If you've never experienced visiting us at Kettle Marine, we invite you to do so.You'll find that from the moment you walk through our doors you'll be greetedwith a friendly smile and a hello from any of our staff members. We're there to make sure your entire experience is just the way you like it.Our experts are there to provide you with assistance when you want it and letyou browse freely when you don't. Our no pressure approach to working withyou is the core of our exceptional customer service philosophy.We are your one-stop shopping destination for all things boating. From fishing,pontoon boat and outboard sales, service, boat storage and a complete partsand accessories department, we've got you covered!Experience the difference at2 6 2 - 6 6 5 - 1 1 1 1C O N T A C T O U R S T O R E F O R M O R E D E T A I L S :A M Y @ K E T T L E M A R I N E . C O MW E W A N T T O B E Y O U R L O C A L R E S O U R C E F O R A L L O FY O U R B O A T I N G N E E D S .W 2 2 0 N 1 6 7 1 2 C O U N T Y R D . P , J A C K S O N , W I0 4 / 1 5 / 2 3 | 1 1 A M - 1 P MJ O I N U S F O R O U R " G E T T I N G T O K N O W K E T T L E " E V E N TM O R E D E T A I L S O N P A G E 5
INTRODUCINGB R A N D N E W L I N E SAt Kettle Marine, our focus is to offerthe top brand lines our customers arelooking for while providing exceptionalcustomer service during every step ofthe shopping experience. T O P L I N E D E A L E R
W220N16712 COUNTY RD P.JACKSON, WI 53037(262) 665-1111KETTLEMARINE.COMYour BOATING RESOURCEhometownB O A T I N G E X P E R T S At Kettle Marine, we prideourselves on providing top-notchcustomer service at everytouchpoint. Whether it's sales,service or getting the parts &accessories you need, when youneed them.We want to be your go-toresource for all of your localboating needs!P A R T S &A C C E S S O R I E S D E P T F U L L S E R V I C E D E P T & B O A T S T O R A G E Jake SchowalterScott Bilda262-665-1111service @kettlemarine.com262-665-1111parts@kettlemarine.comWyatt Schaefer
Your FISHING & PONTOON EXPERTShometownB O A T I N G E X P E R T S Ask our experienced sales experts at Kettle Marineto help you find exactly what you're looking for.Our associates have years of experience and arepassionate and knowledgeable about all of thelines we carry. If we don't have what you want in-stock, let us help you find it! F I S H I N G B O A T L I N E S P O N T O O N & T R I T O O N L I N E SGlen GierachMike Wojdacz262-665-1111sales@kettlemarine.com262-665-1111sales@kettlemarine.com
15You're invited toFR EE P ARKI NG | FRE E FO OD | NEW PRO D UCT REVI EW | FAC ILIT Y TO URSW2 20N1 6712 COU NTY ROAD P., JAC K SON , WI11AM to 1PMApril2023GET TO KNOW US ATKETTLE MARINEJoin us during our "Get to Know Kettle Marine" event and meet our staff,tour our facilities and get to know more about everything we have to offer!
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