Boise School DistrictG.A.T.E.A keen observer- sees the unusual,what may be overlooked by othersCritical of his/her own work; setshigh standards for quality; oftenreworks creation to refine/perfectElaborates on ideas from otherpeople- uses them as a "jumping-offpoint" as opposed to copying themAdvanced vocabulary for his/herage or grade levelLarge storehouse of informationabout a specific topic or a variety oftopicsAbility to grasp underlying principlesKeen or insightful observationsAbility to transfer learning from onesituation to anotherTypical Learning CharacteristicsiReady (math) scoresiStation (K-6 reading) scoresClassroom assessmentsAcademic Assessment Indicatorsat or near the 95th percentileA percentile is a score that indicates the rank of the studentcompared to others (same age or same grade), using a hypotheticalgroup of 100 students. A percentile of 25, for example, indicatesthat the student's test performance equals or exceeds 25 out of 100students on the same measure; a percentile of 87 indicates that thestudent equals or surpasses 87 out of 100 (or 87% of) students.Note that this is not the same as a "percent"-a percentile of 87 doesnot mean that the student answered 87% of the questionscorrectly.For more information please contact:Helga FrankensteinGifted Program What makes a child gifted andtalented may not always be goodgrades in school, but a different wayof looking at the world and learning.~Chuck GrassleyCreativity -Imaginative thinkingability -Ability to come up withunusual, unique, or clever responses-Ability to adapt,improve, or modifyobjects or ideasLeadership -Ability to articulate ideasand communicate well with others-Ability to organize and bringstructure to things, people,and situations-Tendency to direct anactivity when he or she isinvolvedwith othersThese characteristics are excerpts from theRenzulli Scales.Motivation -Ability to concentrateintently on a topic for along period of time-Tenacity for finding outinformation on topics ofinterest-Persistence whenpursuing goalsPlanning -Grasps individual stepsto a whole process-Good at games ofstrategy where it isnecessary to anticipateseveral moves ahead-Sees alternatives waysto distribute work orassign people toaccomplish a taskCommunication -Modifies and adjustsexpression and ideas formaximum reception-Expresses thoughts andneeds clearly andconcisely-Able to express ideas in avariety of alternate waysWhat does giftedlook like?
How do I refer mychild for theG.A.T.E. program?The first stepis talking to your child's teacher.Discuss academic performance andother characteristics they might beseeing in the classroom.If you and your child'steacher agree to refer,your child's teacher will submit ateacher inventory and referral tothe GATE committee for furtherreview.The committee will thenreview multiple data pointswhich include student scores,teacher and parent inventories,and any other information deemedimportant, to determine whetheryour child qualifies for furtherevaluation.Parents will receivea permission to test formif additional testing is deemednecessary. (The Boise SchoolDistrict does not test all referrals.Testing is only administered if theG.A.T.E. committee approves.)Parents will be notified if the teamdecides no further testing isindicated.What is giftededucation?According toIdaho Code §33-2001, Giftedand Talented children demonstrate highperforming capabilities in specificacademic areas and require services thatare not usually provided by the school.Why do we needgifted education?According to the NationalOrganization for Gifted andTalented Children (NAGC), "Giftedand talented students and thosewith high abilities need giftededucation programs that willchallenge them in regularclassroom settings and enrichmentand accelerated programs toenable them to make continuousprogress in school."The Five Gifted and Talented Areas:IntellectualSpecific AcademicLeadershipCreativityVisual/Performing ArtsWhat are theprogram options?Full-Time Gifted ClassroomsWhere: Assigned elementary schoolsthroughout the districtWhen: Students attend the full time GATEprogram every day in place of theirneighborhood school.Why: Students attend full time GATEclassrooms because of the quicker pacingand greater depth of content.Pull-Out Gifted ProgramWhere: Assigned elementary schoolsthroughout the districtWhen: One day a week fromapproximately 9:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. Busing isprovided.Why: Students attend the GATE pull-outclass because it allows them to attend theirneighborhood school while still having anopportunity to interact with students ofsimilar academic and intellectual abilities.Highly Gifted Full-Time GiftedClassroomsStudents who have a qualifying IQ score(full scale IQ of 133 or above) and superiorachievement scores are invited to apply forplacement in the Highly Gifted Program.See more here: