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Getting Started as an Amazon Influencer

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Created by Kelly MirabellaBEGINNER'S GUIDE TO THEAMAZON INFLUENCER PROGRAMPlease note this guide is not Amazon official. Kelly Mirabella does not workfor Amazon nor is this guide endorsed by AmazonGETTING STARTED

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Welcome to my guidebook for new Amazon Influencers! My name isKelly Noble Mirabella, and I'm excited to share my insights and expertisewith you. As a social media expert and co-author of "Digital Etiquette forDummies," I've spent over 15 years helping individuals and businessessucceed in the digital world.I've been doing affiliate and brand ambassadorship for over ten years.I've worked as a partner with brands like iOgrapher, ManyChat,AgoraPulse, Ecamm, and many more. Through my experience, I'velearned what works and what doesn't when it comes to creating effectivecontent and building a successful online presence. Although I haveworked with many affiliate and brand partners, I can honestly say I haveyet to find a better program than the Amazon Influencer program.In this guidebook, I'll take you through the steps to set up yourinfluencer storefront, apply for onsite commission, and create effectivecontent that your followers will love. I hope this guidebook helps you onyour journey to becoming a successful Amazon Influencer. Kelly MirabellaDigital Marketing ExpertABOUT ME Let's get started!T I K T O K . C O M / @ R E A L K E L L Y M I R A B E L L A

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FIRST STEPSSetting up your Amazon Influencer storefront is the first step to building yourAmazon presence. Adding a header, profile photo, and any social links youwant to share is important to make your storefront look professional.You'll start earning commissions when you drive traffic to your AmazonInfluencer Storefront and shoppers purchase products from yourrecommendations. So, promoting your Storefront and sharing yourpersonalized links on all your social media platforms is essential. Doing soencourages your followers to shop, buy the recommended products, and earna commission for each sale.SETTING UP YOUR INFLUENCER STOREFRONTT I K T O K . C O M / @ R E A L K E L L Y M I R A B E L L ALearn more about setting up your Storefront:

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FIRST STEPSTo start using your personalized affiliate links, submit all your social mediaprofiles and anywhere you plan to share the links to your Associates Central.Make sure to do this for both your Associates and Influencer Store IDs. SUBMITTING YOUR SOCIAL PROFILES TOASSOCIATES CENTRAL T I K T O K . C O M / @ R E A L K E L L Y M I R A B E L L AYou can follow the instructions in this how-to video: YOURSELF WITH THE CREATORGUIDELINES The creator guidelines are a set of rules and best practices that AmazonInfluencers must follow. It's important to read through them carefully andtake note of the dos and don'ts of creating content. By following the creatorguidelines, you'll ensure that you're providing valuable information to yourfollowers and building trust with your audience.Check out the Guidelines on Amazon:

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FIRST STEPSThe Amazon Educators hub is a great resource for influencers who want tolearn more about the program and how to create great content. It's importantto explore the resources available to you and learn new ideas and bestpractices for creating content. By using the Educators Hub, you'll be able toimprove your skills as an influencer and create more effective content foryour followers.EXPLORING THE EDUCATORS HUB T I K T O K . C O M / @ R E A L K E L L Y M I R A B E L L ACheck out the Influencer University for all the details: FOR ONSITE COMMISSION Onsite commission is a feature of the Amazon Influencer Program that allowsinfluencers to earn a commission when their videos are placed on productpages. When an influencer's video is placed on a product page and a shopperclicks on the video and makes a purchase within 24 hours, the influencerearns a commission on the sale. The onsite commission feature is availableonly to influencers who have been approved for it, and it can significantlyincrease an influencer's earnings on the Amazon platform.

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Create and upload at least three high-quality videos to your AmazonInfluencer Storefront that comply with the Amazon Creator Guidelines.Wait for your videos to be reviewed by Amazon. Once your videos havebeen reviewed, you'll receive an email notification from Amazon with anupdate on your application status.If your application is approved, you'll be granted onsite commission andyour videos will start being placed on product pages.If your application is denied, you'll have two more attempts to upload andsubmit three more videos that comply with the Amazon CreatorGuidelines.Keep in mind that Amazon's decision to grant onsite commission is basedon the quality of your videos and compliance with the Creator Guidelines.So, it's essential to put effort and time into creating high-quality videosthat meet Amazon's standards.To apply for onsite commission and unlock the feature, follow these steps: following these steps and creating high-quality videos, you can increaseyour chances of unlocking onsite commission and earning more commissionsfrom your Amazon Influencer Storefront.FIRST STEPSAPPLYING FOR ONSITET I K T O K . C O M / @ R E A L K E L L Y M I R A B E L L ALearn more about Onsite commissions:

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Follow the Amazon Creator Guidelines: Make sure that your videoscomply with the Amazon Creator Guidelines. This includes using high-quality video and audio, avoiding any mentions of prices, QR codes orbarcodes, and not using words like "dupe" or "fake."Use Horizontal Videos: While not required, horizontal videos arerecommended as they are the most likely format to show up on productdetail pages. Remember, onsite is about placement, so we want to createvideo styles based on the placement we want. In this case, product pages.Keep your videos distraction-free: Remove any unnecessary distractions,such as background noise or visual clutter. This will make it easier forviewers to focus on the product you're showcasing.Use natural voice: Use your natural voice to provide information about theproduct. Avoid using any robotic or AI voices, as they can come across asinsincere. Also do not upload videos with no sound at all.Keep your videos family-friendly: Do not include any alcohol, mention ofalcohol, or children in your videos.Use good lighting and sound quality: Use good lighting and if possible, alapel mic to ensure that the audio quality is clear and easy to hear.Edit your videos: Take the time to edit your videos to make them look andsound great. You can use editing apps like InShot or VM to edit yourvideos from your phone.There are several video best practices that can help you get approved foronsite commission: following these video best practices, you'll create high-quality videos thatcomply with the Amazon Creator Guidelines and increase your chances ofgetting approved for onsite commission.FIRST STEPSFIRST VIDEOS BEST PRACTICEST I K T O K . C O M / @ R E A L K E L L Y M I R A B E L L A

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Create and Share Idea Lists: Create and share idea lists with yourfollowers. These lists can include your favorite products, gift guides, orany other creative lists that your followers will find helpful.Create and Share Shoppable Photos: Create and share shoppable photoson your social media platforms. These photos can showcase products andinclude a link to your Amazon Influencer Storefront for easy shopping.Do Live Streams on Amazon: Engage with your followers by doing livestreams on Amazon. This is a great way to answer questions aboutproducts and showcase your expertise as an influencer.Share Affiliate Links on Social: Share your personalized affiliate links onyour social media platforms. This is a great way to encourage yourfollowers to shop and earn a commission on their purchases.Create and Upload Videos to YouTube, Instagram, TikTok, or OtherPlatforms: You can create and upload videos to other social mediaplatforms, besides Amazon. Just be sure to add your disclosures and youraffiliate links, and register the social networks to your Associates Central.While waiting for your onsite commission to get approved, there are severalthings you can do to keep building your presence and increasing yourearnings on Amazon: doing these activities, you'll keep building your online presence, engagingwith your followers, and promoting your products effectively. And once youronsite commission is approved, you'll be ready to start earning morecommissions from your Amazon Influencer Storefront.FIRST STEPSACTIVITIES WHILE YOU WAIT FOR ONSITET I K T O K . C O M / @ R E A L K E L L Y M I R A B E L L A

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Walk around your house and make a list of all the products you own thatare currently sold on Amazon. This is now your "video shoot list."Start creating more videos: There is no limit to how many videos you canmake per product, but it's important to create videos that are helpful andinformative to your audience. Consider creating demonstration videos,reviews, and unboxings.Create and upload more shoppable videos: There is a direct correlationbetween the number of videos you create and the commissions you earn.So, keep creating shoppable videos that showcase products in creativeand informative ways.Check your reports once a month: Look for opportunities to improve yourcontent and increase your earnings. You can use the insights provided byAmazon to see which products are popular and which ones you couldpromote more effectively.Once you get approved for onsite commission, you can start creating anduploading more videos to your Amazon Influencer Storefront. Here are somesteps to take after you get onsite approval:, creating high-quality videos that comply with the AmazonCreator Guidelines and focusing on providing value to your audience is thekey to success as an Amazon Influencer. Keep creating great content,engaging with your followers, and promoting your products effectively, andyou'll be on your way to earning more commissions from your AmazonInfluencer Storefront.FIRST STEPSAFTER YOU ARE APPROVED FOR ONSITET I K T O K . C O M / @ R E A L K E L L Y M I R A B E L L A

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RESOURCESFURTHER LEARNINGHow I make my thumbnails: I edit my videos on my phone with InShot: compliant while sharing affiliate links:

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Sharing affiliate links in private communities, emails, SMS, or privatemessages.Including Amazon packaging or logos in your videos.Promoting restricted products.Using deceptive practices, such as creating fake reviews or using fakeaccounts.Using words like "fake" or "dupe" when referring to products.Violating Amazon's Creator Guidelines when creating videos orpromoting products.As an Amazon Influencer, it's important to adhere to Amazon's policies andguidelines to ensure a positive relationship with the platform and continue toearn commissions from your Amazon Influencer Storefront. Here are somethings to avoid doing as an Amazon Influencer:'s important to keep in mind that Amazon regularly monitors its InfluencerProgram for compliance with these policies and guidelines. Violating any ofthese rules can result in the suspension or termination of your AmazonInfluencer account, which can harm your online reputation and reduce yourearning potential.By avoiding these actions and following Amazon's policies and guidelines, youcan maintain a positive relationship with Amazon, ensure a successfulpartnership, and continue to earn commissions from your Amazon InfluencerStorefront.DON'T DO ITRead the Amazon Program Policies at

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I N F L U E N C E R G U I D E B O O KK E L L Y M I R A B E L L AC H EC K O F F Y O U R P A T H T O S U C C E S S A S A N A M A Z O N I N F L U E N C E RChecklistI N F L U E N C E RSet up your StorefrontSubmit your social media and web links to Associate CentralFamiliarize yourself with video guidelines and policiesApply for Onsite CommissionCreate an idea list (or more)Upload a shoppable image (or more)Do a livestream on AmazonUpload & Share videos to social. Include affiliate links.Make your video shoot listCreate and upload videos to storefront (after onsite is approved)Check reports monthly.Keep going and have fun!