TA BL E OF C ON T E N T S Game Components List 2 Player Set Up 4 Table Set Up 6 How To Play The Game 8 Action Card Breakdown 9 Upgrading Action Cards 10 Burst Card Breakdown 10 Card Effects Glossary 11 Enemy Card Breakdown 12 Enemy Abilities Effects 13 Turn Counter 14 Boss Fight 15 Elemental Reactions 16 OV ERV IEW Hello there Traveler would you care to sit and join me in a game of strategy teamwork and divination The world of Teyvat is full of dangers and you seem in dire need of some rest In Genshin tarot 1 to 4 players will each assemble a unique team of 4 characters from the world of Teyvat and co operate to challenge a fierce Boss from Genshin Impact You ll create a unique deck of Action Cards by combining the cards of your team s 4 characters learn the different combos and interactions they provide spend Mora to upgrade your character s Action Cards and activate powerful Elemental Bursts to defeat the waves of enemies between you and the Boss If any one player falls in battle everyone loses So you must offer a helping hand to your allies when they need it and ensure no person is left behind Build up your deck carefully confront the Boss as a unified front and test your mettle in Genshin Tarot
GAME COMPONENTS LIST 60 Mora Tokens Worth 1 and 5 24 Shield Tokens Reversible 1 and 2 40 Damage Tokens Reversible 1 and 2 138 Action Cards 6 per character 92 Upgraded Action Cards 4 per character 108 Element Tokens 18 of each element 4 Player Aid Cards 23 Character Card Dividers 20 Action Point AP Trackers 12 Player Resource Trackers HP Energy and Guard 16 Ley Line Disorder Cards 30 Positive Status Cards Dash and Overheat 2 1 Turn Tracker 4 Player Boards 7 Large Damage Tokens Reversible 5 and 10 2 Six Sided Dice 30 Negative Status Cards Burn and Freeze 23 Elemental Burst Cards 3 Boss Boards and 5 Boss Cards 22 Character Tarot Cards 40 Enemy Cards and 16 Royal Enemy Cards 3
PLAYER SET UP STEP 5 Place the Freeze Burn Dash and Overheat status cards in their own piles STEP 1 In 3 4 player games create 2 piles of each status card and place them in oposite corners of the table for easy access to all players STEP 6 Shuffle the deck of Character Tarot cards then deal 5 cards to each player Each player discards 1 and keeps the other 4 to form their party The World XXII represents both Lumine and Aether You can pick either one to join your party but not both Place your HP resource tracker on 12 then place your Energy and Guard resource trackers on 0 Place 5 Action Point AP trackers in front of you to track your AP usage You have 3 AP at the start of each turn Tip Try to make sure your party has at least 3 different elements 1 5 Example You are dealt 5 Tarot Cards Qiqi The Traveler Fischl Tartaglia and Noelle You discard Noelle and keep the other 4 to form your team For The World card you pick Lumine instead of Aether STEP 2 STEP 3 Collect your 4 characters Burst Cards and place them on your player board 2 Collect your characters non upgraded Action Cards 6 each 24 total and select 20 of them to form your game deck For your first game we recommend taking 3 copies of each character s Normal Attack cards 4 6 and 2 copies of their Elemental Skill cards STEP 4 Put the upgraded versions of each character s Action Cards 4 each 16 total next to your player board Put the 4 unused non upgraded Action cards next to your player board Seperate these cards into 4 piles for each of your 4 characters for easy access Tip Knowing which cards to upgrade to maximize your team s synergy is key to success 4 6 5 3 4
TABLE SET UP STEP 7 Select a Boss to challenge for your game If this is your first game we recommend starting with Dvalin Place the Boss Board face down in the center of the table so that the turn counter clock is showing STEP 8 8 Deal each player 3 face down Royal Enemy cards Lay these 3 face down in a row against the Boss Board STEP 9 7 PL AY ER 3 11 PL AY ER 2 PL AY ER 4 10 9 Deal each player 8 face down Basic Enemy cards These are stacked in a brick pattern see example First a row of 2 then 3 then 2 and finally 1 STEP 10 STEP 11 Shuffle the Ley Line cards and place them in the middle of the Boss Board Place the turn counter on XII You ll move the turn tracker to I at the start of the first turn STEP 12 STEP 13 Place the various elements Mora damage and enemy Shield tokens within reach Give each player a Player Aid card 12 12 15 The front lists out the gameplay phases and the back has a chart of all Elemental Reactions In 3 4 player games create 2 piles of each token and place them in oposite corners of the table for easy access to all players STEP 14 STEP 15 Each player draws 5 cards from their action deck Reveal the first Enemy card for each player If the enemy has an on reveal effect it is immediately resolved 13 Tip Genshin Tarot is meant to be challenging If this is your first time playing a deck builder start the game with 3 Mora and 3 Energy as a handicap 6 7 PL AY ER 1
HOW TO PLAY ACTION CARD BREAKDOWN Genshin Tarot is played over the course of multiple turns Each turn is divided into 2 parts The Player Phase and The Enemy Phase PL AY I NG AC T ION C A R DS Action Cards are the core of Genshin Tarot Playing them is the primary way players will defeat the enemies PL AY ER PH A SE OV ERV I E W START of each Player Phase ENEMY PH A SE OV ERV IEW Once an Action Card is played its effects are resolved from top to bottom and cannot be interrupted by other abilities START of each Enemy Phase 1 Progress the turn counter by 1 On the first turn you ll progress from XII to I 2 All players reset Guard to 0 3 All players reset Action Points AP to 3 4 Resolve start of turn effects in any order 5 Reveal Ley Line Cards if needed Ref Pg 14 Unspent Action Points DO NOT carry over to your next turn You always start a Player Phase with 3 Action Points All faceup enemies in your zone from left to right attack you You take damage equal to that enemy s attack If you have any Guard the damage reduces your Guard until you have no Guard left then reduces your HP 1 NA ME END of each Enemy Phase 2 AP COST Reveal all unobstructed facedown enemies even if they are in different rows If an enemy has an On Reveal effect it is resolved immediately DURING each Player Phase You may freely perform the following Spend Action Points AP to play Action Cards Ref Pg 9 11 Spend 5 Mora to Upgrade an Action Card Ref Pg 10 Spend 3 Mora to buy an non upgraded Action Card Ref Pg 10 Spend Energy to activate an Elemental Burst Ref Pg 10 AFTER BOSS IS REVEALED START of each Enemy Phase Before enemies attack the Boss will roll 1d6 and perform a corresponding attack against the players Some Bosses may have different rules Follow the instructions on the Boss Board 4 CARD TYPE 3 EFFECT The Boss is revealed IMMEDIATELY when a player defeats all enemies in their Zone If another player still has enemies in their Zone they will be attacked by both the Boss AND the enemies in their Zone on the Enemy Phase All players act simultaneously during this phase and there is no limit to how many times you can perform each of the above options as long as you have the resources to pay If you have no enemies remaining in front of you you may choose to flip over an unobstructed enemy Any on reveal effects are resolved immediately if you choose to do so A RTIST Tip Players who are progressing too fast should help their allies Try to face the Boss as a united front Once ALL players have declared they are finished with their actions the Player Phase ends V IC TORY CON DI T IONS Once the Boss is defeated the player wins END of each Player Phase 1 All players discard all remaining cards in their hand 2 All players draw a new hand of 5 cards LOSS CONDITIONS 8 Name Upgraded Action Cards end with a symbol 2 AP Cost The number of Action Points AP it costs to play this card Most cards cost 1 AP but some can cost 0 or 2 The AP Cost can change when a card is upgraded 3 Effect The effects of the card when played Always resolved top down 4 Card Type There are 2 types of Action Cards Normal Attacks and Elemental Skills Certain effects will reference which type of Action Cards are relevant to the effect If any player s HP falls to 0 at any time all players lose If the turn counter progresses to XII because the Boss was not revealed all players lose If your deck is empty at any time you need to draw shuffle your discard into a new deck 1 9
UPGRADING ACTION CARDS KEY WORDS GLOSSARY During the Player Phase you can spend 5 Mora to upgrade any Action Card in your hand You cannot upgrade a card you have already played You cannot upgrade a card if there are no more upgraded versions of that card available This DOES NOT spend any Action Points AP When upgrading a card that card is trashed removed from the game and the upgraded version is added directly into your hand This means you can play the newly upgraded card on your turn immediately Apply X element You cannot apply the same element to an enemy twice Applying a second element triggers an Elemental Reaction Ref Pg 16 Damage Enemies with Shield tokens do not take any damage Ref Pg 12 Shield tokens are primarily removed via Elemental Reactions Ref Pg 16 Discard Your discard is filled with cards you ve played or discarded When your deck is empty shuffle your entire discard and form a new deck with it Energy Energy cannot be increased beyond the maximum of 12 Energy is spent to activate Elemental Bursts You can activate as many bursts as you can afford Guard Guard cannot be increased beyond the maximum of 12 When you take damage decrease your Guard instead of HP first You lose any remaining Guard at the start of each Player Phase HP HP cannot be increased beyond the maximum of 12 When an enemy attacks you reduce your HP by their attack When a player s HP reaches zero the game is over for everyone Piercing Damage Piercing damage is dealt even if the enemy has Shield tokens Roll 1d6 Notation stands for d 1d6 means roll one 6 sided die 2d6 would mean rolling two 6 sided dice Shield Enemies have a Shield value Ref Pg 12 Shield tokens are placed on the enemy when they are revealed Enemies with Shield tokens cannot take damage unless it is Piercing Trash Trashing a card means to remove it from the game Status cards when trashed are returned to the corresponding status card pile Zone A Zone is the collection of enemies in front of a player Each player has their own Zone of enemies 5 MOR A BU Y ING NON UPGR A DED ACTION C A R DS During the Player Phase you can spend 3 Mora to purchase an unused non upgraded action card adding it directly into your hand You can play the newly purchased card on your turn immediately This DOES NOT spend any Action Points AP BURST CARD BREAKDOWN Each character comes with a unique Elemental Burst ability During the Player Phase you can spend Energy equal to an Elemental Burst s cost to activate it This DOES NOT spend any Action Points AP There is no limit to how many Elemental Bursts you can use as long as you can pay the Energy costs Tip Hydro reactions generate Energy the fastest ENERGY COST A RTIST BURST EFFECT 10 11
ENEMY CARD BREAKDOWN ENEMY ABILITIES EFFECTS 1 HP 2 MOR A R EV EA LING ENEMY CA RDS At the end of the Enemy Phase unobstructed enemy cards are revealed Unobstructed means the facedown enemy card has no cards on top of it If the enemy has Shields immediately place that many Shield tokens on the Enemy If the enemy has an On Reveal effect it resolves immediately Royal Enemy cards have a gold border but are structurally the same as Basic Enemies Tip Enemy passive effects that check If I damage you like Cryo Whopperflower s can be prevented if you have enough Guard to absorb all the damage 3 AT TACK 4 SHIELDS 5 ABILITIES A RTIST 1 2 3 4 3 HP Mora Attack Shields Abilities How much HP the enemy has Once an Enemy has damage equal to their HP it is defeated How much Mora this enemy gives you when defeated The Zone determines who gets the Mora so even if you defeat an enemy in another player s Zone you do not steal the Mora How much damage the enemy deals to you when it attacks If you have Guard it is decreased first How many Shield tokens the enemy begins with when revealed Enemies with Shield Tokens TAKE NO DAMAGE unless it is piercing 1 Shield Token is removed each time a Elemental Reaction triggers Ref Pg 16 Enemies can have 3 types of Abilities On Reveal On Death and Passive 12 ENEMY EFFECT TYPES On Reveal Trigger this ability when this enemy is revealed On Death Trigger this ability when this enemy is defeated Passive This ability is always in effect but it may describe a specific condition for its activation BUR N FR EEZE CA R DS Burn and Freeze cards just like Overheat and Dash cards are status cards Status cards behave the same way as Action Cards but are not considered Action Cards Status cards can be played from your hand Resolve their effects immediately when they are played Status cards do not cost Action Points to play 13
TURN COUNTER GA M E BOA R D T U R N COU N T ER t the center of the game table is the Boss Board It starts the game on its dormant domain side This A side has a 12 turn clock If the turn counter hits 12 the game is lost Tip This means you only have 11 Player Phases not 12 to reach the Boss BOSS FIGHT THE BOSS IS NOW R EV E A LED After the Boss is revealed the turn counter Ley Line Disorder cards are removed from the game Ley Line Disorder cards are no longer revealed at the start of future player turns he Boss s HP and Shield values are listed in the top right corner and are determined by the T number of players The more players playing the stronger the Boss is Tip The number of Ley Line Disorder cards revealed at the start of the Player Phase is indicated by the card icons next to the Turn Number on the Clock Tip Some Bosses come with unique cards to be used in tandem Make sure to read the Boss Board carefully when revealed III VI IX LEY LINE DISOR DERS BAT T L I NG T H E BOS S When a Ley Line Disorder card is revealed resolve its effects immediately before revealing the next card At the start of the enemy phase roll 1d6 then execute the corresponding Boss action on the Boss Board Once all Ley Line Disorder cards are revealed for the turn shuffle them back into the deck These Boss actions affect ALL players even those who still have enemies remaining in their Zone At the start of Turn 3 1 Ley Line Disorder card is revealed each turn At the start of Turn 6 2 Ley Line Disorder cards are revealed instead of 1 At the start of Turn 9 3 Ley Line Disorder cards are revealed instead of 1 14 Players with enemies remaining in their Zone do not consider the Boss to be in their Zone Bosses have multiple passives These effects are permanently in play for all players once the Boss has been revealed The players win once the Boss HP reaches 0 15
ELEMENTAL REACTION CHART T R IG GE R I NG E L E M E N TA L R E AC T IONS EXPANSIONS To apply X element simply take that element s token and place it on the enemy s card If the enemy already has a different element applied an Elemental Reaction is triggered The reaction type is determined by the second element that was applied The chart below tells you what the reaction does ALL REACTIONS remove 1 Shield toke from the enemy An enemy cannot be applied with the same element twice If an enemy already has the element you are trying to apply the application fails Elemental Reaction effects are resolved immediately interrupting whatever effect allowed you to apply the element Please be sure to follow us GenshinTarot Our team will be working on expanding the main character deck as new characters are released We hope to eventually fill out all of the Minor Arcana cards with playable characters starting with the Sword Arcana expansion Remove both element tokens from the enemy after resolving the reaction Each Minor Arcana expansion will include 14 Character Tarot Cards If you re able to apply multiple elements at the same time due to stacking effects the player s choose the order in which the elements are applied 140 Character Action Cards The player who triggered the reaction is the one who gains it s effects Tip Help your allies by applying elements to their enemies to set them up for reactions 14 Character Burst Cards 14 Card Dividers 1 Storage Box Add 1 Dash Card to your discard Gain 2 Energy give 1 player 2 Guard Deal 2 Piercing Damage gain 1 Energy Add 1 Overheat Card to your discard Gain 3 Energy Destroy 1 extra Shield and gain 2 Energy OV E R H E AT DA S H C A R DS Overheat and Dash cards just like Burn and Freeze cards are status cards Status cards behave the same way as Action Cards but are not considered Action Cards Status cards can be played from your hand Resolve their effects immediately when they are played Status cards do not cost Action Points to play 16 We also want to make more boss and enemy cards as well but the base game will need to sell out before we can commit to a full expansion If we successfully make all 4 expansions we ll also make another Anthology artbook to feature all of their art So please post pictures of your game on social media tag us and tell your friends Lets make Genshin Tarot a success 17