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AB1732 For Facility Managers

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Are You Ready forthe Gender-NeutralRestroom Law?Question: ?? © 2017 ADA Sign Products  

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Assembly Bill1732Changes RegulationsGoverningSingle-User Restroomsin California§§

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MENWOMENIf your facility orplace of businesshas single-user restrooms, (this means restrooms with only one toiletand a lock on the door) and your signslook like these... §§

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...your signs need to changefromthis:tothis:by March 1st, 2017

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Recap:by March 1st, 2017All Single-UserRestrooms BUY HERE:

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??Confused?The ADA Sign LadyCan Help!

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More Details: Door SymbolsThis is the CA Title 24 geometricdoor symbol. It is required on allrestrooms, accessible or not.The wheelchair is optional and onlyfor accessible restrooms.The circle is required to contrast withthe door. This blue door needs a lightcolored circle.These light coloreddoors need a dark colored circle.

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More Details: Wall SignsThis is the ADA restroom wall sign.This is the sign on the latchside ofthe restroom door and requirestactile (raised) text and braille.The pictogram is not required butrecommended because it makesthe sign more visible, recognizableand more accessible.This particular pictogram is 100%gender-neutral

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Another ThingDo NOT go tothe big boxhardware storeand buy one ofthese:There are several codeviolations associated withthis sign, even if the “experts”at the store tell you this is allyou need.

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