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Reimagine Gathering of Grief Program

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Nov 28 — 5pm PT / 8pm ETreimagine's 100ᵗʰ Virtual VigilProgram & PresentersMourn All That IsDisconnected From Love

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@letsreimagine @lets_reimagine@letsreimagine GATHERINGOF GRIEFOn Giving Tuesday, giveyourself and others a gift:join us for a very specialevent to mourn all that isdisconnected from loveand find some healingagainst the backdrop ofcurrent global crises.reimagine’s100VirtualVigilthNov 28 — 5pm PT /8pm ETWelcome to “Gathering of Grief”Dear Friends and Community Members,On this Giving Tuesday, we gather for a special and significant event –"Gathering of Grief," Reimagine’s 100th virtual candlelight vigil. Thisoccasion is more than a milestone; it’s a reflection of what we stand foras a community: we aim to ensure everyone–regardless of background–has access to free (and engaging!) community support in the face of loss,adversity, and mortality.Our vigils began as a response to a need we saw – spaces to openlyacknowledge and share our collective grief, creating a sacred pause tobe with rather than brush over what is happening around us and in us,with love in our hearts. As we come together for this 100th vigil, it is apowerful reminder that now more than ever, people need access tothese types of experiences. On this occasion, we owe immense gratitude to the over 100organizations and leaders who have joined us in bringing the “Gatheringof Grief” to life. Your unwavering commitment to helping peoplenavigate grief and loss illuminates the strength found in communitysolidarity.With everything happening right now globally–on top of what we eachare experiencing personally–we must rise to meet these times in a newway. It starts with each of us, and how we show up for ourselves and foreach other.Thank you for being an integral part of "Gathering of Grief." Onlytogether can we reimagine the hard parts of life with creativity,compassion, and courage.With heartfelt appreciation,Brad WolfeFounder & Executive Director, Reimagine2

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reimagine’s100VirtualVigilthNov 28 — 5pm PT /8pm ET3PAGE 2PAGE 4PAGES 5-6PAGE 7PAGE 8PAGES 9-21PAGE 22Table of Contents

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As an immediate response to the COVID-19 pandemic, in May 2020, Reimaginestarted hosting free monthly candlelight vigils for a national online community toexplore mortality, mourn anyone and anything we've lost, and celebrate all we have.More than three years later, and often co-led by world-renowned thought leaders,these vigils have become a signature Reimagine program. Through a uniquehonoring ceremony, music, storytelling, and small group discussions, we create abrave space to process life...together.Reimagine is a nonprofit organization catalyzing a uniquely powerful community–people of different backgrounds, ages, races, and faiths (and no faith) comingtogether in the hopes of healing ourselves and the world. We specifically supporteach other in facing adversity, loss, and mortality and–at our own pace– activelychanneling life's biggest challenges into meaningful action and growth.In a world filled with so much grief, we have created more than 3,000 inspiringvirtual events and experiences for people to process loss, as well as citywide in-person festivals that bring entire communities together to "reimagine end-of-life."We have been deemed a World-Changing Idea by Fast Company Magazine, andthe mayor of San Francisco even proclaimed an official “Reimagine Week.” We arenow working on a new platform to help bring the second part of our mission to life:to help people of diverse backgrounds channel their hard experiences intocreativity, impact, and flourishing by translating the science of “post-traumaticgrowth” into practice. Gathering of Grief Reimagine's 100ᵗʰ Virtual Vigil4← Return to Contents

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SOCIAL JUSTICE ADVOCATE & INSPIRATIONAL SPEAKERLeon Ford, is an author, speaker, activist, mental health ambassador, andcivic leader in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. He is also a Reimagine boardmember. His knowledge of social disparities and injustice comes frompersonal experience. When Leon was 19 years old, his life drasticallychanged when the Pittsburgh Police unjustly shot him five times at a trafficstop. This horrific case of mistaken identity has left him physicallyparalyzed and confined to a wheelchair. Still, Ford hasn’t allowed hiscircumstances to deter him from positively impacting his community.Through mentorship, he has sparked a movement cultivating leaders,organizers, and social entrepreneurs by empowering them to use theirvoices, platforms, and resources to evoke change and reshape theircommunities for generations to come.FOUNDER, EARTH & SKY FLORAL DESIGNS & NATIVE AMERICANCOMMUNITY ADVOCATEShayai Lucero was born and raised on the reservations of the Pueblos ofAcoma and Laguna. It took Shayai 16 years from high school graduation tofinish college. However, during that time she was Miss Indian World (1997),Executive Assistant for the All Indian Pueblo Council, and was the TribalLiaison for Native Visions Arts and Communications. Upon graduating,Shayai became an entrepreneur with the purchase of Earth & Sky FloralDesigns. Shayai was commissioned by the FBI to create the “NativeWarriors Wreath.” She’s been featured in floral industry magazines and hasreceived honors in floral competitions in the US and South Africa. Last yearshe traveled to the United Nations in Geneva to advocate for Indigenousreproductive rights with the Changing Woman Initiative. This fall sherepresented rural entrepreneurs in Washington DC at meetings withpolicymakers, lawmakers and members of the Biden-Harris administration.Shayai is also a knowledge keeper of medicinal plants and was a featuredspeaker last December at Cultivating Justice, a Reimagine panel discussionon plant medicine, health and liberation.5Gathering of Grief Reimagine's 100ᵗʰ Virtual VigilFeatured Guests← Return to Contents

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FOUNDING DIRECTOR, CENTER FOR LOVING KINDNESSRabbi Ron Symons is the founding director of the Center for LovingKindness and Civic Engagement at the Jewish Community Center ofGreater Pittsburgh, where he serves as Senior Director of Jewish Life. Dedicated to the long-held values of ‘love your neighbor as yourself’ and‘do not stand idle while your neighbor bleeds’, Ron and the JCC Center forLoving Kindness community are committed to redefining neighbor fromgeographic term to moral concept. Ron was ordained by Hebrew UnionCollege and has served synagogues and Jewish schools in Pittsburgh,South Carolina, New York, Massachusetts, and Israel. Ron and RabbiBarbara Symons are the proud parents of a Jewish overnight summer campdirector and two rabbinic students.ARTIST & SOUND HEALERPhoenix Song is a queer, nonbinary performer, teacher, coach, writer,expressive arts facilitator, and sound healer. They were featured in SanFrancisco Magazine’s Best of the Bay. Phoenix also facilitates grief rituals,ancestral healing workshops and trainings. They have performed andtaught at SF Jazz, Esalen, Stanford, and UC Santa Cruz. Phoenix offers amonthly sound bath at Grace Cathedral in SF with their band Fractals ofSound and leas thead drum journeys and sound baths around the Bay Area.They have appeared frequently at Reimagine festivals, vigils and othervirtual events. CHAPLAIN & MUSLIM COMMUNITY COORDINATOR,SHENANDOAH UNIVERSITYHanaa Unus works as a chaplain and Muslim Community Coordinator atShenandoah University in Northern Virginia. She is the first clergy personinthe school’s nearly 150-year history who does not identify as Christian. Sheworks with all students to address their spiritual care and needs, creating asafe and understanding space where they can practice their faith anddiscuss their concerns. She educates students of other religions aboutIslam and Muslim culture in order to create a peaceful environment both oncampus and locally. 6Gathering of Grief Reimagine's 100ᵗʰ Virtual Vigil← Return to Contents

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reimagine’s100VirtualVigilthNov 28 — 5pm PT /8pm ET7Music, Phoenix SongAltar, Shayai LuceroWelcome, Brad WolfeCandle LightingReflections, Hanaa Unus, Rabbi Ron Symons, Leon FordCommunal Poem ReadingHonor Ceremony, Shayai LuceroCandle ExtinguishingEvent Schedule← Return to Contents

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reimagine’s100VirtualVigilthNov 28 — 5pm PT /8pm ET8A grieving spaceA compassionate spaceA brave spaceAn imperfect spaceAcknowledging our limitations, we approach with humility,knowing that our words might fall short.A blaming spaceA political spaceA religious spaceA solution spaceOur gathering is about bearing witness to our collective pain,not seeking immediate remedies.Before arriving, please make sure you're in alignment with thefollowing principles:What kind of space this isDespite our varied backgrounds and beliefs, we can unite insorrow.Our compass points towards mourning loss and widening ourhearts with love. In a time where fear is rampant, simply showing up with andfor others, from diverse walks of life, is an act of courage.What kind of space this is notToday is for simply being with ourselves and others amidstwhat’s hard.While every action and inaction can be viewed through thelens of politics, our intention is to step beyond thoseboundaries and be apolitical.While religion provides solace for many, our gatheringremains neutral, respecting all faiths and people of no faith.Gathering of GriefPrinciples← Return to Contents

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Gathering of Grief Reimagine's 100ᵗʰ Virtual TheBusinessOfBeing.comA GOOD GOODBYEADE ANIFOWOSE A Good Goodbye brings a lighttouch to planning for end-of-lifeissues.ALIVE FOR NOWAde beliefs, “Everything isconnected, and it all belongs.” Hismission is to assist people inbridging the gap between theshadow and the light.To guide individuals through turningtowards death instead of away anddiscover how doing so can enrichlife in the process. neuroartproject.netALYSSA ROSE HEALING ARTS ANTJE HOWARDAlyssa Rose, a Grief Guide & DeathDoula, focuses on integrating griefhealthily into our lives, creating agrief-literate culture througheducation, personalized griefhealing, and community griefrituals.AOEDEMy goal is to facilitate and supportself-discovery and deep innerhealing processes using art as a toolto connect with our innate creativewisdom and inner guidance.Lisa Sniderman, aka Aoede, is amulti-award-winning San Francisco-based artist, playwright, disabledartist advocate who creates art andmusic to foster healing, elevate, andempower others with chronicillnesses and disabilities to grieveand thrive. annjacobus.comAUBURN THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY AUTHOR ANN JACOBUSAuburn Theological Seminaryidentifies and strengthens leaders –from the pulpit to the public square– to build communities, bridgedivides, pursue justice, and heal theworld.BACIIWriter, fan of the unexpected,respecter of the unexplainable, andmental health advocate.Mangda Sengvanhpheng, an artistand death doula, founded BACII,focusing on loss and grief, andpromoting life re-engagement.Inspired by her Laotian name, "lightof the full moon," she's featured inVogue, NY Mag, Brydie, andChacruna← Return to Contents

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BE PRESENT CARE/DEATH OVERDRAFTSGathering of Grief Reimagine's 100ᵗʰ Virtual bepresentcare.comBE CEREMONIAL We help people reimagine the roleof ritual and ceremony in their livesby offering them lots of rituals tochoose from so they areempowered to create their ownceremonies to acknowledge amilestone or moment of transitionthey are facing.BIRD & BABEBe Present Care: Offering guidanceand support for life transitions.Death over Drafts: Crafters akaHosts facilitate gatherings thatencourage end-of-life discussionsand meaningful connection for aricher lived experience.Bird & Babe is a nourishing lifestyleorganization specifically supportingmothers and women on a soulfuljourney through personal coaching,guided workshops/retreats, and life-writing. BridgingTransitions.netBODY WISDOM INC. BRIDGING TRANSITIONS Body Wisdom Inc. is a non-profitarts organization that administersthe practice and teaching ofInterPlay–an active creativeapproach to unlocking the wisdomof the body. BUTTERFLY (TONY PHAM)Bridging Transitions offersconscious living & conscious dyingsupport and education so we maycollectively reimagine death care,dying, and grief. With love, ritual &nature, connection to self, oneanother & the sacred as guides.Tony/Butterfly considers it an honorand privilege to help others findease so that they can make moreconscious choices to show up astheir authentic erinreeve.comCATHY HOPE, ACC - LIFETRANSITIONS COACH CEDARS-SINAI MEDICAL CENTERCathy Hope, ACC, is a certified lifecoach specially trained to work withindividuals and familiesexperiencing grief, end-of-life,death, or a living loss such asdivorce, chronic illness, or job loss.CIDA VIEIRA Our mission as a top academichealthcare organization is toimprove community health throughoutstanding healthcare, focusing onequity and compassion, advancingbiomedical innovations, andeducating future healthcareprofessionals.I am dedicated to guiding individualson a transformative journey towardtheir best selves, facilitating healingand empowering them to reach theirfull potential through thetransformative practices ofconscious dance and← Return to Contents

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Gathering of Grief Reimagine's 100ᵗʰ Virtual comforthomesake.comCOACHREV @THE CROSSROADSCOMFORT HOMESAKECoachRev is on a mission topositively impact the lives of100,000 thousand people who havebeen or will be touched by deathand loss.COMPASSION AND CHOICESTo increase national awarenessabout aging through research,education, training, and advancedhealth care planning... until everyfamily is prepared, with a focus onmarginalized communities, diverseseniors, and the medically frail.Compassion & Choices improvescare, expands options andempowers everyone to chart theirend-of-life journey.compassionandchoices.orgcopefoundation.orgCOPECOPE is a nonprofit grief andhealing organization helpingparents and families living with theloss of a child.DEATH DOULA NETWORKINTERNATIONALOur goal is to build a collective thatnurtures heartfelt connections andcamaraderie, promoting personalgrowth, knowledge expansion, andindustry advancement, therebyenriching the Death Doula field andsocietal attitudes towards deathoverdimsum.orgDEATH OF THE PARTY DEATH OVER DIM SUMAn antidote to awkwardness atpublic events for grieving LGBTQ+folks and allies.DEATH TALK PROJECTWorking together to encourageintergenerational healing,education, and conversations aboutlife, death, and beyond within theAsian American Pacific Islander(AAPI) community. The Death Talk Project supportsuseful, honest conversation abouthow we die, how we mourn, andhow we care for and remember← Return to Contents

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Gathering of Grief Reimagine's 100ᵗʰ Virtual BABUL, LLCDR. AGAPI ERMIDES, D.O.Denna D. Babul is an expert in thefield of relationships. She is also anauthor, TV personality, sought afterspeaker, relationship coach,medical expert, Registered Nurseand the Founder of the FatherlessDaughter Movement.ELIZABETH WERBELove is all that matters in the end;the only truth.I seek to address our crisis ofconnection by designing andfacilitating powerful learningexperiences that create theconditions for personal and societaltransformation and strengthen ourcollective capacity for thehospiceheart.netFROM GRIEF TO LIFE GABBY JIMENEZTo help others navigate throughtheir grief/loss journey, movingcloser towards healing, and getback to living in the [present]moment.GEORGE MARK CHILDREN'S LIFEMy goal is to help improve the wayhuman beings are being cared forwhen they die, and when theygrieve. Our mission is to provide thehighest quality of care and tominimize discomfort for childrenfacing life-limiting diagnosis, byaddressing the physical, emotional,spiritual and psychosocial needs ofthe entire goodgriefdoula.comGLOBAL COMPASSION COALITION GOOD GRIEF DOULAOur mission is to build a worldbased on compassionGOOD GRIEF RADIOHarnessing the transformativepower of grief for goodSolace, Support & Growth throughGrief - to guide every client andlistener towards embracing theirchallenges with honesty andcompassion, unlocking the hiddenrichness within their lives.← Return to Contents

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Gathering of Grief Reimagine's 100ᵗʰ Virtual griefandlight.comGRACE BELLA HARMAN LLCGRIEF AND LIGHTMy work is here to remind us of thesacredness of grief and thepotential for transformation whenwe invite our bodies into theprocess.GRIEF MEDICINEOur mission is to create a moregrief-literate world, one authenticconversation at a time.Rituals and groups to harvest themedicine of grief, stored in thebroken heart. Grief work asactivism. Individual healing forcollective healing and RELIEF SUPPORT GRIEVE + BREATHEHelping Those Who Grieve FindPeace After Loss.GRIEVING COACHTogether in community... throughritual, council and breathwork wehonor the grief that comes with life,and death. At Grieving Coach we accompanystruggling people in their griefjourneys and guide them to findlong-lasting growth from theirexperiences without judgement,expectations, or despair in their ownway and in their own time. grievingcoach.comshweta.parmar.ayurveda healthtransitionscounseling.comGUTSIERLIVING/ SHWETA PARMARHEALTH TRANSITIONSCOUNSELINGIgnite the Doctor/Healer Within.HOLISTIC AMBITIONWith an integrative and holisticapproach to counseling, we canhelp strengthen your resilience soyou feel stronger and lessoverwhelmed when managing aserious illness for yourself or a lovedone.Redefining what it means to beambitious and successful with morewellbeing, meaning and fun in yourcareer, business and← Return to Contents

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Gathering of Grief Reimagine's 100ᵗʰ Virtual infinito.etc.brHOLLY PRUETTLIFE-CYCLE CELEBRANTINFINITOAs a Life-Cycle Celebrant, HomeFuneral Guide, Conversation Leader& Consultant I bring peopletogether to help prepare for, livewith, and talk about death.INTERNATIONAL END-OF-LIFEDOULA ASSOCIATIONWe strive for individuals to navigatethe processes of diagnosis, losses,and grieving in the most dignifiedand healthy manner possible.Encourage the presence of end-of-life doulas by normalizing death,dying, and grief throughconscientious education, andstewardship, and by fosteringcommunity and jannadiamond.comITALIAN FEDERATION FORPALLIATIVE CAREJANNA DIAMOND,EVOLUTIONARY SOMATIC PRACTICE Dignity and quality of life for thosewho cannot heal. Always andeverywhere.JENNA PASCUALJanna Diamond is a somatic therapypractitioner and founder ofEvolutionary Somatic Practice, anintegrative and ecological approachto trauma healing in complex times,focused on guiding people to buildinner resources for collectiveevolution.Jenna Pascual helps peopleexperience more joy, positivity, andplay through her laughter yoga andlife coaching services. joanrupram.substack.comJEWISH COMMUNITY CENTEROF SAN FRANCISCO JR CONSULTANCY We believe Jewish culture andtraditions provide a pathway forjoyful, meaningful living. In achanging world, the JCCSF bringspeople together to explore, connectand flourish.KAIA EVOLUTIONSExpand Consciousness and InspireHealthy Living in Harmony withMother EarthKaia Evolutions thrives at theintersection of science and personalmagic, providing a transformativesomatic integration approachcrafted to guide individuals,businesses, and communities inrediscovering journey of profoundmind-body← Return to Contents

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Gathering of Grief Reimagine's 100ᵗʰ Virtual karinholmes.comKARAKARIN HOLMES Kara provides provide grief supportfor children, teens, families andadults.KATE MANSERTo heal others, we must healourselves first.I help people feel more alive at workand in kennyyun.comKATIE LOUISE COOPER KENNY YUNAs a Death Doula & ImpermanenceGuide, I support individuals withterminal illnesses and overall well-being, exploring death's role in life,and encouraging the embrace ofthe natural cycle of birth, death,and rebirth in our lives and nature.LAURA MINER END-OF-LIFE CARECreate solo theatre with ritualshonoring blood and soul lineageancestors.To promote love, empathy andcompassion towards the dying andtheir loved ones through educationand increased death legacyandhope.comLAURA SCHMIDT/GOOD GRIEF NETWORKLEGACY & HOPE, LLCGood Grief Network creates spaceswhere people can lean into theirpainful feelings about the state ofthe world and reorient their livestoward meaningful action.LION RITUALS LLCI firmly believe that individuals canreach a level of satisfaction whengiven specific tools to maneuvertheir way through three transitions;moving beyond the pain that comeswith grief and loss, living their bestlife, and planning for the inevitable.Weaving feminine wisdom throughbirth, breath and← Return to Contents

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Gathering of Grief Reimagine's 100ᵗʰ Virtual wearemarigolde.comLOVEWELLMARIGOLDELovewell is a healing and wellnesscenter with a mission to bring thebest relationship and mindfulnessresources to you in a supportive,inclusive, diverse, communityenvironment. MEDITATION CHANGES LIVESMarigolde's mission is to create agrief inclusive world rooted inculture, rituals and storytelling.Meditation Changes Lives ispredominantly an online meditationcentre providing free onlinemeditations to guide people hometo the still, silent, calm presencewithin. mesocommunity.comMEGHAN MAHER MESOI am a compassionate presence,supporting individuals and theirloved ones at the confluence of lifeand death.MILIEUMESO provides information,capacity building and support tointer-generational immigrantfamilies for loss and grief throughculturally attuned lenses, with afocus on cultural bereavement. We care deeply about simplifyingfamily caregiver planning, becausetheir time is morticianinthekitchen.comMIRIAM'S WELL HEALING LLC MORTICIAN IN THE KITCHENDeMystifying & DeStigmatizingGrief & Trauma Healing forIndividuals, Families & OrganizationsMOTHERLESS DAUGHTERSMortician in the Kitchen offersdeath-positive education throughfood, sparking curiosity andbreaking taboos. We explore deathand food to inspire open discussionsabout identity, origins, and beliefsregarding the afterlife.Providing support, services, andcommunity to women who have lostmothers to death at any← Return to Contents

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Gathering of Grief Reimagine's 100ᵗʰ Virtual Vigil17@mourningsurf nathaliehimmelrich.comMOURNING SURF NATHALIE HIMMELRICHGRIEF & TRAUMAMoving with you through the wavesof grief.NEFERTITI MOOR OF DEARLYBEREAVEDDiscover How to Deal with Griefand Trauma.Dearly Bereaved aims to restoreculture - environmentally,ancestrally, spiritually & respectfullythrough one’s last offering toMother Earth (in death). RememberingALife.comNEW YORK ZEN CENTER FORCONTEMPLATIVE CARENFDA/REMEMBERING A LIFEA community that connects,educates and cares.OPEN TO HOPE FOUNDATIONRemembering A Life provideseducational tools to help familiesunderstand the value of a funeral,plan a meaningful service and beginthe grief journey following thedeath of a loved one. Helping people find hope after psinyc.orgPASSAGESPSYCHOTHERAPY &SPIRITUALITY INSTITUTEWe are all Future AncestorsQUIETUS BEEThe Psychotherapy & SpiritualityInstitute supports spirituality as aresource for healing, wholeness,and a meaningful life through theprovision of psychotherapy, clinicaltraining, and community assistance.At Quietus Bee, we empowerdeathcare professionals with honestand compassionate education,fostering confidence and safety inend-of-life care← Return to Contents

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Gathering of Grief Reimagine's 100ᵗʰ Virtual circleofcompassionatecare.comRACHEL KODANAZ, EMBRACINGLIFE'S CHALLENGESROSE GORDON, CIRCLE OFCOMPASSIONATE CAREA heart-minded speaker with 20years' experience, I help audiencesembrace life's challenges. Myinternationally acclaimed booksinclude "Finding Peace, One Pieceat a Time" and the best-selling"Living with Loss One Day at aTime" and "Grief in the Workplace."SHARING SOLACETo use my decades of experiencesto skillfully support individuals andfamilies as they reclaim their humancapacity to tend the dying time oflife. Sharing Solace empowers grieversto grieve and lovers to love theirgriever through technology-elevated, pass-along-able giftswrapped in a community of strengthand silentnolongertn.orgSHERRY RICHERT BELUL SILENT NO LONGER TENNESSEESimply Celebrate helps people findcreative, intentional, and impactfulways to celebrate life and toexpress love for family and friends.Don't wait; Say it Now. SOJOURN AND INSIGHTWe are a grassroots group of sexualassault victims, survivors, and alliesdedicated to empowering thoseaffected by sexual violence andinvolving the community in endingsexual violence through uniqueempowerment opportunities.Dealing with your trauma doesn'talways have to be so serious. tamarettun.comSUSAN LIEU TAMAR ETTUNSusan Lieu: Vietnamese-Americanauthor, playwright, and performer.Her debut book "The Manicurist'sDaughter" explores the AmericanDream's collapse and a refugeedaughter's quest for answers afterher mother dies during plasticsurgery.TAYA DUNN JOHNSONMy art practice reflects on somaticempathy – the process ofresponding to others throughsensory-based, embodiedexperiences – in relation to trauma-healing modalities and rituals.Advocating for uncomfortableconversations about death, grief andbereavement, especially within theBlack← Return to Contents

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Gathering of Grief Reimagine's 100ᵗʰ Virtual ccld.communityTGBEYONDTHE CENTER FOR CONSCIOUSLIVING AND DYINGTGBeyond is committed to helpingindividuals and families navigatethe physical, emotional andunavoidable administrative aspectsof a death. Dying is hard on theliving, and TGBeyond wants to helpmake it a little easier.THE CENTRE FOR SACREDDEATHCAREThe mission of CCLD is to create acommunity that embodies living ameaningful life through innerexploration, growth, service, andcommunity-supported end-of-lifecare.Ritual skills training for DeathDoulas and others. Learn soul-healing practices for the living, thedying, and the griefandhappiness.comTHE DINNER PARTYTHE GRIEF AND HAPPINESS ALLIANCENONPROFIT ORGANIZATIONTo transform some of our hardestconversations and most isolatingexperiences into sources ofcommunity support, candidconversation, and forwardmovement using the age-oldpractices of gathering and breakingbread.THE HAND THAT HEALSOur mission is to serve peopledealing with grief and loss byproviding online gatherings,building community, and offeringworkshops and retreats that teachskills for reclaiming happiness.Finding light in the chelsearushton.comTHE HUMAN JOURNEYTHE OTHER SIDE: DEATH COACHINGWITH CHELSEA RUSHTONTHE HUMAN JOURNEY® Methodassists in bridging isolation forgroups facing loss, life transitions,illness, or addiction recovery,emphasizing that healing happenswithin the community.THE PATHI honor, support, and advocate forthose I serve wherever they are inliving-dying through the work we dotogether, no matter the nature ofthe work. The Path is your← Return to Contents

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Gathering of Grief Reimagine's 100ᵗʰ Virtual showandtales.comTHE SACRED HEARTHTHINGTIDE SHOW & TALE LLCHelping People Become Who TheyAlready Are.THOMAS RITUAL ARTSBuilding deeper connections,community & legacy one story ofstuff at a time. Colleen Thomas, Ritual Artist andCertified Meditation andMindfulness teacher, helps peoplemake sense of life throughceremony. She hosts "10 Minutes forYour Heart" and "Daily Magic forPeace" meditations for Ukrainiansand Ukrainian PREPAREforYourCare.orgTHOUGHTFUL TRANSITIONS UCSF & PREPARE FOR YOUR CARETo heal communities by cultivatingspace for people to process griefand loss without shame becauseloss is a constant companion andgrief is an inescapable part of ourhuman experience. UNION THEOLOGICAL SEMINARYIN THE CITY OF NEW YORKOur mission is to empower as manypeople, caregivers, and families aspossible to have a voice in theirmedical care and to decreasesuffering and disparities in informeddecision-making.Where Faith and Scholarship Meetto Reimagine the Work of mikebernhardt.netURBAN MYSTIC VOICES OF THE GRIEVING HEARTSupporting community throughpractices that soothe and supportthe nervous system. Empoweringthe voices and expression of others. WHAT'S YOUR GRIEFTo support people who have lost aloved one in expressing theinexpressible through poetry.What's Your Grief's mission is topromote practical and creative griefeducation, exploration,← Return to Contents

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yvonnebrock.comI am here to reimagineempowerment. I support people intheir spiritual and consciousnessgrowth, so they may become inharmony with themselves and theworld. Catalyzing self-awarenessthrough practices and tools tosupport inner peace & love.Gathering of Grief Reimagine's 100ᵗʰ Virtual Vigil21← Return to ContentsWIDOWED PARENT INSTITUTEYVONNE VELASCO BROCK, SPIRITUALWELLNESS COACH, MATP/CSGMJHS HEALTH SYSTEMRooted in Jewish values & traditions, with the highest standards of qualitycare, MJHS seeks to be the premierprovider of health services in theGreater Metropolitan Area, ensuringaccess to health, supportive andcommunity-based services acrossthe continuum of need.The Widowed Parent Institutebrings clear, practical information,resources, and support to momsand dads who are raising grievingkids &

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@letsreimagine @lets_reimagine@letsreimagine Help ensure that everyonehas free, accessible spaces:DONATE HERENov 28 — 5pm PT / 8pm ETThank you for your supportWe at Reimagine want to extend our heartfelt gratitude to each ofyou – our valued registrants and dedicated co-hosts – for joiningus on this significant journey. Your participation and support arethe heart of this “Gathering of Grief,” and inch the world forward,toward more healing, connection, and love.If you wish to further contribute to our vision of ensuring thateveryone–regardless of background–has access to communitysupport in the face of loss, adversity, and mortality, pleaseconsider making a donation. Your generosity helps us continue tooffer hundreds of free spaces like the “Gathering of Grief” for tensof thousands of people in need. In Community,Team ReimagineClosing Page:Thank you message to attendees and partnersCall-to-action for post-event engagement (like joining a mailing list,upcoming events, or donation page)22reimagine's 100ᵗʰ Virtual Vigil← Return to Contents