Message Dear Glendale-River Hills Community,As we enter the second half of the 2024-25 school year, we arethrilled to share our progress toward our Strategic Plan. This planrepresents more than just our vision for the future—it’s a testamentto the incredible support and trust you have placed in us through thesuccessful fall 2024 referendum.Thanks to your unwavering commitment to education, we are poisedto make significant strides in providing enhanced opportunities forour students. The strategic plan outlines bold initiatives designed toelevate learning experiences, strengthen community connections,and ensure that Parkway Elementary and Glen Hills Middle Schoolcontinue to be pillars of excellence in our district.We encourage you to dive into our Strategic Plan and discover theexciting transformations taking shape. This is more than a plan—it’sa shared journey toward a future where our schools reflect thevalues and aspirations of our incredible community.On behalf of the staff, students, and families thank you for being ourpartners in this endeavor. Together, we are shaping a legacy ofexcellence and opportunity that will benefit generations to come. In partnership with you, Anna M. Young, Interim SuperintendentGlendale-River HillsSchoolDistrictOur VisionA community thatpursues equity,where each personbelongs andthrives. Our MissionEmpowering growth,connection, andsuccess for allmembers of ourlearningcommunity. Strategic PillarsWhole Child Growth & SuccessWhole Child Growth & SuccessEmpowered CommunityEmpowered CommunityExceptional Staff, ExceptionalExceptional Staff, Exceptional LeadershipLeadership Equiitable StewardshipEquiitable Stewardship
The WI Forward Exam, is administered to all students in grades 3-8 in the State ofWisconsin to measure proficiency and growth across key subject areas. Thisyear, our district has much to celebrate, showcasing significant progress andoutperforming state averages in several areas.District-Wide AchievementsThe percentage of students scoring proficient or advanced increased inall four subjects.Our district exceeded state averages in three out of four subjects.These results reflect the dedication and collaboration of our entire schoolcommunity. Teachers have implemented innovative strategies and approachesto meet students where they are. Families have played a vital role in supportinglearning at home, and our students have shown remarkable determination toachieve their best.While we celebrate these achievements, we remain focused on sustaining andbuilding upon this momentum. Whole Child Growth & SuccessExceptional Staff, Exceptional Leadership Literacy is at the heart of student success. Our Early Literacy Leadership Team (ELLT) hasmade tremendous strides in transforming how we support literacy success for all students. The dedicated members of the ELLT are: Dr. Haydee Smith, Ryan Kroeger, Laura Hoff, KelliWeiss-Golatke, Jennica Stick, Tess Kautzer, Nicole Birkel, Jennifer Wampole, Amy Zunker,Samantha Malone, Marney Schossow, Krissy Russell, Samantha Backer, Amanda Marks,Shawon Turnch, Peggy Rodriguez, Hailey Weaver, Sara Kramer, Katherine Schneider, andJenny DeLaPasqua.The team has achieved several milestones this year:Successfully launched the 95% Core Curriculum for Grades K5–5th, ensuring studentshave access to high-quality phonics instruction.Sharing research-based literacy practices learned through the Literacy LeadershipInstitute with staff.Each grade level at Parkway has a dedicated ELLT member to support theimplementation of ACT 20 and support state assessments.The Early Literacy Leadership Team's work exemplifies collaboration, innovation, anddedication to student success. Their commitment to advancing literacy reflects our sharedbelief in the power of education.
Empowered Community Equitable Stewardship The Glendale-River Hills School District believes that every studentdeserves the opportunity to succeed, and that starts with a sharedvision for our schools. To empower success for all students, we arelaunching Shaping the Future Together: Empowering Success forGDRH and we need your voice!Together, we will aim to align a vision for the future of our schools thatreflects the aspirations of students, parents, educators, and thebroader community. Your input will help shape the educationalexperience for current and future generations.We’re assembling a dedicated committee of key communitysupporters to guide this initiative. Residents, local business owners,community leaders, parents/guardians, Glen Hills staff, Parkway staff,Nicolet staff, school board members, former students, and currentstudents are encouraged to sign up for one of the following sessions: Saturday Feb. 22nd 8am-10am OR Wednesday Feb. 26th 6pm-8pmThis is a great opportunity to collaborate with others who share youryour interest for the future of education in GDRH. RSVP today byvisiting or using the QR codeto the left. GDRH extends its gratitude to our incredible community for supporting therecent referendum. Your commitment to education ensures exceptionallearning opportunities for our students. Here are some of the ways yoursupport is making a difference:Continued Excellence in Music Education Thanks to your backing, we are ableto maintain daily music instruction for students including offerings in Band,Orchestra, Choir, and General Music, enriching the lives of learners through thepower of music. Sustained Science, Technology, Engineering, and Arts Programs Studentscontinue to explore science through authentic projects, partnering withorganizations like UW-Milwaukee, answering design challenges throughcareer related programs, and creating authentic art using multiple mediums.This learning inspires curiosity and real-world thinking. Maintaining Optimal Class Sizes Your investment ensures that class sizes atboth schools remain within optimal ranges, allowing teachers to deliver high-quality, personalized instruction to every student.We remain steadfast in improving fiscal practices to support balancedbudgeting. By leveraging financial forecast models and data, we are effectivelyplanning for future budgets that ensure operational efficiency, retention of high-quality staff and outstanding educational programs. InformationInformationSat. Feb 228-10amWed. Feb. 266-8pmOR
Spotlight on Learning ARTThrough Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Mathematics, Ms. Clark’s S.T.E.A.M.classroom is a vibrant space where creativity and collaboration thrive. Fourth graders are diving into Earth’s history by creating geological timelines basedon fossil records and learning fascinating connections, like how DNA evidence linksdomesticated chickens to the mighty Tyrannosaurus Rex. Fifth graders are studying Earth’s revolution around the sun, exploring seasonalchanges, and celebrating the Winter Solstice while discovering phenomena like PolarNights and the Midnight Sun. S.T.E.A.M.Sixth and seventh graders have beenengineering enrichment activities for Mrs.Miracle, Band Teacher’s chicks usingsimple machines and learning from UWMEnvironmental Ethics students aboutwater conservation and ethical problem-solving. Eighth graders are reimagining the futureof food by rebooting the classroomhydroponic system and designinginnovative farming practices forsustainable communities. Across allgrades, students also honing theirproblem solving around real-worldchallenges.
Tech EdTech Ed at Glen Hills is equipping students with skills that will serve them for years to come.From hands-on woodworking projects to advanced CAD design, Mr. Savagian’s classroomis a dynamic space where students build practical skills and explore new technologies. Younger students, like the 4th and 5th graders, are honing their fine motor skills with scrollsaws and hand tools, crafting keepsake boxes and wooden letters. Sixth graders are divinginto the world of CAD technologies, gaining skills in digital design. Meanwhile, 7th and 8thgraders are exploring advanced tools like CNC machines and epoxy resin, creatingprofessional-level designs preparing them for future high school courses. The Parkway art room has been a hub of creativity,learning, and inspiration. Under Art Teacher, AngelaMalcom’s guidance, students are encouraged to SEE,WONDER, and CONNECT their learning through artisticexplorations. By integrating the pillars of CREATE,RESPOND, CONNECT, and PRESENT, Ms. Malcomensures that her students not only develop technicalskills but also cultivate an appreciation for the artisticprocess and its impact on their lives and community.Art
School BoardCarla Pennington-Cross, Board PresidentDanielle Bailey,Vice PresidentKarn Cronwell, TreasurerKatie Avalos, Board ClerkChris Robinson, Assistant Clerk Board meeting dates andagendas can be found at: W. Mill Rd. Glendale, WI 53209 V O L U N T E E R A T O U R S C H O O L SA T T E N D B O A R D M E E T I N G SA D V O C A T E F O R P U B L I C S C H O O L SC O M E T O A S C H O O L E V E N TS U P P O R T T H E G D R H F O U N D A T I O N J O I N T H E P T OHow can I get involved? B E C O M E A S U B S T I T U T E T E A C H E R