Assessment and Revision Lurgan JHS
Examinations at Lurgan JHSThe following subjects are examined in Years 8&9:● Maths, English (2 papers), Science, ● History, Geography, HE,● Technology, RE, Music**Core Subjects (English, Maths & Science) are given double weighting due to their importance and additional timetable allocation.This year the examinations begin on Wednesday 2 December and end on Friday 11 December. A timetable of examinations for your Year Group will be issued by your Form Teacher. It is vital for all of you to prepare well for the exams this year.
Examinations at Lurgan JHSYou will all have targets drawn from the standardised tests you took in Year 8.The report received by your parents after examinations will include a traffic light system, showing whether you have met your targets in each subject.From this Christmas, the report with your results will be sent directly to your parents via the Sims Parent App.
Examinations at Lurgan JHSIn Lurgan JHS current Year 9 pupils will have 30% of the Summer Examination marks included in their transfer marks for their next school. This ensures you will continue to feel motivated throughout your time at the school.
(Year 9 Pupils )Remember, these exams are excellent practice for you. As well as the report for these exams, you will receive a report in June with the results of your exams and how much of the 30% of next year’s exam marks you have already earned in the subjects which contribute to transfer to your next school.Reports will continue to focus on whether you have met your individual subject target and your overall class place will be displayed.Your overall rank order place will also be sent home and it will be up to your parents if they decide to share this information with you.
(Year 10 Pupils )You will receive a report after the December exams with the results of your exams and how much of the 40% of next year’s exam marks you have already earned in the subjects which contribute to transfer to your next school.Reports will continue to focus on whether you have met your individual subject target and your overall class place will be displayed.Your overall rank order place will also be sent home and it will be up to your parents if they decide to share this information with you.
Exam RevisionLurgan JHS
What does revision mean?It comes from the Latin word‘videre’ meaning to look or see.In other words, it means to go and look again at something you have already focused on, but to look at in a different way.NASA Astronaut: "When we originally went to the moon, our total focus was on the moon. We weren't thinking about looking back at the Earth. But now that we've done it, that may well have been the most important reason we went. Seeing Earth from this vantage point gave me a unique perspective —...the realization that we are all traveling together on the planet...”.
Revision - what works best?When your parents and teachers say - “do some revision”, what things are you doing the most ???????
Revision - what works best?● Make a plan - and stick to it. Your Form Teacher and your parents can help;● Start early, then revisit these topics again later;● Have a quiet place to work;● Organise the information you need to study for each subject (workbooks, notebooks);● Use Apps and websites which can help you practice e.g. Quizlet, BBC Bitesize.
Revision - what works best?High EffectivenessModerate EffectivenessLow Effectiveness· Practice Testing (quizzes, past paper questions, examples of tasks)· Distributed Practice(returning to topics again and again)· Interleaved practice (chunking up and mixing up topics)· Elaborative interrogation (asking ‘why’ and making connections)· Self-explanation (linking new information to existing information)● X-box / Snapchat / Playstation● Summarising● Highlighting & underlining● Rereading
Revision - what works best?● Practice using Apps like Quizlet:●● These apps allow you to use or create your own digital flashcards for learning key terms;● They have games and tests which mark themselves, giving you different ways to practice learning the knowledge;● Any subject can be included;● Your Form Teacher can show you how this works in class, then download the App at home and show your parents.
Practice testing (0ver time) -what does that look like?● Choose a topic e.g. fractions, the Normans, the water cycle;● Spend 15-20 minutes maximum to identify the main points e.g. dates, names, processes or operations;● Look at previous questions you were asked in class or find similar questions e.g. revision booklets, online etc and create a short test (perhaps using Quizlet);● Review your answers yourself with a mark scheme or get a family member to help● Identify areas you were not clear on – for further revision● Remember to plan more test questions on the same topic for next week!
Practice Testing - e.g. Picture Prompts
Notes on Reproduction using Picture Prompts
Flash CardsRecommended flashcard makers:● Tinycards - Flashcards by Duolingo● Quizlet● Flashcards+ by Chegg● StudyBlue● Flashcards with Cram● AnkiApp Flashcards● Brainscape - Smart Flashcards● Flashcards Deluxe
Exam Technique -how to be successfulLurgan JHS
Exam technique● Research shows most people lose marks in the questions at the end of the exam or by leaving questions blank - no answer.Solutions:● Make sure you always attempt every question;● Check the time regularly;● Never sit with the exam paper closed with 15 minutes to go;● Keep checking and correcting your answers & give an answer for every question;● If you are running short of time, try to give a part answer to each of the remaining questions. You can write bullet point answers rather than whole sentences.
Exam technique ● Research also shows that many people lose marks if they do not know how to properly answer the different types of question used in each subject area.Solutions:● Practice constantly on previous questions for that subject;● Look at any mark schemes your teacher has shared with you to understand what they are looking for when you are answering questions.
Exam technique ● Research shows most people do worse in subjects whose exam is at the end of the week of tests.Solution:● Make sure you plan to leave time to revise for the exams at the end of the week - they are just as important as the others!