates Wellness WednesdaysAqua Fitne s s, Adaptive Swim, Yoga & Cycling, S wim Lesson s Wildlife Spotlight Blu e Bird Trai l, Bi rd Wa lks, P ollin ator Garde n Casino Renovations New Indoor & Outdoor L i ghting & F l ooringPlaygroundsInclusive, Musical & S a ndy's Plac e Trails Improvements Fitness, H i king & Biki n g, Pump Tr a ck Youth ProgrammingSummer You t h, Junior G o lf, Sandy S couts

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6P L A N N E D G I V I N G ?W H YBuhl Park Was Founded Through A Planned GiftJulia and Frank Buhl understood the need toestablish and fund a trust to help offset theannual costs to maintain Buhl Park in perpetuity.They could not, however, have anticipated therising costs to operate and maintain the parkmore than 100 years later. It is through yourPlanned Giving that the park will be able to thrivefor another 100 years.We strive to preserve Julia and Frank Buhl’s legacyof giving back and providing a place of recreationfor all, fostering that legacy so that it may continueproviding enrichment for future generations. AsFrank and Julia Buhl believed then, and what iseven more evident today, Planned Giving is thebest way to build a sustainable endowment toperpetuate their legacy in Buhl Park.A planned gift is any major gift made during yourlifetime or after your death as part of your overallfinancial and estate planning. Often referred to as charitable gift planning orlegacy giving, Planned Giving enables you tosupport non-profits with larger charitable gifts thanyou could make from your ordinary income.

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Our team will work with you and your legal and financial advisorsto structure a gift strategy tailored to your financial andphilanthropic goals. We invite you to explore the many ways youcan make a lasting impact. There are a wide variety of charitablegifting options to enable donors to fulfill their goals, and perhapseven join the Julia and Frank Buhl Legacy Society. Of all theplanned gifts that help, these are the most effective for Buhl Park:Charitable Lead TrustCharitable Gift AnnuityCharitable Remainder TrustDonor Advised FundIRA DistributionsAppreciated StockFoundation GrantsWe are experienced in helping people just like you give efficiently,effectively, and meaningfully to your favorite charitable causes. Wecan help you establish you or your family’s charitable approachand, if requested, connect you to local foundations and resources.Your generosity is critical to sustaining the incredible vision andgenerosity of Julia and Frank Buhl.O P T I O N SG I F T I N G"GIVE TODAYAND RECEIVETHE BENEFITSNOW WHILECONTINUINGTHE LEGACY OFBUHL PARK INTHE FUTURE"When You Donate To Buhl Park, You Invest In The Success Of Your Entire Community

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JULIA & FRANK BUHLOUR LIVING LEGACYB U H L P A R KRecognition of their name(s) engraved on the Pillar of Significance located at the ParkAccess to exclusive Legacy Society eventsInvitation and recognition at our annual Benefit DinnerA welcoming gift based on their level of giving.$1,000,000+DIAMONDPLATINUMGOLDSILVERBRONZEMake A Difference TodayBuhl Park is one of the most important community assets. Residents of all ages have enjoyed the Park’s benefitsfor over 100 years. The Park remains essential to the quality of life in the Shenango Valley. Recognizing theimportance of Buhl Park to the community, it is essential to enhance the Buhl Park endowment so that the Parkcan be maintained and enjoyed by future generations. Building the Buhl Park endowment is the only way to assure the future of Buhl Park. CONTACT TOM TODAY TOM@BUHLPARK.ORG 724-981-5522 EXT. 104Benefits Of Being In The Legacy SocietyOur Legacy Society is all-encompassing, with our current relationships with estate attorneys, financial planners, and insurance agents, we areable to provide an interested donor with guidance in any planned givingvehicle. We can work with your team to find the most beneficial way foryou to give. Recognizing donors who have made contributions, duringtheir lifetimes or by testamentary intentions, to the F.H. Buhl Farm Trustendowment extending the legacy of Julia and Frank Buhl. Our goal is toraise the trust to 30 million dollars in the next 10 years. The Everyday Life We Live Is The Legacy That We Leave. Yes, The Stories Of Our Lives Become Our Lasting Life Legacy.Members of the Julia and Frank Buhl Legacy Society will receive the following:Levels Of Giving:$500,000+$250,000+$100,000+$50,000+

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JULIA & FRANK BUHLOUR LIVING LEGACYB U H L P A R KRecognition of their name(s) engraved on the Pillar of Significance located at the Park.Access to exclusive Legacy Society events.Invitation and recognition at our annual Benefit Dinner.A welcoming gift based on their level of giving. $1,000,000+DIAMONDPLATINUMGOLDSILVERBRONZEBenefits Of Being In The Legacy SocietyOur Legacy Society is all-encompassing, with our current relationships with estate attorneys, financial planners, and insurance agents, we areable to provide an interested donor with guidance in any planned givingvehicle. We can work with your team to find the most beneficial way foryou to give. Recognizing donors who have made contributions, duringtheir lifetimes or by testamentary intentions, to the F.H. Buhl Farm Trustendowment extending the legacy of Julia and Frank Buhl. Our goal is toraise the trust to 30 million dollars in the next 10 years. The Everyday Life We Live Is The Legacy That We Leave. Yes, The Stories Of Our Lives BecomeOur Lasting Life Legacy.Members of the Julia and Frank Buhl Legacy Society will receive the following:Levels Of Giving:$500,000+$250,000+$100,000+$50,000+