From The Desk of The Most Reverend Dr Sterling Lands II Senior Pastor Dearly Beloved I greet you in the Name of Jesus Christ who died was buried and did get up from the grave for our deliverance This is our 31st year of ministry as a family in Austin Texas God has brought us We have come this far by faith I thank God for His grace and mercy We are enjoying the front end of our best days During the Watch service closing prayer I was directed to tell you that 2015 is our championship year We will encounter many challenges and we will be more than conquerors in each and every one of them This is just the beginning We are excited by what God is doing We enjoy a praise and worship experience where families are free to praise and worship in spirit and in truth and where they can bring unsaved families and friends without embarrassment We have an action plan to develop train and send out Christ centered servant warrior leaders to win souls to Christ We rely totally on the anointing of God and we invest our gifts skills talent time and treasure to the glory of God We love and obey the God of Scripture and claim true freedom in Christ Our mission is to win souls to Christ make disciples and develop Christ centered families of high integrity as a Kingdom priority live free serve one another and worship God We rid ourselves of whatever leads us away from godliness God s norm is mankind s extreme We are called to pursue godliness above everything else as Champions This call of God is not extreme it is God s norm We are called to embrace God s norm Our focus for 2015 is Godliness Our theme is We are Champions in Christ We don t just talk godly we practice to walk godly We are accountable to God and each other for our priorities We make the development and maintenance of godly families our priority in obedience to the Holy Spirit As a vibrant part of this family please use your gifts skills talent time and resources to the glory of God in this ministry Ministry requires money When we each do our share the load is not difficult at all Together we are the family of Christ In Christ Dr Sterling Lands II Senior Pastor Greater Calvary Bible Church
From The Desk of the Greater Calvary Bible Church Trustee Ministry August 2 2015 Members and Friends Greater Calvary Bible Church 6510 Berkman Drive Austin Texas 78723 Re 31st GCBC Church Annual Dear GCBC Members and Friends On behalf of the Trustee Ministry I am honored to welcome you and your family to Greater Calvary Bible Church GCBC as we celebrate our 31st Church Annual throughout the entire month of August 2015 God gave the vision for this church to our founding Pastor Archbishop Sterling Lands II who stepped out on faith in 1984 and began this ministry At the time it would have been impossible to have envisioned all the lives that would be blessed from that walk of faith GCBC simply has an incredible body of work for the cause of Christ We ve had 31 wonderful years in Austin TX attending to the spiritual needs of our members and the community To celebrate our GCBC ministries have prepared a month long slate of activities that includes everything from the preached word to delicious food to incredible praise and powerful worship This year s Church Annual Theme is WE ARE CHAMPIONS IN CHRIST So to all of you who have contributed your money time talent sweat or just your presence to the Greater Calvary Bible Church in the service of Christ we say you are a CHAMPION GCBC and its ministries have touched so many people over the last 31 years and there is still so much more to do So as we continue on our championship run at the Greater Calvary Bible Church let us reflect on our past celebrate our present focus on our future and have an absolutely wonderful 31st Church Annual Celebration What shall we say to these things If God be for us who can be against us Romans 8 31 Yours in Christ Bro Deone Wilhite Trustee Chair GCBC
Our Church History The Greater Calvary Baptist Church was organized on September 26 1984 under the spiritual leadership of the organizing Pastor the Reverend Dr Sterling Lands II The following charter members 1 Bro Edward Collins 2 Sis Shirley Collins 3 Sis Fannie Mae Littlefield 4 Rev Sterling Lands II 5 Sis Mable Lands 6 Bro Kristoffer S Lands 7 Bro Richard S Lands 8 Sis LaTisha McFadden 9 Sis Famie Morgan 10 Sis Donna Morgan 11 Sis Lisa Morgan 12 Bro Dale Morgan 13 Sis Irene Silvers 14 Sis Charlotte Silvers 15 Sis Samantha Silvers 16 Bro Dennis Sterling 17 Sis Gloria Sterling 18 Sis Keitha Sterling 19 Bro Jeff Sterling 20 Sis Oralene Sterling 21 Sis Millie Ward 22 Sis Dometra Ward 23 LaNita Ward met as a body for their first worship service on September 30 1984 in the Church Annex of the Loyalty Missionary Baptist Church of East Austin Dr Lands received counsel and guidance during this period from the now deceased Rev E M Franklin Vice Moderator of the St John Landmark Association and Pastor of the St James Baptist Church ministry After worship service those in attendance covenant among themselves to organize a new church under the pastoral leadership of Dr Lands They met the following Wednesday and did organize the Greater Calvary Baptist Church with Dr Sterling Lands II as Pastor The new congregation was advised that they had to move on October 2 1984 GOD opened a door for us at 1176 Oakgrove a building formerly occupied by the Greater Love Missionary Baptist Church The Church moved in on October 6 1984 and celebrated the first worship service at the new location October 7 1984 The Rev Raphael Smith Pastor Mt Olive Baptist Church and the Rev T L Sneed spoke for the Church s first annual celebrations The church was incorporated in the state of Texas on May 14 1985
In the summer of 1988 we began to prepare to move again We did not know how or when we just knew we had to move Pastor Lands continued to make clear the vision and sound the rallying cry We ve got to get out of here Jesus did not stay in the manger On the first Sunday May 6 1990 we held our first service at 7517 Cameron Road Suite 101 Austin Texas 78752 The Lord continued to bless and anoint Pastor Lands and the Greater Calvary Baptist Church family The Youth Development Program soon to be known as the Greater Calvary Rites of Passage was implemented January 1990 We opened the Abundant Life Learning Center with Deaconess Mable Lands as the Director on June 10 1990 with the capacity to serve 60 youth Our membership continued to grow and the Lord continued to bless Pastor Lands once again sounded the rallying cry It s time to move The Lord delivered us to our current location May of 94 With a significant gift from the Riverbend Baptist Church in West Austin we were able to purchase our current facilities at 6510 Berkman Dr Austin Texas 78723 Under the Project Management and On Site Management of Rev Kristoffer Sterling Lands and Rev Craig Gordon renovations began June 4 1994 The initial renovations of the sanctuary were completed on June 24 1994 Members of the Riverbend Baptist Church played a key and significant role with volunteer labor and resources during this renovation effort On June 26 1994 Pastor Lands lead thirty men twenty five children and twenty nine women in a victory march from 7517 Cameron Road to 6510 Berkman Dr where they were met by the waiting congregation In his message of celebration Pastor Lands said We have been blessed with another opportunity to minister and meet the needs of the community January 1995 Rites of Passage Development Inc Opened for business with Bro Deone Wilhite as Executive Director February 6 1997 Greater Calvary Academy serving grades K 2nd grade first day of class with Sis Lisa Terrell as instructor and director and 1st student Amber E M Scott In 2005 the name of our church was changed to Greater Calvary Bible Church We continue to strive to save the lost educate the saved liberate the educated serve the saints and worship GOD
Our Mission Greater Calvary Bible Church is founded on the basic biblical principles of Salvation Education and Liberation We are a full gospel abundant life fellowship We believe that mankind must be saved Saved men must be taught the truth of God s Word and made free through the knowledge of the truth We facilitate the process that help people become more like Christ in their words thoughts actions feelings relationships motives and attitudes This process begins when the person is born again and continues throughout the rest of the Saint s life Our purpose is stated in terms of results rather than in terms of activity We encourage participation by every member The mission statement is arranged in a sequential process and is acted on every day Through the power of the Resurrection and the act of Incarnation we commit to embody the character of Christ embrace the vision of Christ and empower the people of Christ Vision We envision Christ centered families of high integrity learning the truth living free serving one another and worshiping God Mission Our mission is to win souls to Christ to make disciples and develop Christ centered families of high integrity as a Kingdom priority to live free to serve one another and to worship God Strategic Objectives Empowered by the Spirit of Christ we believe that God calls us to these strategic objectives in the work of His Kingdom Salvation Win souls to Christ Matthew 28 Education Make Disciples and develop Christ centered families of high integrity Matthew 28 Liberation Teach Disciples to live free walk holy and renew the presence of Christ in the family Galatians 5 Dedication Serve the family as mature Saints in Christ John 13 Exaltation Worship the Lord as the appropriate response to His self revelation John 4 2015 Ministry Focus Godliness 2015 Focus Text 1 Timothy 4 7 8
Our Call To Worship We are the Body of Christ Our mission is to win souls to Christ make disciples and develop Christ centered families of high integrity as a Kingdom priority live free serve one another and worship God We work to save the lost educate the saved liberate the educated serve the Saints and worship God As we know Jesus better his divine power gives us everything we need for living a godly life He has called us to receive his own glory and goodness I believe in one God the Father the Almighty maker of heaven and earth of all that is seen and unseen I believe in one Lord Jesus Christ the only son of God eternally begotten of the Father God from God Light from Light true God from true God begotten not made of one being with the Father Through him all things were made For us and for our salvation he came down from heaven By the power of the Holy Ghost Jesus was conceived in the Virgin Mary and was made man For our sake he was crucified under Pontius Pilate he suffered death and was buried On the third day he rose again in accordance with the Scriptures he ascended into heaven and is seated at the right hand of the Father He will come again in glory to judge the living and the dead and his kingdom will have no end I believe in the Holy Ghost the Lord the giver of life who proceeds from the Father and the Son With the Father and the Son he is worshiped and glorified He has spoken through the Prophets I believe in one holy universal and apostolic Church the forgiveness of sins the resurrection of the body and the life everlasting The Lord our God is the one and only Lord I love the Lord our God with all my heart all my soul all my mind and all my strength Lord I surrender my gifts skills talent time and treasure in serving you and my Church family Lord show me how and where to invest the resources that you have blessed me with to benefit the ministry and your people Lord please unite our hearts and minds by your Spirit as we gather to worship I put aside all distractions to worship you in spirit and truth Fill me with your Spirit as you commanded me to be filled and as you promised in your word that you would do when I asked in faith Thank you for directing my life and for filling me with your Spirit In the name of Jesus the Christ our Lord Amen Our God is the awesome God
Program August 2 2015 Call to Worship Reverend Yolanda Easley Praise Movement Flyte Tyme Welcome Minister Lisa D Henry Occasion Brother Robert Charles Henry Praise Voices of Greater Calvary Offering Ushers Introduction Pulpit Pastor William D Jones accepted Jesus as his personal Lord and Savior at the age of 13 at Grace Chapel Church of God In Christ under Supt C L Johnson during a Summer youth revival it was a Tuesday night He is a graduate of Dallas ISD s Skyline High school Texas A M UniversityCommerce and Southwest Texas State University He is the Research Educator for Children s Medical Center Dallas the largest Pediatric Institution in North Texas and is a researcher by trade Throughout college he served in various campus ministries New Birth Gospel Chorale Tenor where he met his future wife Ne Shaun L Jones New Birth Bible Study Ministry where he served as a prayer counselor and The Order of Alpha and Omega men s fellowship fraternity where he served as President and co founder as well as community ministries Price Temple Church of God In Christ Open Door Church of God In Christ G E A Family Life Bible Church DeSoto founded by The Most Reverend Dr Sterling Lands II in 2005 Dr Lands appointed Pastor Jones as the Resident Pastor of Family Life Bible Church DeSoto where he is committed and serves faithfully The Reverend William Jones is married to Bishop Ne Shaun L Jones his college sweetheart and loving mother of his two children Zach Trinity She also serves as Associate Pastor of Family Life Bible Church DeSoto Pastor Jones has a heart for worshiping God and encourages the church to commit to the call for being worshiping working warriors for our God Praise FAVOR Message Invitation The Right Reverend William Jones Pastor Family Life Bible Church DeSoto Texas Remarks Presentations Salvation Ministry Remarks Brother Deone Wilhite Trustee Chair Remarks Benediction The Most Revered Dr Sterling Lands II Senior Pastor
Program August 09 2015 Call to Worship Reverend Yolanda Easley Praise Movement Flyte Tyme Praise New Angelic Voices Offering Ushers Introduction Pulpit The Right Reverend Kristoffer S Lands Pastor Meadow Glen Bible Chapel The Right Reverend Kristoffer Sterling Lands is the youngest son of Archbishop International First Lady He has a B A Sociology Prairie View A M University He serves as the Bishop for Strategic Advancement of the Family Life International Fellowship He serves as the House Pastor for the Greater Calvary Bible Church House of Antioch and Bethel Ministries and is the founding pastor of the Meadow Glen Bible Chapel He is the Executive Director Greater Calvary Schools System Executive Director Rites of Passage Development Organization Director of Greater Calvary Rites of Passage Character Centered Leader Organization He is the vice chair of the Travis County Central Appraisal Board He is a State Certified Mediator St Edward s University and Vice President ANAK Consultants He and his wife Elect Lady Evangelist Kiamesha Y Lands have six 6 children Praise New Anointed Voices Message Invitation The Right Reverend Kristoffer S Lands Pastor Greater Calvary Bible Church Meadow Glen Campus Remarks Presentations Education Ministry Remarks Brother Deone Wilhite Trustee Chair Remarks Benediction The Most Revered Dr Sterling Lands II Senior Pastor
Program August 16 2015 Call to Worship Reverend Yolanda Easley Praise Movement Flyte Tyme Praise New Inspirational Voices Offering Ushers Introduction Pulpit The Right Reverend Richard S Lands Associate Pastor Greater Calvary Bible Church The Right Reverend Richard Sterling Lands is the eldest son of Bishop First Lady He earned a B S Electrical Engineering from Prairie View A M University He serves as the Bishop of Youth and Young Adult Ministries of the Family Life International Fellowship He serves as Associate Pastor Greater Calvary Bible Church He is Director Greater Calvary Eagle Academy Director Male Greater Calvary Rites of Passage Character Centered Leadership Organization Co Founder Owner Operator Say The Word Graphic Design Desktop Publishing Company and Vice President ANAK Consultants He and Lady Tishana Lands have four 4 children Praise Voices of Greater Calvary Message Invitation The Right Reverend Richard S Lands Associate Pastor Greater Calvary Bible Church Remarks Presentations Liberation Ministry Remarks Brother Deone Wilhite Trustee Chair Remarks Benediction The Most Revered Dr Sterling Lands II Senior Pastor
Program August 23 2015 Call to Worship Reverend Yolanda Easley Praise Movement Flyte Tyme Welcome Bro Andreas Fresch Occasion Sis Avianna Fresch Praise Extreme Teens Offering Ushers Introduction Pulpit Overseer Larry R Lands Director Food Service Family Life International Fellowship The Reverend Larry R Lands Master of Urban Ministry He accepted his call into the ministry in 2006 He was ordained in 2009 by the Family Life Missionary Baptist Church Morrow Georgia and appointed Overseer within Family Life International Fellowship November 11 2010 He currently serves as Food Service Director Family Life International Fellowship and Associate Pastor Greater Calvary Bible Church Praise Mighty Male Voices Message Invitation Overseer Larry R Lands Director Food Service Family Life International Fellowship Remarks Presentations Exaltation Ministry Remarks Brother Deone Wilhite Trustee Chair Remarks Benediction The Most Revered Dr Sterling Lands II Senior Pastor
Annual Celebration Musical August 28 2015 Call to Worship Pulpit Praise Flyte Time Movement Praise Dance New Life Dancers Welcome Minister Lisa D Henry Praise Mighty Male Voices Occasion Minister Yolanda R Easley Praise New Angelic Voices Praise New Inspirational Voices Praise Dance Extreme Teen Dancers Praise Extreme Teen Voices Praise New Gospel Voices Offering Ushers Congregation Praise Dance Inspirational Dancers Praise New Anointed Voices Praise Dance Angelic Dancers Praise Voices of Greater Calvary Invitation Pulpit
Ordination Program August 30 2015 Call to Worship Reverend Yolanda Easley Praise Movement Flyte Tyme Praise New Anointed Voices Offering Ushers Introduction Deacon Mable L Lands We all have the privilege today to participate in an important event in the life of this church One of the two offices or positions that Scripture provides for the local church is that of deacon The first church in Jerusalem appointed the first seven men who were the precursors to the office of deacon Since that time in the first few years of the Christian church deacons have filled a vital role in the administration and progress of the church Today we re going to be ordaining deacon candidates Brother Michael Easley Brother Charles Guyton Brother Lyn Harlan Sister Thresa Cowan Sister Jennie Hutchings Sister Cynthia Smith The importance of this event both in the lives of these individuals and in the life of the church cannot be overstated This service Greater Calvary Bible Church in large part will serve as a charge to these individuals but is also a charge to you their brothers and sisters in Christ In order for them to serve the Lord effectively as deacons and for you to know how to pray for them we need to understand the biblical requirements for the office of deacon Scripture 1 Timothy 3 8 13Bishop Kristoffer S Lands Expectations Dr Sterling Lands II Senior Pastor You ll notice from these verses that God is far more interested in the spiritual maturity and moral character of the deacon than He is in the exact role a deacon fills within the local body of believers With that in mind let s examine what God expects from these deacons 1 The first requirement is that deacons be reverent a This is an older word that we have lost a sense of in this generation b It speaks to a life that is marked by personal dignity a seriousness of purpose and self respect in conduct c The reverent person is one who carries himself in such a way that they earn the respect of other people 2 The second requirement is to not be double tongued a To be double tongued is to talk out both sides of your mouth You tell one person one thing and the next person something else b But Jesus says in Matthew 5 37 But let your Yes be Yes and your No No c It s bad enough when Christians don t speak straight but it can be disastrous when deacons are caught being duplicitous d It can lead to dissension accusations and worse Proverbs 6 16 19 deals with this The deacon who spreads innuendo gossip and lies through an insincere tongue can do major damage to the church 3 Third the deacon is not to be given to much wine a The person called to be a deacon must be self controlled This is part of the reverence we saw earlier b He is also a model for not only those in the church but for those outside c Romans 14 21 says It is good neither to eat meat nor drink wine nor do anything by which your brother stumbles or is offended or is made weak d This goes for all believers but the deacons and elders are called specifically to mind how they think and act toward wine e To be given toward wine means that it has a hold on one s mind that it draws away one s attention
It s the same word that Paul uses in the next chapter of 1 Timothy 4 13 when he says Till I come give attention to reading to exhortation to doctrine f For the deacon alcohol should not gain his attention 4 The fourth directive concerns a deacon s attitude toward money a Paul writes that the deacon should not be greedy for money b It should never be the case that a deacon has such a love for money that it negatively impacts his integrity c And this isn t just in the church this is in all aspects of his life d Jesus says in Luke 16 13 No servant can serve two masters for either he will hate the one and love the other or else he will be loyal to the one and despise the other You cannot serve God and mammon e It s an impossibility to be an effective deacon called to a high level of spiritual service and have divided loyalties because of materialism and the love of money 5 The fifth requirement for deacons is a real faith a Verse 9 of the text states that the life of the deacon is characterized by holding the mystery of the faith with a pure conscience b Paul uses the word mystery often in his epistles But the mystery he speaks of is not like being in some cult or secret society where only a few know the true beliefs of the group c For Paul the mystery is the revealed revelation of Jesus Christ in the form of the gospel which has been hidden from ages and from generations but now has been revealed to His saints Colossians 1 26 d The deacon is to hold this mystery of the faith the gospel of Jesus Christ with a pure conscience e The Greeks saw conscience as something bad operating retrospectively Christians came to see conscience as being made clean through trust Its purity lay in the believer s knowledge of his standing in Christ f Having a pure conscience has two practical applications i First the qualified deacon must be a blood washed believer in Jesus Christ who has followed in believer s baptism ii Second his theology and his actions must be in line with one another He can t be living a lie spouting Scripture on one hand and living like the devil on the other His walk and his talk must match up 6 Requirement number six is that the deacon must be tested a This doesn t mean that Brothers and Sisters have to study for a year and then appear before some august board to be grilled for hours on end b In actuality the testing that they ve endured and will continue to be subject to is much harder because it takes place every day of their lives c The word we translate as tested can also mean proved or scrutinized d This is the same word Paul uses in 1 Thessalonians 5 21 Test all things hold fast what is good e The reality is that these individuals have been in the process of testing for some time They had to meet the criteria of deacon before they were recommended We see this same thing in Acts 6 1 6 which gives us the account of the selection of the seven f Verse 3 is of special note these were to be men of good reputation full of the Holy Spirit and wisdom g The people had to already know this about these individuals The examination had been going on for some time 7 The result of this testing is the seventh requirement a blameless life a This isn t speaking of sinless perfection None of us can claim that b But blamelessness refers to a life that is not burdened by accusations of impropriety c The life of the deacon is marked by freedom from charges both within the church and in the community as a whole 8 Verse 11 extends the requirements to the deacon s wife and requires four things from her a She is first called to be reverent just as her husband is What sense does it make to have a man who carries himself with dignity but his wife is generally regarded as a flake b Second she is not to be a slanderer i The Greek word here is diabolos which when used as a noun refers to the devil ii He is also known as the accuser so the reference here is to someone who goes around making false accusations about others
c She is also called upon to be temperate which means that she too should abstain from alcohol d Last she should be faithful in all things which means that she is trustworthy and reliable e These qualities are in contrast to some of the young widows in Timothy s church as Paul wrote about later in the book in 5 13 And besides they learn to be idle wandering about from house to house and not only idle but also gossips and busybodies saying things which they ought not f The deacon s wife is above all his helpmeet joined to him in marriage She can be very effective ministering with him especially to other women Her good conduct also is a testimony to his spiritual leadership 9 The lynchpin to the effectiveness of this husband wife team is the ninth requirement for the deacon which is that he is the husband of one wife a He is to be a one woman man This means that polygamists are disqualified b However the reality is that the standard is much higher It calls for total devotion absolute faithfulness and moral integrity in regards to his wife c There have been many men who became deacons and had only had one wife yet they had affairs were consumed by lust or treated their spouses harshly or with disinterest d In actuality all of these individuals were disqualified to serve as deacons e God requires deacons who love their spouses and whose marriages both publically and privately are exemplary 10 The last requirement is consistency in their homes a The qualified deacon who has children still living in his home will bring them up to honor God b We can see this in the home of Philip one of the original seven in Acts 21 8 9 Notice that the daughters were pure and that they proclaimed the Word of God c Deacons will be entrusted with many responsibilities within the church and must be counted on to perform well A man whose home is not in order will not likely do well outside his own home either Paul offers two promises in verse 13 to those who serve well as deacons d He first says that they will obtain a good standing This is how they will be viewed by the members of the church Don t take good deacons for granted folks because they are not that easy to find When a man is faithful as a deacon he should receive the honor of the church e The faithful deacon will also obtain great boldness in the faith This means that they will experience a deepening of their faith and a stronger relationship with Christ as they submit to His leadership f You can see this in the lives of both Philip who we ve already mentioned and Stephen Philip became a bold evangelist and was the first to proclaim the gospel to the Samaritans as well as to a Gentile in the person of the Ethiopian eunuch g Stephen was the first Christian martyr and the sermon he preached at his stoning was rife with the power of the Holy Spirit h So Brothers and Sisters as you serve Christ well in the office of deacon we look forward to seeing your boldness in the faith To the Candidates Bishop I Maurice Youmans Scripture is more interested in the spiritual qualifications of deacons than it is in the details of their ministry But at the core of their role is service The word for deacon is servant They are not called to control the church but to lead through service The passage from Acts 6 portrays men who care for the physical needs of the church Greater Calvary Bible Church bases its requirements for deacons on this model Will you candidates please stand As I ask you each of these questions please respond with I will 1 Will you promise that you will live your life in accordance with the New Testament and respect the standards of the Greater Calvary Bible Church 2 Will you strive to manage your home and to lead your family as the spiritual head God has called you to be 3 Will you be on the ready to minister to the physical and spiritual needs of this church body 4 Will you present yourself as necessary to comfort and counsel those in need 5 Will you seek to maintain harmony in the body and to be on the lookout for areas of conflict 6 Will you support the pastor and assist him as you are called upon
7 Will you strive to be an example both in personal integrity and in Christian witness to this congregation To the Church Bishop Richard S Lands Now to you the church You have selected these candidates as deacons and they have been examined and approved by the eldership We are in agreement that these candidates have been called to serve as deacons at Greater Calvary Bible Church As I ask you these questions please answer we will 1 Will you pray for these candidates and their families asking God to protect them and to care for them both physically and spiritually 2 Will you submit to their leadership knowing that they are called as servant leaders 3 Will you seek them for counsel when the need arises and prayerfully consider their input and suggestions 4 Will you observe their lives both as examples of Christian living and as those who would guard them from stumbling 5 Will you encourage them and their families knowing that the ministry to which they are called will bring trying times and tough situations 6 Will you direct others in the body to them in times of conflict or trouble Ordination Prayer Pastor Freddie Williams Please kneel at the altar At this time ordained elders are invited to come and lay hands on these candidates and pray for them Let us pray Prayer lead by the Pastor or his designee Declaration Senior Pastor Brothers and Sisters I want to be the first to congratulate you and to present you as the newest ordained deacons here at Greater Calvary Bible Church May God bless you as you serve him and this body of believers As we close today please come fellowship these new deacons and their spouses and encourage them as they go forward Closing prayer Deacon James Hutchings Praise Voices of Greater Calvary Message Invitation The Revered Larry D Bedford Greater Calvary Bible Church Remarks Presentations Dedication Ministry Remarks Brother Deone Wilhite Trustee Chair Remarks Benediction The Most Revered Dr Sterling Lands II Senior Pastor
We are Champions in Christ Thank you for celebrating with us