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GCBC 35th Pastor's & Wife Annual

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We congratulate our Servant Warrior Leader Archbishop Dr. Sterling Lands, II, internation-al presiding prelate, Family Life International Fellowship & His Bride Mable Lands for 35 years of committed service to Greater Calvary Bible Church and the Greater Austin Community. Continue to lead with great commitment. “We love you”

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The Greater Calvary Bible Church family is truly grateful to God for our pas-tor and wife. He is an innovator, preacher, teacher, counselor and best of all he is our shep-herd. He is the Presiding Bishop Family Life International Fellowship and Presiding Prelate of the Province of St. John the Baptist of the Evangelical Episcopal Communion. He holds earned degrees from Southern University A&M School of Engineering, National Theological Seminary and Master Inter-national School of Divinity. Our First Lady is a graduate of the Master’s International School of Divinity, Evansville, Inc. with a Bachelor of Ministry degree. She is a graduate of the St. Ann School of Cosmetology, St. Louis, Mo. She is also a former student of Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, Louisiana. She is a state of Texas certified early child develop-ment professional administrator. She is a state certified food service manager. She is certified in the Spal-ding Reading and Writhing methods, Character Centered Project Management, Non-Violent Social Change Methods and Dispute Resolution. She is a noble woman of godly character, committed, dedicated and passionate about ministry and we are so blessed because they Love Us Unconditionally! In 1984 The Most Reverend Dr. Sterling Lands, II and his wife, First Lady Deaconess Mable L. Lands, along with thirteen others, including their sons, The Right Reverend Richard Sterling Lands and The Right Reverend Kristoffer Sterling Lands, organized the Greater Calvary Bible Church, Austin, Texas. In 1991, Dr. Lands left Corporate America and went into full time pulpit ministry. Under his leadership, we pledged our commitment to doing the right thing, the right way, for the right reason, expecting the right result, to benefit our brothers and sisters and glorify God according to His Word working for the sal-vation, education, and liberation of our people. The Abundant Life Learning Center Greater Calvary Rites of Passage Rites of Passage Development, Inc. Greater Calvary Academy Greater Calvary Schools

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1st Sunday, Nov 03 @ 5:00 PM Host Deacons Guest: Pastor Larry Bedford, Accolades of Glory Bible Church, Austin, Texas God gave Archbishop Dr. Lands a vision that he has not waivered from. Greater Calvary Bible Church was founded on the Biblical Principals: Salvation, Education and Liberation. First Lady Mable L. Lands works tirelessly in the trenches to build Christ centered leaders learning the truth, living free, serving one another and worshipping our God. Pastor Bedford has served on the ministerial staff of St. John Progressive Baptist Church for 8 years and served on the Greater Calvary Bible Church ministerial staff for 24 years. In De-cember 2003, he was appointed Pastor of the Kirby Lane Assembly of God Church in Lufkin, Texas for 1 year. Pastor Bedford is presently carrying out all of the duties and responsibilities of Gods calling. Pastor Bedford created Shepard of Accolades of Glory Bible Church on March 5, 2018. Call to Worship ............................................................................................... Bishop Kristoffer S. Lands Prayer ............................................................................................................................. Deacon Ministry Welcome ................................................................................................................... Deacon Terry Smith Occasion ................................................................................................................. Deacon Deone Wilhite Praise .............................................................................................................................................. VOGC Offering ........................................................................................................................... Deacon Ministry Introduction of Guest Speaker ......................................................................... Bishop Kristoffer S. Lands Praise ............................................................................. Accolades of Glory Bible Church Praise Ministry Message/Invitation .............................................................................................. Pastor Larry D. Bedford ......................................................................................... Senior Pastor, Accolades of Glory Bible Church Love Offering .................................................................................................................. Deacon Ministry Remarks/Presentations ................................................................................................... Deacon Ministry Remarks/Benediction ............................................................... The Most Reverend Dr. Sterling Lands, II ............................................................................................................................................. Senior Pastor

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2nd Sunday, Nov 10 @ 5:00 PM Host Deaconess Guest: Bishop Alfred T Lands, Family Life MBC, Jonesboro, Georgia Special Honoree: Bishop Kristoffer S Lands, Alpha Ministry Archbishop Dr. Sterling Lands, II is committed to the fight against homelessness and to help his people. First Lady Mable L Lands is committed to the her vision to see every child able to read, write and do mathematics at a level of excellence. Bishop Kristoffer Sterling Lands, Pastor of the Alpha Ministry Bishop Kristoffer Sterling Lands is the pastor of the Alpha Ministry. He is an ac-complished musician. He is the founder and CEO of the Lands Group a subsidiary of ANAK Consultants. Bishop Lands serves as the Executive Director of the Rites of Passage Development Inc. He is the Executive Director of the Greater Calvary Schools in Austin, Texas. He teaches K-6th grade Social Studies. Bishop Lands is an active bishop in the Evangelical Episcopal Communion and the Family International Fellowship, Inc. He is the proud husband of Elect Lady Evangelist Kiamesha Yvonne Lands. He is the father of six won-derful children, sons Hillel, Hazaiah and Hezekiah; daughters Zemirah, Zion and Zuriel. He earned a Bachelor of Fine Arts Degree from the University of Southwestern Louisi-ana and a Master of Urban Ministry from Urban Seminary of Atlanta. He was ordained as a Bishop March of 2011 in the Family Life International Fellowship, Inc. He is a member of the “House of Bishops,” Master’s Circle Christian Fellowship and the Evan-gelical Episcopal Communion. He and his wife Bishop Rosemary Lands have two daughters, two grandsons and one granddaughter. Call to Worship ........................................................................................... Bishop Ian Maurice Youmans Prayer ..............................................................................................................................Deacon Ministry Welcome ......................................................................................................... Deaconess Pamela Kinnison Occasion ............................................................................................................. Deaconess Betty Bedford Praise .............................................................................................................................................. VOGC Offering ............................................................................................................................Deacon Ministry Introduction of Guest Speaker ..................................................................... Bishop Ian Maurice Youmans Praise ................................................................................................................... FLMBC Praise Ministry Message/Invitation ................................................................................................ Bishop Alfred T. Lands ............................................................................... Senior Pastor, Family Life Missionary Baptist Church Love Offering ...................................................................................................................Deacon Ministry Remarks/Presentations ................................................................................................ Deaconess Ministry Remarks/Benediction ............................................................... The Most Reverend Dr. Sterling Lands, II ............................................................................................................................................. Senior Pastor

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3rd Sunday, Nov 17 @ 5:00 PM Host Pastor’s Aid Guest: Bishop Anthony K. Wright, Family Life MBC, Houston, Texas Special Honoree: Bishop Richard S Lands, Beta Ministry Dr. Lands organized the Greater Calvary Rites of Passage in 1989. First La-dy Mable L. Lands joined her husband in the fight to break the cycle of ju-venile delinquency, drug abuse, teen pregnancy and high school drop out. Bishop Richard Sterling Lands, Pastor of the Beta Ministry Bishop Richard Sterling Lands is Archbishop Dr. Sterling Lands and First Lady Mable Lands graduated from Praire View A & M University in 1995 with a Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering. He is an accomplished musician. Bishop Richard Sterling Lands is an active bishop in the Family Life Interna-tional Fellowship and the Evangelical Episcopal Communion. He the director of the Greater Calvary Ea-gle Academy, the director of Greater Calvary Rites of Passage and Pastor of Beta Ministry. He is Presi-dent and CEO of “Say the Word” graphics and designs. He is the proud father of He is the proud father of Platoon Leader 2nd Lieutenant Talib Richard Sterling Lands, Spc. Imani Renee Lands, Naomi Ruth Lands, Anaya Renee Lands. Is a faithful husband, father, and pastor. He is a native son of Greater Calvary Bible Church, having accepted his call to ministry under the guidance and direction of Archbishop Dr. Sterling Lands, II. He was licensed, ordained, and consecrated as a Pastor at Greater Calvary and a Bishop with the Family Life International Fellow-ship. He is the happily-married husband of Carmela Wright of 25 years and father of 9 kids. As a family, they are planting a church in Houston, Texas. Anthony holds a Bachelors of Science degree in Mechanical Engineering and a Masters of Business Administration from the University of Texas at Austin and works bi-vocationally as a Marketing Director. He is the author of the book, "Live Free in Christ, Our Union with Christ Ac-cording to Paul's Letters to the Seven Churches." Call to Worship ................................................................................................... Bishop Richard S. Lands Prayer .............................................................................................................................. Deacon Ministry Welcome .................................................................................................................. Sister Edna Whitaker Occasion .................................................................................................................. Lady Nicole Youmans Praise .............................................................................................................................................. VOGC Offering ............................................................................................................................ Deacon Ministry Introduction of Guest Speaker ............................................................................. Bishop Richard S. Lands Praise ................................................................................................................... FLMBC Praise Ministry Message/Invitation .......................................................................................... Bishop Anthony K. Wright .................................................................................. Senior Pastor, Family Life Missionary Bible Church Love Offering ................................................................................................................... Deacon Ministry Remarks/Presentations ............................................................................................ Pastor’s Aid Ministry Remarks/Benediction ............................................................... The Most Reverend Dr. Sterling Lands, II .............................................................................................................................................. Senior Pastor

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4th Sunday, Nov 24 @ 5:00 PM Host Associate Ministers Guest: Pastor L K Jones, Mount Calvary Missionary Baptist Church, Austin, Texas Special Honoree: Bishop Ian Maurice Youmans, Omega Ministry Archbishop Dr. Sterling Lands, II wants GCBC membership to be healthy, bible literate disciples. First Lady Mable L. Lands is committed to a Healthy Environ-ment. Thank you Archbishop and First Lady for not only requesting but requir-ing your people to not only be Bible literate but healthy and whole. Bishop Ian Maurice Youmans, Pastor of the Omega Ministry Bishop Ian Maurice Youmans was born and raised in Jamaica Queens, New York He attended Queens Vocational High School and graduated with a certificate of Basic Electricity Installation in 1985. Bishop Youmans is currently pursuing an Associate Degree (AAS) at Austin Community College. Bishop Youmans joined the Army in 1989 and obtained the rank of Sargent while serving in the Gulf War of 1990 with the 541 Support Battalion and 49th Ordinance Company of Fort Riley, Kansas. Bishop I.M. Youmans was honorably discharged for the Army in 1997. Bishop Youmans is an active bishop in the Family Life International Fellowship. Bishop Youmans is married to Lady Nicole Youmans for five years, together they are raising two children. He received his Bachelors Degree in Religious Education from the University of Mary-land in Munich Germany and a Bachelor of Arts Degree from Bishop College. Pastor Jones served in the military from 1975 to 1985. While stationed in Egypt, 1981, Pastor Jones preached in the Mount Sinai Desert. In 1982, he medically retired from the US Army on April 26, 1985 and returned to Austin, Texas. On July 26, 1988, Pastor Jones succeeded his grandfather, the late Reverend S. L. Davis as the Pastor of Mount Calvary Missionary Baptist Church in Austin, Texas. As Pastor of Mt. Calvary Missionary Bap-tist Church, he had the street renamed from Washington Avenue to SL Davis Avenue in 1992. In 2010, the City of Austin designated Mt Calvary as historical. Call to Worship ................................................................................................... Overseer Larry R. Lands Prayer ..............................................................................................................................Deacon Ministry Welcome ........................................................................................... Evangelist Lady Kiamesha Y. Lands Occasion ........................................................................................................ Minister LaDonna Tavernier Praise .............................................................................................................................................. VOGC Offering ............................................................................................................................Deacon Ministry Introduction of Guest Speaker ............................................................................. Overseer Larry R. Lands Praise .................................................................................................................. MCMBC Praise Ministry Message/Invitation ........................................................................................................ Pastor L.K. Jones ..........................................................................Senior Pastor, Mount Calvary Missionary Baptist Church Love Offering ...................................................................................................................Deacon Ministry Remarks/Presentations .................................................................................. Associate Ministers Ministry Remarks/Benediction ............................................................... The Most Reverend Dr. Sterling Lands, II ............................................................................................................................................. Senior Pastor

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4th Sunday, Nov 24 @ 7:00 PM Host: Associate Pastors Annual Fellowship Dinner

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Letter From The Chair November 3, 2019 Dear Archbishop Dr. Sterling Lands, II and First Lady Deaconess Mable L. Lands, What a blessing to have you as Our Pastor and Wife for 35 years! Your witness makes differences that you may never see, but know that you are dearly loved by many. With all that is on your plate, it is not easy to give away your time, energy and passion as willingly as you do. You are phenomenal! Lives are touched around the world because of your commit-ment to building family and community. Your tenacity is genuine and your mellifluous voice serenades audiences for hours, days, months and years. The powerful words of advice and wisdom that you share is transparent. The Lord has called and gifted you and blessed you and make you a blessing to so many. As visionaries that are concerned about the condition of the world, your oratorical, musical, intellectual and creative gifts are ap-preciated and acknowledged by many. You have a heart for people and consistently and constantly encourage those around you to operate with Integrity. Pastor, You are a prime example of what a loving, kind, gentle, patient, caring, anointed, God fearing, straight shooting man is. You know your sheep and when you preach and teach, it is fresh fruit. Jesus truly lives with you and we appreciate your dedication to God and being obe-dient to Him. My prayer is that God continues to bring fruit as you teach, sow and edify His word. I pray you sense God’s pleasure in your faithful serving and know that you are very much appreciated for all you do. First Lady, Deaconess Mable Lands you are uniquely special to each of us. You are one of the most dedicated women that I know. In addition to your commitment to numerous ministries at Greater Calvary Bible Church, it is clear and evident that “Family is a priority.” Day after day, your labor is evidenced in the love you ex-press with your cooking and teaching. Your smile is like a visit to paradise. Capturing that smile brings joy to so many. Please know that you are appreciated for advancing the vision, mission and growth of God’s plan. Over the 35 years, you have remained steadfast and loyal to the space and lives that Greater Calvary Bible Church touch. We love you for that. It is an honor to serve as Coordinator of the Pastor’s Aid Ministry. I take exception and priority in being a servant to this awesome ministry and to my pastor and wife. I love both of you and appreciate the many sac-rifices and joy you bring to us. I pray you continue to be an encouraging example of Christ in your witness. Love and Peace Deaconess Dr. Mary L. Thomas, Chair

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FLIF LIBERIA FELICITATION TO ARCHBISHOP DR. STERLING LANDS II, INTERNATIONAL PRESIDING PRELATE, FAMILY LIFE INTERNATION FELLOWSHIP ON THE OCCATION OF HIS 75TH BIRTH ANNIVERSARY & 35 YEARS OF ACTIVE SERVICE AS SENIOR PASTOR OF GREATER CALVARY BIBLE CHURCH. Archbishop Dr. Sterling Lands II, as you turn 75, the Liberia Chapter also join the long line of celebrants in saying to a generational touch bearer who has lighted up the world, a happy 75th Natal Day and 35th years of active service as Senior Pastor at the Greater Calvary Bible Church. THE LORD HAS TRULY BEEN GOOD. The touch you bare has illuminated the lives of many thousands of generation yet unborn, south west of the equator, and Africa. We are preparing to shout praises to God Almighty who love transience generation upon generations. Your selfless love first to God and humanity, have made you allow yourself to serve as one of the world most choicest servants, we remain grateful to the Lord. Through your great teaching ministry, we have come to understand and em-braced with deep appreciation, the fact that the restoration, reconciliation and redemption of families are made possible by a Christ Centered Family Focused ministry to humanity. Also that the family is God's priority. Family Life International Fellowship has become to us a divine recovery programmed revealed more to you, through which lot of broken and hopeless families are being recovered and restored around the world, to God be the glory. Our most Honored Prelate and International Presiding Archbishop Dr. Sterling Lands II, we joyfully celebrate your life as a gift to the body of Christ. Also we do absolutely admire among many blessings of your life and ministry;  The depth of unsearchable revelation that bears on your Teachings  Your humble simplicity and selfless lifestyle which we gladly emulate.  The great impactful leadership with which you steer the affairs of the Family Life International Fellowship  Your great inspiring smiles prompted by your deep love for humanity and  Your deep quest to see FLIF bringing liberation to families all over the world You are a true and a successful leader serving in a generation of leadership crises, a great vision BEARER and a Genera-tional Father indeed. As the Lord visited Abraham in his 75th year, it is our prayers that the Almighty God will visit you and refresh you with divine strength, divine grace and fresh anointing for long life and ministry. We expressed our gratefulness to the Lord Jesus for all that He has done and continue to do through you in Jesus name. As you celebrate two (2) very important occasions in your life, which are your 75th Years of Impactful Life and your 35 years of active and faithful services in serving God and extending His kingdom on earth selflessly. With commitment, we therefore appreciate the Lord and celebrate with you. The day you were conceived and birthed, the Lord knew you clear-ly, that a generational leader, a father and a distinct servant of God was born with kingdom heart and mind. Since then, the Lord has proven his faithfulness with evidences of you raising up generational leaders through a Christ Focused Centered Family in Every nation. According to Romans 12:10, which says honor one another above yourselves. FAMILY LIFE INTERNATIONAL FELLOWSHIP, INC. Bishop Dr. Janjay D.G. Swen Presiding & Conference Bishop Family Life International Fellowship Monrovia, Liberia Area Fellowship Cell#s” (+231)0775614486/ 0777548078/0880382821 0886640182 HEADQUARTER OFFICE Family Life International Fellowship/Liberia Tubman & SKD Boulevard Junctions Oldest Congo Town, Monrovia, Liberia Email:

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As God has called you to lead, more is required of you. In this light, those of us you are called to lead have noticed eight (8) cardinal things from your leadership. 1) We have known your character as we are following you. We really have known who you are, because you are dealing with us with integrity. 2) You have taken time to explain your vision. Indeed, there is a brighter future and in this future there is a place for us and we will surely be used in running with said vision. 3) Indeed we have realized that we will never be left in isolation, because you are there for us, love us and care about our needs. 4) We have been heard, as you continue to listen to us, even when you are so busy and overloaded. We are still been heard, taking us seriously and been appreciated. 5) We are been so trusted and can take initiatives without fear. Our ideas are rewarded and encouraged and we are not been regarded with suspicion and distance 6) We have been given opportunities to grow, we are encourage to be a lifelong learners. Our gifts are increasingly identified and expressed. 7) We are fairly evaluated for our performances, we have been lovingly held to the highest standards and to God's best for our lives. You have shown us how to do it better and be patient while we learn and self correct. Indeed, you are an object of grace, in that we are forgiven even in the face of short comings, inadequacies and failure. 8) You have given us the freedom to be who God made us to be. You have led with kindness, indeed you are a great leader, let the light of God continue to shine on you as you celebrate your 75th NATAL DAY and your 35 years of service as Senior Pastor of Greater Calvary Bible Church, Austin, Texas. FLIF Liberia wish you a joyous, healthy, memorable and appetizing celebration. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! HAPPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!

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Starr Consulting Firm Salutes Archbishop Dr. Sterling Lands, II and First Lady Deaconess Mable L. Lands For 35 Years of Dedicated and Loyal Service “I can do All things through Christ who Strengthens Me” Phillippians 4:13 Starr Consulting Firm provides educational professional development Founder/CEO-Dr. Mary L. Thomas

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Greater Calvary Bible Church 2019 Deaconess Ministry Pastoral Attendants Ministry

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Deaconess Jeannie Hutchings Deacon James Hutchings Minister LaDonna Tavernier Minister Gennell Shuler Minister Vertilarie Fresch Evangelist Sylvia L. Addison Evangelist Kiamesha Y. Lands Bishop Kristoffer S. Lands Bishop Richard S. Lands Bishop Ian Maurice Youmans Deacon Deone Wilhite Deaconess Cynthia K. White Deaconess Cynthia Smith Deaconess Betty Bedford Greater Calvary Rites of Passage, Inc. Pastor's Aid Ministry- Deacon Isaiah Samuel, Deaconess Nicole Youmans, Deacon Chris Whitaker, Sis. Edna Whitaker, Deaconess Dr. Mary L. Thomas, Coordinator

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As a Premier Home Health Medicare and Medicaid Provider, we provide comprehensive health care services in the comfort of our clients’ homes. Our vision is to promote high-level wellness for the clients we serve. Visit us at: WE CONGRATULATE The Most Reverend Dr. Sterling Lands, II & First Lady Mable L. Lands for 35 years of committed, dedicated and passionate service to Greater Calvary Bible Church Family & The Austin Community. It is because of your servants hearts and investment that Rosy Home Health Care exists. We love you and thank God for you. Your are the Best Pastor & Wife in the Whole World! Love Deacon Sunday & Rosemary Uzuh Founders & Operators of Rosy Home Health Care

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